Delete User Information In System.mdw File?

Jun 15, 2006

Is it possible to delete user information in workgroup information (System.mdw) file from command line or programmatically?


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How Do I Log Out On Users On A Multi-user System?

May 27, 2005

I run a multi-user system of over 200 users. The only facility I have for advising an office-wide logout is required is the email system. However, staff either don't read their email or forget so I have to run around like a headless chicken trying to get everyone to get out/stay out of the system while I perform maintenance etc. Is there a way to enforce a logout and keep users logged out until a requested time without spending a fortune on new software?
Any advice would save me a lot of hair pulling (not mine :)).

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Very Basic User Login System

Oct 23, 2007


Sorry if this has been covered before but I couldn't find a post on it anywhere.

I have a login form but am not sure where to go with it now. I want the "Login" button to look up the username in the table "users" and check the password with the one submitted in the form. After this has been authorised I have also created field "permissions" in the users table and I would like that permission to be assigned to the users session.


Chris Farrants

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System.MDW File

Jun 18, 2005

I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file.
I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place
FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.

I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.

My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?

Does the shortcut have to reference Jobs.mdw?

I need to understand this.



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Networked Database, Basic User Login System

Jun 11, 2007

hi.. i have a database stored on my main computer. all pcs on the network have windows xp.the database is stored in a shared folder.. and at the moment.. everyone on the network can open the database.. but not at the same time..basically if i have the database open.. my colleague on the pc next to me has to wait till i close what i am asking is can someone direct me to a simple tutorial or some reading material..that introduces the methods needed to allow multiple pcs to access a single database with or without a login system.i imagine there will be certain read/write and locking issues.. but i really need it.thanks.

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User Authentication System For Access 2007 Questions

Jan 1, 2008

Alrighty -

After learning that 2007 has no User Security roles, and not having Sharepoint or a SQL server, I decided to work starting with Bob's Simple Login script located here (

I've got it functioning fine and incorporated some of the options also made available here (

You'll see the code below used to store info in a hidden form that is holding the username and permissions level. I'm looking to try and store this information into a global variable instead of a hidden table.

I know that I could define it as a variable right here in the code, but how do I define it as a Global variable so I can use it later in the application in the VBA?

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
Dim strUser As String
Dim strPWD As String
Dim intUSL As Integer

strUser = Me.txtUser
If DCount("[UserPWD]", "tblUsers", "[UserName]='" & Me.txtUser & "'") > 0 Then
strPWD = DLookup("[UserPWD]", "tblUsers", "[UserName]='" & Me.txtUser & "'")
If strPWD = Me.txtPwd Then
intUSL = DLookup("[SecurityGroup]", "tblUsers", "[UserName]='" & Me.txtUser & "'")
Forms!frmUSL.txtUN = strUser
Forms!frmUSL.txtUSL = intUSL
Select Case intUSL
Case 1
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmHome", acNormal
Case 2
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmHome", acNormal, , , acFormReadOnly
Case 3
MsgBox "Not configured yet", vbExclamation, "Not configured"
Case 4
MsgBox "Not configured yet", vbExclamation, "Not configured"
End Select
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogin", acSaveNo
If MsgBox("You entered an incorrect password" & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to re-end your password?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Restricted Access") = vbYes Then
Me.txtPwd.Value = ""
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter = DLookup("[OptionValueNum]", "tblOptions", "[OptionsID]=1") Then
MsgBox "You have entered an incorrect password too many times. This database will now close!", vbCritical, "Wrong password!"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

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Workgroup File (system.mdw) Problem

Jul 28, 2005

I recently created a workgroup for an access database and it works fine. But I have other versions of that same database (beta copies) for which I didn't create that workgroup file. They have different names than the first DB for which I made the workgroup.
But even when I open those beta copies it still launches the workgroup file (system.mdw) and prompts me to login. What do I need to do to revert these changes and go back to the unsecured version of my database?

Is it as simple as deleting this file?

Thanks in advance,


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Security Hole If System.mdw File Is Used

Oct 5, 2003

I am a newbie and I am having a problem with MS Access 2000 security.

I have created a workgroup information file for a database to secure a database using a user level security. Everything seems to work ok if I use this WIF. But if I join the system.mdw file the database is not secure and opens without prompting for login. Please let me know if there is a method to block the user from using the system.mdw file.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Automatically Delete Information In A Table With A Command

Oct 30, 2013

my database just records end of day sales figures which are entered though a form, after they are entered the total for the day is archived. However the problem i have is that the i need some way of clearing the input table with a command in the form.

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Compacting And File System Security Problems

Jan 8, 2006


I've done every search I could think of, but haven't come up with a solution.
I'm having a problem with file system security settings of windows 2000.
I have a FE/BE database setup, the BE is stored on a network drive that all users have access to. The FE is stored in the same spot on every workstation (C:dataXXXXXX.mdb). The FEs demonstrate considerable bloat and I understand that the solution is frequent Compact and Repairs.

However, each physical workstation is used by more than one user (different shifts) and the compact process removes the Everyone file system access from the database and replaces it with Administrators, and the current user; thereby preventing anyone other than the compacting individual from accessing the FE on that computer.

Is there a solution??


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General :: Copyfile Function - File System Object

Sep 2, 2013

I have a problem in the copyfile function. It says "CompileError - Expected =" and I am not sure if I am even setting this correctly. This is my code:

Dim fso As Object
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject(filesystemobject)
fso.copyfile(me.txtPath,me.txtarchivepath & me.txtnewfile)

I think the problem is the "filesystemobject bit in the code ....

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Obtaining User Information

Dec 10, 2007

Hello to you all...

I am just after a bit of assitance if anyone can kindly help?

Basically, I need to redevelop a Complaints database for my employer as the current one is no longer fit for purpose. The current database is a FE/BE database and users are required to login with a username and password. This causes me a massive headache as users constantly forget their password and email me to reset it. I had included a password reminder form which emailed users their password if they got their pre-defined security questions correct but our business standards dept did not want us to store personal data for the reminder questions. Is there a way that the database can obtain the users network login ID from windows without too much difficulty?? We had something similar in a previous database but it dipped into the system registry and our IT dept had a fit when the found out....not surprisingly. :-)
Thanks people. Have a great day!

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Log-in User Information Text Box Is Not Passing Into Table

Mar 21, 2006

Hello experts

good morning. here comes my doubt. i use =CurrentUser() in text box of form. but when am testing, the user name is not there in database.

i am using Access 2003 and Access security.

Can anyone tell how to resolve this

Thanks you:)

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Add Identifying Information For User Actions That Took Place

Oct 20, 2015

I don't know if this can be done. I'm using Access 2010 and I have users updating information on a hourly basis.

Can I have a field that basically shows the last user that edited the form or saved it?

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Forms :: How To Capture Windows Log On Information Of A User Using Database

Apr 8, 2014

I have several data entry forms in my DB. What I would like to do is capture the windows user name of the people adding records and changing records. How do I go about doing that? I was think of an on change event to a given field that would then pull the username and insert it in another field/object.

Lets say the an on change of me.cmbModel update txtUserName.

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General :: Timestamp Information When Certain Field Changed By User

Feb 19, 2013

I have a form that i want to some how in a text box post a time stamp anytime information in a certain field is changed by another user.

The time stamp shows on the table only when the table is saved or imported.

Is there a vba code i can attach to a text box that will show me anytime an entry is made?

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Tables :: User Form Design To Enter Necessary Information?

Dec 30, 2013

I have given an example in the attached excel spread sheet with a few comments at the head of each column.

1. I want to confirm that my best modelling approach for this kind of information is a series of 1 to many relationships linking the attributes in columns A->D?

2. In the example given an environmental rating is given to each make/model of car based on each combination of attributes A-->D. How would this work in terms of user form design to enter the necessary information? in order to assign an environmental rating?

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Write Conflict When User Updates Customers Information On Form.

Oct 24, 2007


Well I know why this happens b/c the table that the information is being pulled is the subsequently being updated however when moving to a diff customer or closing the form etc.. The user is then displayed the MsgBox of Write Conflict and supplying the user with 3 options of Disregarding Changes, Saving changes to Clipboard or Save Changes.

Baisically is their a way to restrict this write conflict msgbox and have it so that it saves the users changes every time.


monkey o_0

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Queries :: Create Query Where User Will Enter Information In Boxes?

Jun 26, 2014

I am trying to create a query where a user will enter information in boxes (any combination) on a form and a query will bring up the joined information from 4 different tables but I do not know where to start with the relationships on the query let alone the best method to search.

To start it off I have attached a db with the tables and the form I want the user to enter the search criteria into as well as my attempt at a query.

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WorkGroup Information File Qustion...

Nov 22, 2007

Hello all

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who's a member and has helped someone at some point within the forums! I'm quite new to Access and have received a massive amount of help on one of my first databases.:)

As the title points out, I'm not sure about the WIF. If I have two database in the same location, lets say their called DB1 and DB2 and I create a WIF for DB1, this wont affect DB2, will it? For example, it wouldn't create security for DB2?

Another senario is, if I have two databases nameed DB1 (basically one is a copy) within lets say two different subfolders within the same top level folder, because they are the same name, would this mean that they would both be affected by the same WIF?

I recently created a WIF like this and had to enter a password for both databases! to my consternation, I deleted the DB (along with the WIF) with which I made up the WID and I could access the Other DB without the Password! If I do create a WIF for a database, how can I stop using it as if I never created it in the first place?

Hope someone can help me! Thanks.

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Remove WorkGroup Information File

Mar 2, 2008

Hi ,

I need to remove the workgroup information file from my MDB file (i.e) removing security check from my project. Can any one help me in it?

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General :: Reading DB File Information?

Sep 29, 2013

I see a lot of requests for this operation, but apparently .DB files are so general that sometimes it's impossible? Any all-encompassing program that can read files like this? I believe they come in different formats and are produced by a variety of different programs. The only thing I ever see though are files with [.db] as the extension.

If I open the one I have with notepad on a windows machine I see some of the info but some of it is not there and is garbled.


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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Queries :: Setting Delete For User From Form?

Jun 30, 2013

What is the best way to set delete for user from the form? All code, or part code and use a query, or something different? What is the best criteria to have user use? I just go to datasheet and zap, but I don't want user going into datasheet.

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Relationships - Delete User But Keep History / Data

Feb 19, 2014

I have a DB setup with users and their information. How can I remove a user from the DB without losing their data?

Basically I just don't want the users seeing this (deleted) user in the list on a form. So maybe "hide" is a better term than delete.

Access 2010

Table "Employees" - holds username and some other user specific info.
Table "Hours" - holds username related data(how many hours they worked on specific dates).
Form "WorkHourEntry" - The form I use to allow the users to login and enter their data(hours).

Then have a combo box that displays all the users in a list. This list/combo box is where I want to hide users from when the employee leaves the company or dept. and is no longer needed. But, we need to keep their history/data.

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How Can I Excute Code When The User End The MS Application By Alt+Ctrl+Delete

Aug 22, 2007

Some times, the system become stuck, which forces the user to end the program using Windows Alt+Ctrl+Delete. I have MS Access code which I want to execute when the user made the 'End Program' event using the Alt+Ctrl+Delete.


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