Automating A Import Function

Jan 23, 2007

I am trying to automate an import function for my database. I recieve a disk that has about 200 little spreadsheets on it every month. I need to either import these or set-up link tables to them in a more automated system than doing it all manually. (It takes a lot of time to do manually) Please can anyone help.
Note: The files are all named 3000 to 3200. The following month they are called the same. I'm hoping this will not cause to much of a problem.

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Automating Import And Export

Feb 11, 2013

I would like to automate this daily process: In this order import or link, (not sure which is the best option) a fixed width table, add an ascending number to the end of each of the records, reverse the order, and finally export to fixed width .txt documents depending on the quantities in one field. There would be 3 text files exported, max.

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Automating Import Of Excel Into Access

Sep 7, 2005

Hello All
is there a way (i guess using VBA) to import an excel spreadsheet into an access table without having to go through the wizards, if you know all the field names and other variables ??

Yours in anticipation


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Modules & VBA :: Automating Daily Import Of CSV File

Aug 10, 2013

We receive a daily csv file from another database and we are trying to automate this process as much as possible.

At the moment, the other system will extract any new records, save a file as importddmmyyyy.csv in a specified location e.g. c:importpendingimportddmmyyyy.csv and then make a call to open access giving access the file path as follows

masaccess.exe "C:mydatabase.mdb" /nostartup / Excl/ cmd Filepath="c:importpendingimport09082013.csv"

I have configured access to automatically open a form, "ImportForm" when it opens, and I have configured this form to automatically run an event procedure on loading "importdailyfile".

My problem lies in writing this procedure. Basically I need it to run the Transfer Text command (I have already create an import specification)

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "myimportspec", "table to append the data to", filepath, true

The problem I am facing is that as the filepath changes on a daily basis given the naming conventions (which i cannot change) and my knowledge of VBA s pretty basic, I don't know how to make the procedure pick up the filepath that the other system is providing in the call to open access.

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Access Import Function Problem

Aug 2, 2007

I am trying to import a excel spreadsheet ( 3,000) rows into a access database. It has been working finr for over a year. When I do the import it gives the following message: I have attached part of the excele spread sheet.

'Master 7-20-07$'_ImportErrors Error Field Row
Type Conversion Failure pID 161
Type Conversion Failure pID 162
Type Conversion Failure pID 163
Type Conversion Failure pID 164
Type Conversion Failure pID 165
Type Conversion Failure pID 176
Type Conversion Failure pID 177
Type Conversion Failure pID 180
Type Conversion Failure pID 181
Type Conversion Failure pID 182
Type Conversion Failure pID 183
Type Conversion Failure pID 184
Type Conversion Failure pID 185
Type Conversion Failure pID 186
Type Conversion Failure pID 187
Type Conversion Failure pID 188
Type Conversion Failure pID 189

Can anyone tell me what is happening. I cannot even paste the spreadsheet into the DB.

Thanks Brian

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Import Function -HEADERS Not Wanted From Spreadsheet

Jun 9, 2005

Ok I have a function that imports some spreadsheets into our db (it's a timer/scheduler on another db)>
The file coming from oracle discoverer originally. Can't figure out in that 4i version how to remove the headers.

What could I add into my code in the function to import only the data and not the column names/headers? I can provide code if needed?

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Modules & VBA :: Function To Import Most Recent File

Sep 29, 2014

There is a manual process I'd like to automate. Instead of the user manually importing an external file into a table, I want a function to grab the most recent file in a particular directory. Is that possible?For example, I have a table called Input, and I want to append the file I just saved on my network, which in this case is G:Files2014TA_140928_011007.txt. The two ways to know which file to use is that the date is part of the filename (TA_ YYMMDD_ 999999. txt), and also the Date Modified attribute.

I am aware that if the user needs to work the files out of date order, he/she cannot use this code.

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Tables :: Text File Import Function Will Not Recognize Dates In Certain Format

Oct 8, 2013

I upgraded to Access-2010 and the Text File Import function will not recognize dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The import dialogue sees enough to recognize the field as a date, but then every date encountered is written to the Import-Errors table. This is true whether the file has a .txt or .csv extension. The actual file format is .csv.

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Automating A Query

Oct 27, 2007

After running an UPDATE or DELETE query I get the typical Yes/No screen (ie. Do I want to procede to carry out the changes?). Is there anything than can be added to the query that would automatically answer YES, and eliminate the Yes/No screen from appearing.

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Automating Table Deletions

Aug 30, 2006

I have a general table question. I have a VB programmed user interface logging information to a MS Access Database Table. I want to automate it so when you open up the table to view what was logged -- any table entry older than 2 weeks is removed from the table. Will this be difficult? Any suggestions on how to start? Are there any access functions that will do something similar to this? Thanks in advance.


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Automating A Delete Query

Jan 2, 2008

I currently have the following query written:


When runs, it tells me the number of rows to be deleted and I have to click "Yes" for it to run. Is there a way to run the query and not have the prompt so it will run without human input?

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Automating Criteria In A Query?

Oct 7, 2004

Not sure whether this is possible. I want to use a command button on a form to set the criteria for a particular field in a query. I have created a combo box listing the possiblities I require, but don't know where to go now, I have tried using SETVALUE, but it doesn't seen to like this. Any Clues?


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Automating A Datatype Change

Feb 1, 2006

When I export or do a make table query from Oracle to Access, the new table has some of the datatypes changed. Many of my numberic fields are decimal instead of Long Interger. I then need to go and manually cahnge them back. If I forget or miss one, it crashes another application we use.

Has anyone come up with a solution to automatically go through the table structure and change the datatype from one format to another? This would be a great help.

I am using Oracle 9i and Access 2002.

Thanks for you time


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Automating Periodic Repair And Compact

Jun 6, 2005

Hi All!

I have Access 97 client and server databases linked together. My system is setup so the database is aware of how many users are currently logged in so Ill know when it is being used exclusively. What I want is some code to check every week that a repair and compact has been performed and if not start one on both the client and the server databases (assuming no one else is in them). Do I need code to delete the LDB files beforehand aswell just in case?

I kind of imagine this check will be performed when the first person logs in of a morning.

Client: rentals_prod.mdb
Server: rentals_data.mdb



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Automating Internet Explorer With Office XP.

Jul 29, 2005

I´m thinking of starting to use office XP for a small system I have. My question is:

Is office XP more compatible with internet explorer in terms of VBA automating? I have had to work around internet explorer quite a lot in office 97, and I haven´t been able to do what I want.


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Automating Date-Based Updates?

Jan 20, 2006

I am a new Access user. I have created a database to track and inventory animals brought to a local animal shelter. The database includes information such as when the animal was brought in, who dropped it off, when it was adopted (Hopefully!), etc. The database is being used by people who have limited computer experience and the challenge has been to automate it and simplify it as much as possible. I have created several Switchboard pages to try and accomplish this.

I have done research through Google and MS support and have found little help with a solution to this problem:

When an animal comes to the shelter, it is held for three days before it becomes available for adoption. I have created seperate fields for Date In Day, Date In Month and Date In Year. There is also a field detailing the animals adoptability status. This field is left blank in the intake process, and is then manually updated to Adoptable, Biter, etc., after the three day period. Is there a way to automate the Adoptability Assessment Field (which is a Lookup Table Field) so that it changes from blank to Adoptable after the three day period? (We have very few animals come in that are marked as Biters, so I just need the field to change over to Adoptable after three days have passed. Unless a solution can be presented to filter animals with Biter status out of the solution.)

I truly appreciate any help that can be offered.

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Problems Automating Access With Powerpoint

Aug 3, 2006

Ive been following the code on the Microsoft support site for automatically creating a PowerPoint presentation using data from Access.

The sample code takes one field from the sample table and displays this on the PowerPoint slide - it then assumes the user can apply this knowledge and add more fields to the slides themselves. I have tried to do this but am getting nowhere.

Please can somebody advise how I add additional fields to the slides via the code. I am afraid Im not very confident with VBA so am stumbling a bit blindly here. Here is a sample of the code that I think I need to add to:

With ppPres
While Not rs.EOF
With .Slides.Add(rs.AbsolutePosition + 1, ppLayoutTitle)
.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Hi! Page " & rs.AbsolutePosition + 1
.SlideShowTransition.EntryEffect = ppEffectFade
With .Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = CStr(rs.Fields("LastName").Value)
.Characters.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 255)
.Characters.Font.Shadow = True

I tried to replicate the last bit here by adding Shapes(3) and the new field name, but I must be doing something wrong because Access throws up an error message.

If anybody can give me some pointers I would be grateful. Also, if anyone can advise how I can determine the position of the fields on the slide I would be grateful (they seem to be centering at the moment).

The link for the full code is here:

Many thanks,

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Automating UserID/Password Info

Nov 3, 2007

Hi –

Situation: I pay all of my recurring bills (mortgage, insurance, utilities, medical, credit cards, etc..) via internet accounts. A dubious decision on my part which was driven home when my ISP (the only game in town out here in the woods)...reassigned their remote servers without informing their help desk, and failed to calibrate the new settings to equal the previous settings. Result: I was without DSL access for six to eight weeks while the help desk folks repeatedly referred to their documentation and instructed me in establishing a new connection, which was an absolutely worthless effort. Why, do you ask, did you not request for a technician to be sent to yiour site? Cause, they (the help folks people) apparently receive bonuses for blocking on-site service calls.

Having said that, my 14 – 17 accounts have varying UserID/Password creation and input criteria. It’s quite easy to assign an HTML field which, when clicked, takes the user to the initial site. In some situations, I’m allowed to click a “Fill And Submit” button, which brings up and submits previously saved criteria.

In other cases, the user is required to submit both UserID and Password, and God help you if the information is case sensitive and you screw it up.

Bottom line: The UserID/Password has been captured for each and saved in a separate database. It’s thus possible—but a real pain—to refer back in each instance to ensure the correct data is being submitted. A Google on “Automate Password” shows that this problem has been previously addressed, but not in an Access environment.

My Question: Have any of you run into this, and is there an Access-related solution?



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Automating Expiration Date (and A Few Other Things)

Aug 6, 2007

Good morning to everyone.
I am hoping that you will be able to help me with a table that I am working on. I have almost no experience with access, so I am useless when it comes to this.

I have attached a condensed version of the database that I am working on (removed everything except the one table that I am working on) so that you can see and edit what I am working on.

The requirements are simply this.
-If "Status" = 'new inquiry' and has not been update in 6 months, automatically changes to 'inactive' and "probability of order" automatically changes to 0%

-"Initial Inquiry Date" is set to the date the Inquiry was added to the table (but user has ability to change it manually)

-*bonus* If ship quarter has passed todays quarter then change "Status" to 'inactive'.

I hope I have attached enough for everyone to be able to help.
Thank you very much in advance, I really appreciate it. :)

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Automating A Mail- Merge In Access

Apr 18, 2006

I'm using a query that selects all customers from a Customer table who haven't made any payments for a particular week and then sends a letter to them.
I would like to use a command button on a form which the user can press and then view the letters for all the customers- they would only have to specify the week.
Is this possible?

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Selecting Items And Automating Actions

May 19, 2012

I have a report, which shows all unsold items for a particular auction date, and I have created a form using this report.

I'd like my sister in law, to be able to go through and easily select which items to relist, and which to return.

I've tried using a subform, but I've either not done it correctly, or its not quite the right tool for the job. I've tried listbox control but can't get it to work properly either.

Once she has gone through the list ticking one or the other, I'd like to be able to automate with a button "Relist" and a button "ReturnItem".

I'd like Items to be returned - to automitcally close item off so it no longer incurrs a weekly listing fee and change status to "ReturnToSeller" and the relist ones, to create a new entry line into the main item table, with replicated information, except it clears out the "lot number", as they enter that manually when the generate a new list for the next auction, my ID numbers remain current and unchanged but the tableID is automated to a new one which is my key number.

then on my invoice, I get for instance, 3 rows for one Item, which could have 3 different lot and ID numbers, and get a listing fee of £1.20 for each week you see.

How can I automate the actions to relist and Return to Seller?

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Automating ID Numbers Before Handing Over Database

May 19, 2012

I've got a database, that I'm trying to update for my sister in law.I've got 2 tables, Items and Customers.As I've been working with the id's they have used so far, these aren't currently automated.

for customers, they use their number in the auctions, to place bids etc, so I can't change them.But once I hand over the database, I want to automate the generate of Customer ID numbers from that point on, but not override the history.With the items, what I have done, as an item can be relisted up to 3 times, I created a LogID auto number which is also my key number.

Before I hand it over, I need to do a big update there with them, to pull in the latest customer and item information.But after that, I'd like the new items added, to be given a new automated number, but the logid still needs to be generated automatically as well, as the login allows no duplicates, whereas the itemID does allow duplicates.

Its the item ID that is used to generate an invoice and show how many times its been listed to pick up correct number of fee charges.Customers can be both buyers and sellers, and I had to allocate 2 different fields, and the buyerID just replicates the sellerId number. So the Seller number is the main number on the table, I didn't want 2 tables of buyers and sellers separately, its one table.

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Automating Report Construction From Queries

Sep 14, 2011

I have a very large query that includes order data for about 100 clients. There are two smaller queries that take data from this one (to group by a "job code" and by a "job category"). I'm looking for a way to automate the process of running the series of three queries and producing an output (table or report) that gives the relevant data I need. I want to run this process for all ~100 clients, so I don't want to manually edit each query and copy and paste the results every time, but I'm having trouble creating a macro that will accomplish this.

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Automating The Creation Of Multiple Records Through A Form

Feb 20, 2007

Sorry for the long winded question but want to be sure i clarrify exactly what i'm after.

What I currently do with my database is each time we send an email or a letter or have a phone call with a contact it is logged in our correspondence database. This is achieved by creating a new record in the correspondence form by filling in the contactID of who the correspondence was made with and then filling out the rest of the details as per the correspondence fields below. This works fine at present but occasionally we do mass mailouts of information to say all the centres in a state. Instead of someone having to enter a correspondence record for each of the 400 centre contacts we have in a given state and repeat the date, time, and details information each time so that an individual record appears for each centre, I would like to automate this process.

What I envisage is something like the picture I’ve attached. Where the user could filter by either the state or maybe even select specific centres from a listbox (filter by state is the most important one) and then fill out the rest of the correspondence record and have Access automatically create an Individual record for each of those centres selected, in the Correspondence tbl (from research it sounds like I need some sort of a loop task performed?). I need these records to be added to the bottom of the existing correspondance table

Unfortunately I have no idea how I can achieve the actual creation of all these records. Creating the form and queries based on a form I am fine with.

My table structure is below

ContactRefNum (PK)

ContactID,CentreID,CouncilID,CompanyID are all linked fields to their own tables.

I am a novice user so the simpler the solution the better. Any assistance you could give in this task would be appreciated.

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Automating Queries To Include New Month Of Data

Aug 10, 2005


Each month I use Access to import text files and export cleansed data to Excel.

The information contains (i.e. forecast data) that has 6 months of data. Each month, the data is rolled over to include the new month and delete the oldest month of data.

Is there a query(s) or module that can automate this process?

Would greatly appreciate any tips on this one!!


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Automating OfficeLinks From A Form Command Button

Feb 15, 2005

I need to regularly use officelinks from within Access, but would like to make a command button on a form to automate the process for me, I have no idea where to start.

I have a template saved and a query built but am unsure of the code to automate this process.

I've had a search around but have been unable to find any examples of how to do this.

Is it possible? :confused:

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