Apps :: No Windows App Is Running

Jan 27, 2016

None of my windows apps is running if i run xbox or groove music or something it says it has been blocked by the administrator. please contact your admin for more info. How is it possible i am the only admin!!! also in start menu where we click on our name to sign our do something else, there it shows another account named as Administrator. I never created that account!!

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Apps :: Calendar / Mail And Other Apps Not Running After It Upgrade?

Jul 31, 2015

I installed windows 10 upgrading from Win 8.1 Pro. and some built in apps will not run. The apps won't run are:


The icons for these are greyed out. When I click on them, I see a window open and instantly close. I can sometimes get a message that says "application cannot load because it is still updating"

I have MS Office 2013 installed and Outlook works.

How can I fix this? I cannot find how to complete the "still updating".

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Windows Driver Foundation Using 50% Of CPU When Windows Media Player Running

Feb 26, 2016

I just noticed in the Task Manager a while ago that "Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Host Process" under "Background Processes" was running at about 50% of CPU constantly. I did some research and found out that this only seems to happen when Windows Media Player is running. It seems to happen even when Windows Media Player is not doing anything, when it's not even scanning for new media. When I close Windows Media Player, the "Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Host Process" CPU usage drops immediately to 0%.

Dell Inspiron 580
Intel Core i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz, 8.0GB RAM
Windows 10 Home 64-bit

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Low Memory / No Other Apps Are Running

Feb 21, 2016

I've got 8GB RAM and while I was playing XCOM 2 with no other apps running (except for what's running near the clock, AV, Firewall, Steam, etc) and awhile playing windows gave me an error stating that Windows is Low on Memory and it shut down XCOM 2.

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Apps :: EXE In Startup Folder Not Running

Oct 29, 2015

I wrote a program that runs on windows 10 just fine from a shortcut on the desktop. I copied the shortcut to the startup folder for my account and did all the compatibility changes so it would run. It worked fine after a few test startups but now all the sudden it no longer works.

Not sure if MS installed any updates between it working and not working, all I know is it ain't working now. It shows up in task manager but really isn't running.

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Apps :: UTorrent - Running Out Of Memory

Aug 18, 2015

I'm using a validated copy of Windows 10 and I was using uTorrent today and suddenly I got a message that it ran out of memory. I've used uTorrent with Windows 10 quite a few times with no problem whatsoever. I tried deleting the torrent and then I tried another one. It was a little large at 3.5gb, so I tried another file around that same range, and it did the same thing. I've tried rebooting, I've tried changing the virtual memory and I get the same thing.

When you open up Task Manager, it shows the memory slowly shoot up to about 1.5GB and it just stops responding and then shuts down. I have 16GB of RAM, but I don't understand why all of sudden, it started shutting down.

As of right now, it seems to be OK, but I d/led uTorrent Portable and I still don't know if it's going to work, because before that I tried d/ling Bittorrent and it did the same thing. Bittorrent looks exactly like uTorrent, I think uTorrent owns Bittorrent or vice versa.

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Apps :: Blocks Program From Running

Aug 9, 2015

I just upgraded my 62 bit PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Unfortunately, Windows 10 now blocks todoUS backup "for my protection". It says "not trusted" and "incompatible". I've tried everything to override this, including importing the certificate, changing permissions, moving the program to my user account, etc without any success.

Also, how do I stop Windows 10 from asking me for my hotmail password in order to log on, each time I turn on the computer?

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Apps :: Running Old XP Program In Compatibility Mode?

Aug 7, 2015

I have an old XP program, xReminder Pro, that I have been using for many years. I am currently running it in Compatibility Mode on Windows 7 and it runs fine. On my Windows 10 test machine, this program will install and run from a "manual" start in Compatibility Mode (Windows XP SP3); but will not auto-start with Windows. I have tried the normal start with the program preferences, adding it to the Startup, and running a bat file right after boot up. None of these work. I have set the program to "Run as Administrator".

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Windows Installer Running In Background

Sep 17, 2015

When trying to install a few apps on my PC, every one of them told me that there was "Another installation in progress."

After trying to install Windows Installer again from an elevated command prompt from dllcache, installers still tell me that there is "Another installation in progress."

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Apps :: Running Powershell For Setting Default Programs?

Feb 10, 2016

In the past I have had to go around to each computer and set the default programs. Is there a way to create a batch file to set default programs silently for each user that signs on? Like we would like to have Adobe Reader DC, Internet Explorer, and VLC player be the default programs.

View 2 Replies

Running Program Windows Not Showing Up On Desktop

Aug 22, 2015

I just installed windows 10 on my laptop

ASUS ROG G751JM Laptop
NVIDIA GeForce GTX860M with 2GB
1TB HDD 7200 RPM With 256 GB SSD
1.5TB HDD 5400 With 128 GB SSD
1TB HDD 5400 With 8 GB SSD
Intel Core I7 HQ-4710 2.5 G
Memory 8G

When I start some programs the program will start up normal, It shows up as running in the task bar I can even alt-tab and see the running program but I cant see the program on my desktop in order to interact with it. I have tried cascading all my windows it still will not show up. Ive tried right clicking the program on the task bar and selecting "move" that does not work. This only started when I installed windows 10. Some of the programs that wont show up are.

Control Panel (occasionally happens but can get it back by restarting computer)

View 4 Replies

Installation :: No Applications Running After Upgrade From Windows 7

Aug 5, 2015

I just upgraded my Windows 7 installation to Windows 10 using the Windows free upgrade. The upgrade completed successfully and I am able to boot into Windows 10.

I am not able to open any applications pinned to the taskbar. Even the windows menu is not launching! Hence I am stuck with only limited set of applications which have shortcuts on the desktop.

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Disabled Windows Search Service - Cortana Still Running

Aug 1, 2015

So I've gotten fed up enough with the terrible windows search system.

I went into services.msc and disabled the windows search service; then restarted my computer.

However, "Cortana" is still listed in my task manager taking up 50mb of memory.

How do I kill Cortana?

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Installation :: Trying To Restore Windows On Computer (Currently Running Ubuntu)

Dec 21, 2015

Background: I was dual-booting Widnows 8.1 (came pre-installed on ACER laptop I recently purchased) and Ubuntu. This worked fine until I decided to take the free upgrade to windows 10 being offered. During the upgrade process, it deleted a partition for Ubuntu and ended up killing both OS. I was stuck with BIOS and how to restore my computer, particularly with both OS being able to co-exist peacefully.

I only needed to access Ubuntu for work purposes and my boss gave me a copy of both windows 8.1 and windows 10 (stand alone clean install). I did successfully install windows 10 but was not able to dual-boot to Ubuntu. Because I needed to prioritize work, I scrapped windows 10 and currently only run Ubuntu.

Good news, I quit my job and no longer need or want Ubuntu! I simply want to go back to the way things were meant to be and have my functioning windows 10- no dual booting. My questions are these: How do I restore my system to its original condition (with windows 8.1, if it still exists somewhere in my motherboard that is)? Considering that I am currently running Ubuntu, what do I have to do to make this successful (with the intention of getting rid of Uubuntu all together)? If I am unable to restore my system, then I will fall back to installing windows 10 (or 8.1 if that fails) clean; how do I extract my product license key from my system? It is not written down anywhere and windows will prompt me for it if I install from a CD.

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Internet Explorer Not Running - Windows Updates Will Not Apply

Oct 14, 2015

I had changed the system variables in order to change the default install drive. My C drive is an SSD and I didn't want Adobe hashing up my SSD if it wasn't necessary. Everything seemed to be working well, but windows update will not apply updates and internet explorer (and some other) software will not run. Possibly due to the system variables, but I am unsure what to change or if that is even at fault.

 Screenshot - 10_14_2015 , 3_51_38 PM.png   37.55KB

Here are my environment variables

 Screenshot - 10_14_2015 , 3_52_35 PM.png   27.61KB

Here are my registry settings for the program files folder. I changed it from C to E.

 Screenshot - 10_14_2015 , 3_53_14 PM.png   378.3KB

I need to be able to update, and IE has to be used occasionally. (I exclusively use chrome so I hadn't really noticed that IE wasn't working.)

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Lost Start Screen / Menu After Running Windows Updates

Mar 25, 2015

Installed the 10041 iso, ran windows updates and now I have lost my start screen/menu.

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Computer Running Extremely Slow After Windows Defender Download?

Dec 30, 2015

Windows 10 Home (1511)
I've had Windows for a few months now and never really had an issue until the past few days. Overall CPU performance/speed is way down. Firefox freezes then recoops every 2-3 minutes, adobe plugin constantly crashing, even to do things offline is crazy slow.
I downloaded Windows Defender probably a week or 2 ago and that is the only big change that I know of done on this computer. I used to run Malewarebytes, SuperAnti-Spyware and Advanced Windows SystemCare. But was told that Advanced Windows SystemCare was the devil and to try TFC (temp file cleaner) & MyDefrag instead. So now i'm running;
Windows Defender
MalewareBytes (free)
Is this combination making my computer un usable? Or something else?

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Syncing With Mobile Phone Running Windows Mobile 8 Or 8.1

Sep 10, 2015

Would I be able to do this with windows 10 0n my laptop or would I have to await mobile 10? 

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Apps :: Removing Windows Apps Sometimes Leaves Orphan Icons In Start Menu

Nov 30, 2015

I removed the Windows Apps (3D Builder, Groovy etc.) using PowerShell and Remove-AppxPackage / Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage on our Windows 10 machines (64bit, some Home, some Pro) at home.

This worked satisfying enough, but for some (very few) local users the start menu entries for those apps are not removed. I refer to "All Apps" (the A-Z list of all apps).

Situation is like this: application is removed (checked with Get-Appxpackage in Powershell)start menu still refers to the Windows Apps with the text entry; it does not show the icon, but a coloured rectangle (sized like an icon)application cannot be started through this icon (as it is uninstalled)

(Screenshot shows the Maps (german: Karten) and Contacts (german: Kontakte) "icons")

I checked the usual places:

C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuC:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms

But of course there are no links to those Windows Apps.

How to remove these orphan "icons" from the start menu (A-Z list)? What makes Windows show those entries in the start menu's A-Z list?

View 7 Replies

Apps :: Default Video And Photo Applications Keep Changing To Windows Apps

Feb 2, 2016

My problem is that I set Media Player Classic for MP4, MPG, AVI, MKV and other formats and Windows Photo Viewer for JPG, PNG etc. The next day for some unknown reason I see these associated with Windows Video and Photo app instead! I right-slick on a MP4 files, select Open with->Choose Default app and set Windows Media Player Classic again for the millionth time. The next day I see the MP4 files associated with build-in Windows Video app!

I usually leave my computer running with the monitor switched off when in work (so I can access it via TeamViewer), rarely restart, if that matters. For other details see my specs.

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Apps :: Cannot Install Or Update Apps Windows Store - Error 80073DOA

Sep 12, 2015

I cannot install anything from Windows Store. It will down load normally & then fail with error 80073DOA. Updates to Apps also fail to install with the same error. I have run wreset ( several times) but still no joy. Date & Time Zone are correct.

Windows Firewall must be enabled to allow the Store to Update & Install!

Found this by accident. I was running the Firewall that came with Norton Security. Why this is a requirement I don't know. Disabling the Norton Firewall was easy but there was no option to turn the windows Firewall back on as Norton had taken over so I went into Services & did it from there. All working fine now ))

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Apps :: File Associations Revert To Windows Default Apps On Every Boot?

Jan 10, 2016

Every time I reboot, the file associations for images (jpg/png), media (mp3/wav/mp4/mkv) revert back to the default Microsoft apps. I prefer to use VLC for videos, Winamp for audio and Irfanview for images, and it's getting really annoying having to set all my file associations every time I boot up. This never happened on Win7 or 8.

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Apps :: Windows Apps Greyed Out With Users Folder Relocated

Aug 17, 2015

During Windows 10 clean installation from bootable USB drive - using Users Folder - Move Location in Windows 10 - I've relocated Users folder into D: directory.

Operation went smooth but now I've encountered a problem mentioned in topic's title and presented on the screenshot: Start Menu

Basically, all Apps are not turning on for all current and future accounts. On the other hand, Search and Settings are working properly.

To get rid of the problem I've followed steps listed in this thread: [URL] ...but it didn't work out. Instead, PowerShell returned error HRESULT: 0x80073CF3 for all reinstallation attempts.

Following error applies for all Apps:

Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CF3, Pakiet nie przeszedł weryfikacji aktualizacji, zależności lub konfliktw.Windows cannot install package Microsoft.3DBuilder because this package depends on another package that could not be found. This package requires minimum version of framework Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 published by CN=Microsoft Corporation,

[Code] ....

As for relocationg Users folder back to default location - I don't want to do that because I want my system partition as clean as possible.
This is current situation, I've done nothing more to impede poor Windows' performance.

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Apps :: Stop Automatic Download Of Windows Apps From Store

Aug 28, 2015

Is there any way, so that I can stop automatic download of Windows apps from the Store. Since "New apps will save to" button is greyed out and I don't want space to filled with apps or can it be turned to manual check.

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Installation :: Sysprep / Default Apps And Windows Apps Crash?

Aug 18, 2015

I'm installing Windows 10 on new computer for my organization . I try to configure one with fresh install (package of apps like Libreoffice, VLC, etc. for users) and custom desktop describes in this tutorial:

Default User Profile - Customize in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums It works fine, in audit mode I install apps, drivers, custom desktop and configure default apps like google chrome for internet browser, adobe reader for pdf files etc. then I run the command line to enter oobe mode generalize. Everything is ok, I continue my install. Then I create new user local account. And when windows starts, I have my custom desktop but default apps are removed (Microsoft Edge replace Chrome, Pdf files are read with Edge, etc.) and Apps Windows like "Weather" or "Actualities" crash .

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Apps :: How To Restrict Windows Search Only To Desktop Apps And Settings

Aug 22, 2015

How to setup windows search to not search my personal folders but only desktop apps and settings...

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