Forms :: Clicking A Record On A Datasheet Form To Open Record In A Pop-up

Apr 23, 2013

I have a form "IntUnderwriterSearchByName" which is based on the query "Search by Name". This form opens with a parameter (please enter name of broker) and is set out like a datasheet with the following fields- "Broker Name", "Domicile", "Broker Code" and a couple of others. I'd like to be able to click on a record and open the form "IntUnderwriterPopUp" so that the details of that specified record are displayed.

Broker Code is what I'd like the form to look for and this Broker Code is unique for every one of the 900 or so records. This code can be numerical e.g. 01233 but also can be a mixture of both e.g. EU2885. It is also worth noting that this code is not the primary key- i have an autonumber (called ID) that does this- but this field does not appear on the form.

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Open Record In Main Form By Clicking Record ID In Subform

Dec 16, 2014

I am creating an events database. In my main form, I have all the details of a single event (billing code, fees, customer, support personnel, etc.). Then, I have a subform (form view) that lists each of the other services which share an event ID (this ID comes from a separate, unrelated events management suite). In the subform, I display the most-commonly-edited fields so that they are editable without navigating to a different record.

However, there will be instances where it becomes necessary to navigate to one of the records listed in the subform. I would like to make this a quick process by just clicking on the primary key in the subform, and have the corresponding record appear in the main form.

In my searches I've found a common suggestion to use a DoCmd.OpenForm method where the form opens to that specific record -- in effect filtering by the primary key number. I don't prefer this method because it disables the ability to navigate to other records using the previous, next, find records, (etc.) buttons without closing and re-opening the form.

Is there a way to make the main form 'jump' to a specific record by clicking on a control in the subform, without limiting the ability to navigate in the main form?

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Forms :: Datasheet Form - Click Specific Record And Open

Apr 10, 2013

I have created a Datasheet Form which when opens shows lots of records. I was looking to see if there was a way that if i clicked on a specific field name within a record it would open a new form with all the information of that record only.

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General :: Click On Datasheet To Open Specific Record In A Form

Jul 16, 2012

I have two forms. One is a datasheet. One is a form with a default view of Single Form (which contains combo boxes).I want to have the user select (click) on a record in the datasheet and have the second form open to that record. The datasheet form acts as an advanced search on two title fields.I tried the open form macro but I dont know how to have to second form open to a specific record.

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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Forms :: New Parent Record When Clicking On Subform

Jun 5, 2015

I want to force an autonumber field on a parent form to start a new record when clicking on a subform, so that value can be passed to new records in the subform. Is there a simple way to do this?

I'm using Access 2010. I have a parent form based on a query that does not have any fields intended for input but has an autonumber ID field. The subform is based on a query that finds records based on the ID field in the parent. When the parent ID field has a value it works perfectly, including adding new records in the subform. When the parent ID field is blank, though, I can add new records in the subform but the ID field does not populate.

I made a workaround by adding a Yes/No field to the parent and its query that users can click to create a new record, so the ID field has a value to pass to the subform. This works fine, but I feel like there should be a better way to do this without user clicks.

Via VBA, I've tried setting the parent form to dirty, and setting the Yes/No field to Yes, along with a variety of less likely candidates like refreshing and requerying. I've tried the above on various events including the parent LostFocus; the subform Got Focus, On Click, On Mouse Move; and the same events for control on the subform.

At this point I'm not sure whether the problem is my event choice, or the object method I'm using, or just the syntax for my control references. Or maybe this is actually more complicated than I think and sticking with the checkbox option is the best way to go.

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Forms :: Cannot Open Form By Double Clicking List Box

May 3, 2014

When double click the entries given in the attached database I cannot open the correct form. it gives parameter value.

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Forms :: Datasheet Subform Not Updating From Main Form Add Record?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a navigation tab with 6 sections, of the 6, 5 of them are self-made split view with a form view on top and datasheet on bottom and upon adding records through a command button on form view I would like the datasheets to update.

On other forms it would (I believe) update to the bottom of the datasheet, now on the ones I've been banging my head against it either replaces the top record or doesn't show up unless I switch tabs and switch back. From my searches I assume this is in need of a requery...

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General :: Open Datasheet With Last Record At The Bottom Of Page?

Sep 18, 2014

Is there a way to have a datasheet open with the last record at the bottom of the page? I now have it opening to the last record, but it has the last record at the top and can't see the records before it without scrolling.

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Forms :: Main Form Show Record Selected Within Datasheet Subform

Sep 30, 2013

The situation is i have two forms, looking at the same table, but the main table shows more records, I would like to select a record in the datasheet subform and have the main form flick through to the corresponding record.

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Form Clicking Requires 2 Clicks To Go To Next Record!?!?

Feb 20, 2007

Hey Readers,

I'm using MS OFFICE 2003...MS ACCESS

I am having a problem in my one form where I have to click on the "go to next record arrow" twice before it displays the next record. (even on the "create new record" it requires 2 clicks)

All other forms I have display the next record for only a single click on the arrow.

Is there something unique in the properties of the form in question that needs to be changed so that a single click displays the next record?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Open Particular Record In Form?

Sep 13, 2013

I have a continuous form that is based on a query. I would like to have an open button so that you can select a record on the form and that particular record opens up in a new form. How do I do this?

If this cant be achieved would I be able to make a form open that shows a particular record based on the query and you just press next record to view the other records that are a result of the query?

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Forms :: Get Form To Open To New Record

Apr 14, 2015

I am struggling to open a form that when form opens it goes to new record I need to be able to review the existing records?

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Forms :: Button To Open New Record On Another Form

Aug 8, 2013

I have a form called [Add or Edit Tag Numbers]. The primary key for the control source of this form is [TagNumber]. I have created a button on this form that opens a second form, [Add or Edit Calibrations], to a new record and carries the [TagNumber] through to the corresponding field on the [Add or Edit Calibrations] form.

Almost everything works. I click the button and the second form is opened to a new record, with the tag number on the first form carried through to the seond form. The only issue is that when I go back to the first form and try to close it, I get an error saying that I can't save the record. It is error 2169. This is especially strange because even if I exit after seeing this record, additions in both forms are saved. This is the code for the button, called [NewCalibration]

Private Sub cmdNewCalibration_Click()
DoCmd.Save acForm, "Add or Edit Tag Numbers"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Add or Edit Calibrations", acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "Add or Edit Calibrations", acNewRec
Forms![Add or Edit Calibrations]![TagNumber] = [Forms]![Add or Edit Tag Numbers]![TagNumber]
End Sub

How I can avoid getting this message? I would prefer to use a button over a subform.

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Forms :: Open A Form Of A Specific Record?

Jan 26, 2014

1. I have created a button in a switchboard with embedded macro:-

Close Window
OpenForm (Form name: frmCustomerFind)

2. I have created a form "frmCustomerFind), in which I can select a customer name in a combo box named "CustomerName".

a. The row source: SELECT [tblCustomer].[CustomerID],[tblCustomer].

[CustomerName] FROM tblCustomer ORDER BY [CustomerName];

b. After Update Macro:

Open Form (Form name: frmCustomer)
SearchForRecord (Object Type: Form Object Name: frmCustomer
Record: First Where Condition = "[CustomerID]=" & Me.CustomerID

At the end, the form "frmCustomer" does open but not go to the record I want. It goes to the first record instead. (The frmCustomer has the "CustomerID" and "CustomerName" fields).

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Forms :: Open Form To Specific Record

Mar 31, 2015

Need to open a form to a specific record.Ive done the command button wizard that opens the form to a specific record but but that brings up the form with the filtered button showing.I've tried to put the formula into the filtered section but that doesn't work.I just want to be able to open the form to the specif record and then be able to navigate to other records if required (without aving to press the filtered button)

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Forms :: Open Tab In Form To Specific Record

Feb 9, 2015

Currently, I have a form with tabbed pages in it. The second tab, I have a subform inserted into it. I have a completely separate form that looks through records. I want to be able to click on a record from the separate form and open the Main tabbed form, to the second tabbed page, to a specific record. Currently I have:

Private Sub Form_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "frm_Main_Data_Entry"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
End Sub

Which opens up to the tabbed page just fine. but I can not figure out how to get to a specific record.

Also, the subform in the tabbed page, doesn't have the same controls as the Main tabbed Form itself, so when I add something like:

strCriteria = "Agreement_Number = " & Me.Agreement_Number

it won't work because it is not reading from the subform in the tab, rather its reading from the main form controls.

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Forms :: Open Sub Form To A Specific Record

Dec 31, 2014

I have a form that lists a number of orders (list box).

I have another form that has customer details as the main form and the order as a sub form and then another sub form for items....

How can I open the sub form to a specific record? ie I want to view order 14?

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Forms :: Have To Open Form Twice To Get To Correct Record

Sep 4, 2014

In the following code to add an article to a purchase order line table and then open the form on the purchase order in question , I had to open the window "frmPurchase" twice in succession. If I omit the first docmd.openform statement, the form would open at the first record in the table, not the one defined in the where clause "PUOpen and PUCompID = " & Me.lstCompany.

I had noticed previously that, when the form "frmPurchase" was already open, Access went to the correct record, and not if the calling program had to open the window, which is why I came up with the idea of replicating this behavior in the code.

With rstC
.FindLast "PULineNB <> 0 AND PuLineHeadingID = " & rstB!PUID
If Not .NoMatch Then
linenb = rstC!PULineNb
linenb = 0

[Code] ...

Is this normal behavior, and if not, how can I improve the code?

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Forms :: Open Form To Specific Record

Nov 5, 2013

No I know this one has been done, and I have a form with a button that this works on. Here is my problem. I have a list of parts in a continuous form, I added a button to open that specific record in a detail view and it works just fine. I used an open form macro and put in the criteria

="[Description]=" & "'" & [Description] & "'"

I have tried to use this similar procedure for another form, it however has two subforms in it and I get a data type mismatch in criteria exception error. I suspect that it has something to do with the subforms but am not sure.

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Forms :: Open Form To First Matching Record?

Nov 2, 2014

I have a bit of code that upon a button click will check to see how many records match (CustomerID); if there are no records returned it goes to another action (works fine), and if there is a record returned, it opens another form to that record (again, works fine).

However, should there be more than one record, how do I get it to open the first one?

The code to open the form is


DoCmd.OpenForm "PublicComplaintsMain", , , "CustomerID='" & varInput & "'"

Once the form is open, what code would I use for a command button to find/goto next matching record (as I haven't used .FindRecord in the first instance, .FindNext won't work - or will it?)

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Forms :: Open Form To New Record / ComboBox Won't Work

Sep 25, 2013

I have a database with a Supply Receipt Form. The first field in the form is a combobox for the user to select a material/supply. I'd like for the form to open to a new record every time. When I use:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

in the Form On Open property, I lose the ability to select the material/supply. Same thing happens when I set the Data Entry property to Yes.

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Forms :: Open Form And Show First Record In A List

Oct 20, 2013

On a form I have a listbox that allows me to navigate around my records. The listbox is filtered and I get the redords that I waqnt from the table.My problem is that when I open the form the record that is showing is one from the table but not one that is in my listbox. I want it to show the first record in the listbox...This is the command I have on open:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst

which is where the fault lies, but I dont know what I should put in its place. The list is List273 and the form is frm_Profile

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Forms :: Open Form With Where Condition - No Record Found

Apr 16, 2013

I try this code and it's not working

no record found

Private Sub openForm_but_Click()
Dim whr As String
whr = "get_date = #" & Me.gDate & "#"
DoCmd.OpenForm "searchResult_form", acNormal, "", whr, acFormPropertySettings, acDialog
End Sub

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Forms :: Open Specific Record In Form From Login

Aug 20, 2013

I have been trying for weeks to get my login form to open up to a specific record on the mainform. I have built a form out of my Employee tbl (mainform). The table stores (ID,Name, password, EmpNumber ect.) I built a subform in that allows the user to type in the number of overtime worked on a paticular day. I have disabled the navigation on the main form so users can't advance to the next user but have enable the natigation on the subform so a particular user can advance to the next week of available overtime to input data.The goal is to get user login form to display a particular record on the main form and open a different form in the user is a supervisor.

Option Compare Database
Private intLogonAttempts As Integer
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()


'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown

intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1
If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this database. Please contact your system administrator.", vbCritical, "Restricted Access!"
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Open Another Database Form On Specific Record

Jan 20, 2015

I'm wanting to open a record in another database, below is the code that opens the form to the correct record in the DB I want to open.

Private Sub btnDetail_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "fJob", , , , , , Me.Name
Forms![fjob]![txtJobNumber] = Forms![fJobAlphabetic]![fJobAlphabeticSub].Form![JobNumber]
End Sub

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