Random Record Selection

Jul 9, 2007

hello members

i want to no that weathere there is any procedure to select come random records from the database

for eg i want to select 10 students out of 100 randomly

is there any query for this in SQL server 200

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Random Records Selection

Mar 13, 2004

hi im creating 2 random numbers, matching one of them (i) to the QuestionsNo column in my database, and then making it display the whole record. the code below generate 2 random numbers but i cannot get the rest of it to work. i need it to match the random number to the QuestionNo field in my database and display the whole record. can anyone help me and tell me where im going wrong please????

Dim i,j as integer
i = CInt(Int((10 * Rnd()) + 1))
j = CInt(Int((10 * Rnd()) + 1))
example.InnerHtml = "Random Number : " & i
example1.InnerHtml = "Random Number : " & j

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE QuestionNo = " & i &""


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Random Selection From Table Variable In Subquery As A Column In Select Statement

Nov 7, 2007

Consider the below code: I am trying to find a way so that my select statement (which will actually be used to insert records) can randomly place values in the Source and Type columns that it selects from a list which in this case is records in a table variable. I dont really want to perform the insert inside a loop since the production version will work with millions of records. Anyone have any suggestions of how to change the subqueries that constitute these columns so that they are randomized?


Declare @RandomRecordCount as int, @Counter as int
Select @RandomRecordCount = 1000

Declare @Type table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Source table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @Users table (Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL)
Declare @NumericBase table (Number int not null)

Set @Counter = 0

while @Counter < @RandomRecordCount
Insert into @NumericBase(Number)Values(@Counter)
set @Counter = @Counter + 1

Insert into @Type(Name)
Select 'Type: Buick' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Cadillac' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: Chevrolet' UNION ALL
Select 'Type: GMC'

Insert into @Source(Name)
Select 'Source: Japan' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: China' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: Spain' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: India' UNION ALL
Select 'Source: USA'

Insert into @Users(Name)
Select 'keith' UNION ALL
Select 'kevin' UNION ALL
Select 'chris' UNION ALL
Select 'chad' UNION ALL
Select 'brian'

1 ProviderId, -- static value
'' Identifier,
'' ClassificationCode,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Source order by newid()) Source,
(select TOP 1 Name from @Type order by newid()) Type

from @NumericBase


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Pulling Top 3 Within Record Selection

Apr 26, 2007

I need to pull a report that gives me the desired results as show below. I first show the data that is in the table, then below that is the desired result.

What I am trying to do is pull every employee's most recent 3 appraisal Effective Dates within the last 4 years where Rating is different than X.

Sorry I don't reall know how to explain this using code because I seem to be having a block right now. Not sure where to start really.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks again!

Records in tblAPPRAISALS Table:

Employee | Appraisal Effective | Rating
A | 1/10/2006 | 5
A | 1/10/2005 | 4
A | 1/10/2004 | 5
A | 1/10/2003 | 5
A | 1/10/2002 | 5
B | 1/10/2006 | 5
B | 1/10/2005 | 5
B | 1/10/2004 | X
B | 1/10/2003 | 5
C | 1/10/2006 | 4
C | 1/10/2005 | 5
C | 1/10/2004 | 5

My current SQL:

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 Employee, Appr_Eff as [Appr Effective], Rating_Of_Rcd as [Rating]
WHERE Appr_Eff >= DateAdd("YYYY", -4, Date()) AND Rating_Of_Rcd <> "X"
Order by 1, 2 DESC

Results from this Query:

Employee | Appraisal Effective | Rating
A | 1/10/2006 | 5
A | 1/10/2005 | 4
A | 1/10/2004 | 5

Desired Results:

Employee | Appraisal Effective | Rating
A | 1/10/2006 | 5
A | 1/10/2005 | 4
A | 1/10/2004 | 5
B | 1/10/2006 | 5
B | 1/10/2005 | 5
B | 1/10/2003 | 5
C | 1/10/2006 | 4
C | 1/10/2005 | 5
C | 1/10/2004 | 5

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Delete Record Selection Question

Sep 28, 2005

I'm having trouble with the below sql command.  What I'm trying to
do is to delete records from tblPhotoHeader table where there are no
corresponding child records in tblPhoto.

The select statement works correctly, I'm just not sure about how to
apply the syntax to correctly select the records in the delete

Any help from the experts here would be helpful.



DELETE FROM tblPhotoHeader
WHERE      Exists
(SELECT     tblPhotoHeader.photoid, photoOrderID,
tblPhotoHeader LEFT OUTER JOIN
tblPhoto ON tblPhotoHeader.photoID = tblPhoto.photoID
WHERE      (tblPhotoHeader.photoOrderID = 143)
AND (tblPhoto.photoType IS NULL))

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Automating Record Selection Parameters

Feb 27, 2006

Hi,I need some advise on how to automate record selection on a storedproc. Here is my situation. I have a stored proc that I used onCrystal reports with two parameters - Acctcode and Subacct. When auser enters ' *' on these parameter, it means to report on allaccounts otherwise, report only on specific account.Here is my select statement with line numbers:Create proc rb_SubledgerRpt@Acctcode varchar(4), @SubAcct varchar(3)As3 Select AcctCode, SubAcct4 From GLDetails5 Where SubAcct <> ' '6 and AcctCode = @Acctcode -- for specific acctcode7 and SubAcct = @SubAcct -- for specific subacct8 Go-- If a user wants to see all Acctcode, and all Subacct, how do Idisable lines 6 and 7?Thank you in advance for your help.Edgar

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Get Random Record From SQL Table

Apr 22, 2007

Hi,I am in a situation where our developer is on leave (annual leave for a month), and I have to add a control to my website, which is in aspx apges.To start with i have created a table in my SQL database. this table has records with one-liners from various movies, and the movie title. The tabel have 3 columns, i.e. ID, Liners, MTitle.So i want to get random records on the page when ever its refreshed. I am totally non-coder/programmer guy. I have got a SQL statement from the internet " SELECT TOP 1 * FROM <table name> ORDER By NEWID() "So would anyone please help me out with it, as is it correct, how can i apply in the aspx pages. Thank you. 

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Flag Random Record

Mar 31, 2006

I am using this select statement to radomly display a recordSelectCommand="SELECT TOP 1 *  FROM [TBL_Example] ORDER BY NEWID()I need to, however, flag this record, to determine if it has already been previously randomly selected, and won't take part in future random selections.I will need to add a where clause to the above, but what I am unsure of is what I should do for the insert statement.  I guess I could figure this out on my own as well if I could determine a means to prgramatically store my PK from the above record in session.Any ideas?

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Random Record With TOP Parameter

Apr 19, 2004

I'm familiar with querying for a random record, however I can't seem to do it using a parameter driven TOP value.

Here's what I've tried in a stored procedure:
@Count int = 1
declare @sql varchar(1000)
set @sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT TOP ' + convert(varchar, @Count) + ' * FROM RandomisedView'

The view I am using looks like:


The stored procedure does not seem to cause the View to reorder the records.

I need to be able to select X random records. Any help would be appriciated.

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Generate A Random Int To Add To A Record

Jul 20, 2005

I need to generate a random whole number between 0 and 999 to add toadd to every record in a table. The number needs to be different foreach record in the table.How would I do this all within TSQL?

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SELECTing Random Record From TABLE?

Apr 24, 2001

I need to select a random record from TABLE. It might look easy with using RAND() function, but the tricky part is that ID's which are the PRIMARY KEY, were assigned as a random number.
So right now ID's in that TABLE look some thing like that: -18745, 45809, 129, -5890023, 487910943, -209, etc...
If any one have any ideas please respond.
Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Select A Random Record From The Table

Sep 18, 2000


I need to write a select statement where I need to select the record randomely. Is there any function to do that? What's the best way to do that? Please help...

Thanks in a million.


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Transact SQL :: How To Assign Random Number Between 0 And 1 To A Record

Nov 17, 2015

I need to assign a random number between 0 and 1 to all eligible cases of cancer. 

I have a file of records like:

How can I assign a random number to each record?

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Returning Random Records And NOT Similar (random Questions)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I need to extract randomly 5 records from the table "Questions". Now I useSELECT TOP 5 FROM Questions ORDERBY NEWID()And it works. The problem is that I need an additional thing: if SQLextracts record with ID=4, then it should not extract record with ID=9,because they are similar. I mean, I'd like something to tell SQL that if itextracts some questions, then it SHOULD NOT extract other ones.How can I do it?Thanks!Luke

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URGENT - Random 10 From Random 20 (2 Tbls)

Oct 14, 2004

I'm using ASP and SQL Serv 2000. What I need to get from 2 tables (company & customers) is random 10 customers from random 20 comp.
Anyone got an idea how to do this??? I've spent 2 days trying to get stored proc. or T-SQL to work, but nothing good came out of it. I can get 1 comp and 10 cust, but not a grouped list of 20 comp. w/ 10 cust. each.

Help is greatly appreciated.

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TOUGH INSERT: Copy Sale Record/Line Items For Duplicate Record

Jul 20, 2005

I have a client who needs to copy an existing sale. The problem isthe Sale is made up of three tables: Sale, SaleEquipment, SaleParts.Each sale can have multiple pieces of equipment with correspondingparts, or parts without equipment. My problem in copying is when I goto copy the parts, how do I get the NEW sale equipment ids updatedcorrectly on their corresponding parts?I can provide more information if necessary.Thank you!!Maria

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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different &&amp; Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Ways To Make This Work: Several Selectable Related Record For One Main Record.

Apr 6, 2007

Hey all!

Sorry for the less then descriptive post title but I didn't find a better way to describe it. I'm developing an app in the express editions of VB and SQLserver. The application is a task/resource scheduler. The main form will have a datepicker or weekly overview and show all tasks scheduled per day. The problem is, I've got one or more people assigned to tasks and I wonder what's the best way to design this. Personally, I'd go for one Task table, a People table and a table that provides a link between them (several record per task, one for each person assigned linking TaskID and PplID). However, I don't see a nice way of showing this data to the end user, allowing him to edit/add etc on ONE screen.

To fix that the only way I see is just add columns to the Task table for every person with select boxes. This way everything can be done on one simple screen. This obviously does present some future issues.

On top of this, which people are available on a day varies and there should be an option to allow a user to set who is available on a specific day. Which would lead me to my first idea and add another table that would provide this. but then I'm having design issues again for the form.

I'm kinda stuck atm, can anyone shed some light on this. I'm sure there is an elegant way of doing this but I'm failing at finding it.

Thanks in advance,


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Query Timeouts When Updating A Record Retrieved Through A Websphere JDBC Datasource - Possible Record Locking Problem

Apr 7, 2008


We're running a Sage CRM install with a SQL Server 2000 database at the back end. We're using the Sage web services API for updating data and a JDBC connection to retrieve data as it's so much quicker.

If I retrieve a record using the JDBC connection and then try and update the same record through the web services, the query times out as if the record is locked for updates. Has anyone experienced anything similar or know what I'm doing wrong? If I just use DriverManager.getConnection() to establish the connection instead of the datasource, and then continue with the same code I don't get these record locking problems. Please find more details below.


The JDBC provider for the datasource is a WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC for SQL Server DataSource, using an implementation type of 'connection pool datasource'. We are using a container managed J2C authentication alias for logging on.

This is running on a Websphere Application Server v6.1.

Code snippet - getting the record thru JDBC:

DataSource wsDataSource = serviceLocator.getDataSource("jdbc/dsSQLServer");
Connection wsCon = wsDataSource.getConnection();

// wsCon.setAutoCommit(false); //have tried with and without this flag - same results

Statements stmt = wsCon.createStatement();

String sql = "SELECT * FROM Person where personID = 12345";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);


if (rs != null){
if (stmt != null) {

if (wsCon != null) {


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SSIS: Multi-Record File Extract With 9 Record Types

Feb 26, 2008

I am attempting to create a multi-record file (as described in my last thread) and have found the following set of instructions very helpful:

I have been able to create a sample file with two of my record types.

I now need to build on this further, because I have 9 record types in total that need to be extracted to a single flat file.

does anyone have any ideas how I might extend the example above to include more record types or know of another means of achieving this?

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.

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Add Date To Record In SQL Server Each Time Record Is Added

Mar 1, 2006

Can anyone advise me as to how I can add the date and time to 2 columns in the sql server database for each record that is added. I'd prefer not to use the webform. Can sql server add the date automatically to the row?

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Restrict Inserting Record If Record Already Exist In Table

Apr 17, 2014

Is that possible to restrict inserting the record if record already exist in the table.

Scenario: query should be

We are inserting a bulk information of data, it should not insert the row if it already exist in the table. excluding that it should insert the other rows.

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Delete Record Based On Existence Of Another Record In Same Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray

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Switch Record Background Color With Each Record In Report

Jan 14, 2008

Hi Everyone-

i have a matrix report
and i want to switch the record background color with each record in the value column in that matrix report
e.g 1st record background color is gray and next record background color is white
and then the next record background color is gray ... and so on

can anyone help?


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Oct 22, 2003


in the database.....

1111 001,0002,0003
2222 005,0006,0007

in one invoice has many po# number i already get the po number individually using explode...
the ouput like this
003 and so on it is ok for that

but my problem is

i want to the po# should be selected i mean like a menu ..like the user select the which po# should be updated....

but i dont know how..

is there anyone can help me?

to elaborate more...

i can display the po# already without commas like in invoice# 1111
i can already display the po# number like this

after that i want it to be like a menu that user will only select the which po# should be updated..using arrow keys down and up....i mean just like selecting..

but i dont know how..




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Many-to-many Selection

Jan 17, 2006

Hi all, I am stuck on the case of many-to-many selection.

Now, I have 3 tables

Table: candidate_skills
candidate_id (PKey)
skill_id (PKey)

Table: skills
skill_id (PKey)

Table: job_skill_required

Now, I want to select all cadidates who has the same skills of job_skill_required table.

I really don't know how to select it...
Please help, thank you.

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Help With The Selection

Nov 16, 2007

SELECT Distinct a.group_code, a.group_name + '-'+ a.group_note As full_name ,
b.station_nbr, b.beg_eff_date, b.end_eff_date,
Round( e.C02_pct,3)As C02_pct, MAX( e.sample_date)As Highest_Sample_Date, d.station_name
from [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.group_detail a
Inner Join [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_group b on a.group_code = b.group_code
Inner Join [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_type c on b.station_nbr = c.station_nbr
Inner JOIN [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station d ON c.station_nbr = d.station_nbr
Inner JOIN [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis e ON d.station_nbr = e.station_nbr
Where (b.station_nbr=e.station_nbr)and (b.group_code = a.group_code) and
(a.group_type = 'NPN')and( b.end_eff_date >=DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0))
and ( (c.type_code = 'WHM')or ( c.type_code = 'CRP'))and
(e.sample_date Between DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0)
and DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0))
and e.seq_nbr =
(select max(x.seq_nbr)
From [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis x
Where x.station_nbr = b.station_nbr
and x.sample_date= e.sample_date )
and e.C02_pct =
(Select max(x.C02_pct)
From [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis x
Where x.station_nbr = b.station_nbr
and x.sample_date= e.sample_date )
Group by a.group_code, a.group_name, a.group_note, b.station_nbr, b.beg_eff_date, b.end_eff_date, e.c02_pct, d.station_name
order by a.group_code

ok. Here is how the data looks.
code station_nbr beg_eff_date end_eff_date C02 sample_date
0004 D01G000819 2007-09-01 3000-12-31 0.40 2007-10-02
0004 D01G000819 2007-09-01 3000-12-31 2.49 2007-10-09

What I am trying to do is to select the most current sample date. In this case "2007/10/09" when station_nbr and group_code are the same for both dates.

Thank You for all your help!!!!
From the Jr.in SQL

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I Need Help In How To Use SUM Selection.

Nov 27, 2007

Hi Team:

This is a new query and I am facing a new problem. Here I am requesting all the records for a Contract Number 'GTH00001' for the specific date of 2/2/2007. I want the SUM(c.rcpt_nom_vol)AS Receipt and the b]SUM(c.rcpt_fuel)As Allocated_Fuel[/b]
But Instead I am getting 147 records for Contract Number'GTH00001'for the date of 2/2/2007.

Declare @Req_Contract_nbr char (8),
@Req_Day int,
@Req_month int,
@Req_year int

Set @Req_Contract_nbr = 'GTH00001'
Set @Req_Day = '2'
set @Req_month = '2'
Set @Req_year ='2007'

SELECT Distinct a.contract_nbr,
c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind,
SUM(c.rcpt_nom_vol)AS Receipt, SUM(c.rcpt_fuel)As Allocated_Fuel
from dbo.contract a
Inner Join dbo.NOm b on a.contract_nbr = b.contract_nbr
Inner Join dbo.Nom_vol_detail c on c.Nom_id = b.Nom_id
where (a.contract_sub_type = 'INT') and (a.Contract_type_code ='GTH')
and (DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0) < a.current_expirtn_date)
and (c.rcpt_dlvry_ind ='R') and a.contract_nbr= @Req_Contract_nbr
and Day(c.Beg_eff_date) = @Req_Day
and (month(c.Beg_eff_date)= @Req_month )
Group by a.contract_nbr,c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind, c.rcpt_nom_vol, c.rcpt_fuel

Data Example

Contract_nbr specific Date rcpt_nom_vol rcpt_fuel
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R4.00.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R8.00.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R11.00.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R12.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R14.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R15.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R16.01.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R16.02.0
GTH000012007-02-02 00:00:00.000R16.04.0

Thank you for all your help!!!!!!!!! I deeply appreciate all your help.

The future depends of what we do in the present- Mahatma Gandhi

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CheckBoxList Selection

Mar 14, 2008

I have CheckBoxList to make my selection as follows:if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "")
strSelect = strSelect;
}else if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "1")if (strWhere == " where")
{strWhere = strWhere + " pic1 = 'true' ";
{strWhere = strWhere + " and pic1 = 'true' ";
}if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "2")if (strWhere == " where")
{strWhere = strWhere + " pic2 = 'true' ";
{strWhere = strWhere + " and pic2 = 'true' ";
}if (CheckBoxList2.SelectedValue == "3")if (strWhere == " where")
{strWhere = strWhere + " pic3 = 'true' ";
{strWhere = strWhere + " and pic3 = 'true' ";
which mean it will addor remove the fields depends upon the user selection, but it will only select one !!
Thanks in advance

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Calculating The 3rd Value By The First 2's Selection

May 30, 2008

First off, let me state that i am new to ASP.net... and have had to hit the ground running... I have looked on the net but have not found a suitable explanation on how to do this.
Let me explain what i am trying to do: In my aspx page, i have 2 dropdown boxes where the user will select a skill catagory, and then a skill. Based on that selection, i would like to compute what the Service line will be. There is a primary and foreign key on CatID on the skills and SkillCat tables. This data would need to be inserted into the another table aswell, and this would need to go into a report later.
How do i go about doing this? Some examples would be greatly appreciated. And if you know of a good link, please post it for me.
 Skills Table


Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

Skill 5

Skill 6

Skill 7

Skill 8

Skill 9

Skill 10

Skill 11

Skill 12

Skill 13

Skill 14

Skill 15
Skills Catagory


Skill Category 1

Skill Category 2

Skill Category 3

Skill Category 4

Skill Category 5

Skill Category 6

Skill Category 7

Skill Category 8

Skill Category 9
 Service Line Table


Service Line 1

Service Line 2

Service Line 3

Service Line 4

Service Line 5

Service Line 6

Service Line 7
Thanks for all your help in advance.

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Selection Of Data

Dec 26, 2005

Hi all techies

suppose a table contains these set of values

employeeId          EffectiveDate
1                         2004-12-01
2                         2004-12-01
2                         2005-11-15
3                         2004-12-01

1. when i want to select data for the date ranges
(2005-12-01) to (2005-12-31), it should be

1                        2004-12-01
2                        2005-11-15
3                        2004-12-01

2. when i want to select data for the date ranges
(2005-11-01) to (2005-11-30), it should be

1                        2004-12-01
2                        2004-12-01
2                        2005-11-15
3                        2004-12-01

3. when i want to select data for the date ranges
(2005-10-01) to (2005-10-31), it should be

1                        2004-12-01
2                        2004-12-01
3                        2004-12-01What should I do

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Year Selection In SQL

Dec 4, 2001

Hello Experts,

I would like to have a SQL Statement that to display all records in the same year, e.g., 2001. The date field is a mm/dd/yyyy, smalldatefield.

Could anyone advise the syntax ?

Thank you very much.

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Processor Selection

Feb 11, 2002

We are looking to purchase a new SQL2000 server.... Tada.... Right then, for around about the same money, we could have either 2 x PIII 1Ghz Xeon with 256Kb cache, or 2 x PIII 700Mhz Xeon with 1Mb cache.... Which choice is best for SQL Server 2000???

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