Extracting The Specified Record No Of Records From Database Table

Jun 11, 2006

hi all,

I need to select the no of records on the basis of specified range of records.

In oracle i found rownum, i could not find it in sqlserver. how the data are extracted from the huge records..

I have used temporary table,map the table primary key to the next table with identity

but i dont find it good. I need to ignore the insert the data in next table or craeting new table having the rowid ...

Is there some other best way to extract the specified data

here is the type of query.

select * from customers where rownum between 1000 and 10000

this is in oracle

i am in need to do this in the sql server

waiting for the response...............................

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Automatically Adding Records To Child Table When Record Added To Parent Table

Aug 19, 2006

In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Few Record Loss In Table Primary Key Where Same Records Exists In Foreign Key Table?

Jun 21, 2015

Previously same records exists in table having primary key and table having foreign key . we have faced 7 records were lost from primary key table but same record exists in foreign key table.

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HOW TO: Delete All Records From A Table Where A Child Record From Another Table Does Not Exist.

Mar 17, 2008

I need to delete all records in the TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA table that do not have a corresponding record in the TBL_VERIFICATION table.

Primary Table: TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA
PK: Serial Number
PK: ProcessedDateTime

PK: Serial Number


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Extracting Duplicate Record On The Same Id

Jul 9, 2007

Hi everybody i need help on on a query on how i can extract this... with the following table below..

id pub
1 a
1 b
2 c
2 c

I need to extract only the id and pub where pub has more than one with the same id... in the case of the above the result would be

id pub

2 c
2 c


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Need To Get Parent Records For A Record All In Same Table

Sep 2, 2013

I'm having difficulty writing a sql query where i need to get the parent records for a record all in the same table





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Comapring A Record In Table With Other Records In Same Table

Sep 10, 2004

We want to compare one record in a table with other remaing records of the table that meet a criteria of a business logic.

eg.I have startcall_time,end_calltime as fields with other 50 fields.
As a business logic we need to subtract start_calltime of new record from end_calltime of previous record and do some calculations.These calculations have to be done for all the calls where endcalltime(of a record)-startcall(timeof a different record )meet a criteria.

A procedure in MS SQl is what we need to write.

Please help .


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Return 10 Records Table 1 And 1 Record Table 2

Jan 5, 2006

I have looked everywhere but cannot find the solutions. I have two tables.

Table1 = tblvacation (10 records)
fields vacation_id, land, destination
Table2 = tblimages (1000 records)
fields image_id, vacation_id, folder, name

Both are related through vacation_id. Every vacation however has many pictures. I need a query where the result would give me back all records (vacations) from Table 1 with only 1 record from Table 2(one image per vacation).

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Only One Record From Table With Multiple Records?

Sep 4, 2015

I have a scenario where ID has three flags.

For example

ID flag1 flag2 flag3
1 0 1 0
2 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 1 0

Now I want the records having flag2=1 only.. I.e ID=3 has flag2=1 where as ID = 1 and 2 has flag1 and flag3 =1 along with flag2=1. I don't want ID=1 and 2.

I can't make ID unique or primary. I tried with case when statements but it I am somehow missing the basic logic.

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Retrieve Good Records From A Bad Record Table

May 17, 2006

I have a situation where I need a table if bad items to match to. Forexample, The main table may be as:Table Main:fd_Id INT IDENTITY (1, 1)fd_Type VARCHAR(100)Table Matcher:fd_SubType VARCHAR(20)Table Main might have a records like:1 | "This is some full amount of text"2 | "Here is half amount of text"3 | "Some more with a catch word"Table Matcher:"full""catch"I need to only get the records from the main table that do not haveanything in the match table. This should return only record 2.

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Wants Help For Extracting Semicolon Seprated Names From A Record

Aug 30, 2007

Hello friends,
I am designing an ETL process in which I have a source column which contains names seprated by semicolon( i.e Rajat Kr Sharma;Mr Sammer;Mr Ravi;Mr Ankur Bhatnagar) in each row.
ETL process should create n records,one for each single name in destination table as n numbers of name apprear
in each row of source table.

The number of names can vary in each row of source table as per no. of delimited character semicolon.

So Can some one suggest me to lay out some plan and what controls of SSIS I should use?

Here I m giving the pictorial view of activity I'm trying to carryout.

Source Table Row
|Rajat Kr Sharma;Mr Sammer;Mr Ravi;Mr Ankur Bhatnagar |
|_____________________________________________________________________ |

Changes to Destination Table
|Rajat Kr Sharma |
|Mr Sammer |
|Mr Ravi |
|Mr Mr Ankur Bhatnagar |

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Transact SQL :: Pull All Records From One Table And Just A Single Record From Another

Aug 7, 2015

I'm trying to pull all records from one table and just a single record from another.  I have this join, (see below).  It works ok, but the problem is if a blog record doesn't have a corresponding image record it doesn't return.  The end result should be the blog record and a single corresponding image record.  But always a blog record.



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Validating The Insertion Of A Record Into Database Against Existing Records.

Jan 31, 2008

Hello. I currently have a website that allows appointments to be booked up for doctors. i currently have an insert record page built using ASP components. I would like to introduce some validation so that if a user tries to book an appointment date and time that is already occupied, an error message is returned saying that appointment slot is already booked. I'm quite confused how to do this. My current code looks as follows.
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/AdministratorMasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AddAppointment.aspx.cs" Inherits="AddAppointment" Title="Add Appointments - Bournemouth and Poole NHS Primary Care Trust" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<table style="position: relative">
<td style="width: 45px">
<br />
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="AppointmentsSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ProgConnectionString %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Appointment] WHERE [PatientNo] = @PatientNo" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Appointment] ([PatientNo], [PatientSurname], [PatientForename], [ConsultantName], [HospitalName], [Time], [Date], [AppointmentStatus]) VALUES (@PatientNo, @PatientSurname, @PatientForename, @ConsultantName, @HospitalName, @Time, @Date, @AppointmentStatus)"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Appointment]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Appointment] SET [ConsultantName] = @ConsultantName, [HospitalName] = @HospitalName, [Time] = @Time, [Date] = @Date, [AppointmentStatus] = @AppointmentStatus WHERE [PatientNo] = @PatientNo">
<asp:Parameter Name="PatientNo" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ConsultantName" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="HospitalName" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Time" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Date" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter Name="PatientNo" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="AppointmentStatus" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox1" Name="PatientNo" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox3" Name="PatientSurname" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox4" Name="PatientForename" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="ConsultantName" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList2" Name="HospitalName" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList3" Name="Time" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox2" Name="Date" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList4" Name="AppointmentStatus" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td align="left" style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Patient No"></asp:Label></td>
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Style="position: relative"></asp:TextBox></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1"
Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" Style="position: relative"
Width="148px">Enter a Patient No</asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td align="left" style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<br />
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td align="left" style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Patient Surname"
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" Style="position: relative"></asp:TextBox></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator6" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox3"
ErrorMessage="Enter a Surname" Style="position: relative" Width="140px"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td align="left" style="width: 136px">
<br />
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td align="left" style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label7" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Patient Forename"
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="server" Style="position: relative"></asp:TextBox></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator7" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox4"
ErrorMessage="Enter a Forename" Style="position: relative"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td align="left" style="width: 136px">
<br />
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Consultant Name"></asp:Label></td>
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
DataTextField="UserName" DataValueField="UserName" Style="position: relative">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Select...</asp:ListItem>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT aspnet_Users.UserName&#13;&#10;FROM aspnet_UsersInRoles INNER JOIN&#13;&#10; aspnet_Users ON aspnet_UsersInRoles.UserId = aspnet_Users.UserId INNER JOIN&#13;&#10; aspnet_Roles ON aspnet_UsersInRoles.RoleId = aspnet_Roles.RoleId&#13;&#10;WHERE (aspnet_Roles.RoleName = 'Consultant')"></asp:SqlDataSource>
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="DropDownList1"
ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" Style="position: relative" Width="152px">Select a Consultant</asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<br />
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Hospital Name"></asp:Label></td>
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList2" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2"
DataTextField="HospitalName" DataValueField="HospitalName" Style="position: relative">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ProgConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [HospitalName] FROM [Hospital]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" runat="server" ControlToValidate="DropDownList2"
ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" Style="position: relative" Width="136px">Select a Hospital</asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<br />
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Appointment Date"></asp:Label></td>
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" Font-Size="Smaller" Style="position: relative" OnSelectionChanged="Calendar1_SelectionChanged" OnDayRender="Calendar1_DayRender">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 8px;" Width="256px"></asp:TextBox><br />
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator4" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox2"
Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Enter a Date" Style="position: relative"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px; height: 26px">
<td style="width: 136px; height: 26px">
<asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Appointment Time" Width="132px"></asp:Label></td>
<td style="width: 47px; height: 26px">
<td style="width: 100px; height: 26px">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList3" runat="server" Style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px;">
<asp:ListItem Value="09:00">09:00</asp:ListItem>
<td style="width: 100px; height: 26px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator5" runat="server" ControlToValidate="DropDownList3"
Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Select a Time" Style="position: relative"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px; height: 26px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<br />
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<asp:Label ID="Label8" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Appointment Status"
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList4" runat="server" Style="position: relative">
<asp:ListItem>Patient Notified</asp:ListItem>
<td style="width: 100px">
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator8" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Select a Status"
Style="position: relative" Width="120px" ControlToValidate="DropDownList4"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 45px">
<td style="width: 136px">
<td style="width: 47px">
<td align="center" style="width: 100px">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Style="position: relative" Text="Submit" OnClick="Button1_Click1" /></td>
<td style="width: 100px">
<td style="width: 100px">
Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Extracting Unmatched Records

Aug 31, 2005

Hey guys

Im pretty new to SQL so i was wondering if you might be able to give me a hand with something.

I have 2 tables, clients + orders. Each table contains a column called custID which contains the client code, each order creates a new record in the orders table so the orders table contains many more records than the clients table.

I am trying to find out what clients have not placed orders at all, but i can't wrap my head around it, i can obviously work out who HAS, but i need to find out who HASN'T.

Any help would be really appreciated.


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How To Get Table Record's Position In Comparison To Other Records Based On Numeric Field?

Apr 2, 2007

Let's say I have 1000 registered users in database table and each of them has numeric ranking value.
How can I get the position of each user in comparison to other users ranking value?

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Transact SQL :: Set Child Records To Inactive When Parent Record Deleted From Table

Oct 16, 2015

I need to create a trigger to meet following conditions.

When parent record is deleted from UI record becomes inactive in table. i need to create a trigger when this happens.

When parent record is deleted child records needs to be inactivated in table.

View 12 Replies View Related

How Can I Set A Update Trigger On A Table In Database A After A Record Had Been Updated From Another Database B?

Jan 22, 2008

Hi guys, may I know is it possible to create an update trigger like this ? Assuming there are two database, database A and database B and both are having same tables called 'Payments' table. I would like to update the Payments records on database A automatically after Payments records on database B had been updated. I can't use replication because both tables might having different records and some records are the same. Hope can get any assistance here, thank you.

Best Regards,

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Displaying Last Record In SQL Database Table

Dec 7, 2005

Got a question here and as I am no expert programmer, this should be easy for you gurus. I have this fairly generic code I've created where I return data from an SQL table in a DataList control. I want to take it to the next level and return only the last record in the table, but I am unsure of how to do that. Perhaps I shouldn't even be using a DataList control, I'm not sure.

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TSQL Statement Extracting Data From One Table Through Another Table

Nov 17, 2007


I have 2 tables,
MembersTemp and Organisations

I'm trying to extract the organisation Name from the organisations table but am unsure of the sql statement to do this.

Initiallt I only have the ExecID for the MembersTemp table

MembersType table:
ExecID 3013
OrganisationID 4550

Organisation table:
ID 4550 (PK)
Name "Microboff"

Any ideas??

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Is A Half A Million Record Database Table OK?

Apr 6, 2007

I don't work much with the back end of software development so there is a lot about SQL Server I do not know.
We are building a database. The database will have about 10 tables in it. 3 of these tables will probably have a huge amount of data in them. Specifically each one of the 3 tables will each have about a half a million database records in it. Each record is about 100 characters max in length.(Im am including numbers as characters and summing the individual columns/fields to come up with 100).
Will a SQL server database table with A half a million records in it be possible? We have tried to normalize the database to cut down on the size of the table but it all comes out to about a half a million records per table.
Any help is deeply appreciated.

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Want To Query One Specific Record From Database Table

Feb 27, 2008

I have two tables in my database: order_id with fields order (text) and comp_ID (int) and another table called customers with comp_ID (int) and company name (text) and other company information fields. The link between the two tables is the comp_ID. With every order that's made the company that made the order is stored with it in the order_id table.  If I type in the order id (text), I want to be able to use the order id to search the order_id table and find out what the comp_ID of the company that made that order is. Then use that comp_ID to pull up the record of company information from the customers table with the same comp_ID. Is there some way to do this in one query? Or how do I accomplish this?  

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Changing A Record After Comparing One Database Table To Another

May 26, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express.

In my main database table I have many fields but the two following fields are my main concern.

1) email_address

2) unsubscribe

In my secondary database table I have one record only.

1) email_address

What I want to accomplish... I want to compare the email_address of the secondary database table to the email_address of the main database table and if it exist, change the value of the unsubscribe field. (or if I can't do that, then delete the record within the main database table completely.)

I'd really appreciate any help I can get.



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Database Where Each Record Is Required To Have Twin Record In Database

May 12, 2014

,I am creating a database where each record is required to have a twin record in the database.These is a type a value and a type b value and both must be present for the record to be valid.

Customer_ID, Order_Type, Product_Code
54, a, 00345
54, b, 00356

Is this something that would have to be done programmatically, or is it possible to create a constraint of some sort to ensure this?

View 8 Replies View Related

DB Design :: Unable To View Table Record In Database?

Jul 24, 2015

I am creating a simple application form using visual studio 2015. I can create database.mdf successfully and create dbo.table successfully. but when i tried to view table by expanding the table icon on the server explorer, the table should be able to show list of table but it didn't show any record and why is it like that.

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How To Extracting Data Into Three Table

Mar 22, 2007

This is my sample table Data


TagID--Primary Key


TopicID---Primary Key


DetID---Primary key
TagID and TopicID----Foreign key

i need Topic based on TagName.

This xyz(TagName) have a 3 Topic. i need the 3 Topic

Once i select 123abc(TagName) that particular Topic I need..

any Query in Single Line.......................

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Extracting A Date From A Table

Oct 13, 2007

Hi, im currently learning sql. I have a problem extracting a date from a table.


Gives me a "syntax error in sql expression"

in the table the date coloum - fields are set Date/Time

an example field is 28.12.2007 00:00

Thanks in advanced!


p.s. im using openoffice base, if i force to run the code it display's the date. however I would like it to run without errors. Thanks again

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Extracting Information Outside A Table

Feb 22, 2008


I have two tables - a stock table and a transaction table. The stock table is called stock and the transaction table is called trans. The table make a point of sale database. Both table have a joining field called prod_no.

I want to extract the stock line by querying stock.prod_no that are not present in the trans table for a period of time specified.

Basically, I want to find dead stock lines that have not been sold and, therefore, are not in the transaction table but that have a stock figure. I have to enter in a start and end date paramater using the ddate field in the trans table. I have looked at left, right and outer joins but with no luck and don't even know if this is the correct query type to use.

any help would be much appreciated,

View 4 Replies View Related

Extracting Result Which Are Not There In The Table

Dec 4, 2007

I want to see all the product line provided they are there in the table or not,

Product Line
Product Line Description
Total Usage Quantity

Raw Material

Intermediate Product


High Strength

High Temp

Corrosion Resistant

High Speed

Die Steel Hot Work

Die Steel Cold Work


This is the result i am looking out for now the problem is that those record are not there in table so naturally they will not be shown in the result.
Can any one help me modifying below query? so that i can get the aforesaid result

Code Block

SELECT [PRODL] as 'Product Line'
, (case when prodl = 10000
then 'Raw Material'
when prodl = 20000
then 'Intermediate Product'
when prodl = 30000
then 'Bearing'
when prodl = 32000
then 'High Strength'
when prodl = 34000
then 'High Temp'
when prodl = 36000
then 'Corrosion Resistant'
when prodl = 50000
then 'High Speed'
when prodl = 52000
then 'Die Steel Hot Work'
when prodl = 54000
then 'Die Steel Cold Work'
when prodl = 88000
then 'Misc'
when prodl = 90000
then 'Conversion'
as 'Product Line Description'

when [PRODL] = 10000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 20000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 30000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 32000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 34000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 36000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 50000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 52000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 54000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 88000
then [Usage Qty]
when [PRODL] = 90000
then [Usage Qty]
as 'Total Usage Quantity'

group by prodl
order by prodl

Result of The Aforesaid Query

Product Line
Product Line Description
Total Usage Quantity


High Strength

Corrosion Resistant

High Speed

Die Steel Hot Work

Die Steel Cold Work

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Help With Extracting Info From Sql Database

May 22, 2006

The situation is I need info from a certain SharePoint site that is in a sql database. The problem is The SharePoint site currently contains data from 9 different projects, all using the same database. The database is a complex setup and it would not be an easy operation to extract the special information alone. The database is run with Microsoft SQL and is comprised of 4 separate databases. 3 databases organize the data (500+mb of data total) and 1 stores the data for all the sites (12.5+GB and increasing at a rate of 100-300mb per day).

How can I get the special data I need from this setup???

Please help

View 3 Replies View Related

How Can I Return The 5 Records From A Database Table Using Ado.net

Apr 24, 2007

I have an incident reporting management application. People are supposed to report incidents by this application and every time some one reports an incident, they also select thier employee#(reqiured field). so how can write an sql statement that returns only the Top 5 incident reporters i.e going by employee number. Iam thinking of applying a COUNT function on the incident_id and grouping by Employee# but then how do i make sure that only the top 5 incident reporters are returned.

View 1 Replies View Related

Select Records From Another Database And Table??

Aug 8, 2007

How do I select data from another database name (in the same SQL SERVER LOCATION) and its child table?
 SELECT user_id
FROM [].CC_host.usr_table
Where(email LIKE N'%@%' And email LIKE N'%usa.com') Order By user_id 

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Get All The Records Of The Table From The SQL Server Database

Jun 30, 2004

Hi, all I got one stupid question in mind. The idea is that I want my SQL database to install into another computer. The best way for me is I want to create a script file for creating tables, triggers, stored procedure. But I want all the SQL statement that insert all the records in to each table too.

Does anyone have a solution for me? Or there be other way?
I am always waiting for ur suggestion.

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Extracting Sql Table Column Names

Feb 5, 2006

I am using the following to extract the column names of a table. I would like to do this for the whole database. Currently I am cutting the results into an excel spread. Is there a better way of doing this? Here is the query

FROM syscolumns
WHERE [id] = OBJECT_ID('tablename')

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