Problem Populating A Dynamic Dropdown

I've been pulling my hair out over this. I've been looking at it so long I'm probably just not seeing it. I'm trying to populate a dropdown list based on a user's leagueID contained in a Access database. Here's my code:

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Populating A Dropdown Box From A Database

This code only allows for 1 date from my database to be added. I need to be able to populate it with all matching dates. I'm not to sure on how to do this.

<select name=""select"" size="1">
<option value="date"><%=get_notes("date")%></option>

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Dynamic Dropdown

I have a table called tblParts. The are 3 fields: PartID, PartNumber and Price. I have a dropdown box on my ASP page that is dynamically populated with PartNumbers from the database.

I have a text field for the price. I want it when the user selects a part number from the dropdown to display the correct price in the textbox for that part. I "DO NOT" want the page to reload.

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Dynamic Dropdown

I want to create a system of dynamic dropdowns for a site I'm working on.To add an entry a user first has to select a Category which then populates the Subcategory dropdown which inturn populates the Subsubcategory dropdown.

An example can be viewed on the Nvidia and ATI sites when you download drivers.

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Dynamic Dropdown

is hard or easy to create a dynamic dropdown?I have sorted my previous query with the array and now i want to perform a dynamic dropdown from one of the options given in the first?

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Two Dynamic Dropdown

i want to make two dynamic dropdown lists that get data from sql server database using classic asp.when user select a value from dropdown list1 (country) the values in dropdown list2 (city) should automatically be the database the relation is one to many (country table with city table).

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Dynamic Dropdown Box

i have form on asp page that recalls data from the recordset and populates all fields except the dynamic dropdown box that doesn't, just shows default value. How do I make it populate based on the entry in the db?

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Dynamic Dropdown List

I'm trying to build a asp dynamic list were you can select a option in the first list and depeding on that value the second list will change to match. For instance I choose a customer in the first list, the second list then has to give all the codes from that customer. The list is variabel, as the value;s are from a database.

If tried some stuff with ASP and Javascript, but the page reloads after selecting one option, but because it reloads, it delete's the text that is written in the rest of the form.

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Quick Dynamic Dropdown

Does anyone have a snippet to hand where i can create a dynamic dropdown for a credit card page, basically i need to dynamically create a drop-down populated with this year as 2006 and go back 4 years?

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Dynamic Dropdown Question

just a quick question that I need to now the answer to before I try is it possible to create a dynamic dropdown menu containing values that are not stored in your database.

Ok so I'm working on a schedualer that searches for time slots that are not free and displays these vaues if they are not contained in the database Quick example:

1st sept 10:00 taken
1st sept 11:00 free

but 1st sept 11:00 free will not be stored in the database therefore the dynamic dropdown will not be populated from a recordset.

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4 Or More Dynamic Dropdown Lists

I have found in the forum examples or 2 dropdown lists and 3 dropdown list. Does anyone have any idea how to do 4 or more dropdown list? I tried to modify it from an example script found here but failed. Code:

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Get Text From Dynamic Dropdown

I have a dropdown that is dynamically populated. The value = a numeric code which I save in the DB. The text = the description. I know how to get the value of the selected item but I need the text of the selected item. I know how to do this in javascript but where I need to gather the text is during an ASP routine.

How do you get the text portion of a dropdown? I saw one post where you can add the numeric code and description together and then use split() to seperate them. I'd rather not do it this way. Is there another way?

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Dynamic Dependent Dropdown Lists?

I want to have dependent dynamic dropdown lists where the person can select the state, then county, then zip code, and all 3 of these menus will be populated by a database. I have a page that Ive been working on but I just cant get it. The page I am working on also refreshes when you select the state, then when you select the county it refreshes again but instead of populating the zipcode list it just takes the state name and inserts it into the city menu. Code:

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Dynamic Dropdown Menu Order

I have a dynamic drop down menu created from an Access 97 database. The munu contains numbered indexes. Is there a way to have Index 10 displayed after Index 9 instead of after Index 1.

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Using A Dynamic Dropdown To Initiate An Action

I have a dynamic dropdown list that has info brought in from my SQL database. Based on the user's selection, I want to create a message box that informs a user that an additional step must be taken first before the form can be submitted. For instance:

Drop down list contents -

New Build

If a user selects "New Build" from the dynamic drop down, a messgae box would appear to let the user know that they need to have a permission form filled out before they can submit the work order. Something to that affect. Can this be done based on a selection in the list or do I need to use check boxes instead.

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Dynamic Dependent Dropdown Menu

i have three dependent dropdown list.when select city in first box then 2nd list will show all company for selected city. 3rd will show all jobs of co. any suggestion?

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ASP/VBScript - Make My Dynamic Dropdown SORTable?

I have a page pulling some data from an MS Access DB, one of my columns is a "Application" column.

I have a dynamic dropdown pulling various Application names from a separate "Application" table in my DB. What I'd like to do now is to be able to select one specific Application from that dropdown and click the GO button to have it only show records with that Application name in them. Code:

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Code To Make Dynamic Dropdown Boxes

I've been farting around with trying to make some dropdown boxes populate based on the value selected from the first drop down box..

I have 3 DropDowns..


the first one takes all the pump types from a database table called pumptypes and populates it

the second dropdown gets its values from an sql query to a second database table called pumpdata that puts all the manufacturers that have that have a pump that matches the type selected in the first dropdown.

the third box does essentially the same thing but looks for all the models based on the values of the first 2 dropdowns..

whats happening is when I select the pump type it goes to the next page without allowing me to select the other 2 boxes.

heres the code I have .....

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Making Dropdown Menu Dependent On Another Dropdown

I have a category that I will call "company". in my access DB, there are about 6 or so companies. On another table, I have a list of locations that are related to these companies.

What I want to do, is have a drop down menu that lists all the companies. When you select the company, the second drop down menu will automatically populate with the locations of the company you selected in the first dropdown.

Anyone know any links to some examples of this? My google searches have been pretty fruitless since Im having a bit of a problem trying to explain it concisely (as you probably noticed).

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Populating An Array

I have two recordsets that I want to populate within an array.

The array will always have two columns, but the number of rows is unknown (sometimes 2 rows other times 200 rows). I'm not too familiar working with arrays.

I want populate the array using a loop. How would I define and populate the array within loop so that I don't lose values and each new set of values are populated into the array through each iteration of the loop? Code:

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Populating Javascript From ASP

I need to dynamicaly create my javascript as the page loads because as persons add items I need to increase my layers based upon the number of records returned from a recordset. Code:

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Populating A Drop-Down Box

Can someone point to an example where dynamic drop-downs are populated? I would like to execute a sql statment and populate the items in dropdownbox1. I would also like to retrieve all possible values for dropdownbox2 and use Javascript to build an array that holds these values.

Then, I would like to scroll thru the array to select the correct values for dropdownbox2 based in the selection made in dropdownbox1. At last I would like to save the selected values for dropdownbox1 and dropdownbox2 to the database. I would appreciate very much if someone can give me code examples for each of the things listed above.

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Populating A Drop

I'm orking on an online Catalogue, users are to select from a dropdown menu the finish they wish there goods in. The way I was thinking of doing this is have the finishes availiable stored in a column in the database - lets say 'finish' and the column would contain the finishes seperated by commas.. like red,blue,green,yellow etc, so the pull down menu would need to dynamically populate with these values.. is there an easy way of doing this, or am I going about it the wrong way?

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Checkbox Populating From DB

I am populating the few fields values from one of the table. I put series of checkbox having same name but have a different value ( value of checkbox is small int, an autoincrement field of table).
I have to take action against the selection of checkboxes. If the user check one of the checkboxes and select "Approved the things " then the USER will move to some else page and the selection will Approve.
On the contrary, if the user opt delete the things then user move to other page and record will be delete from the table.
Now my problems is...
1) how can I know which checkbox user selected ?
2) Are there someway to get the value of checkbox without making form ?

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Populating Drop Down Box

i am trying to create a drop down with information from a db. i am clueless as to what to do.

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Populating Drop Down

I am trying to populate a drop down so that it shows the current date, plus the previous 6 days. Here is some pseudocode. I can't get it to work from here.

<SELECT name=Date>
Dim d
d = Date()
for i=1 to 7
<% end for %>

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Populating Fields

I have a check box, when selected it needs to trigger "something" to populate two drop down lists with default values. I haven't done this before, so I was hoping to see if somebody had a good example willing to share.

I was doing a research now and realized that I also need to mention it needs to populate values straight away not on the submission.

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Populating Dropdownlist

I need to populate a dropdownlistfrom a form and fill it with the numbers from 1 -1000. Obviouly, this would take a considerable amount of time doing it manually so how does one go about populating this list from an array of some sort?

These entries will be stored in a database so would it be better to just populate this form from a database? After mentioning the above situation(s)... (a)How do you fill the dropdownlist from an array? (b) How do you fill the dropdownlist from database explained in it most simplest form?

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Populating A Field

Is there a way to grab a password entered into a login page, and have it populate a field in my table?

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Populating A Drop Down From A RS

I have a recordset full of a list of courses.I want to create a search page, where the user can select the course from a drop down box, hit go and be taken to a page on that course. But some courses have 3 versions of that course, so for example I have 3 IT courses. so in the list it says


How can I limit this to just display the value once in the drop down?

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Populating A Table?

I am trying to make a page to display a comparison chart. say we have 15-30 products... these products are all similar and we would like to compare them to each other

I would like to have an image (or whatever) of each product and then a check box next to each one. Below the products is a table (with say... 5 columns) with all of the attibutes of the products (this table is EMPTY otherwise)

when the user checks the check box.. the first empty column populates with the info (from a file??) and the user can continue checking boxes until the 5 columns are populated, or the user can uncheck and have the column unpopulate

i have a LITTLE (very little) exp. but i understand the concept (same with SQL) and plenty of HTML and such... can someone help me put somthing like this together?

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Populating Forms.

I want to populate my ASP page consisting of some form fields as follows.

As the user enters data into the first field. That value is used by say a javascript routine triggered by "onblur" to fetch values from a oracle database and populate rest for the form fields in the ASP page.

Can this be done?

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Populating Combobox

i have several radio buttons and a combobox. i want to know how to make this combobox enabled only once a radio button is checked and populate it with data from access database depending on which button is checked.

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