Updating Aspnetdb.mdf Once It Is Launched To The Website Hosting Server

Oct 5, 2006

I'm having my website hosted with webhost4life.com which is very helpful and a really great company if you are using Visual Web Developer with SQL Express.  The question I have for anyone who can help me is that my site will offer member roles for customer account maintenance with login and the works.  As you know, when you use memberships with Visual Web Developer, it associates all these controls with a database called aspnetdb.mdf.  And you maintain this database through the asp.net configuration control.  Once this database is launched, I've learned how to access it by changing my web.config file removing the LocalSQLServer and adding one with the connection string to the aspnetdb.mdf database on the server.  My question is, once I've done this and connected through that string, can I still use the asp.net configuration to edit the database (e.g. the users, roles, etc)?

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Aspnetdb.mdf On Hosting Server ?

Aug 5, 2007

 I have established roles to restrict access to the data
entry pages.  The database is SQL Server which I've established on the hosting server.  Security was previously maintained through
~/app_data/aspnetdb.mdb (MS Access).  It works, but isn't too stable, so I have modified the security to use
SQL Server with an aspnetdb.mdf file, also located in the app_data
folder.  Is this appropriate?  Since it doesn't work, I assume not.It's now my assumption that I need to setup a SQL Server
database to support the security/roles.  I have seen some reference to
using a script to build the aspnet.mdf on the hosting server.  If
I do create such a database, is there anything special I need to do to
have my application read the aspnetdb?  Do I need a connection string
in the membership and/or roleManager sections of my web.config.
A little guidance would be appreciated.Thanks 

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Updating An ASPNETDB On The Production Server

Jan 29, 2007

 I have an ASP.NET web application using the default ASPNETDB that I did in VWD 2005, and deployed to a production server (IIS).
 I need to make a table addition to the production database (ASPNETDB).  I'm trying to use SQL Management Studio to attache the database, but it keeps saying the database is locked by a process.  I shut down all the services that would likely be using it, but it's still showing locked.  What do I need to shut down to attach the database to make the change?
 Or is there a better way to do it?

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Advice On Hosting Website Safely

Apr 8, 2007


For one of my clients I have built 2 applications. The 1st one is a windows based application that is used for production and employee scheduling. The data for this application is stored in a SQL Express database. The 2nd one is a ASP.NET 2.0 site that contains the clients website and a portal page. The portal page uses forms authentication and redirects a customer to a page that shows the production schedule for this customer. So I have 2 kind of users: local (LAN) and web. Both using the same database.

For test purposes the site is currently hosted on the clients SBS 2003 server (this is the only server). However I don't think it is wise to host the public website on this server. What is the best configuration to host the public website safely? I read about putting a webserver in a DMZ. But I need a connection with the SQL Express server to retrieve the data for the portal section. As well for authenticating the customer and for retrieving the schedule data.

I'm currently using Windows Authentication on the SQL server. Can this still be used when the webserver is in the DMZ?

If I understand it correctly the webserver in the DMZ is not part of the local domain? Also could remote hosting be an option at all?

Any help and advice would be highly appreciated.

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Hosting Aps.net Website, Sql Server 2005 Db In App_data Or Outsite App_data?

Aug 19, 2006

I've started with the development of a website which will use a sql server 2005 database. I want to use the asp.net membership and roles functionality. In the end the website will be hosted by a hosting company.
What is the best way to store the database? In the App_data folder or outstide the App_data folder?
Second, do hosting companies support placing sql server databases stored into the App_data folder?

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ASPNETDB.mdf - Setting Your Website To Use Your Hosted DB Instead

May 13, 2007

Hi,I'm running Visual Web Developer 2005 and have created a small site with a log-in function. In VWD this automatically creates the database ASPNETDB.mdf which stores all the user / log-on data.I have 1 x MS SQL Server 2005 DB which I am using to store data for my site.Can anyone advise me on how to setup my site / the ASPNetDB so that it runs on my MS SQL Server?I've searched the ASP.NET forums etc and this does seem to be an area where people are struggling. I have tried running the ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool (Aspnet_regsql.exe) and get the following error:"Setup failed.Exception:An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 8152 and the SqlException message is: String or binary data would be truncated."As a beginner I've struggled from downloading an online template, then uploading it to my site, and the log-on doesn't work. There didn't seem any instructions / advice on what to do with the ASPNETDB.mdf database.Help / advice would be much appreciated!Thanks,Tom

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Website Upload To Hosting Company - SQL DB Doens't Work - Please Help

Sep 1, 2006

I developed my first webpage using c#, VS2005 and SQL Express and it works fine in my Computer.
Tried to upload it to a hosting company, they have SQL 2005 Server.
I can surf through the pages but nothing that has to do with the database works.
Is there anything I should have done before uploading the site?
Please help.

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Multiple Users Of A Website Using Aspnetdb.mdf Database

Jul 15, 2007

I don't know whether this question belong here, but....
In the past I had many customers using the same website each with their own domain name and their own database. To accomplish that, I used MS Access and placed each customers database in separate directories. I steered the customer to the correct directory using their domain name. I am now trying to accomplish the same thing using aspnetdb.mdf and other .mdf database files. I am using the aspnetdb.mdf database for membership, etc. I want the aspnetdb.mdf database file to be unique for each customer. Does anyone know how to accomplish what I was doing with MS Access using aspnetdb.mdf? Is there any way to have multiple web.config files each of which would be dedicated to a particular customer?

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Using Aspnetdb Express Database For Private Website Tables

Mar 23, 2007

Hi, I am using express database and tools. I have an aspnetdb express database because I am using the login controls, personalisation...Can I use this database for my private tables also? Or do I need a separate express database for my private tables? Will using aspnetdb database, which contains special asp.net tables, for my private website tables create any kinds of problems in using my website? I want to use a single express database for my website, not two different express databases.
Regards, Sandy

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Updating Website With DB Data

Apr 15, 2007


I'm after hosting a website with basically a table in it that is linked to a MS SQL Server 2005 database, which I want to update on a pretty much continual basis from my own server PC which I'm running a data mining tool that updates the MS SQL Server 2005 database.

Any idea on how I would achieve this, or any pointers would be much appreciated.



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Continuously Updating A Website

Apr 15, 2007


Bit of a newbee question:

I'm after hosting a website with basically a table in it that is linked to a MS SQL Server 2005 database, which I want to update on a pretty much continual basis from my own server PC which I'm running a data mining tool that updates the MS SQL Server 2005 database.

Any idea on how I would achieve this, or any pointers would be much appreciated.



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Is Trigger Launched By Program Caller Or SQL Server?

Nov 8, 2007

I have a question about sql server trigger. For example, I have a trigger for table insert. The way it works is:
A: my program run the insert query, and wait, then the record is inserted, then the trigger is launched, after the trigger job done, my program then return,
B: my porgram run the insert query, and wait, then the record is inserted, then my porgram returns, then the trigger is launched. Basically, my program does not have to wait the trigger job done.
Which way is right? or neither one is right.
The problem we are facing right now is, we need to run a pretty big stored procedure and it takes a long time. I am thinking about move some of them to a trigger job, so our porgram don't have to wait for everything done.
Any inputs are welcome. Thanks.

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Moved Aspnetdb To SQL Server - What Permissions Do I Need To Give The ASP IIS Service Account For That? (Getting: Cannot Open Database Aspnetdb Requested By The Login. The Login Failed.)

May 12, 2008

I am getting the error:
Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed.
When I browse to my ASP.NET 3.5 LINQ web application on the IIS 6.0 server on Server 2003.
I imagine this is because while I granted SQL Server 2005 login and permissions to my database that the application stores its data in, I did NOT grant any rights to the service account the IIS Application Pool uses for its identity to the aspnetdb database on SQL Server which is where all my roles information is stored at.
My question is what are the MINIMUM permissions needed for this database so it can perform its roles related functions?
I'm using Windows Authentications with the SQL Role provider for authorization.
Thank you.
EDIT: I think I only need to open the aspnetdb database and add my login to the aspnet_Roles_FullAccess role.  Is that correct?

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Deleted Ssis Package Is Being Launched By SSRS

Apr 25, 2008

SSRS report uses an SSIS package as input and is launching an old and deleted version of the package from the MSDB SQL Server store.

Rebooting the server makes the problem go away: correct package is found after the reboot.

1) Package is first deleted from SQL Server MSDB package store.
2) Report that uses this package is run and expected package not found error occurs.
3) Revised package is imported into the SQL Server MSDB package store.
4) Package is run directly from SQL Server Management Studio. Revised package runs.
5) Report that uses package is run and the old package that was deleted in step 1 above runs.

Is there some reporting service caching of SSIS packages going on here? Is there a way to get around this without having to reboot the server?

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Sql Server 7 And Web Hosting

Oct 29, 1999

How u can connect u sql database with web server ?


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Hosting A Dedicated SQL Server

Mar 14, 2007

I have a server that i would like to use as a dedicated DB Server. It is running Win Server 2k3 and SQL Server 2005. The typical upstream bandwidth is anywhere from 384Kb/s to 700Kb/s. Is this enough to host multiple SQL Server 2005 DB's?
 The DB's will be used for database driven websites.
 Please let me know what your thoughts are.

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Using Aspnet_regsql.exe To Syc To Hosting Sql Server

Aug 12, 2007

I have been reading on aspnet_regsql.exe tool and still haven't found my answer.  So here we go... I am using VWD Express and I have already made many pages in many dbs within the app folder.  My question is how do I use the  aspnet_regsql.exe tool to know what DB that I want the tool to know AND how do I put in the name of the DB on my sql hosting server?  For instance:Let say in my app folder I have a DB named testDB.mdf and my hosting sql server is named sqlHostingServer...  so if I use the command line entry in accordance with the documentation, it should look like this (in the dos prompt):aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S localhost -d testdb.mdf -A all -sqlexportonly c:output.sqlbut it seems that for the DB name I can put anything I want and still gives me output... wtfark... any help?  I don't work at Microsoft so please simple documentation or something like that.Thanks,MR 

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SQL Server Web Hosting Tool

Dec 15, 2003

Can anyone recommend a good tool for administering my database ? It is located on a hosting service, however, they donot allow the use of the SLQ server admin tool since there are security concerns..

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SQL Server Express Hosting

Dec 29, 2005

I am currently developing an asp.net 2.0 app which uses form authenication now implemented in a sql server express mdf database file. I wonder if there will be problems when I want to deploy this app on a hosted server from a hosting provider. I have the impression that hosting a SQLexpress user instance is currently not supported by hosting companies. Is this correct? Should I revert to an msaccess database instead (we don't want to pay extra for full blown sql server storage).

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How To Import SQL 2005 .BAK From One Hosting Package To A Different Hosting Package?

Nov 3, 2007

I have a SQL .bak generated by our existing hosting package at 1and1.com, I want to import that SQL .bak to our new hosting package at ixwebhosting.com.

ixwebhosting.com don't have a import feature in their control panel.

I have to maintain the SQL at ixwebhosting.com using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express since they don't have that feature in their cp. I don't see any import features in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express either.

How can I import it using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express or another free GUI program?

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Copy Data Rows From Hosting To Local Server

Mar 11, 2015

I'm a web developer who writes transact-SQL to make my web applications run properly. I'm not real strong in other areas of SQL. Let me explain our set-up and then I'll explain what I want to do:

We have an ecommerce web site and all sales are saved in a SQL Server 2008 R2 database at our hosting company. We also have a local Windows 2012 network that has SQL Server 2014 Express installed.

Here is what I want to do:

I want to copy sales rows from the SQL Server 2008 database at our hosting company and save them in the SQL Server 2014 Express database on our local Windows 2012 server. I'd like to automate this if possible so that it happens each night perhaps. I know there is a way to schedule SQL jobs but I've never actually done this. I also would need to know how to attach to our hosting company DB as well as our local network DB.

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Is My SQL Server DB Protected From Hosting People?

Mar 15, 2004

Hi Friends,

If I upload my Sql Server Database to a hosting company, can they see my tables?


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Using SQL Server 2005 In Hosting Company.

Apr 9, 2006

Can I use database that i develop in SQL Server 2005 in hosting company that has SQL server 2000 installed?

Thanks guys !!

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Copying Database To Hosting Server

May 20, 2003

I'm new to database development and have created a database-driven website which now needs to be uploaded to the client's hosting company server. What is the easiest way for a newbie to upload a copy of the databse to the host. Thanks in advance.

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Shared Hosting Sql Server Liscence

Feb 5, 2005

i am getting ready to build the back end for a client server application, using a shared sql server as a back end. microsoft's white pages don't mention shared hosting. i need to know if anyone else has had problems with lisencing in a shared hosting environment. my web host told me i don't need to liscence my users (who will have read write priveledges), but microsoft gave me the impression that i did. anyone know a clear answer?

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Pleeeease Need Help In SQL Server Database Hosting?

Apr 28, 2004

I am using a SQL Server 2000 Database for the purpose of development.

Now I want to host the SQL Server2000 database in the internet and I want to access it via the ASP.Net

1) Please, what is the best server that host SQL Server databases?
2) And Can I control the database remotely(such as execute srcipt to change table structure in the hosted database) as I did in Query Analyzer?
3) Is the administer of the hosting server able to change the strucure and contents of My Hosted DataBase?

Please send me an example if you have

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SQL Server 2005 Express Hosting

Jan 27, 2008

I have developed asp .net wbsite with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and Crystal reporting. I want to know that whether i can deploy my website with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? If yes, Please say SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is a local database version like MS Access or server database version. And also give me name of website or server name on which i can host my website.

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Jul 6, 2007

When I first sign up with Visual Web Developer, Do I continue to use this database ASPNETDB.MDF or do I need to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server Database? Does Visual Web Developer Express automaticaliyy connect to SQL Server Express Edition?

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Hosting SQL Server 2005 As A Runtime Host

Jul 31, 2006

I am trying to use the new Common Language Runtime (CLR) hosting feature to write stored procedures in C# i have addedMicrosfot.sqlserevr.server name spaceand ia m trying to use sqlContext Object as below
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dbConn))        {            connection.Open();            SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("select @@ version", connection);            SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(sqlcmd);        }
i get the below error when i execute (SqlContext.Pipe.ExecuteAndSend(sqlcmd);)
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code  Message="The requested operation requires a SqlClr context, which is only available when running in the Sql Server process."  Source="System.Data"
i checked if (SqlContext.IsAvailable) and it returns false as well.
Please le me know how to make it work.

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Backup Sql Server Database In Hosting Environment?

Aug 11, 2006

I am new to database.
I have a website in a hosting environment and it uses sql server 2005 databases. I want to have a complete backup of my database in addition to the hosting company's routine backup.  I want to write a program to automatically backup everything every night. And of couse have the ability to restored the whole database if necessary.
How should I do it? Are there any tools exist that I can use? What is the best way to deal with backup/restore in hosting environment?

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How To To Transfer SQL Server Express To Web Hosting Provider

Oct 13, 2006

Hello,FYI, I'm using Visual Studion 2005 with SQL server Ex Edition in my developer PC. So the problem now is how i can migrate the database into my web hostin provider??. The provider also use the same version of SQl server. What i noticed the expree editon dont have function to import or export.Anybody iin here know how to solve? Right now, i'm create the databse using my controll panel in my web hosting then i create tables usin management studio express, this way i must do twice works, 1st in my developer PC then into my web hosting..please anybody give a hand please

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Connecting To Hosting Database Server Problem

May 30, 2008

 hi all,my hosting company uses a different port for connect to their sql server.how do i register a server in sql server management studio  with a different port number?? 

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How To Upload Data From Loacal To Hosting Server

Nov 16, 2005

I have a database in my local system. here every thing is working fine. now i need to upload the database in the hosting server. i dont know how to upload the db. so i sent a msg to my hosting support center , they told "use microsoft enterprise manager software for upload". pls let me guide how to upload through enterprise manager. please.  i know the remote database username and password.

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