Store Apps To Be Installed To Removable Media Possible?

Apr 8, 2015

I have an original Dell Venue 8 pro on Win 8.1. The device performs nicely but is crippled by only 32 GB of storage even though it has an SD card slot. For some reason, in the upgrade from Win 8.0 to 8.1, Microsoft disabled the ability to install Windows Store apps to the SD card. Currently, they can only be installed to the C: drive, which is almost entirely full. I've already removed the recovery partition and have designated One Drive files online-only.

I run disk cleanup constantly- Windows 8.1 is just too bloated. Whether Windows 10 will re-enable the ability to install store apps to removable media? Considering that cheap tablets are being released with minimal built-in storage, it seems silly to restrict this function. Although desktop apps can be installed to the SD card, the limitation of Win Store apps defeats the purpose of having a Windows tablet.

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Directory Where Apps Of Store Installed?

Oct 14, 2015

In which directory are installed the apps of store in w 10 ? 

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Installed Apps Not Showing In App List - Only Way To Launch Them Is Searching In Store

Dec 9, 2015

Only way to launch them is searching for them in app store and tapping open. Have latest version of windows 10 on my surface pro 4.

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Windows Store Not Installed?

Aug 28, 2015

I recently installed windows 10 on my HP stream 7 and after some driver updates everything works fine except for the store: it's just not there. Some apps came pre-installed and run normally, but some are shortcuts to downloads form the Windows Store and, when clicked, give me the pop-up message "You'll need a new app to open ms-windows-store."

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Apps :: Default Store Apps Corrupted (including Store)

Feb 10, 2016

I am having some trouble getting the default store apps to work. As for the store itself, it used to briefly show the splash then crash. Now it is just an unknown file type that doesn't do anything when clicked. I have tried some of the more common fixes, like the powershell re-register scripts, but none work, all returning errors of one kind or another. At this point, would it just be easier to "Reset this PC", or is there another fix I may not have tried?

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Installation :: Where Does Media Creation Tool Store All Of Its Data

Jul 29, 2015

So recently Windows 10 came out and I manually downloaded the Media Creation tool and started upgrading my PC BUT I had to turn it off and all of the data that it downloaded has taken up my small amount of space in my SSD (I only have 16 GB left) where does this tool store all of it's data so I could delete it.

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Apps :: All Apps Menu Not Showing ANY Apps Installed On Machine

Dec 13, 2015

I have had Windows 10 installed for about 4 months now and things have been going decent. A couple of days ago my system received a Windows 10 update that took about 2 hours and looked like it was installing Windows all over again (but it wasn't) and once this happened I couldn't find the Microsoft Edge application and the start button would not work at all. After doing a system restore to a date prior to the update things are back to "normal" except for this one problem.Currently my start menu does not show any Recently Used or Favorite Apps in it as shown below.If I select the All apps button it also shows nothing:

I made sure that all of the settings in order to see recently used apps and all my apps are correct as below are my settings:I have tried a couple of solutions that handled Cortana not searching for programs or "some" apps were missing from all apps but I have yet to find a solution to when absolutely no apps are showing in the start menu. I know the applications still exist on my machine as I use Firefox and Microsoft Word and Outlook plus many more apps but they aren't showing up at all. I am also under a local account instead of my Microsoft account and both have this problem.

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Apps :: All Apps Doesn't Show All Apps Installed?

Aug 3, 2015

Random apps are not showing up in the "All Apps" section of the Start Menu after installing a clean version of Windows 10 (not an upgrade), and re-installing all my favorite software, In other words, finding a launcher to countless programs now means visiting "C:/Program Files/WhateverRandomSoftware/launcher.exe." Well, that;'s no fun.

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Apps :: Adding Media To Groove Music And Movies And TV Apps

Aug 11, 2015

I have all my media, music and movies sitting on a ReadyNAS 516 and have the shares mapped to Win 10 just fine. I can access all my media from the OS and other applications just fine. The issue is when I add "where to look" from both Groove Music and Movies and TV app, they never pick up my media and add to the available media for playback.

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Apps :: Store - Start Menu - Taskbar - And Apps Like Calc Not Working

Feb 23, 2016

I originally wanted to completely disable the UAC as the admin permission messages that popped for almost any/everything i wanted to do were very annoying. I dont remember exactly what i did, but it was something in gpedit or something similar to it. After i did that my windows store app stopped working, and appeared as a blank space in my task bar as it was still pinned there. As the store wasnt working, apps related to it like the calculator disappeared from my pc. They dont appear when i search for them, and links to DL ones from the store dont work either.

I tried the guide here Apps - Reinstall and Re-register in Windows 8 and 10 - Windows 10 Forums and did step 2, but that managed to break powershell and make it disappear as well as disabling my task bar and start menu. I cant right click anything in my task bar, and can only use the start menu's right click menu.

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Apps :: Cannot Install Or Update Apps Windows Store - Error 80073DOA

Sep 12, 2015

I cannot install anything from Windows Store. It will down load normally & then fail with error 80073DOA. Updates to Apps also fail to install with the same error. I have run wreset ( several times) but still no joy. Date & Time Zone are correct.

Windows Firewall must be enabled to allow the Store to Update & Install!

Found this by accident. I was running the Firewall that came with Norton Security. Why this is a requirement I don't know. Disabling the Norton Firewall was easy but there was no option to turn the windows Firewall back on as Norton had taken over so I went into Services & did it from there. All working fine now ))

View 7 Replies

Apps :: Store Apps Crash With File System Error (-2143326205)?

Oct 9, 2015

I have been facing the File System error (-2143326205) ever since I upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Error description: All Windows Store Apps (Metro/modern/whatever they are called now) crash when I am not online. The Photos app is by far the only app that has given me an error dialog box. I can assume that all apps are crashing for the same reason because all of them start working again when I get back online.

I am not a great fan of these modern apps and the user interface clutter caused by them and hardly use them. But there are some games like Minesweeper that I want to play when I am on the go. I dunno why Microsoft even made calc a modern app (can't even multiply big numbers when not connected).

So far, I have not been able to find a proper solution to this problem. I guess it is a problem in Windows 10 itself and it will take a while for Microsoft to set it right. But I have an idea. Is there any software that creates a fake internet adapter that is always connected to the internet so that the apps think that I am online and don't crash? Is there an actual working solution?

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Is There A Way To Reinstall Pre-installed Apps

Oct 21, 2015

when I reset my PC due to a pop up war from IE running in the background, My PC seems to be running better but I am missing preinstalled apps. Facebook, twitter is not there and when I went to windows store the message is ..
You own this product it can be installed on this device
Shows the facebook icon and under it has the the file size and it just continues to say pending
So , I tiried the " fix " in powershell but some of the commands used do not exist it says. I even went to windows club to find out and their commands did not work in powershell either

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Apps :: Stop Automatic Download Of Windows Apps From Store

Aug 28, 2015

Is there any way, so that I can stop automatic download of Windows apps from the Store. Since "New apps will save to" button is greyed out and I don't want space to filled with apps or can it be turned to manual check.

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Apps :: Metro Apps And Store Not Working And Grayed Out - Advanced

Sep 14, 2015

A bit of background info: I have installed Windows 10 about 5 times.

The first 4 it would only work until the first reboot because during the setup phase it would automatically install a faulty driver and on the first available restart my Windows would break and I would have to reinstall to get the laptop working again. However all metro apps worked fine before the first reboot.

The 5th time I switched my internet off and window 10 setup finished without internet. That means the faulty driver didn't automatically get installed so I had a chance to switch off the automatic driver installation. However it also meant Windows 10 didn't get activated during the setup phase. I switched internet on, activated Windows 10. Now my computer works fine but all Metro apps are greyed out and not working. For some of them the application crashes and others give me the error "This app can't open". I tried all obvious solutions

sfc /scannow and the DISM commandReinstalling them using: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"}Reinstalling them using PowershellStarting the Application Identity and App Readiness Services and a couple of other random suggestions I saw online. For me nothing has worked. I tried digging deeper and looking at the event logs the error message when trying to open the store is:

Activation of application Microsoft.Getstarted_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App failed with error:

The application cannot be started. Try reinstalling the application to fix the problem. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.

Looking at the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log:

Activation of the app Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App for the Windows.Launch contract was blocked with error 0x80073CFC because its package is in state: 66.

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Apps :: Store Gives Error 0x803F8003 When Trying To Download / Update Apps

Aug 19, 2015

Windows 10 Store gives error 0x803F8003 when trying to download/update apps

Note: the error appears right after it shows acquiring license.

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Apps :: Two Instances Of Java Installed

Feb 23, 2016

I seem to have two instances of Java installed on my Win10 Pro 64-bit Laptop .. see screenshot below. Can I safely uninstall one of them?

If "yes" then which one? I have no clue how I ended up with 2 x Java installs on my laptop. I'm assuming I should keep the 64-bit install, and delete the other? I use Chrome as my usual browser, but very occasionally use Edge

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Apps :: Store And Some Apps From Tiles In Start In It Do Not Open

Oct 3, 2015

Store (windows app store) and various apps do not open from the start menu. Store will also not open from search box. It just flashes on the screen, but does not open. Apps- such as 3D builder, Alarms and Clocks, One Note, Sports just indicate this app cannot be opened and go to store. All remedies to fix store listed in forums for windows 8 and such have been tried but have no effect. App trouble shooter for windows 10 is unavailable, but did run it and it just gave message that it is not applicable to this issue. That is reset, get apps, restore, and such. Seems all that is left is to reset computer?

View 7 Replies

Apps :: Windows Store Apps Update Fails

Dec 3, 2015

All Windows Store apps that I have fail when they are automatically updated. Here's what I just got in my event log.

Event ID 20 - Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070002: OneNote.

When I go into the Store and look at the update it shows the update as having had a problem. I can click on the spinner icon which downloads and installs the app so all is not lost.

I don't have any other problems with Windows Update. Other than Store apps they all automatically install just fine. I've seen lots of various solutions for WU problems but I haven't found one specifically for Windows Store updates. I'm hesitant to try one of these solutions since WU works fine except for Store apps as I mentioned.

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Apps :: Store Won't Open And Several Apps Show Disabled?

Aug 14, 2015

I'm having the same issue that has been reported by other member's here in the forum. When I try and open the windows store on my taskbar, it pops on the screen for one second then goes away. Also, when I open my start menu it shows ( ! ) marks on several of my app's, when I go into the settings area under application's..I'm shown that many of my app's are disabled. I've tried a 'fix' that was suggested by going into the registry, but that didn't correct the issue. I've already had to re-install windows 10 pro. at least once. Now when I go into the settings area under recovery, it now longer offers me the choice to go back to my previous o.s. ( Windows 8.1 Pro. ), it just show go back to a previous 'build' instead.

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Apps :: How To Backup And Restore Windows Store Apps

Feb 10, 2016

I'm planning on doing fresh install but my internet isn't the best and so I want to backup my bigger Windows Store apps so I don't have to re-download them later (mostly games). Is there some kind of method to get a copy of them and then put them back later?

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Apps :: Store Apps Not Showing Up In Start Menu

Aug 23, 2015

I have apps installed from the Microsoft store on my laptop but they don't show up on the start menu to be able to pin to the start menu. They also don't show up under the "All Apps" area. Is there a way to force apps to show up so that I can pin them to the start menu?

Twice now I've had pinned apps disappear from my start menu - for example, I pinned a game & the notepad to the start menu. Then when going back to the start menu later, they're gone. I have repinned them in a different spot on the start menu & they seem to be staying now - is this normal?

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Apps :: AppLocker Blocks Store Apps Downloads

Aug 24, 2015

I've Windows 10 Pro x64, and I did a clean install a few days ago because of a similar issue.Now, Windows Store does open up and installed apps run just fine; however, I'm not able to download new apps or update existing ones. Downloads get aborted with error 0x80073CF9.Event Viewer returns the following...

Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-AppXDeploymentServer/OperationalSource: Microsoft-Windows-AppXDeployment-ServerDate: 8/22/2015 7:49:27 PMEvent ID: 404Task Category: (3)Level: ErrorKeywords: (70368744177664),AppXDeploymentServer KeywordUser: SYSTEMComputer: MikeDescription:AppX Deployment operation failed for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_2015.6120.42011.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe with error 0x80073CF9. The specific error text for this failure is:


I've tried setting AppLocker to allow all signed packages to no avail. I've also tried "WSReset.exe" which doesn't seem to do anything. Further, I've created an "AUInstallAgent" directory under Windows.I believe it's a permission issue, because PowerShell throws an IOException error; therefore, I've tried changing permissions on various folders.

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Apps :: Store Apps / Games Download Failing

Sep 7, 2015

i'm having an issue with downloading apps from win 10 store.That is bassicaly what i get every single time.They did provide me with steps to follow, first two didn't find/fix any issues, third one i couldn't execute due to an error which i don't understand and therefore cannot fix on my own.

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Apps :: Windows Store And Apps Broken / Missing

Mar 5, 2016

So, a few weeks ago, I started playing Rise of the Tomb Raider on Steam and every time I would exit the game my volume icon and my start button became unclickable. I searched the web for a solution and found a PowerShell solution. It worked, but it only fixed the problem until I decided to play again.

A few days ago, I went to open up my camera app and a screen would open up for 1 second and close. It also happened when I tried to open up the Windows Store.


I've tried everything except system restores. I never set up restore points and that's my fault. I really don't want to spend hours downloading all my games and programs again. I also don't want to spend money on a external hard drive to make backups of everything. If I have to, I will. Hopefully there is a quicker and easier fix. I don't understand why there just isn't a uninstall and reinstall option for the Windows Store.

Well, here is a screen shot I made of my issue. I've read through a few other posts about Store errors, I think mine is different than most of the other ones on here.

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Customization :: Windows Store Apps In (All Apps) Menu

Aug 15, 2015

So you know how it's possible to move your shortcuts into folders and rename said folders on regular "desktop" apps? Is this possible with Windows Store "Metro" apps as well?

What I'd really like to do, for example, is have a folder called "Games" where I put all of the games I've gotten from the store. Similar to how Office 2013 is its own folder and you don't HAVE to have Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc on their own in the start menu.

However, opening up the Explorer folder with the Start Menu only shows my "desktop apps" plus a couple choice Metro apps (like Settings)... none of the others.

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