Calendar Is Not Opening

Dec 29, 2015

When I click on the Calendar app there's a brief flicker then nothing I cannot open it 

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PC Freezing After Opening Calendar Or Mail App

Oct 16, 2015

I don't know why it's happening but I think it's related with "Microsoft Outlook Comunications" using a lot of RAM.

I couldn't take a printscreen because my system froze after that.

Secondary question: My Calendar app shows Outlook's birthdays even without checking the checkbox?

I have Outlook but I'm using the Mail since it shows at the Start button. Should I uninstall Mail and use Outlook instead?

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Apps :: Mail And Calendar App Crashes On Opening

Aug 14, 2015

After last update, my win10 will not open my mail & calendar app. Whenever I open the app, it starts up, loads the mail, and then shuts down again.

I am getting this from my event viewer:

Faulting application name: HxMail.exe, version: 16.0.6106.4200, time stamp: 0x55c35c2b
Faulting module name: wlibim.dll, version: 16.0.6106.4200, time stamp: 0x55c35d0c
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000300440
Faulting process id: 0xfb0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d0d69e5daf48da

[Code] ....

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Why Mail And Calendar Apps Not Working Or Not Opening

Aug 9, 2015

I have upgraded to Windows 10 and the "Mail" and "Calendar" app don't work as every time I click or try to open it, it just doesn't respond, nothing comes up, is there any kind of settings I am missing in here?

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Why Mail And Calendar No Longer Opening Even In Admin Account

Aug 9, 2015

Updated a family PC to Windows 10 a few days ago, all went smoothly. Mail and Calendar apps opened, worked and details were put in.

A day later, these two apps - and only these two - will not open. Whether this is clicking the tile, or the name in the apps list, or even getting Cortana to try and launch them, they will not start up. Windows 10 will not allow for uninstalling them. This only happens on one account of the several on that PC - it happens to be the administrator account.

I have another PC that went through the upgrade at the same time, no issues. Under Settings, the working Mail/Calendar app is displayed on that computer as 760 MB. On the 'troublesome' computer, the app is only 450 KB in size (I cannot remember the exact number, I'm not using it right now). I am aware there was a recent update and wondering if this is to blame for not fully replacing the old version or something.

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Apps :: Import Outlook Calendar From Cloud To The Mail And Calendar App?

Sep 3, 2015

Import Outlook Calendar from cloud to the Mail and Calendar App?

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How To Sync Calendar App To Google Calendar Across Android Device

Mar 7, 2016

I have used my laptop to type in the calendar event but I want to sync with my Google Calendar across my Android device using my Google account. How Can I do it?

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Taskbar Calendar Off

Aug 17, 2015

The new task bar calendar is off by one day. At the top of the calendar, where the time is shown, the date (day month, day and year) are correct. But the calendar below showing all the days of the month is off by one day. For example, it says today is Tuesday, August 17, 2015 rather than Monday...etc.

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How To Create A New Calendar

Jan 5, 2016

I want to set up another calendar. I have a Microsoft account. Can I have multiple calendars on a single machine? When I read the instructions they say to click her or there but the options are not available.

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Why Can't Get Calendar To Open

Aug 7, 2015

I have 2 computers; e.g. one laptop and one desktop both at Windows 10. Same Microsoft ID, etc. Yesterday, Calendar worked fine. Today, the Mail Icon comes up and just sits there. Can't get any prompts, menus, data, nothing. Desktop works find. People works on both machines. Store on laptop showed Calendar pending. I was able to clear that and now shows installed. But still won't load. Tried the PowerShell fix to no avail. Stopped Windows UPdate service, renamed WindowsSoftwareDistribution folder. Restarted Windows Update service. Still no go!

Understand you can't uninstall/re-install Calendar, People, Mail etc. The working Calendar is pulling from my Google ID, but can't find that Calendar on line.

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Cannot Set Default Calendar App

Aug 4, 2015

So I upgraded my SP3 last night to Win10, I found that if I go to settings, system, and then default apps there is not a Default Calendar App listed even though I have Outlook 2013 and the Windows Calendar App installed. If I try to select one I get "your search for windows.appointmentsprovider.addappointment had no results" ...

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Apps :: Calendar Has Been Corrupted

Dec 3, 2015

Following the November update (not necessarily caused by it) my Desktop calendar has become drastically corrupted. Among the symptoms are: it closes frequently, it will not let me edit or delete entries, it has replicated past entries in large numbers which I am not able to delete, most options / settings are unavailable ------ in short it is a useless mess.

I wanted to uninstall and re-install, something which often sorts a failing app out ---- but uninstall is not available. Except that it can be done (I have read) via CCleaner. Unfortunately, (a) it is displayed as Mail and Calendar, and I do not want to uninstall Mail (b) I do not know if I am able to uninstall Calendar, will I be able to re-install it?

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Apps :: How To Backup Calendar App

Jan 7, 2016

How do I backup Windows 10 calendar app?

Can I import Outlook 2016 Calendar appointments and events?

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Apps :: Calendar And Mail App

Oct 27, 2015

I'm currently trying to set the mail app of W10 to read my Gmail mailbox but after configure, the app doesn't find any elements to show... How to configure a Gmail account into the mail app of W10 successfully ? Is there something special to do ?

And the second W10 app that doesn't work for me is the calendar one. I can't click on the "New event" button and the only thing i can do is navigate through the weeks/months.

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Apps :: Calendar - How To Add Event

Aug 18, 2015

I open calendar and click on the "+ New Event" button on the top left and... nothing happens. In fact, I can't do anything other than move the view around. What on earth am I doing wrong?

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Windows Mail And Calendar App Will Not Run

Jan 1, 2016

There are two users on my PC and for some strange reason the Mail App has stopped running for one user. It works perfectly for me but not for the other user. It was previously running fine for both. I can't uninstall the app (the uninstall option is greyed out).

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Mail And Calendar App Won't Launch

Aug 11, 2015

I have a weird issue. My mail and calendar app will not launch.

This started happening on Friday 7 August 2015 after the first cumulative update. I am on Windows 10 Home 64 bit. I have a Sony Vaio laptop and my installation is an upgrade from Windows 7 Home.

Out of all my apps it's only these 2. I click on the icon and nothing happens. It won't load and then fail, it just doesn't do anything. Another weird behavior I am noticing is that when I right click the icon for Mail or Calendar (it happens on both) the option to "pin to taskbar" has gone. Pin to start is there. This is the only app this happens on.

The other thing which is happening if in the Event Viewer under "Applications and Services Log/Microsoft/Windows/Apps/Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational" where app launching is logged.....instead of it saying:

The app microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!microsoft.windowslive.mail was activated for the Windows.Launch contract successfully.

View 11 Replies

Calendar And People Not Working?

Sep 12, 2015

I cannot get People or Calendar to work in Windows 10. Worked fine in Windows 8.1.

Get the message that my Browser needs to be updated, click on the message and it tells me my Browser (IE10) is the latest version.

Am using IE instead of Edge due to many Malware instances using Edge... they are not there in IE10. 

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Calendar Entries Don't Show Up

Nov 24, 2015

I have a weird problem related to the calender. I upgraded my Lumia 1520 to W10M and made entrys in the calendar. They are made into my Outlook calendar.

Still after 24 hours, the entrys wont appear in the Windows 10 desktop calendar. I also checked in Outlook 2016. No entrys. First I thought the Windows 10 Mobile didn't sync but than I was checking online under and everything is there. I compared with other entrys, but can't find a different or wrong option.

When I made calendar entrys with Windows Phone 8.1 everything displayed fine and synced. Now why other devices don't like my W10M entrys except the browser version. What can I do?

Forget to check the calendar in Outlook 2016. It's also there, but still not in the app. I like to use the app, because of live tile.

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Why Can't Open Mail And Calendar

Aug 23, 2015

when I click on the icon for email or my calendar, nothing happens

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Calendar - Country Holidays One Day Off

Jan 29, 2016

This relates to the calendar and the Win 10/Win phone 10 calendar apps.

I am in New Zealand and have the NZ holidays calendar dates pulled in.

- Web site calendar is fine
- My win 8.1 laptop calendar app is fine
- My Surface Pro 3 with win 10 has all the holidays one day early
- My Lumia 950 has all the holidays one day early as well

This is true of the gmail holidays also as I have a Gmail and hotmail acct synced.

All my machines are set to NZ region and have TZ set auto, so this looks like out and out bug with calendar apps.

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Any Way To Change Calendar App Colors

Jul 30, 2015

Is there a way to change the calendar colors in the app? It seems to have made my default calendar show up as blue. On the website it's pink, so that didn't work for me. I see where I can change to bright or light colors, but not where to change the color completely.

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Google Calendar As The Background

Sep 17, 2015

I want to have my Google calendar as the background on Windows 10.

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Apps :: Mail And Calendar Update

Feb 10, 2016

Manually checked store tonight and saw mail and calendar update waiting. In typical MS style it downloaded but did nothing on first attempt, I closed store, re opened and tried it again whereupon it completed. Normally this messes the app up for the other user accounts of the PC but on this occasion the app was still working fine for all users despite this. Still unimpressed with MS native app updates.

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Taskbar And Calendar Options Not Saving?

Aug 8, 2015

I have turned off 'Input indicator' under 'Turn system icons on or off', I have also adjusted my 'Date and time settings' to show Monday as the first day of the week.

All works well until I reboot, after reboot, all goes back to default, my settings have not been saved?

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Apps :: Calendar Shows Weather

Sep 7, 2015

On the Calendar app it has started to finally show the weather, just like the one in outlook(dot)com now. I don't know if this is new and mine has just kicked in, but the setting for it has been in the apps options for sometime but no temps or suns & clouds showed....

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