Forms :: Create Report From Only Records On Current Form

Oct 23, 2013

I have a continuous form based on a 'start date' - 'end date' query. I would like to be able to select certain records from this form to print.

I have added a 'print' field and have created a new query including this parameter which a report can be based on but when i run this report I am, of course, asked for the original 'start date' and 'end date' again.

Is there any way of linking the command button to only the records on the current form?

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Using Expressions And Current ID Of A Form To Create A Query And Print A Report

Mar 6, 2013

I want to have Access run a query, open a report, and print the report based on the ID number of the form that I have open. Is this possible?

The situation would be, I have a form that uses the the primary key as a record number. After I enter the data into the form, with the form open I want to add a button to open and print a report of the current record number.

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Forms :: Opening Report And Subreport To Current Records

Jun 10, 2013

I have a main form (ZooMobile Booking Form-New Client) with a subform (ZooMobile Event Booking-New Client) within it. In the main form I have a button to open up a report displaying the main form's current record.

The report that is opened has a subreport that needs to display the current record from the subform.

So far I've managed to get the report to open to the main form's record using the following On_click command:

DoCmd.OpenReport "ZooMobile Billing Invoice", acViewPreview, , "[Client_ID]=Forms![ZooMobile Booking Form-New Client].CustIDTxt"

I can't manage to get the subreport to open to the current record in the subform, however. I've tried to integrate it into the above event and to use On_load events in the report and subreport but everything either comes up as a bug or has no effect on the subreport's record.

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Forms :: Create List Box To Only Display Information From Another Form Related To Current Form

Mar 20, 2014

What I would like to do is create a list box that will only display the information from another form that is related to the current form.So I have a form call Equipment Catalog and that form is related to Equipment features 1 to M relationship and the Equipment Features is related to a Features form M to 1.

So what I want to do is display all the related equipment features in a listbox that is related to the current PK of that form.So if there is only one feature on one form the list box will only display that one item however is there is 6 features on another it will display all 6.I have been trying SQL and Queries but I still can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Print Current Record On Form To Report?

Mar 21, 2013

I have a DB in Access 2007 which I'm having trouble with. I have a form, "Sub_Det_Frm", on which I would like to place a button to print the current record, (Primary Key is an autonumber "Employee Number") to a report "Sub_DetForm_Rpt".

I've used the instructions from, oops I can't show you the link! It's h(double t)p(colon)//allenbrowne(dot)com/casu-15(dot)html but I'm getting this error:

The expression On Click you entered as the property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Employee Details was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

This error occurs when an event has failed to run because Microsoft Office Access cannot evaluate the location of the logic for the event. For example, if the OnOpen property of a form is set to =[Field], this error occurs because Access expects a macro or event name to run when the event is fired.

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Forms :: Search Bar Is Only Looking At Current Form And Not At Records

Jan 9, 2014

I have several forms in a navigation form. On all the forms, the little search bar at the bottom shows # of 103 records. On my navigation form it shows 1 of 1 and won't allow me to search.It would seem that the search bar is only looking at the current form and not at the records.

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General :: Create New Records To A Current Date

Dec 17, 2013

We have a database with PROPERTY_ID and DATE and COSTS

The database is sequential and complete up to some point in time but some records stop short of a current date. (The DATE is represented by months)...

#1 #2
01/31/2013 10/31/2013
02/28/2013 11/30/2013

Some records go thru 2012 and some to current date of NOV 2013.

To normalize the data we need to create blank records for each PROPERTY_ID thru Nov 2013 beginning with the last record for the PROPERTY_ID.

For the example we need to create APRIL thru NOV 2013 for PROPERTY_ID #1

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Forms :: Refresh Current Form With Filtered Records

Sep 13, 2013

I have a form that displays records from a table.

When opened it displays all records (no selection yet).

I put would like to put 2 buttons to filter records (Male/Female).

I'm thinking of 2 possible options:

1-on click run a script that will close current form, then reopen it with selection criteria
2-directly apply a filter on the current form that would automatically refresh itself with the right records

Another (heavy, inelegant?) solution would be to create duplicates of this form. they would be loaded from separate queries that select the right records in either choice.

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Forms :: Carry Current Value Of A Control To New Records On A Form With Tabs

Nov 10, 2014

I have created a new form with a few tabs, I need to let the value's of the last record be carry to a new record, but it must only show when I press the first letter on the new record, I did rerad about this, but only find it for normal forms. Did try to get it to work, but it dows not work on tabs form

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Forms :: Use Form To Get Criteria For Query To Create Report

Apr 1, 2013

I want to create a form that allows a user to enter criteria that will be passed to an existing make table query. suggestions on a user friendly book on Access 2010 programming, I'd be really interested. I'd like to be able to do more with Access 2010.

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Forms :: Create Multiple Records On One Form?

Mar 19, 2014

I've developing a QA/QC database for testing chemical products and I'm stuck on the best way to continue with adding multiple records by using one form.

I have two tables:

tblProductSpecs with two primary keys, "ProductName" and "TestName"

tblResults with three primary keys, "ProductName", "TestName", and "LotNumber" and a number field named "Value"

A product can have multiple tests associated with it, e.g:

ProductName - TestName
XXX - Density, pH
ZZZ - Density
YYY - % soluble, cloud point , freeze point
This is my tblProductSpecs table

I want to store the "Value" of each "TestName" of the "LotNumber" of that "ProductName" in tblResults by a form. (All TestName values are number values).

I want a form where I can select "ProductName" and have the "TestName"s displayed for that "ProductName". Then I want to store the value of that "TestName" for that "ProductName" and "LotNumber" in tblResults.

The problem is that each test per product per lot number is a record and I can't figure out a way to create multiple records from one form.

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Forms :: Based On User Selection In A Form / Create New Records For Subsequent Form

Feb 3, 2014

The user will be creating a new project that contains a bunch of releases. The releases have standard names which are stored in a table tbl_ReleaseNames It should be noted that the list of names is not static.

The user selects which of the releases pertains to their project and then based on their selections, new records would be created in tbl_RFP_Release and then a subsequent form would open where it would display each of these newly created releases where they could enter additional information. I thought of creating an unbound checkbox associated with each of the standard names, and then checking to see if the checkbox was checked and then creating the new records followed by opening up the new form.

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Forms :: Create A Button To Open A Form To Show Specific Records

Mar 4, 2014

I have a main form [Job Quote Form 10-2205] and I am trying to add a command button to open up [Job Process Form-MKD] and have the [Job Process Form-MKD] open up and only show the records that match a certain field, in this case what I call "JobTrackNo" in the [Job Process Form-MKD]. (see attached .jpg)

This problem started to happen only recently, namely you will see that the left column under [Job Quote Form 10-2205] is blank, where normally there had been a number of fields to choose from. The fields are all still available, they are just not opening when I try to match two fields.

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Forms :: Goto Form With Current User And Current Date

Aug 27, 2013

What I really need is for when the form opens, it looks at todays date, then matches current user and then goes to that record for today, if no current user there, then will goto new record..

i know, sounds complicated, and probably is really easy, but my heads not with it today, as about to get drunk as its my 40th, and got people ringing and texting and still trying to get this done....

I've included a copy of this database, named Timecards..

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Forms :: Create Button To Enter Current Date / Time In Field Where Cursor Is Presently Placed

Jan 14, 2014

Looking to create two command buttons or two keystrokes sets in an Access 2007 form that will allow me to place a current date and time in any allowable field where the Cursor is presently placed. Similar to what was in Access 2000, ctl: (for the current date) and ctl shift : (for the current time).

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Reports :: Create A Report And Only Show Records With Exception

Feb 19, 2014

I have a field on a form (exception) that is also a column in a query. I would like to create a report an only show those records that had an exception in it. I am not sure what criteria in the query to use, but it would seem creating a report off of this query would work.

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Print Current Form With A Report

Aug 2, 2013

I have a form titled "Search by Contract # - Active". I tried adding a command button to print the current form. I created a report called "Active Contract" ro carry out this function. To open the form the user must enter a contract number to view the record. This is what I want the form to do. However, when I try to print the record from my command I'm getting an error. why it won't pull up the report?

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Print Current Record - In Form View Not Report

Aug 14, 2006

i have 3 queries brought together in 1 form. i do not want a report to be printed out just the current record in form view. this is because i have a number of images per record.
if i print out the current record and it only has 1 photo in a sub-form attached to the main form record, then the main form will print on 1 page which is what i want [screenshot 1]. But if there are 2 or more photos attached to the main record then the print command button prints out 2 pages for 2 photos, 3 pages for 3 photos and so on [screenshot 2].
any ideas as to how to limit the print command button to print out only 1 page per record regardless of how many photos their are attached to each record??

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Report/letter Based On Info On Current Form

Feb 25, 2005

I have a booking form comprising of a main form which holds the person details, and a sub form which holds the details

of each course they book. I want to be able to produce a report/ letter from the current form (ie once a person has made a booking)

confirming that the booking has been made and giving a print of the details.

How I can produce a report based on just the current booking information just entered in the form?

Can anyone please give me some advice on this one, I know how to produce general reports but cannot see how to link one to a current form's data?



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Pass A Set Of Current Records In A Form To A Query

Feb 15, 2007

I have a query set up. I need to pass a set of current records ( as I select them in a drop-down menu) in a form to the query as parameters. How would I do it with or without VB? Thanks !

EDIT: Forgot to mention that all combo boxes are bound so they are not customized dialog-boxes which are unbound

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Forms :: Make Specific Textbox Become Current System Date To All Records

Sep 24, 2014

I have a problem in my Database system. The title of my Database is Employee Evaluation. This is my problem.. I already make the default value the txtbox a current system date. but for the next day.. the txtbox for all record should become a current system date. but only the for the new record is the current system date. the all records are not current system date... I want from the opening of my system the textbox of all records are should be current system date.

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Forms :: Create A Report Using Currently Open Record?

May 12, 2015

I am creating a database to store patient ultrasound reports in a clinic. The form I've designed contains a single patient's report with various values and measurements. I need a button on that form that opens a report showing ONLY THAT PATIENT'S data.

So, for example, if I've opened the form (AbdomenForm) on patient with ID 4, when I press this button, it should open the report showing only patient ID 4's data.

I can get it to work manually by creating a query (AbdomenQuery) that contains 4 in the criteria for ID (my table's primary key). Then I made a report (AbdomenReport) that uses AbdomenQuery as its data source and everything turns out well.

Now, how do I go about making a button on the form so that when patient ID 5 is open, that button opens the report for only patient ID 5? What code should I use and where should I put it?

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Create Report From Form

May 9, 2005

Hey guys,
Any way in which i can create a report from a form ???

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Modules & VBA :: Print Preview Button On Main Form That Previews Current Record In A Separate Report

Jan 25, 2014

I have VBA code for a Print Preview button on the main form that previews the current record in a separate Report using this code:

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If


I use this Print Preview code on a Button in the Form Header. The Main form lists head of household information. I also have a tabbed control with three tabs that have SubForms for Address, Children and Contact details. The problem I have is that if any of the subforms are left blank I get a Run-Time Error '3021': No Current Record. If I Debug (press the button), it takes me straight to this line:

varAge = DateDiff("yyyy", varBirthDate, Now)

highlighted in Yellow.Anyone on my database must have an address, should have contact details and could have children. If any one of these is blank then the print preview will not work.I would like to know how to stop this error happening for blank records in my subforms.

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Create Records From A Form

Nov 18, 2004

Can someone direct me as to the most efficient way to add records to a table from a form? I have a table of members and a table of invoices and want to automatically create an invoice for each member by clicking a button on a form. Is there a way to do this using a macro, query, or do I write it in VBA?

Thanks much!

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