Modify Variables

How do I change the text between a carriage return and a colon ":" in a variable?
I am calling a memo field in a recordset and want to change the format of text (colour) between these two points. How can I do it?

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Modify A Number

I want to erase a line (or modify a number) in a text file throught asp, how do I do that? I have noticed that there are three ways of opening files,

1=ForReading - Open a file for reading. You cannot write to this file.
2=ForWriting - Open a file for writing. (If open an existing file, it deletes everything)
8=ForAppending - Open a file and write to the end of the file.

How can I just skip a few lines and erase a destinated line or maybe change a word in a line. without using an brute force (copy the file back and forth...)?

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Modify Single Value

I've built an array like this and I've put it into an application:

If not isArray(Application("utenti"))thenDim online(1,4)online(0,0)=4 online(1,0)=1online(0,1)=5online(1,1)=1online(0,2)=7online(1,2)=1online(0,3)=9 online(1,3)=3online(0,4)=15online(1,4)=3application("utenti")=onlineEnd if
Now is it possible to modify some values in this application-array?For example trying to set the value in position 1,1 equal to 3 I wrote: application("utenti")(1,1)=3

Redim Preserve application("utenti")(1,1)

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Modify Files From A Web App

I've developed a web app that generates documents (like word files, opendocument, excel etc) let's the user download it to their computer, edit it, and then upload the modified version, where it would be stored in a database.

I'm trying to find a way to let the user edit the file on-the-fly, and when saving it automatically update the database. That is, I'm looking for a way to automate the download-open-edit-save-upload cycle. Ideally, when clicking on a link, the user would choose to open the file with the apropiate application, and when saving it the database would be updated. So, any ideas?

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Modify IIS Settings

Does anyone know if there is a way of changing IIS settings using ASP specifically:

"The content where this content should come from" radio button property set on the Virtual Directory Tab (of a VD).

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Cannot Modify Or Delete...COM+ Admin SDK

I managed to find the problem with my script thanks to jmurray's help. However I am now left with a confusing puzzle and I cannot any information about a workaround.

The error I now get is:
Cannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Admin SDK

I know now the reason for this is because I changed the 'from' email address in my script. If I put it as '' it works fine. If I change the address to ANYTHING else, I get the above error. Is this something that can be corrected through scripting? If not, any ideas where I should be looking?

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How Can I MODIFY Excel Database In ASP?

I have a databse in MS Excel which I would like to use it in ASP? I got instruction on how to open and display the Excel databes in ASP, but I cannot make it to modify/add/delete the records.

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Modify Word Document

any way to modify text content of a word document through ASP?

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User Modify Database

I'm looking for a code already written if it is possible (as i need to do this soon)I have a database(access) and the users submit data from a asp page and it stores the values. Then it also allows the users to login to the web page using the data (username and password) inserted by the user.

What i want is that when the user logins, to be able to modify the inserted data..Perhaps the user wants to change the e-mail address. I tried doing some search in google but the results were no good.

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Modify IE Page Setup

I would like to modify IE page setup before printing the window. But i want to do it without opening the FILE-> Page Setup window. In fact, i would like to remove the header and footer of pages beforeprinting them. but i want to do it using asp or vbscript and without any end user action.

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Modify Excel Template (xls Or Xlt)

From the ASP application I am trying to 1) open a template 2) add data to a couple of fields (passed from order.asp to invoice.asp) 3) do a Save As so that the user can save to client.

I have this code working fine for a word document, but I am having touble with the XLT. Any suggestions?

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Modify A Field Using Pure Sql

I have a program that will need to update a certain table entry repeatedly - so I want the transaction to take place without using up too much time or system resources. I basically want to update the field with the current time i.e. Now(). Let’s assume:
The table is called tblExample. The field is called LastTime.

I could do this very easily using record sets, but I understand that using pure SQL is much faster than using record sets. So, how would I update the field using only SQL?

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Modify Asp Page According To Monitor Resolution.

I created an asp page it looks different when looked from an 1024x768 than it looked on 800x600 resolution. how to control this?

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Modify Multiple MDB Table Designs

I've got quite 20 identical MDB files running on an IIS5 server. From time to time I need to go into various tables and add a field or two. It would be great if there were an application out there that could either: sync all MDB designs (and/or data) esignated to match one I've added some fields/tables to OR go into all designated MDBs and create new field(s) or table(s).

I've began writing something like this that right now just does part of (b) but I'd rather find something that is much more slick and complete.

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Update / Modify A Exisitng Row In The Database

I manage to solve the last problem, but now I've encountered another one. I think there is something wrong with the UPDATE statement in this code. I am using Oracle 8i and Sun One ASP. Code:

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Modify And Email Existing Excel Document

I have an Excel Template that is filled out in certain senarios. What I want to be able to do is access this existing Excel Template through a webpage, enter nessisary data into the template, and then e-mail these changes to certain people. The original Excel template needs to stay Unfilled out and unmodified once the process is complete. If saving a different copy to e-mail is nessisary that is ok. I have Created the Excel object on the server to be filled with database info from a query, but I'm not sure how to open an current excel document and then email that document onces it is filled out..

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Need To Modify A Dreamweaver Update Record Script

I need to alter a dremweaver Update Record function but am a bit lost with it. I basically need to take the values from 3 drop downs that let you selct the date (day, month year). I've written a variavble that adds these together to make a date:

JJ_theDate = Request.Form(selectDay) & "-" & Request.Form(selectMonth) & "-" & Request.Form(selectYear)

but have no idea how/where to slot this in with Dreamwevers code (below) that does the SQL update.. Code:

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Modify Data Results Linkbar Buttons

If anyone can guide me to change my basic data results link bar buttons (First, Next, Previous Last). I will like to use my custom arrow buttons but don't know how. The default buttons are generated by default with i create a query. Where do i go to modify these buttons, and what code do i use in the new buttons i will like to use....

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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Referencing Variables Through Other Variables

I'm not sure how to best describe my problem, so a simple example should help explain things:

I have two arrays, called set1_data and set2_data

if I create a variable like so:

firstPart = "set1"

and then assign like this:

copyOfArray = firstPart & "_data"

how do I make copyOfArray reference the set1_array, as opposed to just a string "set1_array" which is what it's doing?

I've had a good rummage round ye olde Internet but couldn't find anything there must be a keyword or function to achieve this?!?

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Variables In ASP

I am trying to build a web based database using Access and ASP. I can retreive data form the database in a web page. I can send data from one page to another. However, I am stuck trying to figure out how to make the data variable. I would like the second page to display only data the user selected from a drop down list in the previous web page. I tried using the WHERE function and replace the hard coded information with a variable, but it isn't accepting the code. Could someone please help with this? I have research mulitple sites and can't find this particular piece of code or in tutorials. I must be missing something because seems like it would be basic stuff.

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I'm trying to reference a username variable that is saved after the user
logs in. I can reference it using $(Username) in standard html parts of the
page but how do i use it in the script sections enclosed with <% %>

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How can I get the value of a variable set in ASP from
inside vbscript tags. Here an exampleCode:

Dim x
x = "something"
<script language=vbscript>

I need to display the variable in a msgbox but can within

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Asp Variables

on the page.asp it searches the database for the specific record with id=3.
now i cant use : variable = Request.Form("id"), because the information does not come from a form, and request.querystring doesn't want to work either.

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I am new to asp and have tried a few things and cannot get it to work. I thought this code:

<input type="hidden" name="x_cust_id" value="<%= x_email %>">

would work for making the x_cust_id value equal what was put in the x_email field - but that doesnt work - any idea what Im doing wrong.

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I have a webpage with a list of items with checkboxes and a submit button. On the click of the submit button, I call a vbscript that loops through the items and put the values of the checked items in an array or string, and then jump to a new page.

Now I either want to send this variable to the new page, or I want to save the values to a mySQL database table, so I can use the values on the new page.

It seems I can't use session variables (session.contents) for this because that's server-side only.

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Using Variables

how can we use variables in sql statements

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ASP.NET To ASP: Variables

Does anyone know how to get a variable to transfer from ASP.NET to an ASP page?

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Getting Variables By Id

Is there any way to get input boxes by thier id rather than
thier name? (Request.Form("elementname")) I don't want to
have to give every box its own id and name when they are just
going to be the same.

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Url Variables

I know that it's possible to pass more than one url variable using '&' querying 2 columns in the database.However,I want to pass both the words 'piano' and 'keyboard' to the same column [instruments] in a database).

Here is the code for just 'piano' and this works fine.


This is processed by a request.querystring("search")

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Use Variables

I'm building an application that allows visitors to our site to view GPS survey data. The data is collected several times a day and the files written to a different directory each day. Thus, for July, there are 31 folders.

There is a calendar on the site that people can click on the date they want to get the data for. Then, a window will open and the contents of that days directory will be displayed in the window.

Our app is at - the data is supposed to be accessed from the calendar but now all I can do is view the root files. I just can't figure out how to target another directory with the FSO using a variable passed from a querystring.

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Variables In URL

How do I write variables in the URL like in PHP? Then, How do I pick up variables that are in the URL!

E.g. in PHP = main.php?name=David

Because i've just started in ASP from PHP and I was wondering how you goto a URL with variuables in...! And how ASP gets them from the address URL as it seems not to automatically pick them up.

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I need to write a if statment to find a part of a word. By Example:

variable = "ASP Free forums"
if % variables % = "ASP" then
end if

I've tryed to uses the '%' like in SQL queries but didnt work. Is there any idea?

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