Accounts :: Relocating Users Folder?

Jan 30, 2016

Does the Users folder have to be relocated to an empty drive on an existing win 10 installation, or is any local drive ok?

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Similar Messages:

Accounts :: Users Folder Has Been Renamed Downloads?

Feb 23, 2016

I just recently installed my SSD and I was in the process of changing the location of my Downloads folder from my new SSD drive, to my 1TB HHD, so as to save space. I then changed my mind and wanted to keep the Downloads folder on the SSD drive, so I went to change it back by going into the "Location" tab under Properties and moving it back to the SSD drive.

Bad idea, because now my Users folder has been renamed Downloads and I can't change the name of the folder anymore. I've tried solution #147545 from the but that didn't work for me.

It's weird because when I look at the folder with a different User account logged in, it shows up like it should with my original user name. So it's only different when I'm logged in as the original user looking at the folder, because I see it as Downloads.

Now if I right-click and select properties, under the "Sharing" tab, it shows that it's perfectly fine and not named Downloads. Also under the "Security" tab, the Object name shows up perfectly fine as well and is not named Downloads.

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Keyboard On Other Users Accounts?

Jan 25, 2016

I cannot seem to change it for my other user accounts. Mine is fine but the others have @ symbol above the 2 whilst I need it near enter. The language settings are UK and override for windows display language says 'use language list'. I change it to UK and save but it never sticks. It's not really straightforward on Windows 10

View 4 Replies

Accounts :: Can Have Two Users With Same Microsoft Account

Jan 27, 2016

I like the security and convenience of having an account with administrative privileges, which I only use for installing and changing critical settings and an account which I use for all other purposes, which does not have administrative privileges.I would like to abandon Chrome, which allows me to synchronize my bookmarks and all other settings across all users in my Windows 10 boot and even in my logon to Windows 7 in the multi-boot of my desktop computer. Every single change I make in one Chrome browser instantly appears when I open the Chrome browser of any other logon. This is working perfectly across both of my Win 10 users and both of my Win 7 users of my multi-boot desktop.

I would like to be able to switch to MS Edge as my browser and have the same synchronization across both of my Windows 10 logons as I presently have with Chrome but this feature is not available in Edge unless both of my Windows 10 logons (that are on the same installation of Windows 10) are Microsoft User accounts. But Windows 10 won't allow me to have two logons with the same Microsoft account. It has only allowed me to have one of those accounts be a Microsoft account and the other a Local account.

Are any of the following (or anything else you know about) possible in order to get synchronization:Use the hidden administrator as my second account with administrative privileges and be able to synchronize it with my account without administrative privileges? (Is it automatically a MS account rather than a local one and is it automatically the same MS account as the MS user account I have created)?Open a second Microsoft Account with a different email address? If I do this and create a logon (a Win 10 Microsoft Account User) with that different email address, can I synchronize the two MS accounts so that changes I make in Edge (such as passwords and Favorites) in one logon will appear (be synchronized) in the Edge browser of the other (different Microsoft Account User) logon?Change some setting or Registry entry that I don't know about so that I can get synchronization without having to do either of the two above?

View 5 Replies

Accounts :: Multiple Users On Login Screen

Nov 6, 2015

I'd like to use Prey project on my notebook. I recently updated from windows 8 pro to windows 10. Prey software is effective only if thief can use my notebook.

I set up guest account without password but every time i start computer I have to enter username and password. the same situation was when i used win8. I tried this Sign in - Show All Users or Last User in Windows 8.

Also created aconther account with password- still i have to enter username.

How can i get windows to list users on startup? Or alternative to Prey project?

View 3 Replies

Accounts :: Granting Two Users Different Permissions To Different Folders?

Feb 10, 2016

I have a Windows 10 PC that acts as a file share. Within this file share there are several hundred folders. I'd like to know if there is an easy to grant two different users different permissions to these several hundred folders.

For example, I'd like like one users to be have full control to folders A, B, C and the other user to have full control to folder 1, 2, 3 - Neither of which should be able to see what access the other user has.

Is there an easy way to do that other than going to each folder and granting each user appropriate access?

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Accounts :: Change Default Location For New Users

Feb 10, 2016

In previous versions of Windows, a quick registry hack has let me create my main user (after the one in C:Users created when installing Windows) in E:Users rather than C:Users.

This is the method I've used before:

Use Regedit to navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList

and alter ProfilesDirectory, in my case to E:Users.

Does this works in W10, or will I be a path-finder?

View 5 Replies

Accounts :: Show Local Users And Groups

Sep 8, 2015

I want to get a list of Local Users and Groups as shown in the first screen shot (taken from the Web).

When I run Computer Management as administrator that information is not available under

Computer Management > System Tools (second screen shot - my computer)

View 9 Replies

List Of Users Accounts Not Provided During Startup?

Aug 15, 2015

I have 3 user accounts: AcctA, AcctB, and AcctC. All three accounts are currently set as Administrators and the accounts do not have passwords.

When a start the computer, power on, it bypasses the list of user accounts to choose from and automatically logs onto AcctA. How do I set the startup option to provide a list of the 3 user accounts to choose from.

IE: Windows 7 provided a list of the 3 users, and you could choose the user you wanted to sign on as. Windows 10 automatically chooses AcctA, and then allows you to switch to the other 2 accounts. 

View 3 Replies

Is It Possible To Move Users / App Folder

Aug 31, 2015

I have 2 partitions in my PC. One is an SSD one is an HDD.It seems that Windows 10 put my users folder by default  onto the SSD. I'd much rather it be on the HDD. Is it possible to move? My SSD isn't very large.Also, my user folder has a ridiculous name on it. It was cool when I was in high school when I first made my MSN account but it is a blight on my system. Can I change the name?

View 14 Replies

Customization :: All Users Taskbar Folder Location

Oct 16, 2015

How to set taskbar icons for all users in windows 10?

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Remove The TrustedInstaller Or Authenticated Users Or System Users

Jan 23, 2016

I have Windows 10 v1511 Enterprise 64 bit.

From the Command Prompt, run as administrator, how should I do to remove any TrustedInstaller or Authenticated Users or System users from the ACLs of an entire directory structure also contains files and links (this must not involve the ACLs of their destination)?

View 4 Replies

Customization :: Stop The Relocating Icons?

Nov 11, 2015

On my non-tile desktop, the icon keep relocating, Even a program called desktop-OK does not stop it.

The screen saver kicks in and upon awakening, they are all moved to the upper-left.

I have auto arrange turned off.

It seems like MS thinks no one has a larger screen than 1020 x 640.

View 1 Replies

Apps :: Windows Apps Greyed Out With Users Folder Relocated

Aug 17, 2015

During Windows 10 clean installation from bootable USB drive - using Users Folder - Move Location in Windows 10 - I've relocated Users folder into D: directory.

Operation went smooth but now I've encountered a problem mentioned in topic's title and presented on the screenshot: Start Menu

Basically, all Apps are not turning on for all current and future accounts. On the other hand, Search and Settings are working properly.

To get rid of the problem I've followed steps listed in this thread: [URL] ...but it didn't work out. Instead, PowerShell returned error HRESULT: 0x80073CF3 for all reinstallation attempts.

Following error applies for all Apps:

Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CF3, Pakiet nie przeszedł weryfikacji aktualizacji, zależności lub konfliktw.Windows cannot install package Microsoft.3DBuilder because this package depends on another package that could not be found. This package requires minimum version of framework Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 published by CN=Microsoft Corporation,

[Code] ....

As for relocationg Users folder back to default location - I don't want to do that because I want my system partition as clean as possible.
This is current situation, I've done nothing more to impede poor Windows' performance.

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Accounts :: Rename User Folder?

Jul 21, 2015

I guess since i installed windows 10 using my microsoft account, my user folder got named after my microsoft mail, or some part of it anyway. So am wondering if it's possible to rename the user folder somehow?

View 9 Replies

Accounts :: Giving Permission Rights In Windows App Folder

Feb 23, 2016

I have installed one app in Windows 10 through Win store, and I want to move one file to that app folder, but every time it is asking me, u need to perform this action - try again or cancel. I have permission to all the groups to move that file, check screenshot below...

But still I don't have access to move files over that app folder, I am tired now..

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Accounts :: Personal Preference - Rename User Folder?

Dec 22, 2015

It's not much of an issue just a personal preference, however how would I go about to changing my user folder name?

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Accounts :: SYSTEM Owns User Folder On Drive D

Dec 3, 2015

I recently installed Win10 on a C SSD and set a D hard drive for my data. I have assigned default save to be D. FYI, I do have a C:User[name]Documents, Pictures, etc. also.

However, I found that on my drive D, there is a D:[name]Documents, Pictures, etc. So I included the sub folders into the Library. However, the D:[user]Documents folder does exist but I cannot change the permissions at all (Read Only). It is owned by the System.

Don't I need to take ownership back to make use of it? But how? Or do I just leave it alone. Right now, all save documents are going to C:[user]Documents. Other D:[user] sub folders, i.e., Pictures and Videos, are writable.

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How To Switch Users

Jan 26, 2016

What is the easiest way to switch Microsoft accounts users in windows 10?

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Different Power Plan For Different Users?

Dec 6, 2015

My brother favors to choose Shut down when I close the Lid, whereas I prefer Sleep mode.If I change, it changes for my brother's account also.I do not want this.I suspect there might be something useful in Group policy>user configuration but I am not sure.

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Transfer Programs Between Users

Jan 27, 2016

I downloaded OBS on my pc and set up everything perfectly to stream and used it but I forgot my password to that account so I cannot access those settings. I had another acc on my pc and I want to get the same settings for OBS from that acc, I dont really care about any other files on there it was just random pngs for stream overlay and crap but I need those settings for OBS. How do I do this? I went to the c drive and users and picked the locked acc one but no applications are there???

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Access To Users / Documents Denied

Sep 13, 2015

Everything was working fine till now, then suddenly I get an error message that access to Users/jain/Documents is denied. I searched a bit online and I ended up unlinking my OneDrive account and enabling the hidden Administrator account to no vail. Its not just Documents folder but Pictures as well. The permissions for the jain folder are okay, I think. Its the permissions of the Documents folder thats messed up. I can do everything with the hidden account, everything is fine there.

View 7 Replies

Duplicate Users On Login Screen?

Oct 5, 2015

when i try to auto login it comes up invalid pass/user. all of a sudden a new user has appeared

manage accounts shows only 1 user

netplwiz shows only 1 user

Attachment 41142

all default accounts are disabled

Where has this new user come from and how do i get rid of it so i can have my auto login back

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Installation :: Update Keeping OS On C And Users On D

Nov 24, 2015

I'm back to running Windows 7 on my system. Along time ago, I moved the Windows 7 user profiles from c:/users/... to d:/users?... When I updated to Windows 10 (Get Windows 10), the update worked, but it created and used a new profile on the OS drive (c. Went back to Windows 7, and everything is fine. I need to know how to end up with a Windows 10 install that keeps and uses my existing user profiles. Perhaps it's a two step process... update from 7 to 10 and then reconnect or point to the old user profiles.

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Unknown Account In List Of Users

Aug 9, 2015

Only just recently downloaded win10 and everything is fine, however in going to edit the tag information for an audio track I noticed two additional "Groups or user names" in my list which weren't there when I was running win7.

The first one is " Account Unknwon (A-#-#-##-10#-10#-10#-4#)" where A represents a letter and # a number (and therefore 10# is 10 numbers, and so on) with the actual string omitted for security (just in case). This account has permissions limited to "Read & Execute" and "Read" (<- duh microsoft).

The second is WMPNetworkSvc, which after the slightest bit of googling told me is some kinda service for sharing media. The questions here are;

Did this service activate automatically with win10 upgrade (didnt exist for me before then), is it important?,

Can i delete it without effecting my "windows experience" considering I dont use any of the new features outside of the local machine (i.e. apps, etc) and if yes to 3, how?

These users only pop up in specific locations, for example, if i right click the desktop folder in "Quick Access" it only has the three standard users. In the same manner but for the music folder both of these new users show up. In the documents folder the anonymous user has permissions by not WMPNetworkSvc.

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If Upgrade Can Play With Users On Xbox One?

Jul 17, 2015

I am going to upgrade to windows 10 and I saw somewhere that if you're a gamer then you can play with people on Xbox. I play mostly GTA 5 on PC but all my friends play on Xbox one. If this is true then that would be awesome.

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