Create Duplicate Table Using Same Form And Compare It With Original Table

May 1, 2012

Here is what I am trying to do: I have form, and a table which is created from this form. The data is entered a second time using the form to make sure there are no discrepancies.

Any easiest way to implement this? (create a new table (which is duplicate), and then compare them?

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Move Record To New Table After Data Change In Combo Box Value In Original Table.

Nov 24, 2006

Ok my problem is this......

I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -

"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"

When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?

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General :: Create Duplicate Entry On A Table And Then Edit New Or Old Record

Sep 2, 2013

I am trying to create a duplicate of a certain record in a table so that the user can then edit the new record - or old record even as it doesn't matter - as long as one of them is original. The idea is that any revisions / changes are stored the user may of made.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Compare Values Between Input Form And Table

Nov 12, 2013

I am making a dp for end of day sales, and i want to compare data in a table to the numbers inputted in a form and see whether this value is higher or lower. the table displays the target sales figures for each day, and the form allows the area mangers to enter in the current day figures.

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Concatenated Fields And Writing To Original Table

Nov 3, 2014

I concatenated 2 fields CR_Numbers: = CR_Number & [Sub Number] to display 12.01: from 12 and 1. I am now wanting to lookup the CR_Numbers to edit or add information into other fields.

I want to use a pop up form to edit/add data without having the form add an entire row to the table. How do I reference the Table ID so that it will go to the equivalent row to add the data in?

Main Table = Change Request
Email Table = AORB_Email
Fields in Form!AORB_EMail: Change Request (CR_Numbers), Priority (Pri_Name), Hours (Hour)

I plan on using the Priority and Hours in the email to set some dates and expiration times as well as in the subject of the email. I have figured out the email setup, and if I manually fill in the Priority and Hours fields everything works as it should.

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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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How To Extract Unique Record To New Table And Duplicate In Another New Table

Mar 4, 2013

I have this database that do contains duplicate record (not duplicate field).What I'm trying to do here is to extract record that is unique to a new table And those record that were duplicate into a new table.the *Distinct that we used in sql will not work because it is not what I wanted. using distinc will give me unique record of the whole database.say i have this database that contain an ID:


so what i want is to extract unique record to a unique table and those that contain duplicate in another the 3678 will be put in a new table and the 2525 and 2658 in a new table,,That way I will see which file will have duplicate

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Compare Table Query

May 1, 2007

I am just wondering whether there is any query I could use to compare the data on, say, whether all data in Table A are in Table B although some records in Table B may not be in Table A and give me the record that is in Table A but not in Table B.


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Compare An Updated Table

Dec 5, 2007

I have 2 tables with the same structure but some of the data in one field is different

The tables are called Current and New

They both share a field called feesch but in the new table data is updated

The tables have share the same primary key of unique ID

How can I make a query in design view to show the feesch records that don't match?

Thanks in advance

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Compare Rows In A Table

Nov 14, 2005


I have a table with four columns - A, B, C, D
I want to compare the values in columns A, B and C in row 1, with the values in row 2 and if they are the same, I want to copy the value that is in column D in row 1 into column D in row 2. I then want to move to the next row in the table and compare the values in row 2 with the values in row 3 in the same way. This will continue for all rows in the table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as my VB is not up to much.

Thanks in advance

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Tables :: Populating Several New Tables With The Contents Of Original Table

Mar 29, 2013

I have a feed from ODBC to Access DB. I need to populate several new tables with the contents of the original table. I know I'm being stupid but it's been a long week.

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Forms :: Can Create A Table From A Form

Dec 17, 2014

I am having an interesting time on a project. I am trying to create a small inventory management database with BOM (bill of materials) control.Today I am working on how to create the BOM's. In case your not familiar with inventory management, a BOM is basically a list of items and quantities used when creating a product.

Since it is possible for a single BOM to have over 200 Items associated with it, I can not have a single table with all my BOM's (fields max at 255)
So I was thinking I would be able to have a Master table with the BOM list and then create individual tables for each specific BOM.I am not 100% sure how to make this all work together but I am struggling forward on my quest..

I was hoping I could create a form for BOM management, (create/edit/delete) but since I can not keep the BOMS in a single table I would need this form to create the new table.

Is it possible for a form to create a table? or do I have to create the table first than have a specific form per table to do the editing? or perhaps a drop down selector to choose which BOM/Table I am working on.

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Update And Compare Table Records

Sep 1, 2005

I'm using MS Office 2000, I have an Access database table that contain many fields, namely I need to update FieldA from an Excel Spreadsheet according to the specified primary key of CustomerID. Is there a way to write automate process to import the records from an excel spreadsheet and then place those records in FieldA of the Access Database according to the corresponding CustomerID? The reason I ask is that these two fields are not exactly in the right order in my spreadsheet and my table and to do it manually will take lots of effort.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated


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Compare 2 Values From Fields On A Table

Mar 6, 2006

Hi there

This is probably quite easy but I cannot make it work so would appreciate some help. I have a table containing vehicle information. I have 2 fields, Current Mileage and Max Mileage. I want to do a comparison of the 2 fields and should the Current Mileage be greater than the Max Mileage, the query returns the Vehicle Registration. Test data has been entered in the table I am querying and I was expecting 1 value to be returned. However the query as I wrote returned either all the vehicle Registrations or none of them. Can someone help with this please.

Thanks in advance for the assistance

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Compare Text To Table Data?

Dec 17, 2004

I'm willing to be this is simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out.

I have created a database with one table, tblUserData. I have one form called frmLogin.

tblUserData has two fields, Username, and Password.
frmLogin has two textboxes for user input, User and Pass, and has one control, cmdLogin.

What I am trying to do is - When a user types their username and password, and clicks on the control
button, the value of User.Value is compared to the Username field of the UserData table.
If a matching record is found, then Pass.value is compared to the Password field from the matching record.
If they match then the program proceeds.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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Compare Two Types Of Records From One Table

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to create a query based on a transaction table which compares the time between two types of transactions.

The initial record would have "A' in the type field and the second record would have "D" in the type field.

each pair of A and D records would be matched on o_time and idnum fields, and I would want to pull each pair and us the datediff function on c_time, using records marked with A as the initial time and records marked with D as the followup time.

Is there any way to accomplish this in a single query or do I need to create two subqueries?

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Compare / Check If Records Are Duplicate Using Save Button?

Jan 9, 2014

I need to create a record of Users. I created a form with fields containing Username,FirstName,LastName & Email Address wherein the UserName is equals the value of the fields FirstName & LastName. I have a save command button and when I click it, I want it to be able to check if the new entry has a similar UserName that exists in the database, if it exists then it will allow me to edit the UserName and then save the data otherwise will allow me to save it.

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Forms :: Create A Table From Unbound Form

Feb 2, 2014

May not be using the correct terminology here. I have a form that currently does not have a RecordSource. From this form, I want to create a table called "ICEA" with the following fields (which would be entered from the form): OperatingDay, Hour_Ending, Import, Export, and Net.Can this be done with a SELECT statement or does it have to be done through VBA?

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Forms :: How To Create A Form With Junction Table

Feb 3, 2014

trying to understand how to create a form with a Junction table. This design will allow a book to have more than 1 author.

Author table
Author ID

AuthorID table (Junction table)

Book Table
Book Name

Author table has a 1 to many relationship with AuthorID table and Book table has a 1 to many relationship with AuthorID table. Now how do you create the forms? Do I need a main form FrmAuthor , subform FrmBook and a frmAuthorID

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Create A Form For Adding New Parts To The Table?

Dec 7, 2011

We use a lot of different pipes for our work for different projects, I have inputed some basic data into a table called item description, this conotains the pipe detail (diameter/type) supplier and length its supplied in.

What I want to do is create a form which we can populate with all the defferent types of pipe in one of our jobs. I want to create a form for adding new parts to the table so its more user friendly to other users as opposed to using the table itself.Also when we are listing down the different pipes and fitting within one of our jobs there may be a few duplicated for example there may be 3 90deg bends.

Can I create a report once the form has been populated with all the different items which groups the duplicates together and totals them up? Ideally the final report will list each different part, and the quantity/length required.

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Compare Values Of Columns Within The Same Query Table

Nov 19, 2006

I am trying to compare two columns' values within the same QUERY table, but I kept on getting the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. What am I doing wrong?

Here is my Select Query Statement:
SELECT qryDedparmDedetail.EMP_ID, qryDedparmDedetail.[Employer Amt], qryDedparmDedetail.[Employer Actl], qryDedparmDedetail.[Admin Amt], qryDedparmDedetail.[Admin Actl], qryDedparmDedetail.[Employee Actl], qryDedparmDedetail.[Employee Amt], qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfSTATUS, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfAGENCY, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfTITLE, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfFORMAT_NM, qryDedparmDedetail.RepUnit, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfDEDTYPE_CD1 AS Expr1, qryDedparmDedetail.SumOfNBR, RepUnit.REPUNITDESC, qryDedparmDedetail.LeftType
FROM qryDedparmDedetail LEFT JOIN RepUnit ON qryDedparmDedetail.RepUnit = RepUnit.REPUNIT
WHERE (((qryDedparmDedetail.[Employer Amt])<>"Employer Actl") AND ((qryDedparmDedetail.LeftType)="01"));

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Forms :: Compare A Text Field To A Table

Dec 1, 2014

I have a form that users put in information and then it updates to a table. It works fine but i would like to add something. Right now there is a text box called item that the user puts in the item number. The problem is that sometimes they put in a wrong number. What i would like to do is have it when they hit the update button to compare that item number to a table that lists all of them. so if the text box doesnt equal one of the numbers in the table dbo_item and the field itm_num, i want it to give them a message box with an error.

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Queries :: Compare Data Stored Within Same Table

Jun 13, 2013

I am running into an issue when trying to compare data stored within the same table.

tblParcels - holds data relating to an individual parcel of land; unique identifier is ParcelID. No repeating data.

tblValues - holds data relating to the value(s) of each parcel; new values entered annually; unique identifier is TaxID; has field to link to tblParcels. One parcel can have multiple entries for each year tracked.

I have two unbound text boxes on frmMainForm where users can enter Tax Years to compare (txtYear1 and txtYear2). Theory being that users will be able to select any two tax years and compare the parcel values.The report (rptMaster) is built using three queries and is used to show the change in value between txtYear1 and txtYear2:

qryYear1 - pulls all values from tblValues where the TaxYear equals the year typed in txtYear1.

qryYear2 - pulls all values from tblValues where the TaxYear equals the year typed in txtYear2.

qryCompare - joins the results from qryYear1 and qryYear2, along with other common fields, and populates rptMaster.

My problem lies when a parcel does not have any values for one or both of the years entered into the text boxes. I completely understand why, qryCompare can't show any records if there are no results coming from either qryYear1 or qryYear2. What I am not getting is how to work around this issue.I would like for the report to show "$0.00" for the value if there is not a value for that Parcel in tblValues for the year entered.

tblValues example data:
TaxID ParcelID TaxYear Value
1 5 2011 100,000
2 5 2012 200,000
3 6 2012 75,000

In the example above, when comparing 2012 values to 2011 values, my report shows the values for ParcelID 5 but not for ParcelID 6 as it does not have a 2011 value (and won't since information about that parcel didn't exist in 2011).

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Queries :: Compare A Field In Another Table And Update Accordingly

Jun 25, 2015

I am programming an Acess Database, the primary data come from an excel sheet. Since Access one to many relationship only works for primary key and another field in another table as foreign key, I can't have normalized database.

I will explain what I mean with a hypothetical situation.

So, let's say I have two tables: WindowT1, CustomerT2.

WindowT1 has fields: WinID (the pk), WindowName.
CustomerT2 fields include CustID (pk), CustomerName, WindowName, WinID.

So, in table "CustomerT2', WinID is the foreign key and I need that field filled in to make one-to-many relationship between these two tables to work. CustomerName and WindowName will be imported and prefilled already from an excel file with append query.

My question is can I make a update query (after the initial append query that brings in the data into Access) such that the criteria is matching WindowName (from CustomerT2) and the update would be the corresponding WinID (the pk number from WindowT1) that would be filled in the field WinID (in CustomerT2)? I know for this to work tables must have relationship and I did that.

Is there a better way to accomplish this task? i.e. through a form (remember info will be prefilled, so can't use combo box to fill in another form field) or maybe can I do this using the first append query (that brings in data)?

I am not good at Macro or VBA. The only thing I have done in code builder is After Update event in forms while using combo boxes. So, if there is no easier solution, I will try to deal with codes.

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Tables :: Pull Field From Main Table And Create A New Table With Date Stamp

Nov 4, 2014

I have a make-table query that pulls all the fields from 1 table (MainTable), and creates a new table with a date stamp based apon a form value entered (New Table = MainTableWithDate).

Currently, I setup the query to pull info from the form field like this:

DateField: [Forms]![frmmain]![DateField]

However, when the make-table query is done - all date fields are blank (all other fields are correctly created), and when I look at the new created table (mainTableWIthDate), the typeassigned to the date field is "Binary" (in the form, I've specified LongDate).

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General :: How To Create Form / Code For Viewing And Consolidating Duplicate Customers

Apr 8, 2014

I have a database with customers/orders etc. I need to create a form or something which will show if a duplicate customer is entered. I know about the duplicate records query wizard, but I also need an easy way to consolidate and delete records. When a duplicate customer is found, move the customers order/s [OrderNumber] to the existing customer and delete the new/latest customer record.

Customers are in tblCustomers, their orders are in tblCustomerOrders, [CustomerNumber] is the joining field.

I was thinking of just a date/time field for [DateCustomerEntered] with default value Now to keep track of the later customers?

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