Forms :: Cancel When Hitting Form X Button

May 9, 2013

Here's the setup:

- I have a parent form bound to a parent table with a subform bound to a subtable.

- The parent does not allow data entry and has its sole field filled by a listbox.

- The subForm is a data entry form which contains two buttons in addition to it's fields: btnCancel and btnOK

-btnOK checks to ensure that all required fields are filled out and then saves and closes the parent form. - ALL OK

- btnCancel closes undoes any changes andcloses the form - ALL OK

The issue I have is with the user utilizing the Parent form x button to close the form. For uniformity I would like to not remove this button but would like it to prompt the user whether to discard the changes if the form is dirty.

I attempted the following on both the parent and sub forms to no avail. I can't even get the event to trigger:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rspSaveorDiscard As VbMsgBoxResult
rspSaveorDiscard = vbYes

If Me.Dirty Then
intSaveorDiscard = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to close without saving?", vbYesNo, "Discard Changes")

[Code] .....

I was under the impression that when closing a form using the x button the before_update event was triggered first, then the close event, then the unload event. How should I handle this?

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Forms :: Hitting Next Record Button Creates A New Job Instead Of Stopping?

Dec 28, 2014

I created a basic database in Access 2013 to keep up with jobs, and each job has a job number assigned to make each job unique (Primary Key).

At first I had it where I had to enter the new job number manually for each job. I have updated it and now it takes the last job number and adds 1 to it and then fills in the Job Number field automatically.

The problem is when I clicked the Last Record button, it will go to the last existing record, but if I click the Next Record button while on the last record, it will create a new record. It creates a new job instead of stopping at the last record. I assume it has to do with the auto numbering I have setup for the job numbers, since it didn't do this before, but I am not sure why. I ONLY want to be able to click the New Record (Blank) button to create a new job, NOT by also clicking the Next Record button.

Is there a way to force only the New Record button to add a new record? I still need the Previous and Next Record buttons to maneuver through the existing records. I just don't want to create new jobs accidentally by clicking the Next Record button when I'm at the end of the existing records. It should just stop, or say last record or something similar.

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Generate Information From One Form To Another By Hitting Submit Button?

Dec 14, 2011

I have been creating an inventory control system for my small business. I am looking for a code that will generate to another form. So for example if I take out 4 aprons from the first row by hitting the '-1' button 4 times leaving 46 in total how do I generate the information from one form to another by hitting that submit button.

My other form shows Product ID, Date Taken, Product Description, Employee who has taken it, Amount Taken, and Total left in inventory. I need the correct information to show accordingly in the Inventory control form.

I am attaching screen shots ....

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Modules & VBA :: Cancel Button On Form

Oct 8, 2013

what would i write in the onclick private sub of my 'btnCancel'.i need it to do a number of things depending on whether there is data entered in the form fields or whether its completely empty, is there is data being entered in some fields and the cancel button is clicked it should ask whether the user wants to lose all current data as a msgbox, or if there is completely no data in any of the fields and the cancel button is clicked it shoud take me make to the main form where the rest of my buttons work, which is "inmode normal"

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Modules & VBA :: Button To Cancel Entry On A Form

Jul 17, 2013

I'm looking for a button that cancels an entry on a form. I want everything within that form to be cancelled including the Primary Key field. I currently have a button the uses the me.Undo code and then automatically closes, however this only clears the data that has been entered by the user. So when the user re-opens the form the primary key field is showing a 2 instead of a 1.

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Cancel Button On Add New Record Form Not Working

Feb 5, 2014

I have a cancel button on an add new record form and its not working for some reason. When I press cancel it prompts if I really want to cancel and when I press yes it cancels the record creation BUT it adds a number to the recordID autonumber as if one has been created. Is there anyway to stop this? Here is my code

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Cancel_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Cancel_Click
If Me.Dirty = True Then

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Cancel On Load Event When Pressing Command Button

Aug 21, 2013

I have a form (Pipeline) with an on load event that automatically directs the user to a new empty record.


Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

Now my problem is that I am trying to design a 'search form' that will allow the user to look up a specific record in the main form by pressing a command button. Creating the search form is easy enough. I cannot figure out how to override the on load event in the main form when pressing the command button.

As it is right now, the button opens the form and then go directly to a new record.

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Cancel Record In Subform If Click Cancel On Parent Form Before Save

May 24, 2014

I have a form and a subform in it. I added New cancel button in the form so that the the user can cancel the record creation and no record will be inserted in the parent table.

But when details are entered in the subform (a datasheet) row records will be created in the subform table. what is the correct method or how to cancel these records if the user choose to click cancel button on the parent form.

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Forms :: Cursor Position To Be Same After Hitting Enter?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a text box which i use as a "search box"

I type in characters and my data sheet at the bottom will display all matches

What i want to happen is for the cursor to stay on the same text (search) box after hitting enter.

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Forms :: Losing Focus After Hitting Enter In Memofield

Jul 5, 2013

I have a form with a memofield (rich text). After hitting enter, a new line is added in, but the focus changes to the top of the memofield (of the same record).

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Cancel Appointment Through Query

Mar 8, 2015

how i could create a form that cancels an appointment i guess through a query..

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Determine If InputBox Cancel Button Clicked?

May 21, 2014

How can I determine if the InputBox Cancel button was clicked?

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Forms :: Creating A Form That Require User Input To Confirm / Cancel Changes

Jun 24, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and my "changed" position at work requires that I learn much more about the software. My first challenge is to learn how to make an existing form prompt a user to confirm or cancel changes. I don't know anything about coding but I searched online and found some coded that is supposed to make this happen. I went to "form properties'' and typed this (below) in BeforeUpdate:

'If the form data has changed a message is shown asking if
'the changes should be saved. If the answer is no then
'the changes are undone

On Error GoTo BeforeUpdate_Error

[Code] ....

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume BeforeUpdate_Exit

After saving changes to the design, I tested by changing the record. I received no prompt.

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Modules & VBA :: Cancel OnExit Event When Another Command Button Is Pressed

May 8, 2015

I have a form with a control for the user to enter some data and then two command buttons 'OK' and 'Cancel'

For the OnExit event in the control I have a procedure that check the user input and if incorrect, opens a message box with an error message asking the user to correct the data. It then cancels the event so the focus remains in the current control.

However if the user presses the 'Cancel' command button on the form to cancel & close the form, the OnExit event for the current control still fires and asks the user to correct the data.

In my code in the control, how can I recognise that the Cancel command button has been pressed, so I can cancel the OnExit event and close the form?

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Forms :: How To Cancel Mouseup Event

May 23, 2013

I have an app that is browsing a survey. When the survey is in simple 'browse' mode, I want to be able to emulate the effect of a SkipResponse. (A SkipResponse is when selecting a particular value causes the normally sequential processing of survey questions to become non-linear. A sort of If Response = thisvalue then next question is something else) I can 'request' the SkipResponse by using Ctrl/Alt click, and then emulate returning from the target question by using Ctrl/Shift Click.

My problem is that I want to do the same thing (for a return) by allowing Ctrl/Shift on the Exit button. If I just use a regular mouseup evvent, it will complete, but will then go ahead and run the code for the Click event, to exit the survey. What I would like is to be able to cancel the processing of the Click event from within the handler of the MouseUp event.

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Cancel Closing The Form/App

Mar 10, 2006

I'm looking for a way to cancel the closing of a form/app. I added a button asking if the user is sure they wish to exit, and am having difficulty finding the correct code to cancel the close event.Here is my codeDim ians As Integer ians = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to exit?", vbYesNo, "Exit App") If ians = vbNo Then DoCmd.CancelEvent DoCmd.OpenForm "orderlist", acNormal Exit Sub End IfCan help or send me down the right path?Thanks

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Cancel And Exit Form

Jul 7, 2006

Hi all, I have a textbox with an input mask for an id number, so if I begin adding numbers I get an error message if they're not in correct format- this is fine- but I want the user to be able to cancel the entry and exit the form, but when I click the cancel button I get an error message about the id format- anyone know how I can allow cancel to override this?

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Cancel Out Of Edit Form

Nov 1, 2006

I have a form with avout 4 fields based upon a query to allow user to edit an entry if needed.
I want to put a cancel button on so that if they change their mind after having changed a field it reverts to its original value - so for instance they decide to change a land line phone number to a mobile, exit the field but then have a brain storm and decide not to do this so hit the cancel button.
At the moment my cancel button just closes the form (and accepts the overwrite) which would be fine if I am using ADO but not if I am using a bound form.
I am sure there is a simple answer (since I cannot be the only person who thinks this option might be a good idea). I am just not sure how to look for it.
Any thoughts or ideas?

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Hitting Ctrl To Multi Select From ListBox

Jun 25, 2014

I am having a form that has a listbox, which brings up a lot of records, and the user may choose multiple records, but when user wants to scroll down the page to multi select, he cant do it with the ctrl keyboard button, when he press ctrl the page jumps back up, is there any workaround for that?

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Cancel Form Close Event

Aug 3, 2005

Is there a way to cancel a form's close event? If a user clicks the form's close button, I want a msgbox to ask if they are sure, and if yes continue and close, else cancel the forms close event. I know how to perform the msgbox and the if statement. I can not figure out how to cancel the form's close event.

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Forms :: Option Group - Control Still Saving After Undo / Cancel

May 22, 2014

This frame controls an option group. If they are in an existing citation and want to start one for another type, this offers to write a new record in when they try to switch. Problem is, if it DOES write the new record, it seems to be saving the old record, and thus both will end up 56, for example. Access seems to be ignoring/overwriting the Me.frameCitationType.Undo (I don't want to use Me.Undo because they may have made other changes as well).

If the user does not spawn the new citation, it undoes fine. I suspect the problem may be the Filter/FilterOn?

Private Sub frameCitationType_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim chap As Integer
Dim othercit As Variant
Dim curRecord As DAO.Recordset
Dim curDefend As DAO.Recordset
If Me.NewRecord = True And IsNull(Me.CaseNumber) Then
MsgBox "Enter the Service Order and Increment first, please.", vbExclamation

[Code] .....

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Want To Cancel Prompt, Select No And Still Closes Form

Aug 14, 2007

Hi All,

I have a pop up form that requires me to fill out all 4 fields of the form. When I don't, I get a prompt telling me which field(s) I've forgotton to fill in and allows me the option to Cancel (Yes or No) and if i decide yes it wont save and will close the form. BUT when I say No (Don't cancel), it still closes out the form and I obviously don't want that. I don't know if it might have to do with my macro button either? Any clue?

Thanks in Advance!


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim blnError As Boolean
Dim strError As String

strError = "You are missing data for "

If IsNull(Me.[Account Number]) Or Me.[Account Number] = "" Then
blnError = True
strError = strError & "Account Number,"
End If

If IsNull(Me.Contact) Or Me.Contact = "" Then
blnError = True
strError = strError & " Contact,"
End If

If IsNull(Me.Department) Or Me.Department = "" Then
blnError = True
strError = strError & " Department,"
End If

If IsNull(Me.Address) Or Me.Address = "" Then
blnError = True
strError = strError & " Address,"
End If

If blnError Then
strError = Left(strError, Len(strError) - 1)
If MsgBox(strError & vbCrLf & "Are you sure you want to cancel." & vbCrLf & "If you do, the info will not be added.", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Close Confirmation") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Button In Form To Open Different Form And Chose A Customer Based On Last Form

Mar 26, 2013

Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.

I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.

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Cancel Validation Rule Message Boxes On Closing Form

Oct 26, 2006

I want to close a form and I am using

Private Sub Form_Close()
End Sub

as the form opens with the access application window hidden, and I found that the .ldb file didn't close if I simply used the X.

I have a series of fields with validation rules which activate on exit. One of these validation rules is in the box which gets focus when the form opens. This means that I get the validation text error message boxes when I close the form with the X.

If I have started to complete the form, I get a whole host of error messages and validation messages when I try to shut it with the X.

Is there a way of closing the form and cancelling or ignoring all error message boxes. I want the user to be able to close the form if they have decided not to fill it in after all, or have got part way through and want to cancel.

I would really appreciate any help, I am sure this is a very basic question and I should probably be able to find the answer, but I can't and I am very fed up!

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Command Button On Each Record To Open Another Form

Jul 30, 2014

I have a continuous form in which I put a command button for each record called "detail". I would like to click on the "detail" button and make it open another form containing all (and only) the info on this record.

At first I refused to use an "id" to link both forms, but finally I added the "id" in the table... however still does not work.

continuous form: "04 - GASTOS_BUSQUEDA"
id field on continuous form: "Gastid"

pop-up (details) form: "GASTOS_EDITAR"
id on pop-up (details) form: "editar_id"

This is what I have tried on the "click" properties of the "details" button field (called "btn_editgs"):

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", acNormal, , "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , "[editar_id]=" & Me.Gastid

stLinkCriteria = "[editar_id]=" & Me![Gastid]
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , stLinkCriteria

Private Sub btn_editgs_Click()
On Error GoTo btn_editgs_Click_Err
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , strWhere
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume btn_editgs_Click_Exit
End Sub

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Forms :: Button To Copy Values From 5 Fields In Current Form To New Form

Sep 30, 2013

I would like to create a command button on my form that copies values from 5 fields in the current record into a new record leaving all the other fields blank except for the new record ID.

The fields that contain the data that I want copied into a new form are:

1. Member_Name
2. Member_ID
3. Account
5. Assigned_WRCA

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