Improve Memory Usage

Aug 30, 2015

I was wondering if there is a list for Windows 10 of services that are not needed for a normal user (internet, word, video games). 

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Performance :: High Memory Usage / Memory Leak Caused By Intel Driver

Jan 2, 2016

I'm running a 64 bit Windows 10 laptop. On idle, the System process is showing a high memory usage of more than 150 MB, usually more than 200 MB. Using poolmon the pooltag SpDN showed up with a memory leak. It leads to the Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver, iaStorV.sys. How should I go about fixing the problem?

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97% Memory Usage

Sep 5, 2015

i have recently installed win10 and after a few days i have noticed that it uses all my memory(8gb) in the following scenario:

i let the computer overnight watching a stream and an online radio station.the next morning i have noticed that the computer was a little bit laggy, ind i opened task manager where it showed 97% memory usage.The funny fact is if i added up alll the provcesses memory usage und it was about 1.2 gb ram

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i7 - 4770k proc
gtx 970 video
8 gb hyperX red memory 

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Constant 98% Memory Usage

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Runtime Broker Using High Memory And CPU Usage

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after upgrading to windows 10 my laptop fan always working fast when i checked this issue, i see runtime broker in task manager with high resourse usage when i click on end task, everything be normal... but runtime broker run itselft immediately ...i googled this issue but i couldn't find a useful solution.

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Performance :: High Memory And CPU Usage After Using Computer For A Bit

Feb 10, 2016

After installing Windows 10, I have consistently been getting high memory and cpu usage by both the System and Service Host: Local System processes. Usually the usage keeps rising from 1GB to sometimes 8GB. I left my comp on while I was at the gym today and came home to it prompting me with a low memory available message. This must have shut down some processes because now my pc is running at 13% memory and 2% cpu. I have searched for this issue and found similar threads, but none of the solution work for me.

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Performance :: Disk And Memory Usage Spikes

Dec 3, 2015

I've had this problem where my disk usage would spike to 100% before going back down to like 2%. I looked at countless forum posts and different sites and I found something which was a temporary fix, which was turning off tips about windows...

That worked for a while, and it just makes the intervals in-between the spikes longer, and now my memory has started to spike pretty high to about 99%, and wont come back down. When it does this I have to do a hard shut down as my pc just slows to unusable...

I also tried disabling ndu.sys in the registry, which didn't work either.

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98 - 99% Memory Usage - System Is Running To A Halt

Aug 18, 2015

I'm having trouble lately since I upgraded to W10. Even if I close Chrome it's still at 95% afterwards. My system is running to a halt.

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Very High Physical Memory Usage With Nothing Open

Apr 12, 2016

msconfig - disable all 3rd party software startups

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Disk Space And Memory Usage Very High

Aug 12, 2015

I recently bought a new laptop which had Windows 8.1. After a week of having it I noticed my Disk Space near 100%. I heard this was a common problem so installed CCleaner and did disk space cleaner however none of it worked.

I then upgraded to Windows 10 as a friend said this solved the problem for him, however, since doing so either the disk space, Memory or CPU are high either one at a time or all together, regardless of what I am doing on the laptop.

The first week of having the laptop I don't believe this was a problem so I think it's something to do with an update as all games ran smoothly.

When I run a game or bring up firefox near the top is always 'system (ntoskrnl)' or a few 'service host (svchost)'. I dont believe its the games I play or firefox as like I said it was fine for the first week. It seems windows are running stuff behind the scenes.

I have done a few things that I have found on the internet but none have worked like; disable prefact and superfetch or whatever they are called. Still seeing increase in memory or disk usage whenever i load something and system or serice host are there at the top of performance or the game seems to use alot - however again the game never did this in the first week.

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Performance :: High CPU Usage - System And Compressed Memory

Feb 23, 2016

For a while I 'm having problems with locking while I surf the internet after five minutes browsing the facebook the browser begins to catch and is impossible to do anything , I noticed that this occurs when the system and compressed memory reaches 15% use the CPU when closing facebook use immediately falls to less than 1 % and the browser back to normal. I never had it before and started to happen with these recent updates.


View 6 Replies

Performance :: Memory Usage 99% During Idle And Continues After Reboot

Feb 10, 2016

A while ago, after upgrading to Win10, my memory usage jumped to 99% percent while watching a movie via VLC player. I couldn't find anything in the task manager that seemed to use up all 16 gb of my memory, the new layout of task manager confused me a bit, so I simply rebooted. Fixed the problem.

Today The same thing happened to me again, except this time the memory usage continues AFTER a reboot, and then another reboot. My desktop computer seems completely possessed by whatever is using up my memory. I consider myself to be a very advanced user, although not a professional, but I can't figure out how to nail down this culprit via the task manager. Nothing seems to be using up a lot of memory, the total of all the apps isn't close enough, yet it does identify my memory usage at 99%. There were no unusual apps running in the background, just VLC running an HD 1080p movie, which I have done many times on that computer.

I can imagine this will happen again if I don't find the issue. Where to start troubleshooting to find a memory hog that only happens once in a great while? Does it have anything to do with windows updating itself secretly and automatically now?

View 4 Replies

Performance :: High Memory Usage When Downloading And Browsing The Internet?

Jan 9, 2016

When I am downloading something with utorrent the memory usage in task manager slowly creeps to 100% and makes my computer unusable and even if I shut down utorrent the memory usage does not change and I have to restart my PC. Same goes for browsing facebook or any other sites. Is there a solution to this? I really don't want to reinstall my system.

View 9 Replies

Performance :: Task Manager Not Showing Complete Memory Usage?

Feb 10, 2016

I have 4GB of DDR3 ram on my laptop. When I go into the task manager to check how much ram is being used, it says only 795MB and yet it also says that 94% is being used.

This is always the case, of course with varying numbers. The memory usage shown does not coordinate with the percentage, but the computer performance certainly correlates with the percentage.

When I check in cpu-z, it does confirm that the 4GB are all installed. What is going on here?

Updated with pics:

I missed the performance tab which does indeed show all of the correct total amount of ram being used. Now how do I find all of the individual processes and services using those resources?

View 9 Replies

High Memory Usage And Task Manager Fails To Display The Cause

Aug 5, 2015

Task manager says my PC uses 95-100% of its memory, with the process using the most called "system" at only 200MB out of 8GB, if I set it to display how much it's using in percentages, it says 40-60%.

I'm running Windows 10 Home 64bit, on a 4770k with an MSI MPower Max Z87 Board and 8GB out of a 16GB kit of Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz CL10 RAM (I need to RMA the other 8GB, it's broken), CPU overclocked to 4.0GHz, no memory overclock.

I'm wondering whether it's a software or hardware problem, and if it's the former, how can I fix it?

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Service Host Local System High Memory Usage

Sep 7, 2015

Here is my PC configuration :

Recently I am getting notification that my memory is low, close some application to free the memory. But I wasn't running any high memory consuming programs. Then I looked into my Task manager and got this :

I am really not sure why this is taking so much memory. This Service Host: Local System continuously taking more and more memory and it moves total memory upto 80% ....

This didn't happen before I am recently facing this problem. How I can stop this so that it doesn't take this unusual memory. I checked windows update but no update is pending.

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Improve Screen Size?

Nov 9, 2015

I have just update a dell tablet to win 10. I would like to increase the screen viewing area and have auto hidden the task bar.

My question is about the 2 top bars, ( not sure of the correct names ). Can either of these bars be hidden/removed/disabled and so increase the screen size.

I know how to go full screen when I reach my target page, its just in the general viewing scenario that I wish a larger viewing size.

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Realtek PCIE Memory Card Reader Causes 80% / CPU In System And Compressed Memory

Apr 4, 2016

I have an HP DV4 Laptop(i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD) that came with Windows 7, I recently updated to Win10. Everything seems fine except of the high CPU usage in System and Compressed memory. I narrowed it down to the Realtek Memory Card reader. I should also mention that right after the Win10 update two Realtek Memory Card Reader entries were in Device Manager with yellow exclamation icons. 
I deleted them and had Windows install the drivers from Windows updates, after that everything LOOKS fine. And there's only one entry now.After a while I noticed the fan making a lot of noise, wasn't like that in Win7.Anyway, after hours of troubleshooting I eventually came back to the Realtek reader, sure enough after disabling it CPU went to normal.I have also downloaded the newest driver from realtek site.

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RAM Usage 40% Page File Usage 99%?

Nov 30, 2015

Isn't the page file supposed to fill up when your system starts running out of RAM? I know there's some preemptive paging, but I'm at 99% even though my RAM usage is 40% (of 8GBs). How come?

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Using 98% To 100% Of Memory

Nov 6, 2015

I upgraded to Windows 10 about a month ago, aside from the learning a new system issues I haven't had many problems. I first noticed issues with accessing my secondary drive (URL...), then the programs started hanging up. Within the last week or so my computer's memory usage has been been at 98% and up. So much so that just switching from one program to another takes several seconds and opening a new program almost shuts down my computer.

Processor: Intel Core i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00 GHz 3.00 GHz
RAM: 8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable).
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor 

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Low Memory Warning - PC With 4GB RAM

Nov 11, 2015

I have 4GB of ram in my PC. I keep getting warning message stating I am running low on memory. What hogs I may be running that is eating up memory?.

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High Memory Use

Mar 2, 2016

I have windows 10 64 bit, edition Windows 10 Pro, Version 1511, OS Build 10586.104
Processor : i5-4690k
Ram (installed) : 16gb
Video card : gtx 970 with 4gb vram. 
Computer is slow at times lately. Memory Usage in task manager is constantly high when this occurs. Not many Operations are open and running.  I am having fps drops while gaming as well that is annoying. Attached image of processes and percent of usage across cpu,memory, disk, and network currently ... 
9:45 pm - Just tried to shutdown windows via task bar and windows cycle through shutting down, blink black scree, pc stayed on, windows popped back up.  Hard shutup via pc case i/o button and windows still tried to cycle through shuttind down, blinking black screen, pc on still, and windows flicked back on and then shutoff completely.

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Not Enough Memory To Upgrade?

Aug 14, 2015

Just bought an HP stream, it doesn't have enough memory for me to upgrade to windows 10.

I ordered a micro sd card online, should be here in two days. My two questions are:

Can you install windows 10 on a micro sd card? And if you can, how would I uninstall windows 8.1, and install the windows 10 onto the laptops hard drive?

Update: I know this sounds stupid but, I downloaded classic shell. I HATE windows 8 and thought the only solution was to upgrade to windows 10, but the shell seems to suffice. Thread closed.

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HDD To SSD And Memory Change

Oct 23, 2015

I have an old VAIO Laptop-VPCEC4S0E, and I really wanna boost it. So it came with window 7 and I updated to window 10 on my hdd. Now the things I wanna do are as follows. The laptop is very slow, and there is nothing at all on it that i need. I need to destroy whatever is on it, and get it back to factory settings. Will that return it to window 7? I dnt know. On the other hand, I want to remove my hdd and replace it with an ssd.

Plus i wanna remove my old memories and put newer ones (6gb into 8gb).Should I start with restoring to factory settings (again not sure if it will be back to win7), then install window 10 on hdd, then clone it to the ssd, then swap the hdd with the ssd? is that the right order of doing these things. And I will fit the memory change with the hdd-ssd swap.In I wanna make my old laptop like a new purchased laptop with an SSD, new memory and a Window 10 on it.

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Performance :: Non-Existent Memory Being Used

Nov 18, 2015

Okay, Well windows 10 is giving me crap. I have two memory slots, 1 is being used. It tells me that i'm using, like 2.0 GB out of 1.6GB. What? I disabled page-file for much faster speed, and it worked. But i'm not even using 1GB in memory, even when i plus all the memory used together.

Btw i cannot turn page file back on, lags WAY to much. And this is a new hard drive.

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Performance :: Low Memory Notification

Mar 5, 2016

I have a gaming computer and I can't even play games on it now. I updated to the most recent build of Windows 10, and started getting this issue. You can see my specs on my profile.

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