Antivirus :: Bitlocker - Encrypted USB No Access

Mar 5, 2016

I have a usb that has been encrypted using bitlocker, I can connect this usb to my desktop and I can input the password and access the usb. However on my laptop and other computers, when I plug in the usb I do not get the prompt to input my password and instead just says that the drive is inaccessible. Both my laptop and my desktop are windows 10 and I have admin rights on both machines. On both machines I have not used bitlocker, how I can access my usb on normal machines and how I can open my usb on my desktop but not my laptop?

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A friend of mine brought his computer to me to see if I am able to clear an encrypted mess done by a virus. Is it possible to recover that encrypted data? I know it may be almost impossible due to the lack of private key but I have an app called rannohdecrypter (made by Kaspersky Labs I think) that it's able to decrypt files provided you have got any file in both encrypted/unencrypted form. How to proceed?

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Antivirus :: Setting Up Bitlocker On A PC

Feb 10, 2016

So at my work and home I have been setting up Bitlocker. Today at work I was setting up Bitlocker on a PC and we could not get a password for a option to unlock the device. The only option we get is to either use a USB or a pin. As per the compliance officer we have to require an encryption passphrase upon boot and I am not big on pins. How do I get my passphrase ability back?

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Antivirus :: How Secure Is Bitlocker

Dec 16, 2015

I have read, on the Internet, that Bitlocker can be got into, without using the password, by 'experts using encryption breaking tools.

I use a 13 part password, incorporating upper case & lower case letters, numbers and special (punctuation?) symbols.

So, just how secure is Bitlocker?

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Antivirus :: Cannot Activate BitLocker Or TPM In Computer

Jan 25, 2016

I have tried everything I think, but obviously not.

Cannot open TPM, pop up tells me I do not Have at least 1.2. Cannot open Bit locker until I complete TPM wizard and assign myself as administrator??. then I can open Bit locker and proceed to encrypt my hard drive??

Is there a download for 1.2++ or is it a hardware addition..

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Antivirus :: How To Use Bitlocker On Only Non System Drive And Without TPM

Nov 11, 2015

I want to use Bitlocker on my Non System E Drive without TPM. I read somewhere to do the following for without TPM:

" Under Local Computer Policy navigate to Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Bit Locker Drive Encryption Operating System Drives and double click on Require additional authentication at startup." and so on.

but I am confused because the above note is mentioning "Operating System Drives " wherein I want to turn on Bitlocker on Non System Drive.

Can we turn bitlocker "on" on Non System Drives without turning it "on" on System Drives and Can we turn it "on" on a Single Folder instead of Drive.

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Antivirus :: BitLocker Encryption Process VERY Slow?

Jan 3, 2016

I just installed Win10 Pro and I love it. When I enabled BitLocker, I selected to encrypt the Entire drive instead of the Used Space because I just feel I am safer with encrypting the entire drive. And my drive is not new. It had Win7 running before.

So I did a clean install of Win10 pro with BitLocker enabled to set to encrypt the ENTIRE drive. The encryption process took 7 hours to complete on a 300GB internal disk drive

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Why is entire disk encryption takes this long on Win10?

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Antivirus :: Bitlocker With TPM And Offline Password Editor

Jan 23, 2016

If I enable Bitlocker with TPM (i.e. no passcode required on boot-up), and I have the Local Administrator account enabled on the machine (with my normal user account as a standard account), would it be possible for someone with a Hirens Boot CD blank/reset the Local Administrator account password and then gain access to the PC/Laptop using a tool such as this: Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor

Should I be enabling the PIN/Password protection on BitLocker, or does BitLocker prevent these sorts of tools from being used?

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Antivirus :: Have Bitlocker Prompt For Password On Non-System Drive

Nov 30, 2015

I am running Windows 10 Pro. I am using BitLocker on a non-system drive and not on my system drive. I am not planning on using it on my system drive. I do not have a TPM compatible computer.

Once I log into Windows, I would like to be prompted for the password to unlock my data drive. I did have this running correctly before I started having problems with my computer and had to do a clean install of Windows 10. I have searched for hours but can't find the article that walked me through how to do this.

I found a ton of articles that don't fit my situation because I don't want to auto-unlock, use a USB key or encrypt my system drive.

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Antivirus :: Installed Bitlocker Does Not Ask For Password On Computer Startup

Nov 16, 2015

My query is regarding a brand new i7 sixth generation computer with Windows 10 Professional, including all the Windows upgrades, and a new Samsung SSD hard-drive.

The reason I bought Windows 10 Professional was for the full hard-drive encryption provided by Bitlocker in case my computer gets lost or stolen, as has happened to me previously. However, I have an ongoing problem with it and can't find a solution anywhere. I have tried to telephone Microsoft's telephone support several times but it has been beyond a joke with their outsource staff in far-flung countries with poor English claiming Windows 10 Professional does not have the option of Bitlocker or any form of encryption to all kinds of other absurdities.

Whenever I start my computer it does not ask me to enter a Bitlocker username or password (I am asked for the Windows password, but, as everyone knows, those are not totally secure and do no protect hard-drive data access). Also, in the Bitlocker section in Control Panel, I am not giving the option to edit a Bitlocker password, even though that option exists in all the other screenshots I have seen on the web.

How can I set my computer up to present me with a Bitlocker password on boot-up?

My system does say my hard-drive is encrypted, but how can I certain of that if there is not even password protection?

Here is what I see in my Windows Control Panel > Bitlocker section:

I note the warning message about rights being restricted to the system adminstrator, but I am the system adminstrator and have double-checked that.

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Antivirus :: Bitlocker Inputs Multiple Characters In The Password Field

Oct 14, 2015

I have been using BitLocker for a long time now and in conjunction with Windows 10 for 3 months and today something weird happened. When I tried to insert my password at boot, when I pressed the Shift key in combination with any other key, it inserted tens of characters at once. Valid with any character I press while Shift is also pressed. I tried a different keyboard, same result. I removed Bitlocker and reinstalled it, same result. Reboots, etc. I tried it all.

Now the only way to input the password is to press Insert so I can see the characters, press CapsLock for the capital letters and delete all the additional 30+ characters that appear when shift is pressed.

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Oct 8, 2015

I have a client that has a Microsoft Surface Pro. It has a BSOD error code 0xc0000001. I have tried many ways to repair but I am unable to since Bitlocker has locked the hard drive. The client swears they never activated it and does not know the code to unlock. They did not have a microsoft account so I cant go that route. How to unlock hard drive without the bitlocker code?

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Security :: Bitlocker - Does Not Reset And Recovery Key Not Available

Oct 31, 2015

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BitLocker After Enabling Boot To Startup Settings

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Oct 24, 2015

Current Windows 10 (build 10240): I'm trying to turn on Bitlocker on my system drive, an SSD. During Bitlocker's preparation, shrinking the volume, I get error 0x80042574, and Bitlocker enabling will not proceed. The SSD reports 46.5 GB free out of 238 GB, and scanning it reports no errors.

(This is a UEFI system, and the system SSD has a 100 MB EFI system partition.) 

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BSOD :: BitLocker Kmode Exception Not Handled

Oct 29, 2015

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Bitlocker External Drives Locked By Windows?

Nov 17, 2015

This morning I tried to login to my windows machine, windows 10 pro, intel i5 3.30ghz, 12gb RAM, 2TB HD. and kept telling me password was incorrect. I then removed windows password thru other admin user, and now all external hd's except for c: drive all lecked by bitlocker. Never installed or activated it.

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How To Remove Bitlocker Encryption For Interrupted Decryption Process

Oct 28, 2015

Yesterday I was decrypting my USb drive which have Bit-locker encryption and at 10% decryption I got some error(Error not at decryption process, error at windows) and decryption just stopped responding.

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Why Can't Install Any Antivirus

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