Random Error 513 Insert Or Update Conflicts With Previous Create Rule

Jan 4, 2007


I use ODBC driver to perform SQLServer commands from C/C++ application.

An "INSERT INTO <table> (<column>) VALUES (NULL)" command has a random behavior in a SQL2000 Server running on WindowsXP.

The <column> in this command has 2 definitions about the NULL value :

- the NULL is accepted in the table definition, with <column> ut_oui_non NULL".

- the NULL is rejected in the type definition, with EXEC sp_addtype ut_oui_non, 'char(1)', 'NOT NULL' and a rule to check values with '0' or '1'

1/ The column definition in any explorer show the NULL from table deffinition

2/ The "INSERT INTO" is completed in SQL Query tool, used on Windows2000 and WindowsXP computers, connected to the same SQL2000 server.

3/ The "INSERT INTO" is completed in the application, running on Windows2000 with an ODBC driver to the same SQL2000 server.

4/ The "INSERT INTO" is rejected in the application, running on WindowsXP witjh an ODBC driver to the same SQL2000 server. The error 513 means that INSERT VALUES conflicts with previous rule. So only the type definition seems to be used.

But :

5/ This is a random error, and some INSERT with the same values in this column are completed.

6/ This random error seems to be discarded by using the "Use NULLs, paddings and warnings ANSI" checkbox in the ODBC driver user source configuration.

This checkbox is only use for enforcing the ANSI syntax in SQL commands, and has no known effect on type checking.

Do you know about any conflict of column NULL value between a type definition and a table definition ?

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How To Create Rule Which Update Other Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a table with the following columns:ID INTEGEDR,Name VARCHAR(32),Surname VARCHAR(32),GroupID INTEGER,SubGroupOneID INTEGER,SubGroupTwoID INTEGERHow can I create a rule/default/check which update SubGroupOneID &SubGroupTwoID columns when GroupID for example is equal 15 onMSSQL2000.It is imposible to make changes on client, so I need to checkinserted/updated value of GroupID column and automaticly updateSubGroupOneID & SubGroupTwoID columns.Sincerely,Rustam Bogubaev

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Mutiple Random Source To Mutiple Respective Destination - Update And Insert

Sep 5, 2007

Hello All

Firstly thanks a lot Phil and Jamie on such a helpful article on "Checking to see if a record exists and if so update else insert"

Here is my question

I have about 10 tables and there respective working tables
For examples: A, B, C, D, E.... and WorkA, WorkB, WorkC....

1) When I execute a package these work table (Work A, WorkB ...) get populated with certain rows say about 5
2) Its not that all the work table are populated on every execution.
3) Tables A, B, C... have thousands of records in it.
4) Work table is of same structure as there parent table..Like WorkA same structure as A.....
5) The table A and WorkA and as on... are linked with a KeyID

Now I want to build a SSIS package that can
1) Get the the data from these multiple tables(WorkA, WorkB...)
2) Process each row of these tables WorkA, WorkB..
3) Depending upon the KEYID of WorkA., WorkB.. etc Update a Flag colunm of table A, B...where the KeyID is equal to KeyID of Work Table
4) After updating insert that processed row of Work A, WorkB ...into Table A, B..

I can do this if I have one source table and one destination table. Here i have some say 10 randomly source tables to respective random destination .
All I could think of creating 10 different packages as adviced in Jamie's article. But I am sure there might some other alternative.

Can somebody advice me the best practice of doing this. Thanks a lot in advance

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Update Conflicts

Feb 19, 2007

Can someone answer/point me to an article to handle update conflicts when replicating?

Say for example, you pull down data into your sql everywhere database and start making changes. Before you replicate, changes are made in the master database that conlift with changes you've made. For example, when you pull down your data there was a product with 4 units left. So maybe you place an order for that product for 4 units while offline. However, while you were offline someone else has taken all 4 of those units and when you replicate, you need to throw an error. How do you handle this situation?

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Create Rule To Stop Duplicate Records

Nov 11, 1999

I have a table in a database that keeps getting duplicate records added to it.
Is there a way to set a rule so that if someone tries to add a duplicate record for that field, it will stop the record from going in?

I know creating an index would be the proper way to do this but:

1. The application does not belong to us.
2. Duplicates already exist in the table for the database.

Basically I am trying to do the most without making alot of changes to the database.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Update And Delete Rule - Cascade

Jan 15, 2007

Hi, I have a database which saves data about bus links. I want to provide a information to passenger about price of their journay. The price depends on three factors: starting busstop, ending busstop and type of ticket (full, part - for students and old people, ...).
So I created a table with three foreign key constraints (two for busstops and one for type).
When the busstop is deleted or type of ticket I want all data connected with it to be deleted automatically. I wanted to use cascade deleting.
But I receive a following exception: Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_TicketPrices_BusStops1' on table 'TicketPrices' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
How can I achieve my task? Why should it cause cycles or multiple cascade paths?

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MergeReplication /Insert Conflicts /custom BusinessLogicHandler

Aug 13, 2007


I have merge replication running on SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. To be
able to use my own conflict handler I implemented and deployed my own
BusinessLogicModule written in C#. Till here everything works fine but I do
not know how to handle the following scenarios:

1) When, while synchronization, an insert error occurs for example because
of an unique key constraint on some rows, I do not see a way to solve that
conflict from inside my conflict handler. One option would for example to
delete the conflicting row at the subscriber or the publisher. But I do not
know how to do it from inside my custom conflict handler.

2) If you override for example the method UpdateHandler from
BusinessLogicModule you have access to the Publisher and the Subscriber
DataSet that have an update conflict. This DataSet only contains one Table
with one Row. Is there a way to define replication so that I have referenced
tables in that DataSet, too? Unfortunately, Logical Records are not an
option because they do not work with custom conflict handlers.

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Create Trigger To Check Values At Insert/update

Feb 10, 2004

I have never used triggers before and I have tried to solve one problem. If I have the column "currency" in a table and want to make sure that the entered value i valid in relation to another table that contains valid currency formats, I did it like this:

CREATE TRIGGER [trigger_checkCurrency] ON [dbo].[Client]
declare @currency as char(50)
declare @country as char(50)

declare cur cursor for SELECT currency, country

OPEN cur
fetch cur into @currency, @country
if not exists(select * from listinfoid where listname = 'currency' and listid = @currency)
set @currency = (cast(@currency as varchar (3)) + ' is not a valid currency')
RAISERROR (@currency,16,-1) with log
if not exists(select * from listinfoid where listname = 'country' and listid = @country)
set @country = (cast(@country as varchar (3)) + ' is not a valid contry')
RAISERROR (@country,16,-1) with log
fetch cur into @currency, @country

update Client set currency = UPPER(currency), country = UPPER(country)

I use a cursor to handle multiple rows in an update query.

Is there an easier och better way to do this?
I´m a bit unsure of this code.



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How Create Trigger Stop Update Delete And Insert

Apr 11, 2008

How to create trigger to stop the delete , updation and insert in the table of database ....

How can i stopped .......................I want to apply on whole table of database

Pls help me out.


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How To Create A Sequence Invoice Number And Insert Or Update To A Column?

Feb 22, 2005

Hi, can anyone teach me how to automatic create a invoice number and insert or update it to a column?

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How To Create Trigger For Multi Insert Employees Update Tb Employee Once

Jan 24, 2008

how to do this
i have table of employee ,evry employee have a unique ID "empid"
empid VAL_OK
111 0
222 0
333 0

now insert multiple insert to my work_table shifts for all month for evry employee
like this
(this is work_table)
empid date val
111 01/02/2008 1
111 02/02/2008 2
111 29/02/2008 5
--next employee
222 01/02/2008 1
222 02/02/2008 4
222 29/02/2008 6
--next employee
--next employee
--next employee

now i need for evry OK insert (for all month) each employee
go to the TB_Employee
and update each employee once !!
from VAL_OK=0 to VAL_OK=1
like this

empid VAL_OK
111 1
222 1
333 1
like this i know who is the employee have shift for all month and who NOT !

i think it like this

Code Snippet
Create trigger for_insert on tb_work
For insert
if @@rowcount = 1
Update tb_employee
val_ok= 1

/* when @@rowcount is greater than 1,
use a group by clause */
Update tb_employee
val_ok= 1
select empid from tb_work
group by tb_work.empid



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Create User Only With Permissions, To Select, Insert, Update, Delete, And Exec Sps

May 18, 2006

Hello, I recently view a webcast of sql injection, and at this moment I created a user, and give dbo to this user, and this same user, is the one I have in the connection string of my web application, I want to create a user to prevent sql injection attacks, I mean that user wont be able to drop or create objects, only select views, tables, exec insert,update, deletes and exec stored procedures.

Is any easy way to do this?

A database role and then assing that role to the user?

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Create A Unique Random Integer

Oct 22, 2004

Hi there,I am trying to create a UID that is unique within my SQL Server. There are many users accessing the Server in seperate databases, but then I want to combine all the data from these tables, keeping the ID from each one as a primary key. I have written the following function, but when i call it as a default value for a field, it does not produce a unique number. CREATE FUNCTION GETNEXTID(@CURDATE DATETIME)RETURNS BIGINTASBEGINRETURN (SELECT CAST(CAST(DATEPART(YY,@CURDATE) AS VARCHAR) +RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(M,@CURDATE) AS VARCHAR),2) +RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(D,@CURDATE) AS VARCHAR),2) +RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(HH,@CURDATE) AS VARCHAR),2) +RIGHT('0' + CAST(DATEPART(SS,@CURDATE) AS VARCHAR),2) +RIGHT('00' + CAST(DATEPART(MS,@CURDATE) AS VARCHAR),3) AS BIGINT))END Can anyone help?

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Create Random Numbers Within A Range?

Dec 27, 2013

s it possible to create random numbers within a range like : .28 to .57 ?

UPDATE Nop_ProductVariant
SET percent = RAND() .28 to .57

So the percent field would look like :

ProdID percent
1001 .38
1002 .29
1003 .40
etc . .

all rows having a different value

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Update With Random Numbers

Jan 2, 2008

I have a table with a field called "host" and I want to replace the value of this column in each row with 'Host' followed by a random number. I have created the below function to do this:
DECLARE @Random varchar;
SELECT @Random = CONVERT(int, (20+1)*RAND())+ 1;
UPDATE AnalogLines Set [Host Name] = 'Host' + @Random
This sorta works... the problem is, the random number is determine and then the SAME random  number is applied to each row. I need a different random number for every row. Any ideas?

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Update To A Random Number?

Nov 27, 2004


How can I update my users table and set the password field to a random number or string.


update tbl_users set password='a way to generate a random number say between 2000 and 100000 for example'

even better would be a randomly generated alphanumeric string.

All help much appreciated.



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How To Create Random Text By Query Analyzer

Oct 5, 2006

use AFMIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name='uye_idler') drop table uye_idlerCREATE TABLE uye_idler ( uye_no int NOT NULL, ) GO DECLARE @uye_numarası int Set @uye_numarası = 1 WHILE @uye_numarası < 15001     BEGIN         INSERT INTO uye_idler VALUES (@uye_numarası)            Set @uye_numarası = @uye_numarası + 1     EndHi , I am able to create 15000 records by the codes above .By the same way I want to create random texts as ASD ,WER,SAD,DFG etc. How can I do this ? Thanks ...

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SQL 2012 :: Error In Conflicts Tables In Merge Replication

Feb 13, 2015

There is an error in one of my merge publication. The error is,

The change for the row with article nickname 2336003 (test), rowguidcol {436456F0-F5AD-E411-80CF-5CF3FC1D2D76} could not be applied at the destination. Further information about the failure reason can be found in the conflict logging tables.

When i checked my tables I got following values in rowguid column

publication 436456F0-F5AD-E411-80CF-5CF3FC1D2D76
conflict tables 689C6A61-5359-4BB5-BECD-B03F5F94D79A

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Insert Random Records..HELP!

Jul 1, 2004

Once again - My table should consist of 100 new records for a field MobilePhone(of char type) and last 5 digits should be randomly choosed (should be like this: +381randomno1randomno2.. etc.(example: +38156465, where '+' sign makes it char type and digits after +381 are randomly choosed. :confused: Anyone knows how to solve this....PLEASE?

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Catch The Error On Insert Or Update (was Need Help)

Jan 5, 2005


im new to sql... what i'm trying to do is catch the error on insert or update statment of sql.. sound simple but please..

this is the sample table design...


CustomerID int(4) Primary AutoIncrement
CustomerCode nvarchar(25)
CustomerName nvarchar(25)
Deleted bit(1)

what i'm trying to do is when a record is deleted, it's not actually deleted
in the table but only marked 1 (true) the Deleted field.. because i don't want
to lose the relationship...

it's easy to do this on insert statement like this..

Create Procedure InsertCustomer(@param1 ....) AS
// do insert statement here
// Do nothing


this is also easy if i create a index constraints on the table.. but this will violate my design idea..

so anybody can help me to create the procedure in update statement and insert statement

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Insert Random Values In A Table

Dec 14, 2007

Hi all!

I want to fill a table with random values. In each line should be a different value - "independet" from the value the row above.

what i tried didnt work, it always produced the same value.

Maybe you have an idea

Thankx in advance and greetings from Vienna


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create UDF To Query A Table On A (random) Remote Server

Jan 30, 2015

I'm trying to write a function that will retrieve the last backup date/time of a particular database on a remote server (i.e. by querying msdb.dbo.backupset). Unfortunately, you can't use sp_executesql in a function, so I can't figure out a way to pass the server name to the query and still be able to return the datetime value back to the calling TSQL code (so that rules out using EXEC().

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SQL 2012 :: Create Random Alphanumeric Characters For Primary Key Values

Feb 11, 2015

For a new project. I need to create random alphanumeric characters as primary key values when inserting a record.

eg: cmSbXsFE3l8

It can start from 4 digit characters and can grow to 6, 7 as required

The database will involve more than 10000 concurrent users.

I don't want to use guid or auto increment integer or sequence.

View 9 Replies View Related

Insert Random Data Into Database Tables

May 28, 2008

Hi all

I have blank tables and i want to fill tables with data but i have many tables and i need script or whatever automated this operation like loop

thanks in advance

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The Insert/update Of A Text Or Image Did Not Succeed (was SQL Error)

Jan 17, 2005

First I recieve this error when I upload a photo and click on the save button.
'ODBC - update on a linked table 'PersonMisc' failed.'

Then this error appears after I click ok.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The READTEXT and WRITETEXT statements cannot be used with views[#285][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Warning: Partial insert/update The insert/update of a text or image did not succeed.[#0].

Is there a size limit on the pictures I am uploading?

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Getting Random Locks On Convert And Bulk Insert Task

Feb 10, 2015

I starting getting random LCK_M_SCH_M locks with huge wait time, which hung my etl proccess.

The ssis package runs like this:

I have 4 containers that run in parallel and do the same thing:

-Convert a tab delimited file from unicode->utf8
-Truncate the table (within a foreach loop)
-Bulk insert the data

Also transaction option is set to Not Supported.

What could be causing the lock?

All for each loops do not overlap regarding tables/files.

Do they contest somehow?

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How To Make Automated Update On The Previous Record...

May 9, 2008

Hello...i have a table that record all the reading meter....so when i change one of the reader meter data...in logical it will automatically change the normalized fields...

Reading teble
when i insert new record..i just insert data about date and meter...an normalized is automated calculate using my function..the problem is..when i have data more than one...when i try insert or update or delete data...it nee to be automatically calculate back the normalized..i know this is needed the temperory table and then reinsert back..how can i solve this problem???

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How To Get The Latest Identity Value From The Previous Insert Statement?

Oct 10, 2005

Hi all,I have 2 tables: Applicant_Table, Applicant_Resume_Table
In my web application, after applicant click "submit" for his job application, the information will be saved to Applicant_table in SQL Server. But in a SQL statement, how to get his Applicant_ID, so that I can save his resume to another table on his Applicant_ID?Thank you.

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Object Transfer Problem Update On Previous Issue

Jun 29, 1999

I am trying to transfer a table form one server to another using object transfer.

I can not transfer this one table.
I can access and view the data
I get this error when transferring “Cannot Truncate table <table name> because this table does not exist in database
Attempt to use Bulk copy with a non-existent server table

Any ideas. If it were corrupt I am assuming I would not be able to view data and use table in production database.

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Transact SQL :: Update Column Based On Row Number For Previous Row

Jul 25, 2015

Below is the resultset I got using the following SQL statement

,NULL AS end_date
FROM dbo.Table_1


RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 NULL

[Code] ....

Now, I want to update the end_date column with the create_date's values for the next row_number. Desired output is shown below:

RowNum ID
create_date end_date
1 0001
2015-02-18 NULL
2 0001
2014-04-28 2015-02-18

[Code] ....

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Reporting Services :: Appending Data To A Previous Report Run To Create History

May 12, 2015

We have a need to report on historical data when none exists in the database.

Create a tabular report rdl that is run on a regular schedule. This report run is saved as an Excel sheet that overwrites the previous run, which has the same name.

Report is designed to use two data sources--the database and and the previously run Excel sheet. The data is "merged" using the Lookup function thereby creating a new report that includes the history needed.

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ERROR [HY000] Or ERROR [23000] At Random Times When Using Sql Native Client Via ODBC

Apr 16, 2008

The following (VB.Net) code causes exceptions at seemingly random times.
Any suggestions?
Not sure if the problem is in .Net's ODBC support or in Sql Native Client.

If MARS is off, usually after less than 100 loops:

Code Snippet

System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException was unhandled
Message="ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Connection is busy with results for another command"
Turning MARS is on bypasses that error, so it will sometimes survive a thousand or so runs before hitting:

Code Snippet

System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException was unhandled
Message="ERROR [23000] [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Number', table 'tempdb.dbo.#TempTable___..(shortened to fit).. _________000000002F3F'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
Code here:
(Console Application, empty database,
Visual Studio 2005, .Net 2.0, Windows XP,SQL Server 2005 or SQL Express 2005, Local or Remote)

Code Snippet

Module Module1

Sub Main()

'Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("database=TestDB;server=.sqlexpress;Integrated Security=SSPI;") 'Doesn't crash
'Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLNCLI;database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;") 'Doesn't crash

'Dim connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Native Client};Database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;") 'Crashes
Dim connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Native Client};Database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;MARS_Connection=yes") 'Crashes


Dim run_count As Integer = 1

While True

Dim testcmd As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("CREATE TABLE [#TempTable] (Number int PRIMARY KEY)", connection)
testcmd = Nothing

Dim dtTemp As New DataTable
Dim daTemp As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [#TempTable]", connection)
daTemp.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
Dim cbTemp As New Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder(daTemp)
Dim viewTemp As New DataView(dtTemp, Nothing, "Number", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 1000
Dim test_number As Integer = CInt(Rnd() * 2000)
If viewTemp.Find(test_number) = -1 Then 'Keep it unique
Dim new_temp_row As DataRowView = viewTemp.AddNew()
new_temp_row("Number") = test_number
End If


'daTemp = Nothing

'cbTemp = Nothing

'dtTemp = Nothing

'viewTemp = Nothing

Dim testcmd2 As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("DROP TABLE [#TempTable]", connection)
testcmd2 = Nothing


run_count += 1
End While

End Sub

End Module

Usually the ".Update" triggers the exception, but sometimes the other sql commands do it.
Have tried various experiments with disposing of objects immediately when finished, but no effect.
Opening and closing the connection each loop seems to delay the errors, but it still happens eventually.

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When I Use SSIS For Extract From OLAP Database, Then The Error Random Occurred,Error Code = 0x80040E05

May 10, 2007

I have tired for this!

When I use SSIS for extract data from ssas, that means,I use mdx query.

then random error occured.

Hope some one can understand my poor English....

And the Error Info show below.

Code Snippet

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task - For Individual User Tech Points, OLE DB Source 1 1 [31]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E05.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 2005" Hresult: 0x00000001 Description: "Error Code = 0x80040E05, External Code = 0x00000000:.".
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task - For Individual User Tech Points, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source 1 1" (31) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.

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