Creating A Timer Event That Checks System Time?

Apr 21, 2005

I need a query run that brings up a list of customers that need maintence after 6 months after their last maintence service. As soon as you open the DB, the event/query runs and if there are any customers past due to display them. And if there are none, to not even show the query at all.

I have very little experience with timers and if/then statements and don't know how to set this up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Timer Event Causing System Resource Exceeded

Dec 9, 2013

I have Access 2010 and have made a small system that creates a table as a result of an query based on linked tables. The result is approximately 40 records that are grouped in 4 different priorities where each record has a status of green, yellow or red.

By using the timer event I want to loop through 6 different forms starting with the overall view and herafter priority 1 form, priority 2 form and so on. When the last form has been displayed start over again. Loop for ever until stop button has been pushed on the first form.

The timer is set to 15000 on each form, when I open a form the first thing that happens is that I close the previous open form.

After the system has looped 4 times it gets "SYSTEM RESOURCE EXCEEDED".

I have used 3 days on the internet to try to get a solution on my problem with no luck. I have got so far that it must be something with the timer function. Since if I run it manually (open form, close previously, open next form etc) then no issues.

I have the latest service pack for access 2010.

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Timer Event

May 24, 2005

I'm looking for a code that close my databse when a user is unactive for a set time.

I've search the forums but nothing workked for me

Is there someone who already have a code for this or maybe can help me?

thanks in advance

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Simple (?) Timer Event Problem

May 24, 2005

I created a form to list the number of customers in my lobby. In the Form Footer I placed a field to count the number of customers waiting (Name: CC1, Control Source: =Count([LName]). Works fine.

I want a Beep on the form if the customers exeed 5. I placed the following code in the Timer event but I cannot get the event to work. I believe it has something to do with the field name but I'm unsure. Any help would be appreciated.

Private Sub Form_Timer()


If [CC1] >= 5 Then



End If

End Sub

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Skip On Timer Event Cycle

Sep 15, 2005

My form is always open and runs a timer event which runs a series of functions and procedures. I don't want to run a certain procedure on every timer cycle, but rather, every other timer cycle.

Any thoughts on how best to accomplish this. I'm having a mental block!


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Forms :: On Timer Event Execute Only Once

Oct 1, 2014

Got a problem here:

Timer Interval = 5 Seconds
Private Sub Form_Timer()
My code here..
End Sub

The code repeats every 5 seconds, what I want to do is to execute it only once.

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Queries :: How To Open A Form With A Timer Event

Aug 12, 2014

I've taken a break from Access for a while, but I'm back at it again and having some difficulty. I am trying to open a form with a timer to state that the database is going to shut down in five minutes if they don't respond. I'm obviously using the wrong code. I've been trying to use the following:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWarning"
If Forms!frmHidden!chkActive Then
Forms!frmHidden!chkActive = False
Me.TimerInterval = 300000
End If
End Sub

It crashes on the 'DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWarning"'

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Forms :: MsgBox To Display Using Timer Event

Aug 19, 2014

I have a form (MS Access 2003) that has a button that when pressed, assigns the current time to field [Time1] using

Me.Time1 = Now()

I have another field [Time2] that adds 15 minutes to [Time1] using the following in the Control Source field


I was wanting to use these to force a message box when the system time reached Time2 and tried the following code on the Form ON TIMER event (Interval at 1000 ms) but it does not work.


If Time() > Me.Time2 then
MSGBox "Time to show message"
End if

I tried putting in a manual time in the VBA such as:


If Time() > #2:05:00 PM#
MSGBox "Time to show message"
End if

which worked. So, I am guessing there is something with my orignal code using Me.Time2 that is causing the problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Timer Based Event - Auto Shutdown

Oct 9, 2014

I use a timer based event that shuts down the frontends after some idle time.

1. How to disable the timer as it causes some weird bahaviours while editing the code? is shuting down the hidden form enough?

2. Is there a way to add regular maintenance intervals, i.e. every wednesday at 20.00.? how?

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Forms :: Timer Event - Wait Until Form Fully Loaded Before Visible

Nov 7, 2014

I have tried using a timer event to not show a form until it is fully loaded, to no avail.

If CurrentProject.AllForms("FONNewEdit").IsLoaded = True Then
Me.Visible = True
Me.TimerInterval = 0
End If

I have tried using the onload, onopen but the form still displays before being fully loaded.

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Creating A Follow-Up System In A Text Box

Apr 10, 2006

Does anyone know how to go about this or know previous thread stating how to go about this?I have a Follow-Up labeled Text Box (Short Date) and I want for the associate to be able to set a desired follow-up date and for the account to disappear from the list afterwards till the follow-up date expires and it becomes viewable again.Any suggestions?

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Creating A Register System/table

Sep 7, 2006

Ok, firstly im sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I say this because my problem first begins with the tables but then i need to sort a problem out with the form aswell, but i will put it in here.

Here is the problem. Im sorry if im not too clear with this.

I need to create a register system E.G. A child comes into a club, he is registered. At the end of the session the child leaves the club. His depature is registered and his departure time is also recorded down.

Like a paper based school register but electronically.

How would I go about implementing this into a system?

Would I need a child table (with fields such as Child ID, Forename, Surname etc.) and a register table (not sure on the fields)?

k, this bit below probably goes in the forms section...

How would I get this to work on a form so there were boxes to check for arrival and departure, and when a button is clicked the depature time is filled in for each day of the term?

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System Date And Time

May 3, 2005


I have a form that displays the system date and time for every entry.
When the data gets stored in the table, the date and time do not get stored. How can i save the date and time with all the other information.

Also, everyday when i open the form, it shows me all the data from the previous day but the date for all that data has changed to taday.
I want that everyday when i open the form, it should be blank and all data from the previous day must be stored in the table along with the date and time.

Hope someone can help me with this

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Time Tracking System

Apr 24, 2006

I have a time tracking system where users can clock in and clock out. I want to have an error message when they clock in and then accidently clock in again. Therefore, they can only clock out after they have clocked in. The data goes into the table called "Timeclock Table". The fields in that table are SSN, Clock-In, Clock-Out, and TimeStamp. the clock in and clock out are check boxes. can you guys help me??????

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Tables :: Creating Invoice System With Subform Within Main Form?

Nov 24, 2013

I'm trying to create an invoice system with a sub-form within the main form. The issue I'm having is that the data in the sub-form keeps getting overwritten each time a new record is created for the main form. So when I go back to edit an older record, the data in the sub-form is changed to whatever the latest record had in it. Is there a way to lock in the data in the sub-form so that it stays with it's own record?

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Rnd Based Off System Time/date

Dec 7, 2004

Hey all,

I'm trying to find a solution to a problem. Is there any way using VBA to generate a random number, based off the current system date and time? The theory is that a random number seeded by the system date/time will be truly unique and the possiblity of it ever occuring again will be nearly nil.

Or is there a better way to create unique ID's (such as member ID's, or something similiar) based off the system date/time that can be used as a primary key in a relational db.

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Employee Time Card System

Nov 15, 2006

I need to develope a system that will allow for employees to login and imput their "time card". I found one post on here about something similar, but it didn't give much info. I am very very new to Access so please give info in simple terms or very well explained. I am hoping that I can have a login and password so employees can't access eachothers time card. All it will need to track is
Type of work
I am hoping that this is going to be an easy task, but I need some help. Anyone have any ideas or directions... or even better know where I could just download a template.

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Creating A Report That Conforms To ASCII Format Of Another Data Collection System

Aug 30, 2004

I have a need to convert the export of an Access report to an ASCII file.

The export needs to have a specific format - described below:

Field Position | Field Length | Field Name | Field format

1-6 | 6 | Member # | text - right justified
7-12 | 6 | Trans Date | YYMMDD
13-15 | 3 | Pay code | Alpha/ NUM - Left
16-26 | 11 | Amount | -9999999.99 (*)
64-71 | 8 | Check # | Right

general comments and questions:

This report needs to interface with some sort of transaction accounting system - No Idea what it is, but this format of the report will interface.

The field positions go from 1 to 73. I need only supply the data above, so the check # is way out of sequence. Do I need to have the space inbetween "Amount" and Check Number in the report? Will a simple text file work with all the fieds together? or will I need the space in there? Is there a way to design a report in an ASCII format in access?

Specific Questions

I think I need to change the format of the amount and date fields. I am currently using the short date format 8/30/04, but need to return the date as YYMMDD - 040830. How can I change this format to reflect the ASCII format. The form is also set with the default "=Date()" so the user doesn't have to enter the date everytime - it can also be edited for older data. I would like the date to appear the way it is on the form 08/30/04 but get entered to the table as 040830. Is there a way to do that?

The amount field is odd - I'll include the exact criteria that is desired:

"All Amount Fields must be right justified and space filled. If the amount is a credit, show the "-" sign at the beginning of the number. Payment should be entered as positive amounts. If zero, assign the fied as 0.00 (space filled)"

Is this just a mask that needs to be added? Currently, The field shows $7.00 when 7 is entered to add cent, you must type in 7.50, tab will put in the "$". I need to get rid of the $ and space fill the field?

Any help would be great

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Forms :: Booking System - Time Picker Function?

Dec 2, 2013

Is there some kind of Time picker function , i can see the date picker however i am using a booking system and have a field named 'time of booking' and i need something that can dump the exact system/online time into the field.

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Modules & VBA :: Change System Date / Time Without Admin Privileges

Mar 31, 2014

I have an Access 2010 application running on Win 7 Pro which connects to a Back End SQL Server database. I am trying to get Access to synchronise the client pc system date & time with the Sql server date and time. Please note, the date/time does not necessarily have to be correct, it just has to be consistent between the server and all the pcs running the Access application.

I have tried two methods as follows. But both only work if Access with Administrator privileges, which isn't really practical.

Method 1:

Dim MyDateTime As Date
'Some Code here to get MyDateTime
If MsgBox("Change date & time to:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & MyDateTime & "?", vbYesNo, "Change") = vbYes Then
Date = DateValue(MyDateTime)
Time = TimeValue(MyDateTime)
End If

Method 2:

wYear As Integer
wMonth As Integer
wDayOfWeek As Integer
wDay As Integer

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Creating One OnClick Event For All Labels On Form

Mar 18, 2014

I would like to make clickable labels on my form, so if the user has any questions about the field, clicking on the label would bring up a message box that would give them more information. I know how to write onclick events one by one for every label, but there are a lot of them, and I feel like there has to be a better way.

I put the label names, and the text I'd like for the message box in a table, and I'd like to have a module that will allow me to click on a label, and have the right text come up.

I've researched ways to do this and have come up with nothing. The farthest I've gotten is an array tied to the form open event that just displays all the message boxes from first to last, one after the other. I believe that's on the right track, but is not a workable solution as is. I need to be able to tie the message box to the actual label the user clicks.

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Calulate Time On A Button Event

Jan 24, 2006

Hello All,

I am using a timer function to hopefully calulate have long a call has lasted, I have setup a rolling clock called "ElapsedTime" and i have the start time running off the P.C. Time this is called "txt_Start", this works fine no issues.

Now comes the fun bit i have a button called "cmd_Finish", i wish the time to be calulated and the total time to be placed in a text box called "txt_Finish" sound easy but nope this would apear not to be.

The Following Setup is used:-
ElapsedTime = "00:00:00"
txt_Start = Time(), formated to LongTime
txt_Finish = Formated to Long Time

Example of what i would like to happen
txt_Start = 10:40:02
ElapsedTime = 00:00:11
txt_Finish = 10:40:13

I have tried the following Code:
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Me.txt_Finish = ([ElapsedTime] + [txt_Start])
End Sub

Can anybody help me on this please.

Alastair :eek:

*****************************RESOLVED THANKS TO ALASTAIR69 (ME) & Allan57********************

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Disable Button - Time Event?

Oct 4, 2007

Hello All,

I was wondering if there is a way to disable a command button after it has been clicked for a small period of time. (lets say 1 second) stopping the user from any happy clicking. (fast repetitive clicks)

This is to do with viewing embedded images, i can explain more if required.

Thanks, Aaron

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Finding A Minimum Time For A Swimming Event

Feb 21, 2006

I am trying to produce a database that will select a swimmers, best time for each event, and will select the overall best time done by any swimmer in the events.

At the moment I am having some trouble with my queries.

When trying to get the query to select a swimmers best time for the events, It will work when selecting min for the time field and including the following fields:
Age group

However I also wish to include the name of the swimming pool the time was done at and the date at which it was achieved. My problem is that when I add these fields into the query, it looks for the swimmers minimum time in the event, on the date, and at the venue and consequently comes up with all the times the swimmer has done, rather than just the best ones.

I would Really appreciated if anyone had any suggestions as to how I can get over this problem

Thanks in advance


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Added Current Time On Click Event

Mar 5, 2008

I have two fields in my form contained Start time and End time. Currently, Both fields using default Time$() on form. However, End time always wrong because until we get our job done, It took atleast 20 or 30 minutes more than current default time. My question is, is there any way I can setup the End time to just click on it, and a new current default time populated?

Thanks in advance..

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