Sql 2005 SR2 Cannot Log Into Sample Database On Local Machine... Error Attached

Dec 11, 2007

I downloaded the SR2 - major mistake Now I cannot get into the sample databases I have on my machine. I can attach to the Servers, but they have SR1 and now I guess if I would make changes from my SR2, then they will be screwed up.

My error when I try to log into my machine (adventure works) is:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to LND620JORRIT.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=2&LinkId=20476



Is there any way to reverse SR2? Should I reinstall SQL 2005?


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Error 26 On A Local Machine

Aug 13, 2007

I am getting the "Error Locating Server/Instance Specified" message. The part I find most confusing is that I am connecting to my database locally. I have read the recommendations on the blog posted here:


and implemented them to no avail. The confusing part is that I only have this problem on one particular application, which I am not the original author of. When I build my connection to the very same server (different database) using the Data Source configuration wizard, it works just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Get Database To Local Machine

Jan 29, 2008

What is the fastest way to get a copy of a SQL server database on a server to my local Windows XP Professional system?

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Error When Loading SSIS To Local Machine

Mar 5, 2008

I was trying to load SSIS shipped from my colleague. It has configuration file with his SSIS. I added this one to my local project. I removed configuration file from my project. In case anything goes wrong, I also delete OLE DB Connection String, and recreated one. Modified all data flow and control flow for any connection to point to my new one.

After the modification, it still fails on login 'sa'. I cannot figure out the problem. Is there any tricky inside of SSIS configuration file?

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How Deploying A Local Database To Target Machine?

May 9, 2005

how deploying a local database to target machine?

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Copying Database From Server To My Local Machine.

Feb 27, 2006

First of all let me explain that I am a complete newbie to this SQL stuff. I am in the process of reading a book, and followed the books suggestions for what I want to do, but it doesn't work. I know this has been covered several times in this forum, but no one post in particular covered exactly what I want to do.

I want to copy the database from the server to my local machine.

First, do I need to have SQL running on my machine in order to copy the database? I do have Enterprise Manager running, does that mean SQL Server is running locally?

Secoond, I tried using the Copy Wizard, but when I get to the target list, my local machine is not listed. How do I get it listed so I can copy the database?

I hope my questions are not too stupid... but then I'd be stupid if I didn't ask questions.

Thanks in advance for your help...

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Database On Server But SQLEXPRESS On Local Machine

Jun 14, 2006

This is what I sometimes want:

I have installed on a localmachine sqlexpress. Also my application is installed on the local machine.

But for the night-backup of the database I want to put the database on the company server.

Let's say the database is on: X:datamydatabase.mdf

Why cant't I attach this database with the manager of sqlexpress


I have installed on local machine sqlexpress AND also the database

Why can't I backup the file to the server like:

BACKUP DATABASE [mydatabase] to DISK=x:datamydatabase.bak WITH FORMAT

It looks I can only backup to the localmachine.

thanks a lot


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The SQL Server 2005 Data Mining Add-ins For Office Local Machine

Mar 1, 2008

I am trying to use a new Excel microsoft add-in using SQL server 2005. I installed the 180 day trial version of SQL Server 2005 on my local machine and according to the instructions it was suppose to be very easy to connect the excel add in to SQL. I am receiving an error message which I cannot find a resolution to using the readme file and wonder if you can help.

Unable to connect to server 'localhost'. Please make sure user 'ARTIMUS' has at least read permission to some database on the server.

THanks for your help!


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Copy A Database From A Remote Server And Using It On My Local Machine

Sep 14, 2007

Hi and thanks in advance for your help.
 I have a dilemma and I need some expert help with this. I am trying to make a copy of a remote Database and then replicated the DB and it's contents on my local machine so I can build a test site to run data with. I tried to remot into the server machine but I guess that feature is not allowed by the honest of the remote machine. Since I build on my local machine and would like to be able to test data on my local machine.... I would like to copy the remote DB to my local computer and then I can run my test app on my local server. The version of SQL on the remote machine is SQL Express 2005 and I have SQL 2005 on my machine. Please give me how to accomplish this please.

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For SQL Server Error '80004005' On The Local Machine

Mar 18, 2008


I using SQL 2005 on Vista machine.

After disconnected from VPN (Cisco) , I am not able to connect to my SQL. Getting the error Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005' Timed Out.

Restarting the SQL Server or Reset IIS, nothing works.

If I restart the machine, it works fine again.
If I don't connect to VPN, I have no problem.

I am wondering that might be the problem. I enabled all the protocols.


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Backing Online Database Table Data To Local Machine

Jul 23, 2005

I have an online SQL Server database provided by an ISP. I do not havepermission to create a backup device and I understand this is normalpractice.I am not using Enterprise Manager to administer the online database.I know I can back up the structure of the database using SQLscripts.My question is:How do I back up on my own machine the data contained in the onlinedatabase tables I have created? If I were using Enterprise Manager Icould do it by downloading tables using the DTS facility but how can Ido it without Enterprise Manager?Is there some work around which I have missed eg creating a csv fileof the data?Best wishes for 2005 to all those helpful people in this newsgroup!John Morgan

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SQL Attached Mdf Database Files VS Database Imported Into Or Created In SQL Server 2005

Apr 8, 2007

 Hi all (newbie @ asp.net)(oldie @ ASP 3)What is the purpose of using an attached MDF database files in the App_Data folder on a web site as to importing it into the SQL server directly or creating it on the SQL server. Does a mdf database attached file purely use the SQL server as a connection interface.Is it something similiar to DSN(ODBC) Connections for ms access databases.

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SQL Sever 2005 Write XML Data Stored In A Table Out To A XML File On My Local Machine

Mar 16, 2008

Hello All
Just wondered if someone could help me with a bit of T-SQL, i have a application in ASP.NET/VB that allows the user to update a message board by clicking a button "update" this in turn triggers my Stored Procedure for inserting this data into a table, which works great.
It inserts the data into its respective fields and also takes The Title, Line 1, Line 2 and so on and creates a XML file  (Using FOR XML) which is stored in the same Table under a column call XML_Data. Which again works great.
My problem now is how do i output this XML_Data to an actual XML file that is on my local machine, i.e. It be created in say C:Inetpubwwwrootxmlfiles("xml file name inserted here from another column that holds xml file name").xml
Any help on this would be greatfully apreciated
 Thanks In Advance

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SQL Tools :: Repair Database Without Being Attached (2005)

May 17, 2015

Is it possible to try repair a database without being attached, giving the path to the files?

I'm trying to attach a database that i recover from a disk, and i'm not able to attach, gives me an error, saying i should do a db check.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Decrypt Encrypted Columns From Database Backup On Local Machine

Jun 29, 2015

I've a SQL server 2014 running on one of our server. We're in the process of implementing security steps for our databases. I've encrypted a column in one of the table in the database on the server. The issue is when I restore the backup on my local SQL server and run a query to decrypt the column data it gives me null values. On the other end when I decrypt the column data on the main server it works fine. I found a thread on this forum which states to do the following when restoring the encrypted database on different server.

USE [master];

select File_Name
, CONVERT(nvarchar,DECRYPTBYKEY(File_Name))
from [test].[dbo].[Orders_Customer]

I tried doing above still no luck.

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Integration Services :: Deploying SSIS Project On Local Development Machine Failed With Error 27203

Nov 26, 2015

When deploying a project from within a SSIS project in Visual Studio 2012 to SQL Server 2012 Integration services server I get the follwoing error message:

Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '10'.  (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 27203)

For the given operation id there is no entry in view catalog.operation_messages.

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Cannot Login To Web App From Local Machine But Can Over RDP

Oct 29, 2007

See above.  At first I thought it was a problem with SQL server, since I have just installed a new certificate.  Now I am not so sure.  Any suggestions???? Thanks, kreid 

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Want To Change The Local Machine Name

Aug 28, 2000


I need to change the Local Machine Name. But if I do that, my SQL server will stop working. Is there any way to fix the SQL Server?

Thanks in advance


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Cannot Find DB On Local Machine In VB.Net

May 13, 2007

I have SQL Server Express 2005. I have it configured for remote connections, but I cannot even see my local dbase. I have the server setup for windows authentication. In VB 2005 database connection wizard I see the db server but on the database itself.

When I click test connection....without a dbase choosen it says ( i don't have any to choose from).

"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connection to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server"

This doesn't make sense because i have changed the the surface area configuration to allow remote connections on both TCP/IP and Named pipes. It shouldn't matter though because this is a local database.



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How Do You Copy Tables From Local Database To Web Hosting Database In 2005?

Nov 1, 2006

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express and I'm trying to figure out how to copy a table(s) from my local database to my web hosting database.  I know how to do it in 2000, but it's completely different now.  Is this feature not allowed on SSMSE?  If so, then how do I deploy database tables to a web host?Also, how do you add local database(s) to SSMSE?  I tried to use 'attach database' in SSMSE and it wouldn't allow me to navigate to My Documents folder where the database resides. Thanks...

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Error When Transferring Data From Local Database To Hosted Database

Apr 10, 2006


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Copy Local Sql 05 DB To Production Machine

Dec 13, 2007

Hi SQL folks,
I've googled for this the whole yesterday and I couldn't find a complete solution.
I'm having a sql2005 database in my development machine and I need to copy all the content "Tables, Diagrams, PK columns and other data" to the remote production machine.
Using the Import/Export method didn't copied the relationships between tables, also it turned the PKs into just a standard columns
Can anyone help?

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Sql Server On Local Machine RESOLVED

Jun 15, 2007

I have had a new PC and have installed SQL Server. However, I do not seem to have anywhere to create databases on my PC. I did on my old one. How can i do this ?

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Can't Connect To Sql2005 On My Local Machine

Nov 22, 2007


Sql server type: database engine
server name:
authentication: sql server authentication
login: sa
password: xxxxx

I remember the server name being sqlexpress (I think that was the default name during the install).

OR are they asking for my computer name? because I tried that also and it gave me an error saying "the default installation doesn't allow remote connections"

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SQL Output A XML File To My Local Machine

Mar 17, 2008

Hi, i wondered if anyone could help me with my stored procedure.
It updates a table with users messageboard and saves the Title, Line 1, Line 2 and so on into a XML thats stored in the column named XML_Data.

How can i then output this xml to a file on my local machine?

T-SQL :-

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[prUpdateMessageBoardVetted]


UPDATE CustomerData
SET Title = @Title,

Line1 = @Line1,
Line2 = @Line2,

Line3 = @Line3,
Line4 = @Line4,

Line5 = @Line5,
Line6 = @Line6,

XmlFileName = @XmlFileName,
FlashFileName = @FlashFileName,

HtmlFileName = @HtmlFileName,
Vetted = @Vetted,

ClientName = @ClientName

(UserRef = @original_UserRef)



IF @Vetted = 1


SET @xmlData = (SELECT








FROM dbo.CustomerData
WHERE (UserRef = @original_UserRef) FOR XML RAW('Message'), ELEMENTS)

SELECT @xmlData

UPDATE [dbo].[CustomerData]

XML_Data = @xmlData

(UserRef = @original_UserRef)



any ideas?

Thanks in advance !


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Can't Connect In Sql Express On Local Machine

Aug 7, 2007

I have SQL Express running on my laptop but are unable to connect to the default database paulm-laptopsqlexpress

When I try to connect I get the error message
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

Everything is on my laptop whcih is running Vista Business as an administrator

Any ideas why,
Thanks Paul

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Connecting To SQL Server (Local Machine)

Feb 7, 2007

Hi all,

Apologies if this is a dumb question, but I'm tearing my hair out over the basics when I should be spending time learning ASP.NET 2.0 and C#. I've searched the archives and a lot of people seem to be getting the same error as me, but when trying to connect from remote machines.

I'm getting what seems to be a standard message ...

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I'm not trying to connect remotely, I'm on my developer machine. The error comes up when trying to connect from within VS2005 (Tools, Connect to Database). It also comes up if I create a new web-site and go to the ASP.NET configuration tool (this is, I guess, trying to create the necessary database behind the scenes but is unable to connect to the database).

I suspect the error might be related to one or more of the following ...

September last year I installed VS2005 Express and SQL*SERVER Express. Both were fully un-installed when I bought VS2005 Professional before installing the new product.
When I set up SQL*SERVER 2005 Developer I remember choosing an option to have a separate user on my PC with administrative rights. Actually I don't recall much about what I chose but I can't find out where those permissions are managed from.
I've followed various instructions to check that remote access is enabled (despite the fact that I'm local, not remote). TCP and Named Pipes are both enabled (and I stopped then restarted SQL Server). I've checked that the service is started.
The odd thing is that I have had an application connect with the following string ...

SSLCon = new SqlConnection(@"Server=(local)SSLMJ;Integrated Security = True;" + "Database=SSLTESTRESULTS");

Though the application connection seems to work ok, I think I'm missing out lots of developer functionality because I can't get VS2005 to see the database or server.

Help ?

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Updating Online SQL 2005 Database From Local Database

Jan 30, 2007

I have my first small SQl Server 2005 database developed on my localserver and I have also its equivalent as an online database.I wish to update the local database (using and asp.net interface) andthen to upload the data (at least the amended data, but given thesmall size all data should be no trouble) to the online database.I think replication is the straight answer but I have no experience ofthis and I am wondering what else I might use which might be lesscomplicated. One solution is DTS (using SQL 2000 terms) but i am notsure if I can set this up (1) to overwrite existing tables and (2) notto seemingly remove identity attributes from fields set as identities.I know there are other possibilities but I would be glad of advice asto the likely best method for a small database updated perhaps onceweekly or at less frequent intervals,Best wishes, John Morgan

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Copy Sql Server 2005 Database On The Same Machine

Apr 20, 2007

How can I create a copy of an existing sql server 2005 (live or offline) database and put it on the same server in a test database ?

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Get Local Machine Name In MSDE Setup .bat File

Nov 5, 2003

I have the following command in a .bat file

osql -E -S localhost sp_grantlogin 'GREGASPNET'"

What I would like to do is replace GREG with the name of the local computer this .bat file is being run on.

Is there any string for this... i.e [LOCALMACHINE]ASPNET or something like that?


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Connection Problems SQL2000 On Local Machine

Jun 19, 2006

This may be a stupid newbie question, but being that I'm not a DBA I'm going to ask it anyway.

We discovered a problem with a clients server (Windows 2003 SBS) when we tried to install Veritas Backup Exec. Backup Exec requires an instance of either SQLMSDE or full SQL. This server has full SQL 2000 sp3a installed on it with a working account application. When backup exec trys to create it's instance it fails.

Investigating further...when I go into Enterprise Manager (logged in as Domain Admin) I get an error when I select the local server.

"A connection could not be established to (LOCAL).
Reason: Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties. blah blah blah.

Okay the server is running. The accounting application (client/server) is still working. I right click on the server and select "New Server Registration" for the field "server" I click the browse button and the "Active Servers" box is empty..:shocked:

I went to check the "Data Sources" under drivers, that field is blank. (no drivers installed). I downloaded MS's component checker and it says "MDAC 2.8 on Windows server 2003 sp1" is installed.

At this point I have exhausted my knowledge of MS-SQL server. My goal is to get BackupExec installed and NOT break the existing accounting application.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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ADO Connection String Not Working When SQL On Local Machine

Apr 3, 2007

Here is the connect tring from table properties:ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=VICRAUCHSRVRVGSMISC;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;WSID=VICRAUCH;DATABASE=vgs_prod;TABLE=d bo.USysCandidatesHere is the connect string from the ADO .Open connect string:"ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=VICRAUCHSRVRVGSMISC;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;UID=sa;PWD=xxxXX99X;WSID=VICRAUCH;DATAB ASE=vgs_prod"Here is the ADO .Open code. Set CNN = New ADODB.ConnectionDim strDEFConn As StringstrDEFConn = FixConnStr(DEFCONN)CNN.Open strDEFConn The last line fails with the CNN.Open strDEFConn with this message:Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)';[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified This code works when the SQL Server is on it's own server, but for testing at my own office, I have SQL Server on the same machine as the Access application. I'm getting the above error where SQL Server and the Access app are on the same machine. I can open a linked SQL table from the user interface, and VBA code that deals with the tables as Access tables works. It is the ADO .Open statement where the error happens. Thanks for any help you can give me on getting this to work.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Deploy Web Services On Local Machine

Apr 10, 2014

how to deploy web services on local machine. I created self certificate in IIS and then build the solution in the visual studio. After I build the solution, I found that automatically it created the virtual directories for the web services under the default website in the IIS Manager. When I click and select the browse it is not working.

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