Updates :: One Click Check Activation

Sep 15, 2015

I used to have a program that checks activation/expiration of windows and/or Microsoft office with just one click. I think the name was "check activation" ...

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Similar Messages:

Apps :: Check How Many Activation Are In Use For Office 2007

Sep 7, 2015

In 2008, I purchased 2 DVD copies of Office Home and Student 2007. This means that I have a total of 6 activation of the program. (Office 2007 and 2010 give you 3 licenses per DVD, while 2013 only gives you 1)

Over the years, I've upgraded computers, hard drives, reformatted, etc. etc. and all I've done to "unregister" Office 2007 from my computer was to simply uninstall it from Control Panel whilst connected to the Internet. I always did this, in hope that I would be unregistering my product key. Upon reinstalltion, I could always reactivate with no problems. (Except for a few times where I've forgotten that one of my DVDs had ran out of the 3 licenses, and that I had to use the other one to activate).

However, now, I'm curious if there's a way to check how many activation I've used, and also, if there's a way to "clear" all 3 activation on both DVDs in order to "start fresh". How to do this with Office 2007?

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Updates :: Remove Update From Control Panel Check For Updates

Jan 26, 2016

I'm trying to intstall updates for Windows 7 in Control Panel/Check for updates/Install Updates, but Upgrade to Windows 10 is on screen and I can't seem to proceed without the update. I already tried it and I don't like it so backed out. I don't want to upgrade and want it off of my computer. How do I remove it and all the components associated with it? I only use it for personal use, email, Facebook, a few games, etc. and not for business. 10 was too confusing and there's no one over my shoulder teaching me a new system and where all my stuff went.

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Updates :: Activation And Cloning HDD

Aug 27, 2015

Background: We have purchased 14 HP EliteBook 820 laptops (which come with Windows 8.1 downgraded to Win 7 preinstalled) to rollout within our company and my usual method for laptop rollouts is to setup one with our corporate apps etc, run SysPrep and then clone the hard drive to the rest of the laptops.

This has worked fine in the past with Windows XP and 7 but with the introduction of the free upgrade to Windows 10 which we want to take advantage of it has produced a problem.

Problem: I have setup one laptop and gone through the free upgrade to Windows 10 then installed our required apps etc, run SysPrep, shutdown and cloned the hard drive to another hard drive to go into the next laptop (same model) to rollout.

Windows is then unable to activate giving error code 0xC004C003 meaning the key is blocked.

Because the laptops have OEM Windows licences pre-installed this means that I don't have a product key sticker; it is embedded in the BIOS.

I am assuming that at the point of upgrade the Microsoft servers check the key and add it to their list of 'OK' keys to allow the upgrade.

When the cloned hard drive is placed into another laptop the key embedded into the BIOS is not OK and Windows does not activate? I've tried the slui program to remove the licence but that just removes the key and asks for a new one. I have also tried doing the clone of a clean install after upgrading. I have tried speaking to HP and Microsoft but each one said speak to the other.

Currently my only option is to setup one laptop with the OEM Win 7 or 8.1, install our Apps, do the SysPrep and cloning and then upgrade each one individually at the end of the OOBE experience. This will be more time consuming when rolling out and rebuilding.

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Updates :: Is There A Way To Find Out Which Key Was Used For Activation

Nov 12, 2015

Is there a way to find out which key was used for activation?

I have done testing with insider programs. I also tested this with my windows 7 oem install, I rolled the oem back to windows 7. I also used a windows 7 retail version to also upgrade to windows 10. This way I can keep my multiple boot setup. I just want to be legit that is all.

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Updates :: Hardware Changes And Activation

Sep 2, 2015

I have never had problems activating genuine copies of Windows. Changing cpu's, hdd's ram and graphics cards have never bothered Microsoft. Back in the XP days, I also changed motherboards with OEM software successfully. As far as I can tell, only changing the motherboard would cause problems with modern operating systems. I have changed hdd's for ssd's and vice versa and graphics cards with no problems on W10 upgrades. Today, I received a cpu from Ebay and fitted it into the pc which runs 8.1 and W10 upgrade from W7hp. BIOS recognised it at once, but both copies of Windows required a restart, system and device manager failed to recognise the cpu first time. Activation was not affected in either copy of Windows.

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Updates :: Activation After Clone To SSD?

Oct 30, 2015

laptop has Win 10 that was an free upgrade from Windows 7. If I clone to SSD will activation remain? I know if hardware changes will be an issue. I will backup key just in case, not sure it is needed. later hopefully a fresh install.

I have used Easeus and Acronis in the past with Windows 7, always with bootable media to do the clone. first time cloning windows 10, was thinking about Macrium, just never tried it. Put the new SSD in place and boot to the HDD as external?

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Updates :: Activation Query After Clean Install

Aug 18, 2015

A friend's Asus 8.1 laptop was stuck in an automatic repair loop so I suggested that he upgrade to Windows 10.

Because he was unable to access his system, I opted for a clean install and I created a bootable Win 10 usb on another pc. I used this usb to insall Win 10 on his machine, skipping any requests to activate.

I was under the impression that Win 10 would automatically activate on installation. I'm not sure he ever signed up for the free upgrade offer before Win 8 on his machine decided to implode.

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Updates :: Where Is Listing Of Commands For Checking Activation

Dec 10, 2015

I just upgraded my win 10 10240 to 1511 10565 but where is a listing of activation commands.

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Updates :: Lost Activation After Resizing Partition?

Jan 23, 2016

I don't know if the right place, but I'll share my problem. Last days I resized my C: drive in order to put Linux on my free space and dual boot. Since then my windows lost his activation, gave me eroor code 0xC004F012 and don't want to shut down - just log off.

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Updates :: Stuck At The Security With Phone Activation

Feb 10, 2016

I'm having a problem with the phone activation. I'm stuck at the security check dialogue, keeps saying "we cant verify you". Is it just me, or did MS kill phone activation?

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Updates :: Activation Failure - Error Code 0xC004C003

Aug 7, 2015

I'm having this issue on a Store purchased Toshiba Satellite Pro which had Windows 7 Home Prem. I followed all the upgrade instructions and it all looks good except it's not activated. Product key blocked. Error code: 0xC004C003

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Updates :: Activation Error Code 0x8007007B On Dell XPS 8700

Jul 31, 2015

I upgraded from 8.1 on Dell XPS 8700 and the download and installation completed flawlessly. I did a winver and it shows Windows 10 Build 10240.

However, it will not validate, showing the error : "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (Error code: 0x8007007B)"

I also ran software that returned the following information.

"Windows Product Key Information
Product Name: Windows 10 Home
Product ID: 00326-30000-00001-AA668
Installed Key: TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
OEM Key: *****-*****-*****-*****-HFQ2D
OEM Edition: Win 8.1 RTM Core OEM:DM

What am I missing? Or is it really a Windows Activation Server Issue? OS is great, everything works fine with it.

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Updates :: Activation Fails Error Code 0xC004C003 After Upgraded From W8.1

Aug 15, 2015

I had upgraded from W8.1 and Windows 10 was activated. I was under the impression that I didn't need a product key and that my PC would be recognized after doing a clean install. Now I have W10 installed fresh, but get the error code: Error code: 0xC004C003

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Updates :: Check For Updates Is Missing

Sep 4, 2015

I've been working with a handful of Windows 10 boxes through the various releases of the tech preview to clean installs using RTM media and I've had a recurring problem.Normally, to get to Windows Updates, I click on the Start Button, and type 'updates' and my top result is "Check for Updates" with the gear icon and it says "system settings" directly under "Check for Updates".

So, today, on a new machine i have been setting up, all of a sudden "Check for Updates", system settings, is now simply NOT SHOWING UP in the search. My new "Best Match" option is now JAVA which has it's own "Check for Updates" and it's a desktop app.i know that I can go through Notifications, All Settings and find Update and Recovery...but this is slow. I want to just hit the Start key and type Updates.

how to get results to appear in the search? I cannot believe that I cannot hit Start and just type "Windows Update" and find this thing.

Edit; I just deleted the index and rebuilt it. No improvements.
Edit 2: I just uninstalled Java 8 Update 60, and that didn't resolve the issue either.
Edit 3: I added C:Program Data to the Index locations and this didn't resolve the issue.

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Windows Will Not Check For Updates

Oct 4, 2015

It stays on "checking for updates" for hours and never advances. I left it overnight and have tried multiple times. No errors, nothing.

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Installation :: Cannot Run Check For Updates From The Search Window

Feb 3, 2016

New PC with a fresh W10 Pro installation. After cca 10 days I cannot run anything from search window with the cogwheel or "toothed" wheel on the left including for example "Check for Updates","Windows Update Settings",... It doesn't react to my mouse clicking at all

I have to use "Setting window" (Control Panel).

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Why Search Doesn't Find Update / Check For Updates

Aug 2, 2015

Why the search doesn't find 'windows update' / 'check for updates' ? Other searches work , but this isn't , on my other pc's "check for updates" works . Posted pics with working 'add or remove' too .

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Check For Windows Updates - Element Not Found Error

Aug 28, 2015

I installed Win 10 a few weeks ago and today is the first time that I've turned it on since then. I checked for Windows updates and it found some and appeared to start to download and install them. Then the window disappeared and I checked for updates again. "RuntimeBroker.exe  Element not found". What does this mean in Microsoftese?

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Updates :: Settings Window Closes After Click On Update And Security Button?

Dec 1, 2015

I am running a fully updated Windows 10 Pro Eng. Build 10586.

I go to the start menu, click on settings and when I click on the Update & Security button the window just vanishes !

I have restarted and tried several times to no avail.

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Start Button Left Click Doesn't Work - Cannot Use Right Click On Items In Task Bar

Sep 8, 2015

I have upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I had problems going into and out of sleep mode which seem have been resolved by installing updates for Intel Graphics. Now I can't get anything to come up when I left click on the Start button. All of the other icons in the task bar will only work with a left click of the mouse, nothing happens with a right click. Also, I did not get Cortana when I upgraded to Windows 10 on this device. I also upgraded another lap top and have Cortana on that one. With all of these problems occurring one after the other, can I reinstall Windows 10? 

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Mouse Won't Click On Start Menu - Some Other Random Items Won't Accept Left Click Either

Jul 30, 2015

Updated my Win 7 Pro x64 computer last night to Windows 10. Now can't click on the start menu items or really any windows menu. Some other random things won't accept a left click either. Chrome seems to respond just fine but not firefox. I'm puzzled. I have a Razer Naga 2014 but tried a Cheap little logitech mouse with same results. I also logged into my machine Via team viewer from work and left click still doesn't work on things.

I'd be totally fine doing a fresh install but not sure of the procedure yet to have it activate without installing windows 7 first then doing the upgrade again.

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Cannot Left Click Start Button - Only Right Click Works But Does Not Give Same Info

Oct 16, 2015

I cannot left click my Start Button, only a right click works, but does not give the same results. 

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Right Click On Desktop And Click On Personalize Or Display Settings

Aug 2, 2015

I just upgraded to windows 10 and when I right click on the desktop and click on "Personalize" or "Display Settings" I get the following error message:"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action, please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the default programs control panel".

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Way To Refresh Activation Attempt?

Aug 1, 2015

Upgraded from 8.1 Pro a day or two ago, however still receiving the 0xC004C003 Error code, stating that the activation server has specified the key as blocked.Will it automatically activate when the activation servers are no longer overwhelmed (if they still are, that is), or is there a way to refresh the activation attempt?

Also, my Microsoft account has another 27 days left before the security details fully change, could this be the reason why it is not activating?

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Key Activation Error 0xC004C003

Jul 29, 2015

Today I upraded from Win7 to Win10 via the Windows update thing in Win7. I wanted to check if everything ran fine, but i wanted to get a clean isntall. When i was done upgrading i checked my Key via Magic Jelly Bean Keyfinder. I then formatted my C: drive and did a clean isntall via a USB stick. When I was done installing I tried to activate windows with the key i extracted and got the Error 0xC004C003. Is there any solution to this? Alternatively would my Windows 7 key still work?

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