Forms :: How To Close A Form Without Saving A New Record

Feb 28, 2014

I have a form frmAddNewProject that is a Data Entry form.When you click Add Project on the form, it creates folders and copies files to a location and also creates new record(s) in the ProjectT table with appropriate information.Here is my code:


Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim strType As String
Dim strYear As String
Dim strGPN As String


Everything works fine till here. Now I would like to close the form but closing it gives me an additional empty record.


Dim ctl As Control
On Error Resume Next
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
ctl = ctl.DefaultValue
Set ctl = Nothing

to remove all values, but then it just adds an empty record.Is there a way to close that form without removing my legitimate new records and without adding empty ones?

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form Without Saving Record

Jun 3, 2015

I have a form I would like to close without saving the record using a button. here is the code I have but it closes the form and it also writes the record to the table.

Private Sub ClosewoSave_Click()
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMenu"
End Sub

I found in a thread that Cancel = True would not write the record.

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form With Another Form Saving Record First

Jul 30, 2015

I have a timer form which closes the database after a period of time with DoCmd.Quit. Another form is open at this point but if a user has left it in the middle of editing it I want to be able to save the record in the other form and close it before the timer form closes the database.

What VBA do I need in the timer form to save the record and close the other form before DoCmd.Quit? Just to be clear the code is...

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
Me.Tag = Val(Me.Tag) - (Me.TimerInterval / 1000)
Me.Caption = "The database will exit in " & Me.Tag & " seconds"
If Val(Me.Tag) <= 0 Then


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Not Saving Info Until I Close The Form

Oct 9, 2006

I have a form and one of the fields is a drop down box with autofill. If I enter an information that it is new, it doesn't show in the drop down box even after I click on the Save button I created on the form. In order to show up, I need to close the form, then reopen it again.
I am running this particular drop down box from a query in order to facilitate the autofill and because it also automatically fill other fields when the information has been already entered.
I also tried linking the drop down box directly to the table instead of the query, but it did not worked.
So basically my main problem is that in order for the new information to appear in the drop down box I need to close the form and reopen it.
Any ideas what can I do here?

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Forms :: Save Record And Close Form

May 16, 2013

I have a simple EXIT command button that runs these macro actions: save record, close form. I also have a SAVE command button that runs this macro action: save record. If a user closes the form without clicking either the EXIT or SAVE command buttons, will the record changes be saved in the datasource table.

I have found from testing that the data is always saved even if the user does not click the EXIT or SAVE buttons, but I wanted to be absolutely certain. Is this correct ?

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Forms :: Access Form - Close Field And Duplicate Record

Nov 25, 2014

Access form fields (ID, Name,File_Ref,Mobile,Email, Closed (yes/No)

If Click My Command button at the same auto tick the current record closed filed and duplicate record.

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Forms :: Saving A Record And Closing A Popup Form

Jun 15, 2014

I have a popup called by a subform to add a new record or edit a selected record. I keep getting "Runtime error 32502". The value you entered isn't valid for the field "|"

I have no required fields and all the drop down related fields have the right value type in them (That I can find)The only "|" reference I can find is in the OpenArgs content below when I load the form. If I'm adding a new record I pass two fileds via the OpenArgs

Private Sub Command52_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", , , , acFormAdd, OpenArgs:=Me![DebtorId] & "|" & Me![MatterId]
End Sub

or if I'm modifying a record from the subform on click I

Private Sub Text38_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", acNormal, , "[Transactions].[TransId] = " & Me.TransId, acFormEdit
End Sub

Below is the Popup Load code

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.DataEntry = True Then
Me.VariableHeading = "Add A Debtor Payment"


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Forms :: Saving / Editing A Record Using A Form With Combo Box

Jun 24, 2014

I have a form that I need to use to add new clients to a table in my database, lets call it tblClients. On this form I have a combo box which, when selected, will drop down with the first and last names of all clients in tblClients, as well as their Client ID. Once you select a client from the drop down menu, it populates all of the fields in the form with that clients info (Client ID, fname, lname, address, phone number, etc. etc.).

I need two other things on this form: one button that will save or modify whatever current record is currently pulled up, and one button that will start the process for entering a new client, so basically it would blank out all of the fields and fill the Client ID field with the current number +1.

As of right now I have the form made and the combo box works, in that I have 3 dummy clients in the tblClients and when I select each client from the combo box it will populate the fields on the form with the info. I'm using some simple VBA on the combo box such as

Me.FirstName = Me.cboBox.Column(1)

and that seems to all work, but the problem is trying to save/modify data to tblClients. The only record in the actual table that gets modified seems to be the first record. For example, if I pull up client with ID #3 and change his address or phone number, what happens when I click to save the changes it takes client ID #3 record, overrides it with client ID #1, and then client ID #3 is the same as client ID #1 except with the old information. I'm not quite sure why this is happening.

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Saving New Record When Data Passed To It

Dec 11, 2013

I have a continuous form it has a field (DateStart) and a field (DateStartCarryOver). There is an event on (DateStart) for the (DateStart.Value) to be passed to a new record in (DateStartCarryOver).

My probem is that the new record dosent get saved (i.e. it dosent get an ID so a record isnt created. How can I create that record once the data has bee pased to it?

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VBA Close Application Without Saving

Sep 21, 2004

I want to close an Excel application without it prompting me if I want to save it or not

that's what I use

set xlApp=nothing

it doesn't seem to work cause when I shut down my computer, it still asks me if I want to save it

looks like the application is still running in the background even if i set it to nothing

I could use xlApp.quit but I don't want anything poping up

can it be done?

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Close Report Without Saving

Oct 14, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to have Access automatically close a report without saving any changes.
I do not mind if the user closes the report manually but do not want Access to prompt the user to save changes. I want it to automatically abandon any changes that were made.

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Forms :: Saving New Record When Moving To Another Record In Same Subform

Jan 17, 2014

I have a subform with records of call details (date, time, subject) - the date and time are autogenerated and subject is a text field. After entering text in the subject field and then clicking on the close button in the main form, or clicking anywhere else in the main form, the record is saved to the table. However, if I enter text in the subject field and then move up to view previous records (within the subform) and then click the close button in the main form the record is not saved in the table. How can I either save the record before allowing the user to move to another record within the subform or before exiting the subform set the focus to the new record so that it will be saved on exit?

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Queries :: Close Query Without Saving Layout Change?

Jun 5, 2013

I have a form with a child that holds a query and for 99.9% of the time remains locked as it's for viewing data only. However, if the user wishes to make a change then they need to press an unlock button first then make the changes.

The problem I have is when closing the form; if this child's query has been unlocked I'm getting a message asking do I wish to save the changes to the layout of the child's query. The answer will always be "No".

I've added the following line of code to all sorts of procedures with no success.

DoCmd.Close acQuery, "LinkTableManager_Frmqry", acSaveNo

how to stop the message appearing when the form is closed.

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Forms :: Close Particular Field And Duplicate Record?

Nov 24, 2014

Access 2010 - I would like to close particular field and duplicate record.

Duplicate record is working file. I do not know to close the particular field.

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cmdDuplicate_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDuplicate_Click
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy

[Code] ....

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No Current Record - Close Form

Jan 23, 2006


on a form with several subforms i have ran into some trouble. I have the subforms use code to determine if a scrollbar is needed. As a recordselector I use a listbox on the main form.

When i close the mainform, it sometimes makes a popup box appear saying that there is no current record.

Sofar I have determined the following :

- Removing the code from the form, removes the error.

- The code is only executed when selected records in the listbox have related record(s)

- The error only occurs when the code is executed at least once and the last selected record has no related record(s)

I dont know if altering the code would have any success, cause it won't run anyway when I select the last record (with no related records).

I guess moving the code to another section would be better, but I've tried other options like 'on focus' etc, but could not find one that responded.


Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Error

'kijken of verticale scrollbar nodig is
maxRegels = 14

Dim rstCount As DAO.Recordset
Set rstCount = Me.Recordset
If rstCount.RecordCount > maxRegels Then
Me.Form.ScrollBars = 2
Me.Form.ScrollBars = 0
End If

If Err.Number <> "0" Then
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
Exit Sub

End Sub

ps. I've tried to catch err.Number = "3021" in the Error: section, but without success

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Close Form And Don't Save Record

Aug 4, 2015

I'm trying to find the Before Update event in the event builder and I cant see it anywhere.

I've seen a few different ways of achieving the same thing but so far nothings worked.

If a user adds wrong information and choses to close the form then it always saves the data. I only want it saved if the user choses to save it.

The close button I have has saving turned off but it seems the record has already been updated by that point.

The before update is in form properties, I have found it now. But I cant set the parameter 'Cancel' to True.

If I look at the forms code this is there,

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

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Forms :: Table Not Saving A Record

Jun 19, 2014

I have a field on a form [vin] that is based on a table, except i changed control source to a Dlookup to pull the vin number in from another table so i wont have to type it when i enter the record. However, this field is not saving when i save the record. I cannot just make a relationship because we reuse the same vehicle numbers, when we sell van 1 with vin 123, and replace it with a new van with Vin 456, we still call it van 1, so the unique vin is the only way to distinguish the two.

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Prevent Form From Displaying New Record And Save It When Form Requery Or Close

Aug 26, 2014

I have a split form that's like a list of pending tasks. The data source is a linked SharePoint 2013 list where users submit requests. The user takes the information from each record and performs an action. When it is done, the user presses a button and the task status changes from "Pending" to "Processed". The form record source is based on a query that finds only records with a status of "Pending" so when the user changes the status of the task, it is removed from the list. It works fine except when there is only one task left in the work list. If the user processes the last task, the form refreshes and it goes to a new empty record and I get an error message that says I must enter a value into one of the required fields. I tried making the field non-required but it just creates an empty record in the table.

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Forms :: Text Box Get Erased When Saving Record

Feb 13, 2015

I have a form for meeting records. One text box contains meeting notes, which is linked to ntext variable (SQL linked table) on the underlying table. The database has about 40 users but this particular form get no more than 10 new records per day, not so much activity.

This is the problem: sometimes a user start filling a new record, fill the meeting notes, but when he saves the record the text box gets blank and the record is saved with null value in the text box. This happens randomly but not very frequently.

Sometimes frustrating because the text may contain a full page of text and then when the user save the record all the typing is lost! Text box is with RTF formatting. I suspect it has to do with the Ntext data type of the underlying table. Shall I convert it to varchar(max)?

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Saving Record From Form

Feb 23, 2005

I have a form and I have a button so people can open records to load into the form. The problem is that whenever they close the form it updates the information in the table. How do I stop that from happening?
I want the information in the table to update only when they hit the button I made (which works).

And how do I stop it from loading the record when I open the form, or maybe I can specify to load a blank record instead, how do I do that?

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Checking For Required Fields Before Saving Record

Aug 25, 2014

I have a transaction form and there is at least two fields I need to make sure have been entered before the record is saved.

I have no problem with text or numeric fields but I can't seem to be able to check the contents of a drop down field.

What is the best method to use to make sure a drop down has been selected by the user and contains a value.

I have temporarily used a default value in the drop down but that's not really what I want.

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Saving A Record AS A NEW RECORD From A Form

Nov 23, 2006

Iam very new to ACCESS. So please do forgive me for
believing that the "SAVE AS" function in ACCESS is as easy as
something similar we do in Microsoft Word.

After searching this forum and others I realise that there is no easy way
and it is considered as some thing for serious users.
(with additional coding not available in ACCESS)
Perhaps there are easier ways that I am not aware of.

I would like to open a record in a FORM which has one Combo Box
for text data, several text and Numeric fields.
I then need to change a few items and save the record as a New
Only a few (mostly numeric fields) and some date entries will be changed
as well as a couple of calculated fields in the NEW RECORD.

I shall appreciate any suggestion as to how to do this.

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Exit A Half Populated Form Without Saving Record

Feb 27, 2006

Hi could someone point me in the right direction for this one,

I have a series of linked tabbed Forms. One of the Forms is mostly populated by Combo boxes which all work fine. My problem occurs when you go to add a new record and populate the form with the combo boxes but decide for some reason not to save the record but exit the form using the Close form command button or by using the close button at the top of the Form. Access seems to Save the record anyway. I have placed an Undo Cmd on the form to clear all text boxes which works fine but it does not stop a user from closing or exiting a Form by another means and stop them saving that incomplete record.

I would be grateful for any thoughts on how to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Record To A Table - Closing A Form Without Saving

Nov 26, 2013

I have a form to add a record to a table. How can I give the user a way to close this form without saving the just created record.

I tried

If me.dirty then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

This works, but gives a messagebox in return to confirm the command, and I don't want that. And I try to avoid sendkeys. I also don't want to change the options of access.

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Modules & VBA :: Saving Single Record In Form As PDF In Access 2013?

Jul 3, 2013

I need to save a single record (preferably the current record) as a PDF. I have created a form for my boss to calculate bids. He wants to save each record individually as a PDF to upload into our service software program to attach to client files. I can save a selected record as a PDF if I print the selected record first. We need to eliminate having to print it first as it is just a waste of paper and an unnecessary step. I am kind of thinking that VBA and attaching that to a control button on the form is the way to go, but I am new to writing code and I am completely confused!

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Forms :: Refresh On Form Close Using VBA

Sep 17, 2014

I have combo box that lists data from another form (frmCity) . If the required data in not in the list then frmCity is opened, a new record is entered and form closed. The combo box in the first form (which has remained open) does not show the new entry unless it is closed and re-opened. How can I get the new record to show without closing and reopening?

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