Accounts :: Removing Microsoft Account Login?

Sep 18, 2015

I'm running windows 10 pro free upgrade, I stupidly created a Microsoft account to install an app 'remote desktop' it changed my login to an email address, that messed up all my network logons, and I don't want an email logon, I hate it. I want a normal name login. I forever connect to remote servers and cant mess around trying to connect!

How can I remove the Microsoft account login, its taken over my prime login with all my applications, I cant seem to delete it, I deleted my Microsoft account and now cant change the password on it!

I don't mind hacking the registry. I just need it gone. otherwise its a start again windows 7 installation.

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Nov 25, 2015

I use "netplwiz" to set auto login feature. But i found that if i use local account, it works well, but if i use Microsoft account to log in windows 10, it will still ask me for passwords when waking up from sleeping mode or power on.

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Accounts :: Hide Microsoft Account And Login Details?

Feb 10, 2016

I have a spare laptop which I am giving to my son,I use my Microsoft Account to log in and want to know how to remove the log in details from the laptop.If it isn't possible to completely remove my Account is there a way to hide my Account and log in details.

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Can't Login To Microsoft Account

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Just got a new laptop, when it started it up it asked me to create a username and password so I did. I then went into settings and click on sign in to my Microsoft Account so I could access my sons games, etc.

It says it's unable to connect or some error, try again or cancel are my options. Weird part is it doesn't even allow me to enter anything in it just goes right to you can't login.

I'm doing a system reset, if I can't login this time what do I do? 

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Dec 1, 2015

Now I can't remove accounts or change one letter spelling error in calendar name. Will I be able to if I some how get out of the whole Microsoft account login in Win 10? Should I just try to add an additional calendar with the same name but correct spelling? I would like to be rid of the start up log in and the feeling of not being in control. I am in my seventies and usually OK with sorting out issues but dealing with all the new stuff at once is a bit much. 

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BSOD :: Cannot Login To Microsoft Account

Aug 11, 2015

I upgraded my win7 to win10 and after that i tried to start cortana. It asked to login to my Microsoft account, but i could not, because a small gray window popped up and after 5 seconds its gone ( I think it must be the "login panel" ). I tried to login different ways, at the account settings, at the xbox and also at the store but did always the same thing.

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Accounts :: Cannot Sign In With Microsoft Account

Dec 26, 2015

I recently was forced to create a new user account on my Windows 10 PC since old one got corrupted. This new one is a local account/administrator. When going to the account settings I then go to the "Sign in with a Microsoft account instead" option which works totally fine. I am asked to input the email of my Microsoft account and password. So far so good. After I do that I then encounter a screen that says "Sign in to this device using your Microsoft account". It asks me for my current Windows password one more time and says the next time I sign into windows I'll be using my Microsoft account password. So I then enter my windows password and here is where the lovely screw up happens that says "Oops, something went wrong. Whatever happened, it was probably our fault. Please try again."

I've tried countless times and attempted to skip this page by clicking next and nothing. I can't use my Microsoft account at all on this computer it seems anymore.

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Accounts :: Can Have Two Users With Same Microsoft Account

Jan 27, 2016

I like the security and convenience of having an account with administrative privileges, which I only use for installing and changing critical settings and an account which I use for all other purposes, which does not have administrative privileges.I would like to abandon Chrome, which allows me to synchronize my bookmarks and all other settings across all users in my Windows 10 boot and even in my logon to Windows 7 in the multi-boot of my desktop computer. Every single change I make in one Chrome browser instantly appears when I open the Chrome browser of any other logon. This is working perfectly across both of my Win 10 users and both of my Win 7 users of my multi-boot desktop.

I would like to be able to switch to MS Edge as my browser and have the same synchronization across both of my Windows 10 logons as I presently have with Chrome but this feature is not available in Edge unless both of my Windows 10 logons (that are on the same installation of Windows 10) are Microsoft User accounts. But Windows 10 won't allow me to have two logons with the same Microsoft account. It has only allowed me to have one of those accounts be a Microsoft account and the other a Local account.

Are any of the following (or anything else you know about) possible in order to get synchronization:Use the hidden administrator as my second account with administrative privileges and be able to synchronize it with my account without administrative privileges? (Is it automatically a MS account rather than a local one and is it automatically the same MS account as the MS user account I have created)?Open a second Microsoft Account with a different email address? If I do this and create a logon (a Win 10 Microsoft Account User) with that different email address, can I synchronize the two MS accounts so that changes I make in Edge (such as passwords and Favorites) in one logon will appear (be synchronized) in the Edge browser of the other (different Microsoft Account User) logon?Change some setting or Registry entry that I don't know about so that I can get synchronization without having to do either of the two above?

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Accounts :: Unable To Remove Microsoft Account

Feb 10, 2016

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Dec 12, 2015

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Unable To Login To Microsoft Account - Sign In Page Not Appearing?

Nov 13, 2015


Currently i am having this problem, unable to login to any MS app like store, people, outlook etc.

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Accounts :: Can't Login To MS Account Because Getting No Response After Clicking

Jul 29, 2015

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Accounts :: Can't Set Up PIN Login For (Family Member) Account

Dec 31, 2015

We got our daughter a new PC for xmas which is preloaded with Win10 Home x64.

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Rather than her having to login with her strong password which is quite difficult to remember for a 9yr old, I wanted to set up a 4 digit PIN login instead like I have set up on my Admin account.

I then logged in to her account to set up the PIN login which asks for my parental permission which requires me to login and allow the change.

I am then required to input my credit card details and address to verify I am an adult.

Now the problem is on the address part the screen the country is already set to the USA which requires a State and Zipcode whereas I live in the UK. There is no visible menu to change the country from the US to the UK. (see photo below)

Now my Admin account and my daughters account are both correctly set to the UK as their region with keyboard settings set to the UK also.

I can find no way possible to change the region as the USA locale is already set/grayed out with no menu to change it.

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Accounts :: Grey Box Disappears When Signing Into Microsoft Account

Aug 17, 2015

when I try to sign in to my microsoft account via the store, cortana or settings, a grey box appears then after a couple of seconds will disappear. This means I cannot sign into my account at all! I am running windows 10, on a HP laptop that used to run windows 7, also it is a 64 Bit.

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Accounts :: Local Account Converted To Microsoft - Any Way To Reverse?

Apr 14, 2016

My local admin account was converted into a Microsoft account , is there a way of reverse it ? Less than one month ago Windows 10 Pro was installed. Let me explain you that there was already a windows 8 installation with kernel corrupted , version 10 recovered all exactly as it was , all programs installed and my configurations.

Previously I had a administrator local account that remained the same after windows 10 installation. It happens that days after I logged in with my Hotmail account to the Microsoft Store to download a couple of items and unbeknownst to me my local admin account was transformed into a Microsoft account.

Now I no longer wish to be logged all the time with this Microsoft account, I even have another admin local account if I want to change but I would have a lot of work to make it look like as it was my original converted account.

In order to avoid such work I ask whether there is a way to convert (let's call this way) the Microsoft account back into my local account or is there a way of copying all the configurations to a new admin local account ?

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Accounts :: Hide Administrator Account In Login Screen?

Nov 8, 2015

Is there any way that I can hide the Administrator account during the login screen but at the same time access it whenever I need it.

Like if the user logs off, he should not see the Administrator account, only his standard account.

But I will also need to access the Administrator account from time to time so it should be accessible.

Things were much easier during XP where one just had to put in the Username to access their account.

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Accounts :: Linked PC To Outlook Account And Now Login Password Changed

Apr 14, 2016

New to PCs in general. Bit of back info - built a PC a month ago. Have had a few set backs with drivers and BIOS update, but it seems everything is stable for now.

I signed into my Xbox Live account about a week ago, which is linked to my hotmail/outlook account Ive had for ages. This automatically linked to my PC user account I have on this PC. I found out by rebooting, login screen shows my name as usual, but now underneath shows my email. It also changed my login password to my outlook password. Is this something to be concerned about? I can still login fine, but been nagging me because Ive never had a login password automatically switch on me before.

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Adding Gmail Accounts To Mail And Calendar App Will Interfere With Microsoft Account

Aug 24, 2015

I would like to add my gmail Account to the windows 10 mail and calendar app. But just wondering if it will interfere with my Microsoft email Account ? Like trying to buy stuff from the Store.

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Accounts :: Can Change Windows Login Password Without Changing Microsoft Password

Nov 12, 2015

Ok so i am furious with Micro$oft now! the other day i was FORCED to change my microsoft account after much nagging i did so and i dont like changing logins too much. (this was a week ago)

now for some random reason on earth without my permission my windows login also changed login passwords to the microsoft account. I DONT WANT THAT! that password is too long and complicated for someone who locks his computer every 5 minutes or so. why did this just kick in now? i changed M$ account pass over a week ago and today it decides to change windows login?! can i change JUST my local windows login separate from microsoft login?

if i try to change pass from settings it it goes online and says you cant use password that has been used before.

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Removing Login Screen?

Jan 16, 2016

How to remove a login screen in windows 10? 

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Removing Outlook Account From Windows

Jan 13, 2016

So i reset my PC and upgraded to Windows 10. I didn't have a password or any microsoft account link to the PC (besides login on websites.) I restarted my PC today and was prompt to type in a password. The username was my brothers email address. i couldn't log in any other way and there is only one account on the PC. He some how added his account to the PC after using the PC to control his Xbox ONE to watch netflix (he lost his controller) now i cant remove the account.

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Installation :: How Do Local And Microsoft Login Effect PCs Login From A Boot

Aug 15, 2015

At the moment I have a Local login and I am considering changing to a Microsoft login. If I do, does this mean that when my PC starts from a boot, that instead of the pin that I use to login to my account on the PC, I will be asked to login with both my Microsoft account username and password? If I make a mistake will I be locked out of my PC?

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Merging Local Account With Child Microsoft Account?

Oct 27, 2015

Now that there are no parental controls on local user accounts, I set up a Microsoft account for each of my children so that I can limit screen time and accessibility to websites. I am now trying to merge their old local accounts to the new Microsoft accounts. I can log in to their local accounts and I can log in to their new Microsoft accounts, however, I cannot sign in to the Microsoft account from their local account (I'm only assuming this is how to do it). I go to settings, accounts, Sign in with Microsoft Account instead, enter email and password, enter old password, click Next and get the message "Oops, something went wrong Whatever happened, it was probably our fault. Please try again."

My goal is to save everything they have on their local accounts (Minecraft files especially) and get it over to the Microsoft account so that I take advantage of the parental controls. So, deleting profiles is not an option, but if there is a way to get everything moved over, then I can delete the local account, but how to move everything over.

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