Doesn't Recognise Values As On The List In A Combobox

Jan 24, 2005


I have a table of records, with one field of the records a combobox populated by a select query based onanother table.

My problem ism that it doesn't seem to recognise any of the values as on the list, though deleting one character and then replacing it results in the value being accepted with no problems.

This is a database I have inherited (Cheers predecessor!), the table is populated with a few thousand records and scrolling through this table results in an error message on this field for every record and is making displaying data on this form a nightmare! Anyone know of the cause or of a quick fix?

I don't know the history of this table unfortunately.

Cheers in advance


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Forms :: ComboBox Doesn't Display Some Values - Returning Blank

Feb 10, 2014

In a form used to record a sale for a company we have a dropdown box with the contact names for that company and when one is selected it populates other boxes like phone number etc however the combobox brings up all possible contacts but when some of them are selected all the boxes return blank, including the combobox, whereas most of the contacts work fine.

The SQL used for the combobox is as follows..

SELECT tbl_Contacts.ContactTelephone, tbl_Contacts.ContactMobile, tbl_Contacts.ContactEmail, tbl_Contacts.ID_Contact, tbl_Contacts.ID_Company, tbl_Contacts.Salutation & " " & tbl_Contacts.ContactForename & " " & tbl_Contacts.ContactSurname AS MainContact
FROM tbl_Contacts
WHERE (((tbl_Contacts.ID_Company)=[tbl_CompanyBookings].[ID_Company]))
ORDER BY tbl_Contacts.ContactForename;

Why some contacts work and some don't ??

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update List Of Values In A Combobox

Sep 25, 2014

I have a combo box which gets its values from sql server using a query which is called "get_query_reason", which works fine. Now I want to update combo box values based on a user selection, st string. Have written the code, but does not work:

Dim qDef As QueryDef
Dim Query As String
Dim st As String
Dim rs As Recordset
st = "SOV"
Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("get_query_reason")

[Code] ....

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Subform Combobox To Only List Specific Values

May 22, 2014

I have an Employee's Development Objective main form , which has a subform that contains a combobox that lists all 'Job Titles' and 'Job Objectives' within the company, say such as:

IT Manager, Create Spreadsheets
IT Manager, Manage Staff
SQL DBA, Create Databases
SQL DBA, Create Spreadsheets
Managing Director, Manage Finance
Managing Director, Manage Staff

How do I get the subform combo box to ONLY display the Job Titles and Job Objectives specific to the Employees known Job Title? The combobox Row Source is presently:

SELECT qryJobObjectiveDetails.jobObjID, qryJobObjectiveDetails.jobTitle, qryJobObjectiveDetails.objective
FROM qryJobObjectiveDetails
ORDER BY [jobTitle], [objective];

The main form has a jobID number specific to the Employees job title.

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Forms :: Single Column Combobox To List Values From Multiple Fields

Apr 8, 2013

I have a data base with names, email IDs, phone numbers of 5 types(example quality, security, IT,finance etc) of person from ten different project teams. I created a basic form for the end user to enter values and created fields for each of the person's name, email ID etc based on the personal type( liek quality, IT, finance etc) on each team. The background table contains records of almost 200 people now.

All of these people will be trained for one task and some will be trained for multiple tasks. I know how to make the combo box allow multiple values/selections but, i cannot list out all 200 personal names in the combobox's rowsource/value list. Is it possible to combine all different name fields and list out all personal(of one team), so that the end user can just select multiple names for that team who have been trained and so on. i need to set the rowsource of the combobox to the values of all personal from one team so the team leader can just go select who has been trained and who has not.

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Forms :: Combobox In A Form To List Values Of A Field In A Table - Rowsource

Apr 14, 2014

So I have a combobox in a form that lists the values of a field in a table. The rowsource is this:

SELECT [Estes Training Modules].[Training Module], [Estes Training Modules].[Period] FROM [Estes Training Modules] ORDER BY [Period];

The problem is that ALL values on that field show up, including repeated values. I only need each different value to show up once. How can I do that?

For example, what I get in the combobox is: Annual, 2-Year, Annual, Annual, 2-Year, 3-Year,...

What I need is: Annual, 2-Year, 3-Year,...

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Modules & VBA :: If Then Statement Doesn't Recognize The Value In Combobox

Sep 18, 2013

I have used the code below to send an email automatically when a new record has been created. However I recently added the If Then statement to the code as you can see. The problem is that the email wont send because it says "There must be at least one name or distribution list in the To Cc or Bcc box". It is most likely saying this because it doesn't recognize "IT" in the txtDeparment combobox. How can I get it to recognize IT in the department combobox? The reason I am using an If Then is because I will make it send to different email addresses depending on what is in txtDepartment by using ElseIf

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With MailOutLook
.BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
If Me.txtDepartment = "IT" Then
.To = "my email"
End If
.Subject = "hi"
.HTMLBody = "hi"
End With

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Capitalisation Recognise Spaces

Oct 4, 2005

Right ive searched the forum and people are just asking silly questions that can be answered with an input mask but.

What im looking for is to be able to type a name for example in one textbox and the textbox will Capitalize the first Name and recognise the space key has been pressed and Capitalize the first letter of Second Name

Thanks for any help

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Qry To Accumulate Values Doesn't Work?!?

Jul 24, 2006

My table has a list of calculated values corresponding to a date.

I need my query to sort by date/time and accumulate the values.

Pls see the simplyfied attached db with the table and query.

I can't see what could possibly be wrong with it :confused:
It works fine when I accumulate non-calc'd values e.g. the record ID ..

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Does Access Recognise Anti-join?

May 19, 2006


I'm merging de-duping contact data from 2 tables with the same fields. One table is the master (lets call it X) and the other is new data (lets call it Y).

However, it's not a simple as adding the new recordset to the old recordset: there are many dupes - sometimes X data needs to be replaced with Y data, sometimes the X data is more comprehensive than the Y data so the Y data is discarded, but often Y and X records for matching email addresses needs to be merged.

I currently have a union query joining the two tables (X and Y), upon which a make table query is based. A de-duplication query has been based on the resulting table of all records (X + Y), and exact duplicate/fragment 'Y' records in the table have been removed.

I have in my mind a diagram of a right-outer-join query (where the left table is X + Y and the right table is the original table X) - and I want the data that would be excluded from this operation. I have come across un-join queries in discussions relating to Oracle, can I use this operator in Access or is it incompatible with the Jet engine?

Would I just be able to use "IS NOT" somewhere in the right-outer-join query instead?

Please help! Thank you!

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Forms :: Subform Doesn't Update After Values Being Updated By Another Form

Feb 27, 2015

I'm running into an issue with my forms. I have a form that contains a subform, that contains a list of projects. This list is read-only. To update a record, you can double click on it, which opens another form filtered on this record, and which contains the fields in the first form as well as some others.

I have a command button on that last form to "Save and close", which fires up a macro that saves the record and closes the window.

Now, the issue that I'm having is that, when the window closes and I'm once again in front of the first form with the list of projects, the values of the record I changed are not updated and when I click on another record, Access tells me there's a conflict in the values and asks me if I want to keep the changes, discard them or copy to the clipboard.

It seems to consider the old values from the first form as a change, and thus asks me which to keep between these, and the actual (proper) changes I made in the dedicated form.

For the proper changes to be applied, I need to select "Drop changes".

I tried to requery the first form, also undo the changes to it after closing the window, but none of that worked.

I'm actually basing this on one of the templates, which does exactly what I want and which obviously works...

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Combobox List Condition

Jun 13, 2006

how do i make 2nd combobox list based on 1st combobox list, mean if i choose A at 1st combobox, only A1-A5 option appear, and when i select B at 1st combobox, only B1-B8 appear to select at 2nd combobox..


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Combobox List Sticks

Oct 4, 2006

I have a form with a subform in datasheet view with a combobox on it. When a user presses the Arrow to dropdown the menu it will stick on the screen after they leave the field. Any idea's?

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Combobox With Value List In A Report

Sep 13, 2004

I want to have a combobox in a report ,

In a report using a query with a field named: "plantno" and as criteria" :Like [Fill in the plantno]
I can put in a plantno.That is working Oke!
I want to do the same thing as above but then that i want to see
a combobox with a few plantno,s which are put in a valuelist,so that i dont have to type in plantno,s
but that i only can choose out a valuelist.

Who can help me?

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Can Combobox Value List Be Altered At Run Time?

Feb 6, 2005

Is it possible to alter the values displayed in a combo-box dropdown at run time. I tried using the following bit of code in a listbox's 'After Update' event , but it does not alter the combo-box's value list.

dim strSponProjStatus as string
dim StrNonSponProjStatus as string

strSponProjStatus = "Seed ; Growth; Consolidation; Phase Out; Closed"
StrNonSponProjStatus = "Under Nego;Funded;Part Funded;Suspended;Unfunded"

Me.cboProjectStatus.RowSourceType = "valuelist"

If Me.cboFundingSource = "Sponsorship-ADP" Then
Me.cboProjectStatus.RowSource = strSponProjStatus
Me.cboProjectStatus.RowSource = StrNonSponProjStatus
End If

Any suggestions as to why this is not working?

Cheers :eek:

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Listbox/combobox List Alltables

Jun 14, 2006

Hi guys

Just wondering how could a make a listbox or combobox to have the names of all or some of the tables that are currently in my database

I only know how to get the values from a table or query in RowSource using SQL language... but how can I display the names of the tables

Thanks in advance for the help.. I really appreciate it

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General :: Default Value Combobox But Not In List

Jun 11, 2012

(I'm upgrading an old database)

I have a combobox who lists te values of a table.

In that table are say: 5 records filled with a,b,c,d,e.

In my form i have a combobox who is default filled with a blank field, but i can select a,b,c,d or e.

If i select nothing in the combobox, the value has to be set at "0"

But i cannot add "0" as a value in de table of the dropdownlist.

if i can get the value default for "0" i'm happy, but if i can display the "0" as default in the combobox, i'm very happy.

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Unique Values To ComboBox

Oct 25, 2006

Hi guys,

I've tried searching all the threads for an answer to my problem and I can't seem to find it....

Ok I know this should be simple...

I know to use Distinct and DistinctRow to only show unique records in a combobox but all I want to do is that once a selection is chosen in the combobox to add a record to a subform, it can't be selected again.

I know in some cases you do, e.g. items on an invoice sometimes need to be entered more than once, but I'm listing Skills for Employees and I only want a user to enter a Skill once per Employee (although Employees can have many Skills, I just don't want a User to accidentally put the same Skill in twice or more per Employee...)...

What's the best optimized way of achieving this?

Sorry for my newbiness.


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How To Get Values In Combobox After Selection

Oct 22, 2005

I have 2 comboboxes.
i select the value from one combobox.
i want the second combobox to be filled with the values corresponding to the selected value in first combo.
first combo is bound with some other table and second combo takes vales from some other table.
How can i do this?

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Refrencing A Combobox's Values

Mar 9, 2006

How can I refrencence any value within a combobox (not the one selected)? I want to try and acheve something like this:


Although that doesn't work. Is this possible?

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ComboBox Unique Values

Oct 25, 2006

Hi guys,

I've tried searching all the threads for an answer to my problem and I can't seem to find it....

Ok I know this should be simple...

I know to use Distinct and DistinctRow to only show unique records in a combobox but all I want to do is that once a selection is chosen in the combobox to add a record to a subform, it can't be selected again.

I know in some cases you do, e.g. items on an invoice sometimes need to be entered more than once, but I'm listing Skills for Employees and I only want a user to enter a Skill once per Employee (although Employees can have many Skills, I just don't want a User to accidentally put the same Skill in twice or more per Employee...)...

What's the best optimized way of achieving this?

Sorry for my newbiness.


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Select Values In A Combobox.....

Nov 7, 2004


I have a combobox on a form and it shows values from a query. I pick one value and presses a button, then a new form opens with a lot of information based on the value in the combo box. In this combobox I would like to have a value called "All", if I choose this one I want All of the information to be shown. I would like to know how to get this to work (create a question with a term like this: IIF([Forms]![frmMaskin]![cmbAvd]="All";Like "*";[Forms]![frmMaskin]![cmbAvd])). When I do this, I se nothing. Please give me some advice.

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1 Combobox With Values From 2 Tables?

Apr 23, 2013

I Have to tables, Employee's & Vehicle's. I'm making a dispatch form. and i want to put a "Unit Dispatched" combo box that will populate from the Employee's ID and the Vehicle ID. We sometimes dispatch employee's to a job on their own and sometimes we send a company vehicle. is there any way to do this?

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ComboBox Not Listing Values

Sep 23, 2011

So I have a textbox on a form that contain values. I want to convert it to a ComboBox. Since a lot of these values are the same in a lot of records (for example, "Inventor"), I want the entered values to appear in the ComboBox dropdown so they can just be selected instead of typed in. I converted the textbox to a Combobox by right-clicking on the textbox => Change To => ComboBox. It changed successfully, but I want it to list the values in the dropdown, but it doesn't.

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List Data In Subfrom Based On Combobox

Oct 26, 2005

i just to know how to list the all data at subform that same thing that i selected at combobox..

ok for example..

i want to list all car part that purchased in nov 2005 at subform...
date(nov 2005) selected from combo box...
then if i change other date (ex: dec 2005) it update n view new parts..

is there need some coding at macros?

plz help me im new with access... :confused:

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Combobox List A Year Of Saturday Dates

Oct 31, 2006

I have a form and I need a combobox on the form to produce a list of Dates for every Saturday starting from the current day displayed in a short format for the user to select. Does anyone have an idea how I could manage that?

I was going to make a table and write in each one and use that for the rowsource, but someone said that there might be a way to do that dynamically.

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