Copying Data From MS Word File

Jan 26, 2007

Does anyone know, when having selected the filepath of a MS Word file in a textbox, how to copy the contents of the Word file and place into a memo field of a table?

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General :: Mail Merge Word File (using Data From Access File)

Mar 11, 2014

I often create contract using mail merge. I have an access file that I want to use as data source for word file. But it does not automatically.

Please download the attached file !

If there are 1 customer and 1 property, I do not need to do anything. Conversely, if there are many customers and many properties, I take time to manipulate.

Firstly, I open the word file. I have to copy and paste paragraphs that I want. Highlight of the original paragraphs is blue.

Secondly, I click 'Insert Word Field' -> select 'Next Record'.

In short, I wish to use VBA in access file to automatically perform the steps that I have outlined.

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Copying OLE Data To External File

Dec 23, 2006

We have saved image in the database as OLE Object. It is showing “Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Photo / Package” in the table. We want to save these pictures as external file in Jpeg format. Please help us to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance

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How To Export Data And Then Import Into Word File

Oct 10, 2014

I have a database witch includes a continuous form (named frmExport). It could be very useful for me if i can find a way so to export data from access 2007 and then to import them into a word file.

Please note: The access data will be inserted into word table.

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Read/write Issues After Copying An Access .mdb File

Aug 1, 2006

I'm currently creating an interface program for a MS Access database. I've only used Access once in the past but used other DB's a handful of times so I didn't have any trouble getting the general program created. My issue arose when I tried to make it so that the users needing to use the program can just copy the .exe and the .mdb files and use it.

The program doesn't require users to share the database but to store their OWN programs information in their OWN database, so basically each needs to have their own database with the exact same design (but different data). The original plan was to just get them to copy over a near empty .mdb with the design set up and have them slowly create their own dataset with it. However, upon copying these files between my computer and others it ends up allowing my interface program to retrieve data from the DB but not write any new entries to it. All security permission on the file itself are set to allow read/write to everyone so I'm not sure what's causing this. Is there any other security settings I should worry about? Everything I could find within access seemed to be set so that it could be used freely so I'm not sure what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. - I apologize if there is already a related topic in existence, I am new to these boards and tried to search beforehand for any information on this topic but came up empty handed so decided to start my own topic about this problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Copying / Renaming - File Not Found Error

Oct 28, 2014

I haven't used FSO before, and it seems that the syntax is a little different than typical VBA for strings, but I can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong here... I keep getting a "file not found" error on the "FSO.CopyFile..." line. I have printed all of my strings to the immediate window to check that they're printing correctly. It all looks good. My code is as follows:

'Copy file
'Set up strings for coding file names
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = Me.txt_FilePath
Dim FileName As String
FileName = Me.txt_FileName

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Copying File To Specified Folder And Updating Records With New Location?

Jan 28, 2015

I'm currently working on a database to track and inventory documents in my organization similar to a library catalog, but with a digital archive as well. I'll need the ability to "attach" documents to records in the main inventory (though using links instead of storing it in the db) and have the documents live in a centrally accessible location on our shared server.

I will need to have this function work through a few different tables and in a few different iterations, but I'm trying to work on the simplest part first, which is attaching a thumbnail/preview of a given document to the record for that document.

I've got some VBA working well which opens the file picker and copies the file to a directory relative to the DB. It also creates a folder with each employee's ID number if it doesn't exist already (which it gets from the Windows log in) and adds "Copied_" to the front of the file.

Now I'm trying to get the VBA code to interact with the record. Presumably I need to tell the form button I'm using to launch the VBA code to pass the primary key of the record being displayed to VBA. Then, at the end of the VBA code I need to take that value and find the record again from VBA so I can update the MediaThumbnailLink in the original record.

Does this order of operations make sense? If so, how should I go about passing these values back and forth and writing the new link value?

Here's the VBA I'm using so far...

Option Compare Database
Public Sub GoCopyThumbnail()
Dim fDialog As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim LUser As String

[Code] ....

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Blank Spaces In Data Fields After Copying Data With SQL

Apr 14, 2007

Hello there, I'm having a problem very much like the one described by this user ( where an SQL statement I am using to read data from one table and copy it to another is filling the remaining field space with blanks.

I didn't notice until a VBA module I worked on later on which was to read data from the new table and copy the selected record into a form said it could not find the records. The code:

Do Until blnFound = True Or rs.EOF
'DEBUG: answer = MsgBox("ok", vbYesNo)
'DEBUG: MsgBox rs("Account Name")
If rs("Account Name") = strAName Then
MsgBox "DEBUG: FOUND " & rs("Account Name")
blnFound = True
End If


The record selector just goes straight to EOF because rs("Account Name") never matches strAName (as strAname has all those damned spaces after the useful data).

I wondered if perhaps there was some way to use the code in the other thread to read the length of useful data and then chop off the garbage spaces afterwards, but I'm worried it would be incredibly slow when running through the thousands of records. Also, the field has legitimate spaces in between words (most of the account names are two or three words in length).

The SQL statement responsible is as follows:
strASQL(i) = "INSERT INTO " & strTableName & "([CAccount No], [Short Name], " & _
"[Account Name], [Telephone], [Fax], [Contact Name], " & _
"[Mail address1], [Mail address2], [Mail address3], [Mail address4], " & _
"[Analysis1], [Analysis2], [Analysis3])" & _
" SELECT [CAccount No], [Short Name], " & _
"[Account Name], [Telephone], [Fax], [Contact Name], " & _
"[Mail address1], [Mail address2], [Mail address3], [Mail address4], " & _
"[Analysis1], [Analysis2], [Analysis3] " & _
"FROM tblCustomer WHERE [" & strField(i) & "] LIKE '" & strValue(i) & "';"

strASQL, strField and strValue are arrays and this SQL statement runs in a loop, as this is part of a search form for multiple possible entries. It all works fine except it always adds those damned spaces :D

Any suggestions?? Cheers.

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<>Opening A Word File<>

Aug 31, 2005

Is it possible to open a Microsoft Word FILE using a macro(or even a query??)? I know how to open Word itself using a Macro by Selecting the Run App Command and typing in my Word address e.g C:Word.exe . I have tried opening a word file using C:filename.doc but no success, the address is correct as I've successfully opened it using Start, Run

Any help would be superb
Cheers All

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Button To Run Word File

Nov 23, 2006

I tried to use wizard to build a button that will run a file from WORD. but it doesn't seem to work.
When i'm on wizard for runapplication, it even gives an example.
Excel.exe c:Travel rips.xls

Anybody could help me?

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Open A Word File From A Form

Jun 5, 2005

Hi all
I need to run a certain file from the form
I create a button as follows
Select in the categories "Applications" then select "Run Ms Word"
I have tested it and it open Word but not even a blank page
I then open the code as seen below and want to insert the filename but do not know where. Can someone please help me?

Private Sub Command35_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command35_Click

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oApp.Visible = True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command35_Click

End Sub

The file is - D:PanelbeatersPb Manual.doc

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Open A Word File Within Access

Jan 11, 2007

I would like to Open a Word file throught Access code.
With the following code I can start Word, but how can I specify the file name I want to Open:

Dim wrdApp As Object
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.application")
wrdApp.Visible = True


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MS Word File Path > Access Database, Possible?

Jun 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have been trying to figure this out for ages but I cant seem to get the code right or find any info on it.

In my database i have a mail merge on a button click which creates a new merged word document. I then need a way of when the user saves the document in word, bringing back the file path and putting it in a table called tblHistory with the correct customer ID in there too.

Any help appreciated



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Open Word File Off Access Form

Jul 9, 2012

I have fairly large Access 2003 tables and forms on my job. I am curious if I can open word document off the form by using command button. Very often I need to put info off the form to word and sent it via e-mail to clients so I every time I have to keep a lot open word documents at the same time on my computer 10 or more that is slow pc down. I would like to have like this : on specific form I have command button and when i need to work with word document , click that button that will open specific word doc and when I am done I think I need a second command button to safe and close word document and so that i can attach it to e-mail and sent it out. So every time I need to work with word doc, I can open it off the form and close it also when I am done with it so no word doc would be open unnecessarily.

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Copying Data

Sep 30, 2005

im creating a fault logging databse, i have a form that shows all the "machines" details, (including its previous faults in a subform)
i have another form for inputting new faults.
what i want to be able to do is when you click on the "log new fault" the form will open up with some of the same details as the machine i was just looking at. e.g. it will auto copy over the "machine number" and "machine serial"

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Reports :: Open Report As A Microsoft Word File

Jun 26, 2014

I want to open a simple report (restricted to the current record) but I need it as a editable MS Word file, (not printed or pdf, etc.)


Private Sub MyReport_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String


I've tried several combinations of vba..I'm using Microsoft Access 2007

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Copying Of Data Between Table's.

Nov 25, 2004

I am creating a database where I want to have a table that has references to another table.

I have an ID field in both that are linked. I want to be able to on creation of a new record in this new table have it grab the ID field from the other table.

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Copying Data To A New Table

Mar 1, 2005


I am trying to copy the data from one table into another table. I then wanted to update the table where it is copied from. This data i then wanted copied into that table in another row.

Any ideas?

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Copying Data Between Fields!

Jan 19, 2006

I have already asked this question before, but only one person responded, and it was not what I was looking for.

I would like to create a code that takes(copies) each record's data from a field and paste it into another existing field within the same table. I have about 2000 records... Your help will be highly appreciated.

It will have to be a VBA code or macro because I have to alter the strings that are copied before they are pasted into the other field.

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Copying Data In One Table To Another-how To?

Jan 12, 2007

I am looking for some guidance in doing the following:
I have a tableO that contains a list of objects that have associated attributes, specifically a list of system_names (object) and the associated attributes (additional fields in the table) that include port_name, port_direction. Think of each one of the records as a template that will supply data to another table, called the Instance table (tableI). The concept is that the user can populate the template with various objects and associated ports, and direction.
The table cols are;

The data for this table is manually entered via an associated form.

At some later time, the user want to make a copy of an object(e.g. a record in tableO) by populating Table I (the instance table). The first few fields of tableI are named identical to tableO. Table I contains additional fields that further refine the template, by adding a object_property field, and a port_direction_property field.
Table I looks like:
PK|FK|system_name|port_name|port_direction|prop1|p rop2

The forms interface allows the user to fill in the fields in the TableI (intance table) directly, or, lets the user scroll through the list of objects in the template table, and chose a template, copy the fields:system_name|port_name|port_direction into the same fields in table I, and then add values to prop1 and prop 2 manually.

I made the combo box control that will list the objects from the object column of the template table (table O) and make the desired selection. I have a radio button adjacent to the combo box that when clicked, will copy the selected record and designated fields from the template object table (tableO), into the same fields of the instance table (table I). The instance table is displayed on an adjacent form.

After the fields are copied to the instance table, the user can type in the data into the additional fields (e.g. prop_1, prop_2), and complete the record.

I do not know how I can do the 'copy' from tableO to table I when the radio button is pushed. I know to allow an action when the radiobutton is 'clicked'. Table O and tableI are not currently related.

Can you provide some guidance?
Thanks a lot for your time

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Copying Data From One Table To Another..

Dec 13, 2007


I'm looking to include a button on a form that opens a new entry in another table and copies some field entries from the first table into the second table. I tried an append query, but it seems to be unable to be displayed in a form. I just want to copy data from one form to another. Thanks.

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Copying Data Without The Header Row

Apr 6, 2008

Hello All,
Does anybody know a away of copying access data into other applications without the header row. An example being if you copy access data into excel it includes the header row in the spreadsheet. I often have to copy access data into industrial application software but usually paste into excel first (to get rid of the header rows) then from excel into the application. I would like to eliminate this step if I could but not sure how to copy without the header row.



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Not Copying Data In Form

Dec 1, 2005


I have a form on which I have asubform. This form is based on a query.
I would like the user to be able to add/and update information from excel to this form.
When I try to copy from Excel and paste them or try to overwrite the eisting data, I get the following error:
" You cannot add or change a record because a realted record is required in tabel "benchmark".

Can anybody tell me how to fix this?
thank u..

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Copying Data On A Subform

Jul 2, 2006

HI all,

i have a form THE OREDER FORM and on it there is a subform that stores a list of codes and corresponding products for a particular order.

Now what happens is that sometimes ORDERS have the same product codes, so what I wish is to see if it is possible in same way or another to copy the data on the subform to create the next record as the previous one, and thus avoiding re-choosing all the products.

any help and ideas will be appreciated thanks

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Copying Data Between Forms

Dec 14, 2006

This is surely just going to be a simple dim statement or code.I have 2 forms, one is plancontrol and the other is contacts. The plancontrolform holds a record of contacts for different forms - the contacts form is merely a seperate form to choose which contacts you want to add. (it was to messy keeping it all on one)The contacts form uses cascading combo boxes to choose a contacts. This all works fine but after a contact has been chosen, i want to (through a command button) add it to a viewable list. Once the user has selected all the contacts they want they can close the contacts form. The names will be automatically entered into the plancontrol form. This is not my normal type of database as it is linked to Otulook, therefore some of the rules i abide by i cannot!!Any ideas? Should i (and how do i) keep adding the names to plancontrol as i go along, or just do it all in one go at the end? p.s. plan control is a continous form.thanksKev

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Modules & VBA :: Insert Word File Into Outlook Email Within Access

Jul 8, 2013

I like to do following task using access VBA:

1. Open outlook.
2. Select word file(with tables and graphics) and insert into new outlook email.

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