Destination File With Multiple Record Types And Sequences - Mainframe-like

Jul 20, 2007

Howdy all,

I've seen several posts about reading and writing files that have different record types with varying column metadata. My particular file has 11 record types plus several header types and looks something like:












Since i need to get different detail and subdetail records, i can't really use the technique of 3 dest file connection managers found in

I've tried using an exec sql to get the main detail records and then a forech ADO en umerator that would get the subdetails, but it all seems so kludgy. I'm starting to think that I should just write the bulk of the file creation code in a c# app instead of trying to smush this into SSIS. Opinions? Am I missing some trick in SSIS?



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Multiple Record Types In One File

May 14, 2007

I have a text file to import where there are three file types: a header which has info about who sent the file and begins with 'H', detail records that begins with D and a trailer record that begins with T and just has the record count following that. The fields are delimited by '*'. H, D and T records each contain a different number of fields.
I suspect that what I should do is to split this file into three separate files. I tried to do this with SSIS but ran into problems. If I make the output a file destination, it won't let me use that output as input for the next process. There are no arrows I can grab onto to link to the next transform.

This is my first SSIS package although I made hundreds of DTS packages a few years ago. I can't figure this out in DTS either.

This sounds like it should be an EASY thing to do.

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Multiple Record Types Same File

Sep 27, 2006

A flat file I must parse has multiple record types in the same file that must be processed together. For instance, in the following example:


Each 01 record type has the records after it associated to it until the next 01 appears, so TestStuff would have TestStuff 2,3 related to it while TestStuff 4,5 belong together. In the example the 888 in the 01 record is the key to the group, but it does not appear in the following lines.

The problem is that each record type has different line formats, columns, etc, so they must be parsed differently. I have created a conditional branch on the first two characters, and written each record type out to a seperate flat file for that type, so that they can be imported again and parsed with the Flat File Source, but I am unsure how to relate them again. I tried appending the 888 to the other lines before they were written out, but I can't find a way to share the variable across the conditional split branches using a script component.

Does anyone have an idea how I could parse these files and keep the relationship intact?

Is there a way to tell the flat file wizard to use a different map based on certain characters?

Is there a way to share a variable across the different braches of a conditional split.

Strange question I know, but thanks for any help.


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Creating Hierarchical Flat File From Multiple Record Types

May 1, 2008

I'm using SSIS to import seven flat files (each containing a different record type) into a staging database. This part was easy.

Now I need to export the records from all seven tables into a single flat file structured in a nested hierarchy using common keys. (This format is required by the vendor for loading data into a new system).

I could use some ideas on the data transformations needed to combine all seven record types into an hierarchical record set which can then be written to my Flat File Destination. I'm currently looking at an article on ("Handling Different Row Types In The Same File") which seems close to what I need, but they are importing (ref: ). I'm not sure if I should just reverse this for export or use something different. Any comments are appreciated.

Diagram of Record Hierarchy

typeA (parent key, ...)

typeB1 (parent key, childSet key, date, ...)

typeB2 (parent key, childSet key, ...)

typeC (parent key, childSet key, ...)
typeD (parent key, childSet key, ...)
typeE1 (parent key, childSet key, date, ...)

typeE2 (parent key, childSet key, ...)

The record types B1 through E2 form a complete set. Each set has it's own unique child-set key. There may be one or more sets for each typeA record (although it's possible that typeE records don't exist in the most recent set).

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SSIS: Multi-Record File Extract With 9 Record Types

Feb 26, 2008

I am attempting to create a multi-record file (as described in my last thread) and have found the following set of instructions very helpful:

I have been able to create a sample file with two of my record types.

I now need to build on this further, because I have 9 record types in total that need to be extracted to a single flat file.

does anyone have any ideas how I might extend the example above to include more record types or know of another means of achieving this?

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.

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Return Value Based On Record With Multiple Types

Jan 15, 2015

I want to return Order records which are one type and don't have the other type.

The issue is I have Orders with which has 2 distriubtion types .

Order 12345 has Type S and Type X.
Order 67891 has Type S

I only want to return Order 67891 that are s Type and does not have type X

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Script/FTP Task A Mainframe Destination

Sep 21, 2007


Has anyone had any success sending or receiving file(s) from either Script or FTP task? I've Google and found examples and no luck for me. The main idea is to send a file from local PC/server to mainframe.

Username: imtheuser
Password: pwd
Source file: c:myfile.txt

I've used this workaround, SSIS Script Task but no good.

SQL Server
Feedback Workarounds
281893. SSIS FTP Task - Mainframe
When you try to connect to a mainframe (os / 390) to ftp receive a file you get an error message stating that the path does not begin with a "/".
Active feedback entered 6/7/2007 by EWisdahl

Entered by EWisdahl on 6/7/2007

Add a script task (as follows) to download the desired files...
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic
' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain
' The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
' To access the object model, use the Dts object. Connections, variables, events,
' and logging features are available as static members of the Dts class.
' Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
' To open Code and Text Editor Help, press F1.
' To open Object Browser, press Ctrl+Alt+J.

Public Sub Main()
'Create the connection to the ftp server
Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")
'Set the properties like username & password
cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "myServer")
cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "myUserName")
cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "myPassword")
cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")
cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0") 'The 0 setting will make it not timeout
cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb
cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")
'create the FTP object that sends the files and pass it the connection created above.

Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))
'Connects to the ftp server

Dim files(0) As String
files(0) = "MyfileName"
ftp.ReceiveFiles(files, "C: emp", True, True)

' Close the ftp connection

'Set the filename you retreive for use in data flow
Dts.Variables.Item("FILENAME").Value = maxname
Catch ex As Exception
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub
End Class

Thanks again.

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How To Specify Multiple File Types In SSIS Foreach Loop (File Enumerator)?

May 2, 2007

I want to enumerate all *.xls and *.csv file. How to fill the Files box? I tried

*.xls, *.csv

*.xls *.csv


all doesn't work

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SSIS - Handling Different Types Of Record In Same Flat File Source

May 10, 2006


I've just started looking at SSIS and have encountered what should hopefully be a simple problem to solve. I have a pipe-separated source file that looks like this (I've added Line numbers for simplicity):

Ln 01: HDR|FEED_CODE|31-MAR-2006
Ln 02: Tom|100|Jones|ZZ1 1ZZ|USA
Ln 03: Tom|200|Singer|
Ln 04: Tom|305||Red|Porche ||Lanzarote |Apple|Carrot| | |
Ln 05: Dick|100|Van Dyke|ZZ1 1ZZ|USA
Ln 06: Dick|200|Actor|
Ln 07: Dick|305||Blue|Ford||California |Tomato | |||Beef
Ln 08: Harry|100|Houdini|ZZ1 1ZZ|GBR
Ln 09: Harry|200|Escapologist|
Ln 10: Harryk|305| |Green ||Triumph |Poland|Banana|Sprout| | |
Ln 11: TRL|9

In addition to a header and footer records, this file contains three record types for each person.

Record types are identified by the second column.

Each record type has a different number of columns:

Type 100 has 5 columns
Type 200 has 4 columns
Type 305 has 12 columns

The Row delimiter for all records is the {CR}{LF} character

I've set up a flat file input source and specified {CR}{LF} as the row delimiter for both header and data rows and the "|" character as the field delimiter.

It appears that SSIS is assuming that because the first data row has 5 columns, then everything must fit that format too. So the {CR}{LF} character that separates lines 02 and 03 is interpreted as text rather than a separation character and all remaining | field separators after 305 are interpreted as text containing in the fifth column. SSIS is also complaining that the last row is incomplete.

A bit like this (I've used tildes to indicate column separation):

Tom~100~Jones~ZZ1 1ZZ~USA
Tom~200~Singer~{CR}{LF}Tom~305||Red|Porche ||Lanzarote |Apple|Carrot| | |

I've seen one other reference to this behaviour but the response seemed to be SSIS doesn't know which columns are missing. In this scenario, we don't have missing columns, rather, we have different types of record in a single file. in DTS I would effectively parse the file once for each record type thus:

if cStr(DTSSource("Col002")) = "100" then

DTSDestination("in_Name") = trim(DTSSource("Col001"))

Main = DTSTransformStat_OK
Main = DTSTransformStat_SkipInsert
end if

...not the most efficient solution I know but the load only runs once a month so this was an acceptable workaround.

DTS was never this fussy but I'm sure this is user error rather than an SSIS limitiion. Can someone please put me straight?

Many thanks,


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Load Data From Flat File Source Into OleDB Destination By Changing Data Types In SSIS

Apr 16, 2014

I have an source file and i have to load it into the data base by changing datatype of the columns in ssis

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SSIS - Migrating Mainframe Data To SQL 2005 Only Mainframe Group Level Exposed

Apr 25, 2007

In using SSIS to migrate data from mainframe to SQL 2005, I had a situation where only group level data was exposed through the ODBC to SSIS, so I pulled this information as varchar on the SQL destination side. Now I would like to break that group into the individual numeric columns I need on SQL Server. However, the positive and negative sign did not convert because it came of character. I can write something to convert the positive signs to positive numbers; however I cannot do the negative because I would need get rid of the leading zeros in order to place the negative sign before the number. Is there anything I could have done to get SSIS to do the conversion like it did for every one-to-one mapping?

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Combining Multiple Tables Into A Single Flat File Destination

Aug 21, 2007


I want to combine a series of outputs from tsql queries into a single flat file destination using SSIS.

Does anyone have any inkling into how I would do this.

I know that I can configure a flat file connection manager to accept the output from the first oledb source, but am having difficulty with subsequent queries.

e.g. output

personID, personForename, personSurname,
1, pf, langan

roleID, roleName
1, developer
2, architect
3, business analyst
4, project manager
5, general manager
6, ceo


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Cannot Import File From Mainframe

Mar 8, 2006

Hello Everybody!
Im trying to migrate my SQL 2000 packages thats currently working in the company production enviroment to SSIS packages. So, in the 2000 version i got the flat file from Mainframe and i had to do a trick to transform all the columns to match the same size as the example above:

1432 1138734217 1144256628<CRLF>
1432 1138734217<CRLF>
1433 1136657788 1122441177<CRLF>
1433 1125554545 1122441177<CRLF>
1433 1192925544 1122441177<CRLF>

So, when i import the file, first of all i have to transform the Text file to another texfile file fixing the size to 32..... but you can see that in the second row im receiving a CRLF and if i try to import without the trick, the preview of the ragged file show me the columns desorganized...

Someone knows how to import it without transform to another text file with fixed length?

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Vendor Flat File Contains Multiple Record Layouts

Sep 18, 2006

We have a flat file format generated from a vendor. It contains a "mainframe" view of the data with a header record, batch header record, detailed records, batch trailer record and trailer record. It arrives as a .dat file. What is the best approach to extract the necessary columns out of this file to populate the corresponding SQL server tables and rows?

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Loading Data File In SSIS With Multiple Record Layouts

Apr 4, 2007

I am trying to load a file using SSIS that contains records with two different layouts in one data file but in the flat file connection I can only specify one layout and this is causing the records with the second layout to be loaded incorrectly.

The different record layouts can be identified by the first character of the record. Example: If Field begins with "A" then assign one layout; "B" assign second layout.

Has anybody come accross this issue, if so some guidence would be appreciated.



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Reporting Services :: Exporting Fixed Columns From SSRS For Use In Mainframe Data File

Jun 3, 2015

I need to be able to export a data file as flat file (.txt) with fixed columns for use by Mainframe.

I will be uploaded this file using the Windows File Share Option

Render Format does not have .txt, but does have a data feed option. So I will try that.

But, I do not see an option for fixed column width.

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Integration Services :: Mixed Data Types In Excel Column To OEDB Destination

May 19, 2015

I am importing the Source: Excel 2007 (xlsx) to Destination:SQL Server DB Table..

One field had 739 records in that First 700 had  General (i.e., Numeric ) last 39 had General(Alpha Numeric)

'''' 700 rows
'''''39 rows

So I applied

:: REGEDIT::: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcelTypeGuessRows ::TypeGuessRows value to zero (0)
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:destination.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";

But SQL Table Last 39 Records Dumped as NULL  whichever is Alphanumeric. Why? Dynamically How Can I import without doing Text to column in Excel on that column ?

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Excel Destination Error: Columnxx Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Jul 28, 2005

Good afternoon

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How To Use For Each Loop To Read One Record And Insert The Same Into Destination

Jul 27, 2007


My procedure to implement a task is like this

I will be using execute SQL task to fetch the records from source,after this wanna use For each loop to access each record one at a time,perform some trnsformations and insert that record into destination.

Help me in accessing the data stored in the Variable(SQL task) in Dataflow task of foreach loop.

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Multiple Record Insertion For Each Record From Source

Jan 10, 2008


How can we insert multiple records in a OLEDB destination table for each entry from the source table.
To be more clear, for every record from source we need to insert some 'n' number of records into the destination table. this 'n' changes depending on the record.
how is this achieved.


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Integrity Across Multiple Database Types

Jul 8, 2005

Since most use SQL server, I thought I would post the question here.Is it possible, or is there a product or DBMS that enforces referential integrity across multiple databases and database types? Such as SQL Server, Oracle, etc...Thanks,Zath

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Multiple Types Of Info In One Query?

Sep 21, 2006


I am trying to display a report from a bug tracker that shows the number of issues logged per month, per year and how many issues have been closed in that month. I have no difficulty displaying the number of issues that have been logged within a particular months, but when I need to display the number of issues closed - I get stuck. I am calling from one table 'bugs', which contains date_reported, status_id. I can do a count on the number of bugs between certain dates but I cannot list the number of closed issues in that exact time. I get the feeling I need a select statement within a select statement? If anyone can help. Thanks

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Integration Services :: Get FileName Fo Each File Created Via Dynamic Flat File Destination

Jul 24, 2015

Need to know how I can get the dynamic filename created in the FlatFile destination for insert into a package audit table?

Scenario: Have created a package that successfully outputs Dynamiclly named flat files { Format: C:Test’Comms_File_’ + ‘User::FileNumber’+’_’+Date +’.txt’

E.g.: Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt  etc} using Foreach Loop Container  :

* Enumerator Set to: “Foreach ADO Enumerator” with the ADO object source variable selected to identify how many total loop iterations there are i.e. Let’s say 4 thus 4 files to be created

*Variable Mappings : added the User::FileNumber – indicates which file number current loop iteration is i.e. 1,2,3,4

For the DataFlow task have a OLDBSource and a FlatFile Destination where Flat File ConnectionString is set up as:

@[User::Output_Path] + "Comms_File"+ @[User:: FileNumber] +"_" + replace((DT_WSTR, 10) (DT_DBDATE) GETDATE(),"-","")+ ".txt"

All this successfully creates these 4 files:

Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt, Comms_File_3_20150724.txt, Comms_File_4_20150724.txt

Now the QUESTION is how do I get these filenames as I need to insert them into a DB Audittable. The audit table looks like this:

     AuditID      INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
     PackageName     VARCHAR(100) NULL,
FileName           VARCHAR(100) NULL,
     LoadTime        DATETIME NULL,
     NumberofRecords INT NULL

To save the Filename & how many records in each file in our Audit Table, am using an Execute SQL Task and configuring it as this:

Execute SQL Task

Parameter mapping - Mapped the User Variable (RecordsInserted) and System Variable( PackageName) to Insert statement as shown below

SQLStatement: INSERT INTO [dbo].[MMMAudit] ( 

Again this all works terrific & populates the dbo.MMMAudit table as shown below BUT I also need to insert the respsctive file name – How do I do that?

AuditID PackageName FileName  NumberOfRecords
1           MMM       NULL                      12
2          MMM  NULL                23
3          MMM  NULL      14
4          MMM  NULL              1                     

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Integration Services :: Excel Destination With Run Date-1 Inside File Not The File Name

Aug 26, 2015

I have a ssis package where I need to have excel destination.  In the Excel file, I need to have few rows with some text and then populate data below the text. One the text is like this:

Data as of:  08/25/2015

if the report ran today, then Data as of will have Yesterday. So, if the user opens that excel file after a week, then user should see same  Data as of:  08/25/2015. not today()-day(1).

I was planing to handle on excel side with today()-day(1). but it only works the day it was run. Then the excel file is open after few days later, then it might as Data as of:  08/30/2015 which is not true. It should still stay Data as of:

 08/25/2015 on what ever date the excel file is open. The SSIS package  runs only once. 

How do I handle this so that whenever user open the file, they will see Data as of:  08/25/2015. This is not a column in excel. It is like a description of data in excel.

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File System Task - Move File With Dynamic Destination Path

Oct 9, 2006

I am having an issue with the File System Task.

I was wondering if there is a way to 'Move File' with the File System Task inside of a For Each Loop container but to dynamically set the Destination path variable.

Currently, this is what I have:
FileDestinationPath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileSourcePath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileNameAndLocation variable - set to blank

For Each Loop Container Iterates through a folder C:TestFiles that has .txt files in it with dates in the file name. Ex: Test_09142006.txt. Sets the file path (fully qualified) to the Variable Mapping FileNameAndLocation.

Script Task (within For Each Loop, first step) Sets the FileDestinationPath to the correct dated folder within C:TestFiles. For example, if the text files I want to move are for the 14th of September, it takes FileDestinationPath and appends the date folder to the end of it. The text files have a date in the file name (test_09142006.txt) and I am picking this apart (from FileNameAndLocation in the For Each Loop) to get the folder date. (dts.Variables(User::FileDestinationPath?).Value = dts.Variables(User::FileDestinationPath?).Value & ? Month & _? & Day & _? & Year & ?) which gives me C:TestFiles9_14_2006?.

File System Task (within For Each Loop, second step) This is where the action is supposed to occur. I want it to take the FileDestinationPath and move the FileNameAndLocation file (from the For Loop) into this folder for each run.

Now as for my problem. I want this package to run everyday but it has to set the FileDestinationPath variable dynamically according to that days date. Basically, how do I get this to work since I cant hard code the destination path variable from the start? I have the DestinationVariable on the File System Task set to the FileDestinationPath variable, after the script task builds it. However, using FileNameAndLocation as the SourceVariable on my File System Task tells me that the Variable FileNameAndLocation? is used as a source or destination and is empty.?

Let me know if I need to clarify further...I may be missing something very simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Integration Services :: Network Path For Flat File Destination - Cannot Open Data File

Apr 6, 2015

I am running my package in sql server 2012, in which i am giving network path for flat file destination. And its working fine. But if i give m local path, its giving me  error " cannot open data file" ...

Nothing is wrong with package.

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Multiple Data Types In One Table With Nulls

Sep 25, 2013

Our database stores vehicle data in one table, but 3 different types of data are stored in the one table. The table contains all the columns for all 3 types so when you query the table you get at least 3 rows back with null values for all the columns that don't apply to that record. The data is imported to the table when it's updates so there's a possibility that they're updated at different times so they have a different BATCH like:


What I'd like returned is:
123 A YES A

I'm trying to do a case statement to pull the data down, but I keep ending up with multiple rows because of all the nulls. I tried doing a SUM of the case statement with an ISNULL(SAFETY,0) but I can't SUM char values. I can probably do this with 3 temp tables to load the data that I want for each TYPE into them and then select and join them together, but is there a better way to do this?

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Multiple Types Of Data Storing In SQL Server

Mar 22, 2007

Hello All,

We are developing customer support application. We will have so many customers after launching this product. But my problem is how will i store data of all these customers in SQL Server. Please suggest me.

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Flat File Destination - Don't Create File If 0 Records

Apr 17, 2008

Hello friends,

I have the following (simplified):

1. Flat File Source
2. Conditional Split, Case Good = !ISNULL(KEY) Case Error = ISNULL(KEY)
3. Case Good -> Writes to Good Flat File (with timestamp in the title)
4. Case Error -> Writes to Error Flat File (with timestamp in the title)

Most job runs have no errors but the error file is created as a zero byte file anyway. If there are no error records I don't want the error file created. How might I accomplish this?


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Package For Multiple Ole Db Destination

Mar 21, 2008

i want to make a package to export data to multiple PLE DB detination from one one flat source.

can any body tell how to create ?

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Report Designer - Multiple Font Types In A Single Table Cell

Jan 24, 2008

Does anyone know if it is possible to have text in a single table cell where the first field is formatted in italics and the second is in normal?

eg: = Fields!firstname.Value(as italic) & " " & Fields!lastname.Value(as normal)?


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Multiple Sources - Single Destination

Jan 17, 2007

There are two EXCEL sources one destination table. Each record in the destination should be populated with 2 columns from one source and 2 from other source.

Source 1:
 ID     Name
 1       abc

Source 2:
 Address   Location
 232/2       xyz

 ID   Name     Address    Location
 1     abc        232/2        xyz

I tried using UNION ALL transformation but it fetches 2 seperate records (assuming that one record in each source). How to achieve this without using SCRIPT component?


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Excel Destination Multiple Worksheets!

Apr 30, 2007

Hi ,

I am retrieving some data that contains three or four hundred thousand rows. These rows are supposed to go into an excel file with multiple worksheets, since one Excel worksheet cannot handle rows that are more than 65536. Below is what I need to achieve:

Dynamically create mutiple worksheets.
Re-direct data like this i.e. first 64K in first worksheet and next 64K in next worksheet and so on.
Dynamically name the work sheet with the start value in that work sheet e.g. OrderNumber or OrderDate.

Can we achieve this directly/indirectly?

Your help will be appreciated.



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