How To Bring Back The Distinct Values In Single Column From Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

12.) Now you have two different tables - each with two columns.

Table #1

Single Column

2 rows with a value equal to 1 and 2

Table #2

Single column

2 rows with a value equal to 2 and 4

Construct a statement returning in a single column all the values
contained, but not the common values.

This is another question that I got in an interview, I missed



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Transact SQL :: Undo Update And Bring Back Records To Their Previous Values

Aug 7, 2015

I have a table with 1 million records. I want to update only 400 records. The update statement is provided by a 3rd party vendor. Once i run the update statement it will update all the 400 records. Once the table is updated the users will validate the table

if the update is successful or not. What i'm looking for is:

1) Is there a way to identify what records were updated.
2) If the update done is not what the users wanted i need to undo and bring back the 400 records to their previous values.

I'm on sql server 2008.

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How To Bring Back A List Of Duplicates From A Column

Jul 20, 2005

I have a column that has 75 values, 50 are unique/25 are duplicates. Ineed to be able to bring back a list of the duplicates, listing allrows even if more than two have the same value. I need to be able todo this using t-sql.Thanks,Tim

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Reporting Services :: Count Values In A Column Based Upon Distinct Values In Another Column In SharePoint List

Sep 7, 2015

We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.

Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.

Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.

A typical view of list can be:

Column A - Column B
red  - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red  - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil

We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:

                    red     blue   green
    pen            2       0      1
    marker       0       1      0
    pencil          1       3      0
    highlighter  1       1      1 

We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.

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Distinct On Single Column?

Aug 30, 2007


This is a query that joins a vouple of tables to display all the products purchased by a group of customers and the price they paid for it.

SELECT DISTINCT (p.code),p.descript_1 + ' ' + p.descript_2 + ' ' + p.descript_3 as description,sol.p_sales as price,sol.q_ordered as quantity,(sol.p_sales * sol.q_ordered) as total,so.date_in as dateFROM EfasLive..debtor AS d

INNER JOIN AS so ON so.deb_code = d.code AND so.co_code = d.co_code

INNER JOIN Informatica..so_line AS sol ON sol.code = so.code AND sol.co_code = so.co_code AND sol.acc_year = so.acc_year AND sol.efas = so.efas

INNER JOIN EfasLive..part AS p ON p.code = sol.part

WHERE d.[grp{003}] = 'GROUP' AND p.co_code = 1 AND p.code NOT LIKE '&%' AND so.date_in > DATEADD(m,-3,GETDATE()) AND sol.q_ordered > 0

ORDER BY (p.code), datum DESC

The problem with this is that it returns multiple lines for every product (p.code). Like so:

code description price quantity total date
603244 description_1 17.950000 150.000000 2692.500000000000 2007-08-01 00:00:00

603244 description_1 17.950000 150.000000 2692.500000000000 2007-07-10 00:00:00

603245 description_2 17.950000 40.000000 718.000000000000 2007-07-24 00:00:00

603245 description_2 17.950000 25.000000 448.750000000000 2007-07-16 00:00:00

603663 description_3 16.890000 27.000000 456.030000000000 2007-07-20 00:00:00

603663 description_3 16.890000 150.000000 2533.500000000000 2007-07-10 00:00:00

603663 description_3 16.890000 30.000000 506.700000000000 2007-07-03 00:00:00

I'd like there to be only 1 line for every different code with it's description. The idea is that the other rows are dropped and that only the first one remains. The one with the most recent purchase. I tried with GROUP BY but that's probably wrong since you'd have to add all the other columns as well and you end up with the same one. And even with adding a HAVING at the end I can't see how this could be solved

edit: There aren't any actual relationships in the tables (it's ancient you see ...) I'm using SQL 2005 though.

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Distinct Values Among Distinct Column Values

Jan 9, 2015

Okay, I've been working on this for a couple of hours with no success. I'm trying to find the number of telephone numbers that are associated with multiple students at different school sites. I've created a temp table that lists all phone numbers that are associated with more than one student. I'm now trying to query that table and count the number of telephone numbers that are associated with more than one site. Essentially, I'm looking for parent/guardians that have students at different sites.

Here's an example of what I'm hoping to accomplish:

*In this example, I'm just trying to get a count of the different/distinct school sites associated with each number. If I can, at the same time, limit it to a count of > 1 (essentially excluding parents with students at the same site), even better :)

Temp table
101 | 12345 | 111-222-3333
101 | 23456 | 111-222-3333
102 | 34567 | 111-222-3333
101 | 45678 | 999-888-7777
101 | 56789 | 999-888-7777
101 | 67890 | 555-555-5555
102 | 78901 | 555-555-5555
103 | 89012 | 555-555-5555

Wanted query results
111-222-3333 | 3 | 2
999-888-7777 | 2 | 1
555-555-5555 | 3 | 3

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Bring A Table Back

Feb 25, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I have deleted a static table accidentally in production. How will I bring it back? Thanks a lot.


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Bring Back Excluded Item

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have been wrestling with this problem all morning with no success sofar where I have a need to bring back an excluded field.Basically I have a list of order numbers. Each order number can havemany order types attached one of which is a ‘P’ type. Most order typeshave an account number attached in its own field however when a ‘P’ typeis selected the account number is not brought back.Is there someway I can get this brought back for each P type or do Ihave to do some fancy insert in a data warehouse to get this done (i.e.insert account numbers into all P types)?Many thanksSam*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Count Need To Bring Back A Zero When No Matches

Sep 13, 2007

I am trying to do a calculation with the below query and it works long as d.closegoal has values and d1.opengoal has values but the problem is when there is no count for either, I need to bring back a value of zero if there are no matches. Since I am using it in an outer select statement for a calculation it not bringing anything back because of no matches.
This is my code:

select d.lwia,

cast((d.closegoal + d1.opengoal) as float)denominator



select yg.lwia,

cast(count(yg.appid)as float) closegoal

from dbo.wiayouthgoals yg

where yg.lwia = @RWB

-- Attained a goal in the timeframe timely or untimely

and ((convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) <= @EndDte) -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

-- Goal due but not attained

or (convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) <= @EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

and yg.youthattaingoal <> 1))

group by yg.lwia



-- Closure with open goal

select cast(count(yg.appid)as float) opengoal

from dbo.tbl_caseclosure cc,

dbo.wiayouthgoals yg

where yg.appid = cc.col_idnum

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) <= @EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

and yg.youthattaindate is null

and yg.lwia = @RWB

group by yg.lwia



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Restoring Master Did Not Bring Back Users

Jun 28, 2000

I'm trying to recreate a sql database on another server and I installed sql server 6.5 on a server and then restored the master db using the Sql Setup program. It worked without any errors, but it did not create the loginthat will use the database that I have not restored yet. Aren't the Logins storied in the master database?


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Getting Distinct Values On One Column ?

Sep 11, 2007

We have a query in which there are 20,000 rows and 90 distinct ID's

If we say

SELECT distinct siteid ,ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, ts7, ts8

from #TEMPX

we get the 90 distinct values, but if we say

SELECT distinct siteid ,ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, ts7, ts8, ts1avg, ts2avg, ts3avg, ts4avg, ts5avg, ts6avg, ts7avg, ts8avg from #TEMPX

TS1 contains 90 distinct values, whily ts1avg has 2,000 disitinct rows

Is there a way to get Distinct to work against only one column, i.e. SiteID ?

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Transact SQL :: Distinct Values From Multiple Tables?

Nov 2, 2015

best way to go about this. My query works great and displays the information I require.

EG all demographic for ED, IP & OP. However if a patient has a record in each of the tables then I get the same info multiple times.

What I'm trying to do is a Select Distint against the entire query (below).

eg Select Distinct * from all below.

DECLARE @StartDate datetime = '01 oct 2015';
DECLARE @EndDate datetime = '30 OCT 2015';
SELECT distinct


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MSDE Database Is Offline, How Do I Bring It Back Online?

Nov 29, 2007

Dear All,

One of my users created a MSDE database and did not realise that the limit is 2GB. I can not access the database. Is there anyway I can recover it?

They do not have a backup.

Could I create a new database in Standard Edition and then attach the Data and log files from the MSDE database?
Would that work?

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Unable To Bring Database Back Into MULTI_USER Mode.

Sep 24, 2007

I'm wondering if somebody could provide insight into a problem I'm having with SQL Server 2005. Although the problem is happening wthin an SSIS ETL, I don't think this problem is SSIS related.

In the ETL I need to rename a database, so I first put the database into single-user mode by issuing the command:


The database then goes into single-user mode, and after the renaming occurs, I attempt to put the same database back into multi-user mode:


However, whenever I have a query pane opened against the same database in SQL Server Management Studio, the ETL fails and I get this error message:

"Error: Changes to the state or options of database 'foobar' cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it."

I'm wondering why the ALTER DATABASE command does not kill off the active connections? This is on my development box, and I'm the only one connected to the database. I've tried with ROLLBACK 30 as well, same thing. If I cut and paste the same command into Mangement Studio, the command succeeds so I don't think its a permission issue (using Windows Authentication both Management Studio and the ETL are executed by the same login). If I close the query pane the ETL succeeds at restoring multi-user mode. Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance!

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SQL 2012 :: Join Tables And Only Pull Back Certain Values?

Oct 22, 2014

I am having problems joining these two tables and returning the correct values. The issue is that i have a work order table and a revenue table. I only want to return the sum of the revenue when the revenue comes after the work order date. That is simple enough, but it gets tricky when there are multiple work orders for the same ID. for those instances, we only want the sum of the revenue if it shows up post the work order date and if it is before any other work order date. So ID 312187014 should only have the 9-5 revenue from below, not the 7/7 or 8/6 revenue because the 8/7 work order date is after those revenue dates and thus will not have any revenue tied to it because there is a 9/3 work order that ties to the 9/5 revenue. Additionally the 412100368 ID has a 7/7 work order that ties to the 7/26 revenue, and the 8/7 work order will tie to the 8/23 and 9/20 revenue

--===== Create the test table with

CREATE TABLE #workorder
Id varchar(20),
wo varchar(10),
wodate datetime,
amount float


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Transact SQL :: How To Get All Distinct Values From 10 Different Tables That Exist In The Field

Aug 19, 2015

I need to get all distinct values from 10 different tables that exist in the field [favoritesport]  And each table holds close to 50K records so I am looking at 500,000 records to get distinct values for.  Would the fastest, less intrusive way of achieving this be to just create a UNION ALL so run 

Select Distinct([favoritesport]) from table1
Select Distinct([favoritesport]) from table2
Select Distinct([favoritesport]) from table3
etc etc etc

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Distinct Record Equal To 2 Values From Same Column

Dec 6, 2013

Distinct name that match both subjects (math, science) from classname in level 2 only. Not sure where to even start. Example table below:

name subject level
bob math 2
hank math 1
joe science 2
bob science 2
joe math 2
ben science 2
carl science 1

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Choosing Between Two Column Values To Return As Single Column Value

Sep 14, 2007

I'm working on a social network where I store my friend GUIDs in a table with the following structure:user1_guid       user2_guidI am trying to write a query to return a single list of all a users' friends in a single column.  Depending on who initiates the friendship, a users' guid value can be in either of the two columns.  Here is the crazy sql I have come up with to give what I want, but I'm sure there's a better way...  Any ideas?SELECT DISTINCT UserIdFROM espace_ProfilePropertyWHERE (UserId IN
(SELECT CAST(REPLACE(CAST(user1_guid AS VarChar(36)) + CAST(user2_guid AS VarChar(36)), @userGuid, '') AS uniqueidentifier) AS UserId FROM espace_UserConnection WHERE (user1_guid = @userGuid) OR
(user2_guid = @userGuid))) AND (UserId IN
(SELECT UserId FROM espace_ProfileProperty))  

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Select Distinct Column Data With Other Values From The Table

Dec 16, 2004

I have a table 'wRelated' with the following columns

[related_id] [int]
[channel_id] [int]
[mui] [varchar]
[type_id] [int]
[related_mui] [varchar] (100)
[date_started] [smalldatetime]
[date_ended] [smalldatetime]
[date_entered] [datetime]
[deleted] [tinyint],
[rank] [int]
data in column [mui] is repeated as the table has more than one entries for the same [mui],
The requirement is to select the distinct[mui] but value in all the other columns for the same mui should be select in the next row with null for the same [mui]
The recordset expected should be something like this.

[mui],[related_mui],[price_group_id],[date_entered],[date_ended] m123,rm345,'pr','12-10-2003',12-12-2004'

I have tried Unions and temporary table inserts.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Row Counts Based On Distinct Values From Multiple Tables

Jan 15, 2015

I am trying to create a query that outputs the following data from multiple tables. Here is an example of the raw data right now

Date | MachineNumber | TestName
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest
1/1/2015 | 620 | Test#1

Here is the desired counted output, I would like to pull distinct Date, MachineNumber, TestName and then count how many times they occur in the raw data form.I do need to perform a case on the date because right now its in a datetime format and I only need the date.

Date | MachineNumber | TestName | TestOccuranceCount
1/1/2015 | 500 | Something | 4
1/1/2015 | 510 | NewTest | 3
1/1/2015 | 620 | Test#555 | 1

I am pulling three columns with the same names from 8 different tables. What I need to display the date, machine & test name and count how many times a test was run on a machine for that date. I have a feeling this can be handled by SSAS but haven't built an analysis cube yet because I am unfamiliar with how they work. I was wondering if this is possible in a simple query. I tried to set something up in a #Temp table. Problem is the query takes forever to run because I am dealing with 1.7 Million rows. Doing an insert into #temp select columnA, columnB, columnC from 8 different tables takes a bit.

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Using Membership Db To Lookup Data In Another Db And Bring Back Into A Grid View (total Newbie To .net)

May 11, 2007

I have the membership stuff up and running.  I've added a field to the membership table called custnmbr.  Once a user logs in, I want store his custnbmr in the session and use that to lookup data in another db.
ie: Joe logs in and his custnumbr is 001, he goes to the login success page and sees his list of service calls which is:
select top 10 * from svc00200 where custnmbr = 001 (the membership.custnmbr for the logged in user)
I know how to do this in old ASP using session variables....but I have no idea where to even start with .Net.
Many thanks

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One Column DISTINCT On 2 Tables

Oct 19, 2006

hello I am trying to get a distinct on one column and 2 tables but it doesnt work



I want to get : ID_Table1, DISTINCT(Name1), Name2

how can I do it ?

thank you

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Reporting Services :: How To Get Distinct Values Of Sharepoint Column Using SSRS

May 13, 2009

I have integrated sharepoint list data to SQL Server reporting services. I am using the below to query sharepoint list data using sql reporting services.

<Query>   <SoapAction></SoapAction>  
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">     
<Parameters> <Parameter Name="listName">       

[Code] .....

By using this query, I am getting a dataset which includes all the columns of sharepoint list. Among these columns, I wanted to display only 2 columns (i.e Region and Sales type) using chart. I have created a Region parameter but when I click preview, the drop down box is giving me all the repeatative values of region like


I wanted to display only distinct values of Region parameter so that whenever end user select region from the parameter drop down, it will display the respective value of Sales type column.Also when I select only RG1 parameter, it is giving me a chart including the sales type of all the Regions. (it should display me only the sales type of RG1) How can I link these 2 columns so that they will display the values respectively.  

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How To Add All The Values In A Single Column In A Table?

Oct 6, 2005

numbers     2     4     2Above is an example of my table with a single column. My problem is how to add all the numbers in that column to make it 8? The rows are also dynamic. Your help is highly appreciated.

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Splitting Up Of Values In Single Column

May 21, 2008


I have a table that has multiple postal codes in one of the columns. Those have to be split up one per line and stored in another table. The zip codes are comma seperated. Is there a function that can do this...?

Example data in ZipCodeTable. (Name and ZipCode are 2 columns in a table)


output Table should be:


Any thoughts on this would be of much help !!..


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Analysis :: One Single User Can Bring SSAS Server Down

Jul 27, 2015

Running PivotTable reports in Excel 2007 which are linked to a SSAS Server 2008 R2 may consume high amount of memory and cause high CPU utilization.

Detail:users may set 7 or more dimensions in row section of a Pivottable report. Some of those dimensions were containing more than 10000 members.

When refreshing such a report, Analysis Services is consuming more than 16 GB of memory, cpu utilization often goes up to 80%.

To run this report it takes arround 10 minutes. During this time other users may be unable to run reports on the server.Is there a way to control expensive MDX queries caused by some users to ensure Service availability?

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Select Distinct Column While Joining Tables

Oct 29, 2014

I am attempting to run the following select statement joining multiple tables but in the end result I would like only Distinct/Unique values to be returned in the invlod.lodnum column.

[select pw.schbat, adrmst.adrnam, adrmst.adrln1, adrmst.adrcty, adrmst.adrstc, adrmst.adrpsz,
shipment.host_ext_id, shipment_line.ordnum, car_move.car_move_id
from aremst join locmst
on (aremst.arecod = locmst.arecod)
and (aremst.wh_id = locmst.wh_id)

[Code] .....

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Multiple Values For Single Column In Where Clause

Jun 25, 2004

how does one specify multiple values for a single column in a where clause?


SELECT fname, lname
FROM tblContacts
WHERE (state = 'MI','CA','AZ','TN','NJ')

if my memory serves me there is an IN() value list operator but I can't remember the syntax :confused:

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Concatenate Values From Same Column But Different Record In Single Row

Mar 26, 2008

Hi, I have a difficult case that I need to solve. I will try to be the very clear explaining my problem:

I have a sql query which brings me many records.
This records have a column in common which have the same value (COL1)

There is a second column (COL2) which has different values bewteen these records.
I need to concatenate values from the second column in records with same value in COL1. And I need only one record of the ones that have the same values. If two records have the same COL1 value, only one row should be in my result.

Let me give you an example:

Me result should be:


It is clear what I need? I dont know if I can solve it through sql or any function inside SSIS.
Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Select Comma Separated Values From Single Column

May 27, 2008


I have a table -- Table1.
It has two columns -- Name and Alpha.
Alpha has comma separated values like -- (A,B,C,D,E,F), (E,F), (D,E,F), (F), (A,B,C).

I need to pick the values of column -- Name , where in values of Alpha is less than or equal to 'D'.

I tried <=, but got only values less than 'D', but was not able to get equal to 'D'.

Any suggestions??

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Row And Combining Column Values?

Apr 6, 2014

I joined these two tables and it pulled up the proper amount of records. If you check out the image you will see what the results are for this query.

Now all I need for this part would be to roll these up where I have one row per ProgramID and all the AttributeNames' together in a AttributeNames column for each id.

EXAMPLE: All in one row.

ProgramID | AttributeNames
887 | Studydesign, Control Groups, Primary Outcomes.

I have attached an image of the SQL VIEW that I need to modified so it does this.


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID, dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID AS PAattributeID, dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID,
FROM dbo.tblProgramAttributes INNER JOIN
dbo.tblAttributes ON dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID = dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID
WHERE (dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID NOT LIKE '%ProgramType%')
ORDER BY dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID DESC

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Removing Duplicate Delimited Values From A Single Column?

Jun 18, 2014

I have a stored procedure that returns a single row based on a parameter of employee ID. This particular procedure uses a CTE to traverse our org structure. One of the columns is returning a delimited string of Windows login values and due to the business rules, it can contain duplicate values. I need to have that column contain only unique values - no dupes.

For example, this one column could contain something like this:

domainuser1;domainuser2;domainuser2;domainuser 3;

The need is to convert to this:


I know that's a tall order.

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Transact SQL :: SELECT Unique Values In Single Column?

Jun 8, 2015

I have the following two tables...


I need to write a select query that gets the values of all columns but only returns unique sites because some sites are load balanced across several servers and where this is the case I don't want the site to appear multiple times in the list.

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