Creating A Repeated Region With A Drop Down Box,

i have a drop down box, and would like to create a dynamic repeated region with the database field value


ie the values of the drop down box woudl be from 1 to the value of the database field Code:

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Creating Multiple Drop-Down

I'm either way too tired or this is a bit above my head. I have a database (access) with four fields. One field is a unique id (rs("id")), one is a category (rs("category")), the third is type (rs("type)), and finally a title (rs("title")). There are and will always be seven types, numbered 1 - 7, with each type identifying a category. To be more specific, 1 = appetizer, 2 = soup, 3 = main dish, etc.

What I am trying to do is to create seven seperate drop down list, one for each type. The options in the drop down list will each be identified with the id (rs("id") and the values for each option will be the rs("title") field. I am having a hard time in the Loop distinguishing when to end one select statement and begin another.

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Repeated Recordsets (nested)

I am trying to produce a results page where the results come from three seperate tables.

e.g. The main query gets a list of results, for each one of those results I need to display data from another table. I have a list of bars, restaurants, hotels etc.

I want to display the details of those in sections (a bar section showing all the bars etc) each one of the bars is ranked by members. When I do this I get a "type mismatch" which I guess comes from the fact I am trying to equate an array to a single value. How do I get round this? Code:

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Repeated Text Box Values

I'm entereing values into repeated textboxes in a form that are associated with repeated fields in a database. I am able to request the values, but the associated questions and values are seperated by commas.

The repeat field on the page that I am confirming the selections is repeating but showing the same results on each line. In other words, all of the values are showing up on each line. Is there a way to break these up?

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Mass Email Body Repeated Several Times.

I am testing a mass emailer that I will be sending out this week. I use ASP to read email addresses from a db table which is contains a list of email addresses of those who will receive the email blast. I have included myself to see the results of the test. I noticed when I received the email, the body or content of the email was repeated as many times as there are people in the email list the code was reading from.
Can someone tell me what I did wrong in the code below?

Code: ....

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Assign Values To Repeated Radio Buttons

I am bringing in a repeated field from a database and I would like to assign values to radio buttons to be associated with each record. The number of repeated fields will be different for each person, so I cannot enter values for each repeated record. I need a way to assign a variable as well as a value to each record that is being brought in from the database. For instance:

Radio Button Value 3 4 5

Repeated Record 1 O O O
Repeated Record 2 O O O
Repeated Record 3 O O O

I had received some great code from Memnoch, but it created one group for the entire Repeated field, so I was only able to select one radio button for all of the repeated fields. I need to select them seperately and I then need to Request the variable so that i can add, multiply and divide that variable with other repeated variables.

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ASP/VBS Repeat Region

Not sure if this is possible, I have a memofield that contains a data string
(e.g. name1, name2, name3, name4 .... name 30) I would like to represent the
data in a table so that each name is on a different row eg




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Repeat Region

how do I achieve this?

Today's News
Title of current news

Short DescriptionTitle of 2nd newsTitle of 3rd news Note:

I want the current inserted news to be on top with short description and the previous news just to display the title only.

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Repeat Region

I have some fields in the database that are not used in certain records, the problem being of course the it displays these feilds in the webpage and then the size of the webpage gets rather big, full of empty spaces .its just to fields in particular I need to apply this to?

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Repeat Region

I am on the last part of my ecommerce site but I've hit a problem I can't seem to figure out. I have an asp page with an Orders table that lists the OrderID and the customer name and what they have bought.

Then if you click on the ID number you go to a details page that lists their name, credit card details, address etc. Also I want to show all the items that they have purchased but so far it only enters the first item they've purchase. I have tried making just the products a repeat region but I get an error when I do that.

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Display Drop Down Options Based On The Selected Item From Another Drop Down

The code that I have has 2 drop down boxes dd1 (visible) and dd2 (hidden). Based on the option selected in dd1, dd2 should be visible and populate options. I think I can have OnChange script but how could I return the value and put it in the SQL query (see variable in red in thecode)? Code:

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Repeating Region Layout

I have a repeating region set up in Dreamweaver for products. At the minute, when processed the records come out like this (one after the other)


However, I want to have three in a row (until end of table)

x x x
x x x
x x

Is there anyway to accomplish this?

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Create Repeat Region

I would like to retreive a list of records from my database using repeat region but I need 2 records in 1 line.
Any idea on how to do this?

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Repeating Region Without Dreamweaver

Can someone show me how to repeat records from a table without using Dreamweaver. Everything I find on google about repeating regions relates to Dreamweaver.

What I'm wanting to do is pull everything from a table in my DB. Then I will be putting those fields in a table on my page. Let's say the table is 2 rows and 4 columns. The first row is a header. The second row is where the returned recordset fields will go (in each of the 4 columns in the second row. Now, let's say there are 6 records in the DB table which have been returned by the recordset. I want those six records to be placed into the table on the asp page. How do I repeat the second row?

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Vertical Repeat Region

Anone know of free code available to create a vertical repeating region? (I've found code for a horizontal repeating region.). I want to display my data from an Access table vertically, not horizontally.

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Getting Totals While Using Repeat Region

I have a database that displays its records on a webpage, The information displayed on the webpage is included in a repeat region so that the related records repeat down the page.

I want to add the totals of the displayed records at the end of the page. How do i do this. Im assuming that it goes outside the repeat region? Does anyone have any code or a walk through of how this is done?

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Inserting An Anchor To A Repeat Region

i am not sure if i am on the right section to place this thread, but my code is in .asp and i am using a access database and i wanted to link a text to another text in a seperate page that contains a repeat region that its pulling from the access database.

this lists like 7 records at a time and i was using the anchor method to link the text from the home page to the text in one of the fields that is in the repeat region and was not succesfull, It would take me to the page but would not go to that specific recordset that i have placed the anchor.

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Repeat Region - Form Fields

I am displaying multiple records returned in a resultset using a Do While loop. I've set the form field names like the following:

<select name="fieldnameA<%=ID%>"...

where <%=ID%> is a hidden field on the page that holds the id value for each record.

I want to append that number to the end of each form field

So, "fieldnameA" would be fieldnameA1 or fieldnameA2, etc.

I thought this would work, but the field names remain the same for every record...i.e. fieldnameA just repeats and the hidden field value isn't appended to the end of the field name.

Is there a way to append the value of the hidden field to the end of the form fields? So, the form field names are different for each new record displayed?

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Repeat Region W/ Data From 3 Recordsets

I have a single access database file with several tables, two of which are tblPanels and tblAssignedPanels. The table tblPanels has a panel ID number and a name for the panel. In the table tblAssignedPanels, there is a record ID, the panel ID of the panel that has been assigned, and the user ID of the user account the panel has been assigned to.

Then, there is a third table (tblManuals) that has a manual ID, the ID of the panel the manual is for, and the path to the manual on the server. What I would like to do is have a repeat region that lists all the panel names (from tblPanels) that are assigned to the currently logged in user based on userID (assigned panels found in tblAssignedPanels), and makes each a link using the path in tblManuals.

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Changing The Current Region Of Account

How can I change the culture/region of the machines ASPNET Account??? In
code, I can set it for the threat manually by using
system.threading.thread.currentThread.currentUICul ture, but there must be a
way to do it global on the machine: Plesk allows to change this for the
machine which works fine, but how do I do it manually when no plesk is

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Assign Hidden Value To A Repeat Region

Currently, my repeat region is showing all of my repeated records that are being brought in from my database. I would like to display these records in a confirmation page, but I am having problems having them display in my confirmation page.

I tried to assign a hidden value to the repeat region, but I am getting no data to come across. Below is the code that I'm using: Code:

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Calculate Total In Repeat Region

I need to calculate a total based on fields in a repeat region, these values are stored in an SQL db, all are numeric and written in ASP.fields are

TOTAL_COST VAT GRANDTOTAL (Page selects records based on
field parameter and displays in a repeat region)

At bottom of page need to show total sum like

TOTAL_COST(sum of above)
VAT(sum of above)
GRANDTOTAL(sum of above)

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Passing Value With Nested Repeating Region

I am passing values from Supplier_Details.asp to Supplier_Products.asp, when I click to view the details of the supplier I want, their values goe to the other page ( supplier_product)that I want all his products to be displayed.

so far I can pass values and could be displayed, no problem but when it comes to displaying all the products, it;s then where I am stuck, with the previous tutorials ( nested repeat region) I can get it working and I tried to have that example working for all this, so far it;s not, so is it possible to do it ? Code:

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Data Output On Repeat Region

Ok now i am not sure if what i am trying to achive is done by css or asp code. what i am trying to do is when data is outputed on a page that has a repeat region set to a table. How do i get the rows to show in diffrent colours, eg. 1st row the baground is blue than second is green than third is blue again and so on.

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Totaling Fields In Repeat Region

I have information pulled from a database and it works ok. However, I have several records in each repeat region and I want to add the values in these fields together.

So in the first record I have
cont1 = value from database (1000)
cont2 = value from database (2000)
cont3 = value from database (1000)

Second Record
cont1 = value from database (2000)
cont2 = value from database (1000)
cont3 = value from database (1000)

Total For that line is = (8000)

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How Do I Make A Repeat Region On A Recordet Go Left To Right Instead Of Just Down

I have a dynamic driven web page which get's a select value from the menu choice.

I querry the database recordset and pull back the correct values.

I want to display them in a grid fashion. I want to limit how many items per page are show in each grid and then I'll use the standard DW behaviors to move to next page, etc.

The challenge I have is making the repeat region go left to right instead of repeating down.

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Recordset - Repeat Region (user Selection)

I have a page which on default will display 5 rows per page. I would the user to be able to select from a listbox (on the recordset page)and change the number of rows displayed on the page.

I have tried a page with a listbox on and submitting to itself. But on re-load the listbox returns to its default value.

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DWMX2004 And ASP/VB - Need A Sort By Name Dropdown Through Repeat Region

I've created an ASP/VB page completely with DWMX2004, very minimal code tweaking, using mostly the tools available in DW.

Created a Table with a bunch of columns pulling info from MS Access DB, and set a Repeat Region on that table.. I also have Add/Update/Delete pages, etc..

I've been trying to figure out how to add a dropdown box (or maybe several) to Sort on various columns..

like above the Name column, i'd like to be able to sort by Name.. then Zipcode, State, etc..

Maybe if I could Sort the table by clicking on the column Headings, that would be even better..

I have a table with 3 rows and 5 colums.. top row is where my column Headings are.. then a spacer row, and then the info pulled from DB.. i've set the repeat region just on the bottom Row..

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Force New Page In Printed Repeat Region

I have an ASP page that users print off onto headed paper, question is how
do I force a new page when the length of the data varies from at times less
than a page to many pages at other times?

I know this can be done with CSS but not too sure how to implement it.

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Disable Drop Down "2" Until You Have Filled In Drop Down "1"

I have 3 drop down boxes on an asp page Dynamically populated fron the db, I need the drop bown boxes to be refreshed when you have picked the first eg I select "Midlands" from the Region drop down and only the "Locations" that are in the Midlands are entered into the Locations drop down.....

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How To Drop NT

On one of my client's sites, we set up a subdirectory off the
app's root directory that doesn't allow the Anonymous IUSR_
account in. When we (the system admins) follow a link to
that directory, it presents the standard NT Challenge login
screen. We need to know proper Windows credentials to get
in -- and once we do, we have access to higher-order functions
(to change the read/write bit on files, to delete files,
etc. through the web interface). All that works fine.

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Drop Down Box

I'm want to have a drop down box, for which each item in it have its own URL. I want it to be forwarded to the URL only when the button "go!" is pressed.
Here is my code, not working

<form name="addNewItem" method="" action="">
<td>Add new
<select name="url" onsubmit="">
<option value="publication.asp">Publication</option>
<option value="newsRoom.asp">News Room</option>
<option value="general.asp">General</option>
<input type="submit" value="Go!">

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Drop Down Box

I created a drop down box, I want to do like when a user select one of the options, it automatically run a query and displays the result.
I hope there is a way to do this

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