Customization :: Background Screen NOT From Sub Folders

Sep 25, 2015

I've noticed that while with Vista you could choose as a background screen the folder Pictures and the slideshow would includes all the sub folders as well, now you can choose only a specific folder ( if you choose Pictures and it contains only sub folders the screen get stuck with the last picture displayed ).

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Similar Messages:

Customization :: Windows Background Picture Selection Thinks Some Folders Are Empty

Jul 29, 2015

how to change the desktop background (which is curiously located in a completely different menu outside of the control panel!) and tried to choose a local folder with pictures in it, Windows somehow thinks the folder is empty.

Now, when I go to that folder in Explorer, it's full of pictures. They are all jpgs and are the same pictures that populate my synced theme, just more of them than are allowed to fit in a synced theme. I can't understand why this folder is coming up empty when choosing a slideshow when it has tons of pictures.

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Customization :: Logon Screen Background Customization

Aug 8, 2015

I was just wondering if there was a way to customize the background of the screen where you are prompted to enter the background

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Customization :: Change Login Screen Background?

Aug 7, 2015

Is there an easy way to change the Login screen background?

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Customization :: Remove Or Change Logon Screen Background?

Aug 21, 2015

I would assume people may want to tinker with their logon screen background picture. (an example of this screen, to clarify, is below)

This is the picture that is behind the logon screen, which is by default the Windows 10 hero wallpaper. If you would like to change this image to your accent color, here's how

WARNING: To do this option, you will have to mess with registry settings. As you may know, registry settings influence the way Windows works on your machine. Therefore, if you do something incorrectly, you may have to reinstall Windows. Proceed with caution.

The first step is to open Run (+R) and type regedit

Once Registry Editor opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem. There, make a new DWORD value called DisableLogonBackgroundImage and set the value to 1 to change it to your accent color. If you ever wish to revert this change, setting it to 0 will revert it back to the 'Hero' image.

Restart and your logon screen background will now be your accent color that you have selected. If it changes, the color of your logon screen will change as well.

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Customization :: Lock Screen Background Doesn't Show Up

Jul 30, 2015

Just installed Windows 10 on my primary laptop and the lock screen is a solid blue (if I change my theme color, the lock screen changes too). However, I have Windows Spotlight turned on. I've tried setting a static picture or slideshow as the background. I also confirmed that the files needed for Windows Spotlight are indeed downloaded onto my computer. It just refuses to change.It's worth noting that on my secondary computer with Windows Insider builds, I have, and have been having, the same problem.

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Customization :: Adding Lock Screen Background Picture

Jul 30, 2015

Having difficulty adding a picture / wallpaper to the lock screen. I have just set up windows 10 screen saver and I see you can change the lock screen back ground picture.

I have tried adding either one of the windows wallpapers or one of my own pictures but I can't find any option to save the image. on closing the window & returning to the lock screen the picture does not appear to save and returns to the standard blue background with date and time.

I can't find any option to save the image as a lock screen wallpaper.

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Customization :: How To Change The Login Screen Background Image

Nov 22, 2015

I was wondering where the login screen background image is stored? I'm trying to change it to a different image

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Customization :: Unable To Set Lock Screen Background Image

Jul 30, 2015

I am currently unable to set a lock screen background image (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit). When on the Lock Screen customization window, it is pretty bare with no images to choose from. Browsing and choosing any image results in nothing happening and it does not add it (refer to LockScreen image attached). If I try to set it when viewing any image it has the error "Can't set as lock screen. Make sure the file isn't damaged and try again." (refer to PhotoSet image attached). Also note that the Slideshow option is not in the dropdown either.

Some background on this is probably needed, so here's what has happened/been done:

In Windows 8.1 I customized the default lock screen to a custom image using the guide at [URL] (the manual method/Option 2). Yesterday I upgraded to Windows 10 and it set the lock screen to a basic color. Then the fun started...

1. Lock Screen customization appeared normal/functional. Tried choosing a different image or custom image. It would appear set, but lock screen would not change (even after reboot).

2. Tried troubleshooting by taking the same actions as in Windows 8.1. Did the same actions for the new folders that Windows 10 uses in the %ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsSystemData folder (deleted the images within the lettered folder(s)).

3. Checked every Registry Key I found mention of when searching online (none needing to be changed).

4. I renamed the SystemData folder as a website recommended. Windows did make a new, fresh copy. However this is what kicked it over to the state I am in now. Restoring the old folder did no good.

5. Before coming here I did one last thing. I ran sfc /scannow. It claimed the img100 was corrupt and replaced it, but nothing changed.

What I can do to restore the functionality of the Lock Screen customization without reinstalling Windows? Note that I am not trying to change the logon screen background...even though I would love to do that too. Other than this issue everything is running great/perfect.

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Customization :: Change Background Of Start / Shut Down Screen

Aug 18, 2015

I don't like the default one-color background when startingshutting down WIndows. I don't mean logon screen nor the lock screen. I mean this:

Is there any way to replace this one-color background with any wallpaper? 

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Customization :: Unable To Change Lock Screen Background Mode

Jan 28, 2016

I am pretty good with computer but I have ran in to a problem I just can't fix. The operating system will not let me change the lock screen background mode from Windows Spotlight to something else. I have searched for an hour without any luck. My laptop has had a history of breaking down. The first time was hard drive failure and I have lost all my data. The second time I needed to repair was when the computer got so slow it was unusable and eventually got blue screens at boot And I needed to reinstall the operating system. When I try to go to edit the setting it is grayed out and on the top it says Some settings are managed by your organization" I am not apart of any organization and I am the only user on the computer with Administrator privileges.

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Customization :: Moving Files Into Folders Puts Them Under Recent Folders

Nov 20, 2015

I have the option "Show recently opened items in Jump Lists on Start or the taskbar" off.

However since the last update whenever I either copy or move a file into any folder windows puts that folder under the Recent group in the taskbar.

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Customization :: How To Add Folder Background

Aug 7, 2015

I recently upgraded my windows 7 ultimate copy to Win 10 pro (64 bit) and with the upgrade i lost the most beloved tweak that i was using earlier in Win 7. And that is the ability to have custom backgrounds on folders instead of plain white ones.

The Ave Folder actually works but only when the properties boxwindows is opens up for any folder. The properties box has the custom new tab called "folder background" and i think this is why it activates the feature for a brief time until i decide to close the box. Closing the properties windowox then disables it and i then lose my folder background.

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Customization :: Two PCs Showing Same Background

Aug 4, 2015

I have recently upgraded to Windows 10 on my main work PC and for the desktop background I have a slideshow and I have the taskbar showing. I have an HTPC in the lounge which is running on Windows 8.1 (not upgrading due to losing WMC ) and for this PC I have a single background for the desktop and the taskbar set to auto-hide.

When I change the settings on one PC it automatically changes the settings on the other PC - the background changes and the taskbar changes to/from auto-hide etc... Not sure if anything else is changing as well!

The two PC's are not in a homegroup and are not on a network - they're connected to the same router (BT Home Hub), but don't show up in each others network within Windows.

As I've been writing, the only thing that comes to mind that is "connecting" the two PC's is the fact that I am logged in to each PC using the same Microsoft account. However, the pictures I am using on each computer are not on my OneDrive, so how is it changing things and more importantly how can I stop it from happening, short of signing in with different accounts - which I wouldn't have thought I would have to do?

View 5 Replies

Customization :: Can't Add Personal Photo As Background

Jan 2, 2016

When I try to use Picture option to select an image of my own for a Background nothing happens when I click on the Browse button. The Browse button works if I select Slideshow, but not for Picture.

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Customization :: No Desktop Background After Boot Up

Aug 7, 2015

Today when i booted up i noticed ive no desktop background, i can cycle through backgrounds and i can see borders changing color but my desktop stays black, ran sfc /scannow which it found/fixed errors but nothing to do with my issue, rebooted, ran ccleaner, still broken....

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Customization :: Where Are Background Pictures Located

Aug 18, 2015

I went to settings / personalization / background and browsed to change my background picture to one that I had on my hard drive.

I was not satisfied so I went back to settings / personalization / background. The original picture that I wanted, was no longer there.

The original 5 have been depleted by my 2 poor choices. Where are the original background pictures located so that I can restore my background?

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Customization :: Could Not Change Desktop Background

Aug 6, 2015

I am using Win X Pro. I just noticed that I could not change the desktop background. It says "Some settings are managed by your organisation". I am the only one using this PC and there is no other account. I can change the colours, lock screen and themes.

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Customization :: Cannot Change Background Image

Aug 18, 2015

Cannot change background image on Windows 10, and not because I don't know how. It simply is not working!

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Customization :: Desktop Background Not Working

Aug 7, 2015

I've gone into the personalizaion menu and clicked the background tab, selected slideshow, selected my folder, chose how often i want the pictures to change and chose my fit and no picture pops up in the background. I've restarted my laptop and still nothing seems to work.

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Customization :: Slideshow Background Images

Aug 23, 2015

I upgraded to 10 from 8.1. In 8.1 I had a slide show desktop background. That carried forward into 10 ( I still have the slideshow background). However, I cannot find where the images are located on the computer. Would like to modify but need to know where they are.

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Customization :: Can't Change Background / Wallpaper

Aug 4, 2015

When I go to Settings -> Personalisation -> Background and try to change my wallpaper to one of my own pictures nothing happens. When I choose one of the Windows pictures (that one of the guy running along the beach with those big rocks in the background for example) again, nothing happens. The only thing I can do is change it to another solid colour.

Bizarrely, on my wife's account (we're both Administrators) she can change the wallpaper to whatever she wants.

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Customization :: Background Picture Went Away - Won't Come Back

Aug 18, 2015

I have come to the conclusion W10 is about a year away from a solid product. I think we are all part of Gamma Testing. Here is one of several problems that should not be occurring.

I set the background picture to the beach scene. It stayed there for about 3 hours. Then the background went to a solid black. If I go back to Background Preview the proper picture is previewed. I can change the solid color to any color by switching to Solid Color and choosing any of the color picks, but no matter how many times I try, reboot, cuss at the screen, I cannot get the background picture to display properly. I can always set the background choice to it, and it shows in the preview, but not as the actual background.

The picture choice also shows in Themes when I look there. Everyplace but where I want it. On my screen as a background.

Doing some searching, it appears this problem dates back to W8.

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Customization :: Change Background Folder?

Jan 14, 2016

I would like to change my background folder

On W7 it was possible with W7FBC

On W8 with start 8

On W10 i found start 10 but we can't change that


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Customization :: 2 Monitors Only One Background Picture?

Apr 30, 2015

With the latest build 10074 there doesn't appear to be a way to use two different background pictures on two monitors. This feature has been available since Windows 7, perhaps earlier. I have provided that information to Microsoft.

Using a horizontal inversion on one picture makes a nice desktop background.

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Customization :: Can't Change Desktop Background

Oct 29, 2015

This is complicated.

My colleague has pranked me at work, by somehow fixing my desktop background so that I can't change it.

I'm running W10 32bit home edition.

I've tried gpedit.msc - not available on home version.

I've managed to change it to a solid colour, but i can't change the picture.

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