Forms :: Filtering Listbox - Cannot Go To Specific Record

Apr 28, 2014

I am using the Filtering a listbox method from this post [URL] .....

It works great apart from when i type too many characters and no search results can be found i get a run time error '2105' you cant go to the specific record.

I think it may be because my form has a row source. When the example uses an unbound from?

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Forms :: How To Go To Specific Record In Listbox From Another Form

Dec 11, 2014

I have three forms: Form1 that contains subform1 and Form2 which is totally separate. Form1 contains a listbox that I use as a search form. When a record in the listbox is clicked, it populates Subform1 with more details.

If I am in Form2, I would like to be able to click a record which opens the listbox in Form1 to the same record (this will automatically update subform1 with the details).

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Reports :: Filtering Report To Specific Record

Jun 9, 2014

I work in psychological testing and I have created a database to store some data for our patients' test scores. I have a main form with demographics and then 5 buttons on the main form that open into 5 other forms (one form for each test). I also have created a button on the main form to run a Report; however, I would like to filter the report to only show the current record (e.g., Patient ID #1 only).

(Can this be done?) How should I go about filtering the report to show only the open record? Expression is preferred - I'm not very good with code.

I'm also assuming that since each form is linked by the primary key of Patient ID, I should be able to see all data from each form (main + 5 others) in the report for that specified Patient ID... (?)

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Forms :: Filtering Listbox Using Combobox?

Jun 23, 2015

I'm trying to filter the listbox using a combo box.

So I have a Combo box that has the list of the subjects and a listbox with the list of students.

I wanted to show the list of students who are registered in selected subject.

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Forms :: Filtering Report By Multivalued Listbox

Dec 2, 2013

I found a code which is work good with subform table for searching multivalued Listbox but it doesn't work with open report vba code. This is the code is used for filtering the subform and i need it for openreport command

If Me.cboDiscipline > "" Then
varWhere = varWhere & "[Discipline].value = '" & Me.cboDiscipline & "'"
End If

This the code (note: its for open filtered report)

Private Sub Toggle3_Click()
Dim strReport As String
Dim strDateField As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngView As Long
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#"

[Code] ....

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Pick Listbox Item To Open Specific Record?

May 19, 2012

i have a list box that fills based on the following code.....

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client ProdVend] " & _
"Where Client_Account_Name = '" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"
Me.List91.RowSource = strSQL
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client ProdVend] " & _
"Where Client_Account_Name = '" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"
Me.List91.RowSource = strSQL

There is another field in the [Client ProdVend] table called ID. I want to be able to select a product in the listbox, but have that selection open up a form based on the ID field associated with that product. Right now i use this.

DoCmd.OpenForm "ProductDetailsEditor", , , "Products='" & Me.List91 & "' AND Client_Account_Name='" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"

The Problem is if there are multiple products with the same name, instead of going to the specific instance of the product(cased on the ID) just opens all of the products with that name up, starting with the first one.....

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Forms :: How To Hyperlink From Query To Specific Record In A Specific Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to hyperlink from a query direct to the relevant record in a specific form. I have a hyperlink field in the form which shows up in the query. When clicked in the query, this hyperlinks to the form but I cannot make it select the correct record in the form.How do I get it to select the correct record?

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Forms :: Adding Variable To Specific Row Of Listbox (Table / Query)

May 31, 2014

The VBA code I have at the moment:

me.Results.Rowsource = "SELECT car, title, FROM dbo_inventory"

Is it possible to add a variable to a specific row in listbox using the code above? In this case the price?

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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Forms :: Click Record In Listbox And Combobox Jumps To Same Record?

Aug 25, 2014

I have been looking for days on the net for my listbox problem. It is there and found a few, even on this forum. but when i try the solutions mentioned i am in a total loss and do not know what to change to make it work for me.

I have a form named A/B Retriever with a record source qry input AB Bins Than i have a unbound combobox with row source qry input AB Bins. This populates 8 textboxes with B through I carton boxes, stored in a bin. The user selects a Bin location from the combobox and can put a "x" in a textbox to illustrate that the box is empty. This works perfect.

Underneath the input bin and box part i have 8 listboxes that shows a query that has counted the empty boxes with the corresponding bin location. this also works. but the question from users where, If i click on a, lets say empty B-box at Bin location 12A20, they want the combobox automatically focus on the combobox with the corresponding Bin location. This is a quick way for them to delete a empty box (remove the X).

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Listbox Filtering

Aug 30, 2005

I have done this before with success but can't seem to sort this out for some reason. Maybe someone can spot the trouble...

I am trying to filter a listbox on my form with a combo. Here is the code behind the combo:

Private Sub RepSort_AfterUpdate()

Me.listbox1.RowSource = "SELECT [Basic Entry].[Record Number], [Basic Entry].[Reps], [Basic Entry].[Date], [Basic Entry].[Inquiry Type], [Basic Entry].[Inquiry Sub-category], [Basic Entry].[Policy Type], [Basic Entry].[Caller Type], [Basic Entry].[Irate Call] " & _
"FROM Basic Entry " & _
"Where {{{[Basic Entry].[Reps]=[Forms]![Entry_Form]![RepSort] Or [Forms]![Entry_Form]![RepSort] Is Null)=True))"

End Sub

After changing the combo (RepSort), the listbox is blank. I have tried this with a table as source and as a query as source. Also with and without the requery.

If someone can spot what is wrong with the code, please fill me in!

Thanks :confused:

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Filtering A Listbox

May 16, 2007

I have two tables of information. One is a customer contact list, the second is a list of services currently assigned to the customer.

I am trying to create a setup that allowes me to find the customer name, probably in a table or querie, open up their contact information and have a listbox of all the services assigned to them at the bottem. I would then like to be able to open up one of these services in another form.

'm sure this is possible, but I'm having difficulty getting the listbox to update it's filter for each document. Specifically, as I click through to the next record, listbox does not seem to pull the new Customer ID #.

Here is a Row Source line I got online. It seems to pick the first CID no problem, but does not seem to update for the next one.

SELECT [Policies].[Client Number], [Policies].LAST, [Policies].FIRST, [Policies].MI FROM [Policies] WHERE ((([Policies].[Client Number])=Forms![CLIENT DATA2].[FF CLI #]));

If anybody could direct me to a good source of information on this, I'd appreciate it.


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Forms :: List Filtering Based On Current Record

Dec 2, 2014

I currently have a form that only shows data based on a specific record id. I have placed a list into that form though that has multiple record ID's listed ( It's a log). How do I get a List to Filter to just the Record ID that corresponds to the current form Record.

What I have are as follows:

A form that has client information : Address, phone numbers, Etc.

On that form I have Pages. one of the pages contains a List.

That List however contains information from multiple clients based on Point of Contact ( Call Log)

What I want is a way to narrow the List to only show those that corresponds to the Current Client Record.

Is this possible? If my approach is wrong, which is a better way?

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Forms :: How To Get A Specific Record To Be First Record Of Continuous Form

Nov 8, 2013

I have a continuous form for which the recordsource is a query that retrieves dates from 10 days in the past to 10 days in the present. I want the record with today's date to be at the top of the form. The record with the oldest date is always on top. Is this a scrolling issue? How can I get the record with today's date to appear on top?

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General :: Filtering A Listbox Using Text Box?

Jul 31, 2013

I have a form on which I use combo boxes to filter a listbox using the following code.

Private Sub FilterpartsList()
Dim strRS As String
' Filter the list box appropriately based on the combo box selection(s)
strRS = "SELECT partsquery.partname, partsquery.Heritage, partsquery.Description FROM partsquery"
If Not IsNull(Me.cbomodelID) Then
strRS = strRS & " WHERE modelID = " & Me.cbomodelID


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Filtering Specific Date Periods

Oct 29, 2006

Hi all!

I want to add a function to a form that filters records from a specific date period.

Each record has a field containing the date the record was added.
Example: I want to show the records added between 15.09.2006 and 10.10.2006.

Furthermore, the “from” and “to date” must be defined in textboxes, and the filter initiated with a button.

I need this functionality on a continuous form and in a report. How do I achieve this?

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General :: Filtering Listbox Based On Tab Control

Jul 24, 2014

So I have a Tab control. Each tab is assigned to a specific user (which is controlled through another form). So If I assigned Page1 to Smith then Page1 caption reads Smith. Within each page is a list box that is filtered based on what name is in the caption. This works perfectly. My problem is I have another list box that is not within the tab control. I wan this to be filtered based on what tab is active. Both list boxes are bound to a query.

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Queries :: Filtering Data Between Two Dates On Listbox

Feb 4, 2014

I've filtered a listbox query between two dates selected by a user through an unbound text, however the listbox only changes after you click it. I've requeried it after someone updates the 2 unbound date textboxes, yet it still doesn't work.

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Forms :: Go To A Record On SubForm With Listbox

Jun 28, 2014

I have a Listbox that I want to use to go to a record on a subform. I know that it cant be done with the wizard.

The records that I am looking at don't have an ID so I want to look at both a date field [TrainingDate] and a Time Field [TrainingTime]. I have set the querry up and the list gets populated with the correct information. And I have added the following code to the AfterUpdate Event

DoCmd.SearchForRecord , "", acFirst, "[TrainingDate] = " & Str(Nz(Screen.ActiveControl, 0))

The reason that it has no RecordID is that the records could be imported and that would produce duplicates.

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General :: Combobox Filtering Listbox To Only Show Same Records

Apr 4, 2013

Ok I have a list box (CounselorInitials) and a listbox (AssignedToYou)

The list box has 6 columns and is using a query (AssignedToMe). The important one is the 6th one (Counselor). All working off a table called DityLog.

I want to select initials in the combo box and then it will filter the listbox and only show records that are the same.

So if I select initials MC from the combo box I want the Listbox to show all records that have the initals with MC.

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Queries :: Filtering Data - Results Need To Be In Specific Order

May 21, 2013

I'm taking my first database class and I'm working on a hospital project in which I need to determine which pair (one doctor and one nurse) has a decremental performance as weeks go on.

I have an "r" and "s" queries.

These are the fields:


I would like to find what pair had a "Good" result in week 1, "Average" in week 2, and "Bad" in week 3. My problem is that the results need to be in this specific order.

The professor told us to use a formula and I got the solution after building 6 queries that involved union, difference, and cartesian.

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Forms :: Go To Specific Record In Subform

Mar 31, 2013

I have a main form and a nested subform. The main form is based on customer details and displays customer name and the customer primary key (custID). When this form is opened i pass two parameters to it, BPID and SIID. A BP is a business picture and a SI is a sales interaction. These are in a one to many relationship.

The subform displays a sales interactions (si) of a business picture (bP).The subform is set up with master child links of custid;bpid. This restricts the subform to only showing records for the a specific customer and specific BP (the user can cycle through all the linked SI's using the record selectors.

When the main form is opened I want the subform to display the sales interaction the user has selected when opening the main form based on the passed SIID but cannot get this to work. At the moment the subform just displays the first record.

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Forms :: Dlookup Specific Record

Jul 8, 2015

I want to autofill in a text box with reference to a table I have in Access.I have the first text box that returns the first record in the table i want to get the data for with "text1 = Dlookup("numplate", "cars", "")

This returns the first record. I want the second text box to return the second number plate from the table.How can I get the second record to be returned...?

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Forms :: Listbox On Subform To Find Record?

Dec 20, 2013

Is it possible to put a listbox on a subform where it will allow you to find a record on the subform? The wizzard dosen't sem to allow me to do it!

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Forms :: Select / Delete A Record From Listbox

Aug 14, 2013

How to do a 'Delete from ListBox' . My listbox is populated, but I want to be able to put a button on the form, select a record from the listbox and press the button to delete that record from the list.

I should add that this is an unbound listbox so it needs to be removed from the listbox and the table that is populating it.

Listbox is List22 the table that populates it is 'tblShootingTasks'

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Forms :: Opening Form To A Specific Record

May 8, 2015

I've done this dozen's of time - but it doesn't seem to be working now. I have a continuous form (frmHome) where i want a user to be able to click on a record, and be able to open up that specific record in "frmCustomer". The key field here is pkCustomerID (i have it in the query).

frmHome is run off a query ("qryCustomer").

frmCustomer has "tblCustomer" as the source.

The code i've used on a button on "frmHome" is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCustomer", , , "[pkCustomerID]=" & Me!pkCustomerID

It always only open Record #1.

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