Browser/Email :: Browsers Not Working Properly

Oct 30, 2015

I upgraded a month or so ago and all was fine but the last few weeks most web sites fail. I know my network is ok as other computers are ok and from the problem host oing and ssh work just fine (ip address and hostname). Google seems to work ok, most of the time, but most sites from google time out. The same if I type the site in by hand. I have tried Chrome and Edge, I was unable to download firefox, the web site timed out. I have AVG antivirus suite installed, I have tried to disable all its componets to no avail.

I have a local web server XAMP running and I cannot reach it locally, but from another host on my net it works ok.

I am using WiFi, but so are all my hosts.

I tried wireshark but it was inconclusive, I never did see any traffic. Coming or going, but I know coming works as the server was working, so I must have been on wrong interface (I had clicked on wifi). Netstat was also inconclusive, I could see the connection to google and the web server but not the timed out connections. I'm at a loss as to what to try next?

I tried connecting with netcat but it timed out just like the browsers.

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Browser/Email :: All Browsers Crashing

Oct 7, 2015

Ever since updating to Windows 10 every browser I use crashed. I have been trying Internet Explorer, Edge, and Chrome and have the same issue in all of them. Chrome is a little more stable then the other two. Example when opening up Internet Explorer my homepage is set to MSN and as soon as the content begins to load it stops responding and I must force quit.

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Browser/Email :: Browsers Are Hidden - Won't Open Normally

Dec 16, 2015

I'm not sure if this is even a Windows 10 problem. I've had this issue for a while, and I used to have to restart (or wait) to get it to resolve.

When I try to open either IE or Chrome, the icons appear at the bottom of the screen and if I left-click it a small browser window is visible right above the icon, but it won't open normally. In the past I tried various combinations of the arrow keys and cntrl,alt, the windows button, etc. and once or twice I got it up there.

The problem used to happen after I already had a browser open and then wasn't active for a while. Now, like I said, it's there from the get-go.

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Browser/Email :: All Browsers Work Intermittently

Nov 10, 2015

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Browser/Email :: IE Doesn't Work All Other Browsers Do

Oct 14, 2015

I have a client that brought me his "self upgraded" computer.

Symptom: IE doesn't work, can't download chrome.

I start off by resetting IE settings to defaults which typically solves a lot of IE problems. Didn't here. I then uninstalled IE through the add/remove components in 10, didn't work. I did notice with IE uninstalled that magically Edge allowed me to download chrome, which I couldn't when IE was installed, even through Edge. Chrome seems to use some app downloader which must use "IE settings" and since IE was installed it wouldn't download.

So I downloaded chrome when IE was uninstalled and Chrome now works fine even after reinstalling IE. There is no proxy, no host file changes, no nothing. IE simply says it can't open any and all pages I go to. Edge pops right up! Network troubleshooter finds nothing wrong, no static IPs or other info is supplied. I'm baffled.

IE still does not work. All other browsers do. I ran several batch files I keep on a thumb drive to reset winsock and other things that I've used in extreme cases. I have scanned the PC with several tools and removed a few common small pup style things. Nothing fancy.

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Browser/Email :: Browsers Hang / Freeze And Crash

Oct 12, 2015

I am using a Dell XPS-17 L702X laptop with 8GB of DDR3 RAM and two internal drives, 500GB each. I have 408 GB of free space on the OS drive, which is Drive C. I am running a clean installation of Windows 10 Pro x64. I've been searching for solutions for days and I've already read the posts on this forum that concern my problem. I have yet to find a solution. This problem occurs with my Pale Moon and Edge browsers, which are both up to date, and my research indicates that the Chrome browser also experiences my problem for some users. I use Pale Moon at all times simply because I've found it to be the best browser available. I tried the Edge browser simply to see if the same browser hang problem occurred while using it, and it does.

I didn't have this problem when I did an upgrade from Windows 7 Ultimate x64 to Windows 10 Pro x64. My browsers worked perfectly. This problem only occurred after I did a reformat of the Hard Drive and did a clean installation of Windows Pro x64. The browser hangs every minute or less and the hangs several time a minute for about three to five seconds and then everything returns to normal . It freezes occasionally. It crashes but not often. It took me a very long time to compose this post due to all the hangs. Whenever the browsers hang the cooling fan sometimes increases and sometimes it does not. Although I cannot see the words I type while the browser hangs I can continue to type and the words will show once the hanging stops. I don't get black screens and I've never had to reboot. I simply have to wait.

Device Manager shows two display adapters, the top listing being Intel HD Graphics 3000 and the bottom listing shows NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M. Both adapters show that drivers are installed and list the version number. I've tried updating them in Device Manager and both show as having the latest drivers. I installed and ran the Intel Driver Utility and it shows "No Intel drivers discovered" on my system for the Intel adapter. NVIDIA states that my GeForce GT 555M adapter is not supported on Windows 10 and that they have no intention of providing a driver for my adapter for Windows 10. I cannot install an older NVIDIA driver and even if I could I would not be able to run it in compatibility mode as others have tried and it's not possible.

I checked Dell's website for updated display adapter drivers but Dell states that they do not and will not support Windows 10. Don't ask me why because I don't know although it aggravates me immensely. My laptop certainly has the hardware to support Windows 10. I think that's a poor attitude for Dell to have. I currently have three Dell laptops and three Dell desktops. Dell will get no more business from me, although the company could probably care less. The Dell BIOS is version A19, which is the latest version for my laptop.

the Chrome version of flash, virtual memory size, hardware acceleration, third party software, etc, etc, etc. Acronis is not installed because I had problems with every retail version of Acronis I own and therefore refuse to use it again. I am not running a second monitor. I don't use Chrome. My virtual memory has been set to 4000/8000 MB. I have disabled hardware acceleration in Adobe Flash. There is plenty of storage space in Adobe Flash. I have completely uninstalled Adobe Flash with the Flash Uninstall Utility, rebooted and the problem remains without Adobe Flash being installed. After reinstalling Adobe Flash the problem remains. The problem is not associated with my Microsoft mouse or the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center. The mouse cursor will move during the times the browser hangs. I am not using any browser extensions. Using Clean Boot to diagnose the problem provided no relief. Doing a "Windows Repair" showed nothing to repair. sfc /scannow shows no problems with the file system. Kaspersky Internet Security is not causing the problem.

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Browser/Email :: Random Sites And Pages Won't Load (on All Browsers)

Nov 14, 2015

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Reading around I see this issue cropping up back as far as windows 7 but no definitive cause, although potential DNS issues are mentioned.

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Browser/Email :: Mail App Not Displaying Messages Properly

Aug 10, 2015

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Ex. 1 : (personal info has been 'oranged' out). n entire third of the screen is being used by a single line of text (also some words at the bottom of the email) that should really just be directly beneath the 'YouTube' logo banner.

This problem is exacerbated when the app is made smaller with window mode. Is this just normal for the Mail app, or is there a way to make emails and images display 'correctly'?

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Jan 28, 2016

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Aug 18, 2015

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Jan 30, 2016

This problem has frustrated me to no end. For some reason, flash videos on websites like Gamespot, IGN and Gametrailers will not work with the Edge browser. All I get is a black screen with sound, or most of the time without any sound at all.

Here are some of the things I've tried already:

1) Updating video card drivers. I'm running the latest NVidia drivers, version 361.75

2) Used sfc /scannow and DISM commands. sfc /scannow finds the driver opencl.dll as corrupt, but that's a well known bug. I still can't view any videos regardless of whether I'm using the Microsoft or NVidia version of that .dll.

3) Reinstall the Edge browser using this video

4) Checked whether Adobe Flash player was turned on in Edge about a million times

5) Uninstalled all Windows 10 updates (including flash related ones) and then reinstalled them.

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Mar 5, 2016

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Dec 16, 2015

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Browser/Email :: Website To Get Into Isn't Working

Dec 5, 2015

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Browser/Email :: Internet Explorer Working

Dec 17, 2015

I managed to see my friends Windows 10, Home edition, manage to get another problem now.

I did try to change the default browser i.e. change Windows Edge to Internet explorer.

However when I clicked on change browser, internet explorer was chosen, nothing seem to have changed, all I seen was edge browser.

There was no IE11 in the open All Apps.

When I went to Microsoft webpage to download internet explorer 11 a message said I have the latest Internet explorer installed.... still cant get internet explorer to become default web browser.

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Browser/Email :: Mail App Only Working Occasionally?

Jan 3, 2016

My Windows 10 seems to be fine, except for the mail app inbox and notifications.

I have checked all the settings, but they must be correct anyway, because occasionally, an email arrives correctly in the inbox and I get a notification correctly. Then the next few just don't arrive, but interestingly, when I click on "All mail" they are all there.

I have removed my (GMail) account and then reinstated it, but that made no difference.

I have tried to uninstall the app using Powershell, but it asked me for "parameters" and I didn't know what to do at that point.

how to make the inbox and related notifications work correctly?

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Browser/Email :: Links Not Working Anymore

Oct 2, 2015

I have recently upgrade to windows 10 and the mailto: links dont work anymore. Running outlook 2013. When I go to a webpage with a clickable email it no longer opens outlook new message. I tried to check the default programs, made sure that outlook is the default for mailto:. This feature worked fine with my windows 8.1

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Browser/Email :: Edge Has Stopped Working

Oct 9, 2015

Edge has stopped working after update

Security Update for Internet Explorer Flash Player for Windows 10 Insider Preview September Update for x64-based Systems (KB3087040

Security Update for Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4.0 (KB2993928)

Also had a NVIDIA driver update for NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M

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Browser/Email :: MS Edge Not Working After Update

Nov 30, 2015

MS Edge (used rarely!!) has stopped working since the November update has been installed. Oddly it works if I point it directly to a proxy (we use a bluecoat appliance at work) but if I don't, the packets don't even hit our site FWs. If I stop the windows FW service then it works perfectly and the packets(requests) are sent directly to our site FWs as expected and I can see it all on the FW tracker.IE and chrome are not effected and work fine either way.

We're not deploying windows 10 right now so it's not causing a major problem, what could be the issue. Obviously leaving the windows FW service stopped and disabled is not favourable for when clients are not on the LAN.

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Jan 5, 2016

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Nov 21, 2015

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Browser/Email :: Facebook Video Not Working - Only Get Sound

Sep 13, 2015

Having problems with facebook videos ? I get sound but not the picture, YouTube video's work fine

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Browser/Email :: Mail Notifications Not Working For Gmail

Jul 30, 2015

Gmail is my main email and I have it set up in the Mail app. It's configured to use Notifications but I'm not getting anything when email arrives. Does notifications only work with Outlook accounts?

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