Security Hole If System.mdw File Is Used

Oct 5, 2003

I am a newbie and I am having a problem with MS Access 2000 security.

I have created a workgroup information file for a database to secure a database using a user level security. Everything seems to work ok if I use this WIF. But if I join the system.mdw file the database is not secure and opens without prompting for login. Please let me know if there is a method to block the user from using the system.mdw file.

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Compacting And File System Security Problems

Jan 8, 2006


I've done every search I could think of, but haven't come up with a solution.
I'm having a problem with file system security settings of windows 2000.
I have a FE/BE database setup, the BE is stored on a network drive that all users have access to. The FE is stored in the same spot on every workstation (C:dataXXXXXX.mdb). The FEs demonstrate considerable bloat and I understand that the solution is frequent Compact and Repairs.

However, each physical workstation is used by more than one user (different shifts) and the compact process removes the Everyone file system access from the database and replaces it with Administrators, and the current user; thereby preventing anyone other than the compacting individual from accessing the FE on that computer.

Is there a solution??


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Two Qustions (System Flush And Security)

Apr 24, 2006

1. I have several Tables, queries and reports. I need to delete all the information from these but keep the tables queries and reports the same, how do I do it? (macro i assume?)

2. How can I up! the security of access, i.e add a password to the file.

3. Also does access have any backup features I could use, like automatically backup the file to >>Here

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General :: Extract PID From System Security Tables

Apr 7, 2013

I have inherited a 2003 db with unknown PIDs for the Group & User security.When trying to alter User details, I'm asked for a PID, so I'm trying to find the PID for the existing users.

I've gone to unhide the systems tables to get a dump of the data & hopefully find the PIDs but no luck so far.There is a Parent ID & if I run a query from the Users DB file, it appears as if it something like japanese writing ???

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Forms :: Login System That Assign Security Clearance - Form Not Found Error

Jun 24, 2013

I am relatively new to Access and VB. I am trying to create a log-in system that assigns a security clearance to each user and then restricts access to certain forms and reports based on security clearance. Right now, I have set up the log-in system - that seems to work fine. But when I try to lock the form based on security clearance, I get the 2450 - Form Not Found - error.

The code I am using on the form is as follows:

Private Sub Form_Open (Cancel As Integer)

If Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4) <> 1 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this form", vbOkOnly
DoCmd.Close acForm, "formname"

End Sub

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System.MDW File

Jun 18, 2005

I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file.
I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place
FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.

I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.

My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?

Does the shortcut have to reference Jobs.mdw?

I need to understand this.



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Workgroup File (system.mdw) Problem

Jul 28, 2005

I recently created a workgroup for an access database and it works fine. But I have other versions of that same database (beta copies) for which I didn't create that workgroup file. They have different names than the first DB for which I made the workgroup.
But even when I open those beta copies it still launches the workgroup file (system.mdw) and prompts me to login. What do I need to do to revert these changes and go back to the unsecured version of my database?

Is it as simple as deleting this file?

Thanks in advance,


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Delete User Information In System.mdw File?

Jun 15, 2006

Is it possible to delete user information in workgroup information (System.mdw) file from command line or programmatically?


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General :: Copyfile Function - File System Object

Sep 2, 2013

I have a problem in the copyfile function. It says "CompileError - Expected =" and I am not sure if I am even setting this correctly. This is my code:

Dim fso As Object
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject(filesystemobject)
fso.copyfile(me.txtPath,me.txtarchivepath & me.txtnewfile)

I think the problem is the "filesystemobject bit in the code ....

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Security 'Could Not Lock File'

Nov 30, 2005

Hi all,
We are changing domains and are doing alot of bouncing around with passwords and such.
Now all my users who are not in admins can not open our Db.
We get a message 'Could not lock file'. Any ideas?

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Shortcut To MDW Security File

Apr 4, 2007

Hello all:

using Access 2000.

I'm using the mdw file to secure a db and I have installed it on a few computers and it works fine. The shortcut is

"C:Program FilesMICROS~2OfficeMSACCESS.EXE" "C:Vero InventoryVERO INVENTORY_fe.mde" /WRKGRP "C:Vero InventorySecured.mdw"

There is a local folder on each workstation holding the front end and I've given full access to this user and made sure the permissions propagated to the actual mde file itself.

There's one computer that tells me it can't find the db when I run the shortcut. It has the same setup as all others....

Any ideas?


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Log Changes Made To Mdw Security File

Mar 25, 2008

I need to know if there is anyway to view any changes made to the security workgroup file I have with my database. I need to know when or if someone is changing it to allow someone else full access to the database, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Workgroup File Security

Oct 27, 2004

This is more of a point of interest then a question, at work, Access defaults to a central workgroup file, so all Access files opened on a work machine will prompt for a user name and password, and only let you in if you get it right... but if you move the work group file, even after it has been open using that workgroup file, it will just let you straight in and GIVE YOU ADMIN RIGHTS!

No one really seems to know about this... does it happen if you manually set the workgroup file? Or is this just a security hole if you rely on the default? I'm not sure yet, haven't tested, but i fell people should be made aware (happens for sure on Access2002, haven't tested it on any others)


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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Security Leak With Access File On Server

Jun 13, 2005

I have just started working with a team on a database that is available to everyone in this office. We have tried to lock it out and assign permissions by using workgroups, running security wizard, giving users no permissions, and deleting the Admin user, however none of this has sealed the database. The workgroup file is seperate folder on the server and the shortcut we make people use links to that workgroup. However Access is still defaulting to seperate workgroups on users personal computers. Is there anyway we can prevent this? Thanks.

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Workgroup Security Cancelled If Mdw File Is Deleted

Mar 14, 2007

Hello people of access world forums. I've decided to design a simple access db with 2003 version but with 2000 compatibility and everything appear to work ok.

After designing and testing the db, I have set the Jet user-level security options as described in some documentation and set the startup options too for a "clean type" start. Everything is ok: I have created the workgroup in a new .mdw file, joined the workgroup, set the users, set the groups, protect the forms I wanted to. If I try to open the db, it asks for user and password and the db works as espected about security.

But if I delete, move or change the .mdw filename, the db turns accesible without the implemented security. Only the startup option works but no user is prompted and the protected items turns unprotected.

I would like to know how can I associate the .mdw to the .mdb so I can't access the .mdb if the .mdw file is not present (i.e. copying the .mdb to another computer or something).

Thanks in advanced.


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Security Warning Every Time I Open .mdb File

Mar 14, 2005

every time i open .mdb file, i get a security warning that the file may be not safe to be opened if it conatins some code that might harm my computer.
in order to open the file' i have to press open.
how can i avoid this warning?
thank you.

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Advice For Security & Question On Built In Access Security

Mar 26, 2007

I've read and gone though quite a few of the scrips and examples for creating logins and security and i'm getting to the stage when i need to have good understanding of the different methods.

Some of the examples whilst create a user login do not really allow for security within the database whilst the build in security wizard would appear to offer that functionality.

I am thinking that I will use the Workgroup file and that method. My question is am i able to utilise the fact that if a person 'AdamA' logs onto the database which is built into the workgroup security file. am I then able to take 'AdamA' to populate a table which records actions by a user? (I can't seem to find any thread or book reference to doing this)

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Add Security To A Table If Table Is Created After Initial Security Is Set Up

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to do this through vba. If security is setup for all the tables and a user goes in and creates a new table, can that table have security applied to it using code?

So maybe the creator of the table has read/write privileges but everyone else only has read only.

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Spa System

Aug 19, 2007

I am new to Access and Ive created adatabase to control a spa system.
I have several tables: Customers
Types Of Haircut - Their prices
Types oF massage Their Prices

Now I want To create a form where i am able to choose customer, the employee performing the haircut or massage
The price should be displayed and the total AMount

How can I do that?
Should I create a Query and based on the query I create the form?

Please Help!!!

Thanking you all

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Payroll System

Sep 27, 2005

Hi All,

Need your expert advise. Is it ok to develop a simple payroll system using MS Access or do i need switch to Visual Basic?

Also, is there anybody can help what tables do i need to produce a payroll system, i.e. tblEmployee.



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Reservations System

Nov 3, 2006

I am creating a database to room allocation in a small hotel. I want the system to check room availability between two dates. What would be the best way to construct this in Access?


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Set An Equiry System

Dec 15, 2005

Hi, I am trying to implement my Database with an enquiry (or quotation) table and I am not sure I am heading in the right direction:

-We use assemblies made of components and the data are held together in the database with a 'Bill of Material' set up.
-A typical assembly is made of 1 or 2 bodies + Fasteners (straps and screws),
-The body price is calculated depending on his weight and an extra costs can be added with extra tooling and machining,

The costumer ask us for a quotation for various number of assemblies and we send back the estimation of the price,

I am really struggling to see if my tables are set right and this is what I came up with (attached
A main Enquiryfile Table is linked to an enquiryDetail Table which would record each individual item information for each Enquiry.
I have also added a Extracost detail table that would record all the Machining and extra pattern making cost for each assembly.
And finally, and that's what I am far to be sure about, a TblChildItemCost where the price of each components would be recorded (for each enquiry detail). The body price is based on his weight but also depend of various market exchange rates, that is the reason why I have created a table for the price of component for each enquiry.
I really hope someone can help me on that one...Thanks in advance.

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System Tables

Oct 24, 2006


My application I develop should retrieve some meta data from Access system tables. It should find:
- What tables are stored in database.
- What columns have each table in database.
- What relationships are between tables in database.
I opened systems tables of some .mdb file and took interest in such kind of information. But I got some problems by looking for what exactly I need. Please, could someone help me at these points:

1) I found that in system table MSysObjects I can find names and ids of tables created by user (for example by me). But how to determine that these tables are created by user and they are not let’s say a system tables?
2) I didn’t find any meta data about columns of tables! How to determine what columns has each table?

I created application which uses MS SQL Server to retrieve such a kind of meta information and there where no problems. But I stuck using Access.
I was looking for some information in Internet but ineffectively. Please, help me...

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Hire System Help

Nov 27, 2006

I have two tables, one named Loan and one named DVD Details.

On my DVD details table i have a field name, on_loan with a data type yes/no.

I have created a form called LoanForm where i want to select a DVD with a combo box,

then select a Set loan button that will set the corresponding DVD on_loan field to yes(true), in the dvd form.

on the button i have the following code

Private Sub HireDVDButton_Click()

Update dvd
Set car.on_loan = True

End Sub

But it doesn't seem to set the on_loan field in the DVD table to true, which is what i want to do.

Sorry if it's not clear what i want to do. I am just a beginner.

Thanks in advance :)

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Difficulties With System

Feb 8, 2006

Hi, I’ve been having some problems being able to do some things on my database, I was doing ok creating my system but now I’m a bit confused about what to do and I’ve been trying but getting no where. Firstly on my order form I need a total for the products which are in an subform and after the order is complete I need to be able to create an invoice and keep all the order information in the 'invoice' and 'invoice details' tables. I also need it to update the stock levels after the order is complete. Then I had created a tab in 'view customers' and I wanted to have it so that past customer orders could be viewed. Any help is appreciated; here is a link to my system:
'Gamez System' (

Thanks, Bob.

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