Forms :: How To Sort Query Results With A Form

Aug 14, 2013

Essentially I have a table for rooms around my school and what the rooms contain. Most of the details for the rooms are Boolean (e.g. If the room has a projector, Yes/No).

So what I am trying to do is have a form where i can select a checkbox(s) and if i tick one, a query that holds all the room details will only show rooms with projectors in them, which i can then display those results in another form.

My question is how do I get the check boxes in the form to narrow down the room results to only show the ones with the criteria i have selected in the form?

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Forms :: Applying Sort And Filter In Form Results In Design Changes To Form

Dec 27, 2014

When I'm applying a sort and filter in a form, Access is updating the Filter and Order By properties of the form, so that it is possible to re-use in conjunction with Filter on Load and Order By on Load properties. However, a consequence of this is that when the form is closed, it prompts the user whether they want to save the design of the form. I want to circumvent this as I don't want to re-use the sort and filter and I don't want to be prompted to save the design of the form.

Although I can circumvent this by closing the form using a method that doesn't prompt for saving, the additional complication here is that the form in question is in the Navigation subform of a Navigation Control. Hence when I click on a another Navigation button, it (not me) closes my current form and hence prompts me whether I want to save the design of the form (if I have been sorting and/or filtering). I can't see how to circumvent this and the prompting is resulting in unacceptable usability.

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Sort Query Results

Feb 27, 2008

The following is produced by a query i've built....

4a (2007 Jan - Jun)
5a (2008 Jan - Jun)
4b (2007 Jul - Dec
5b (2008 Jul - Dec)

I need it in numerical order not alphabetical so it looks like this:

4a (2007 Jan - Jun)
4b (2007 Jul - Dec
5a (2008 Jan - Jun)
5b (2008 Jul - Dec)

Any ideas

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Sort On Results Of Crosstab Query

Jan 16, 2007

Below is the code to my crosstab query. I want to sort
descending) on the GrandTotal. I can apply a sort on the
results of the query but cannot sort in the query. It is
my understanding that this is due to this being a crosstab
query. Has anyone any advice on how I can somehow
automatically descend sort on the GrandTotal Column?
PARAMETERS [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![StartDateTxt] DateTime, [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![EndDateTxt] DateTime, [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM].[FaultCategory] Text ( 255 ), [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM].[SystemGroupProblem] Text ( 255 );
TRANSFORM Val(Nz(Sum([Totals]),0)) AS SumOfTotals
SELECT [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].SystemGroup, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].FaultCategory, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Problem, Sum([Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Totals) AS GrandTotal
FROM [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK]
GROUP BY [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].SystemGroup, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].FaultCategory, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Problem
PIVOT [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].YearMonthWeek;

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Sort Query Results By Calendar Month

Jun 12, 2013

I'm trying to sort my query results by the month value "Data (IMPORT).KP_MM_DS" but I get alphabetical results.

SELECT [Data (IMPORT)].KP_YR_NB, [Data (IMPORT)].KP_MM_DS, Round((Count([Data (IMPORT)].KP_ISSU_ID_NB)/20)) AS CountOfKP_ISSU_ID_NB, [Data (IMPORT)].KP_MM_DS
WHERE ((([Facility Lookup].[REPORTING MCA])<>"XXX") AND (([Data (IMPORT)].KP_SB_RGN_CD)="N"))

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General :: Comment History Field To Appear On A Form - Change Sort Order Of Results

Aug 28, 2013

I have after much stress gotten my comments history field to appear on a form.

The following code gives me what I needed

=ColumnHistory([RecordSource],"LastUpdateBy","[ID]=" & Nz([ID],0))

I have only one simple thing left, that is perplexing to say the least.

Some comment fields will be many short notes, spread over time.

My desire is to change the sort order of the results so the most recent (rather than the initial) comment is at the top.

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Forms :: Display Query Results In A Form

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to allow end-users to only use buttons to navigate and display records in my database (so they don't know access is in the background) I have query that runs when they press a button but after they run it there is no way to get back to the main interface screen i.e. there is not a place to put another button and close the query. I was looking into creating a form to display the query results in datasheet view but it is not appearing the way I want. I inserted a subform and the results got better but I also do not like the way it displays because the user can see the subform, simple solution to get my data to display in the form so a user can view the results similar to datasheet view?

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Forms :: Query From Form To Return All Results

Jan 6, 2014

I have a form that displays multiple records in datasheet view. I want to query off of that form and return all results for all records being displayed. However, I'm not sure how to tell Access to do this. Access instead wants to return records for only the first displayed record in the form or the record that is highlighted by the cursor.

In the attached image you can see a list of AccountingUnits (AU) going down. My query using AU from the form as criteria will only return records for AU 114510 since it is the first record, but I would like to see records for all AU's being displayed by the form. How can I do this?

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Forms :: Query Results From Main Form To Subform

Feb 19, 2015

My Form is taking its results from a parameter query, and since my subform also has the same control source (the query).

It always prompts me twice, although not a major problem it is irritating!

Is there any way that when I type the search results once the sub form takes the results from the main form?

(P.S. The form asks me for parameters even when printing and saving, is there not a way that this can be stopped too by maybe taking the results off the current page?)

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Forms :: Using Form To Limit Results Shown In Query?

Aug 14, 2013

Essentially I have a table for rooms around my school and what the rooms contain. Most of the details for the rooms are Boolean (e.g. If the room has a projector, Yes/No). So what im trying to do is have a form where i can select a checkbox(s) and if i tick one, a query that holds all the room details will only show rooms with projectors in them, which i can then display those results in another form.

My question is how do I get the check boxes in the form to narrow down the room results to only show the ones with the criteria i have selected in the form?

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Forms :: Generate Custom Form Based On Query Results

Dec 11, 2013

I'm trying to track daily production at a manufacturing company running many different processes at different locations each running multiple parallel "lines." The tricky part is that the number of lines running and the shift schedules e.g. 2shifts 10hrs/day 4days/week or 3shifts 8hrs/day 5days/week change frequently for each process.

Right now I have a form for process data that specifies the schedule and number of lines running each day. Then I'm running an append query to a "production" table that generates blank production records associated with each item made in each process for the correct shift/line combinations.

Up to now I've been manually changing the date on the append query each time I run it. Then I have a seperate query for each process that pulls out the production records for each day. My problem is that the preferred interface for production data entry is a spreadsheet with the following layout:

ITEM 1 100
ITEM 2 2250

which changes each time the shift/line schedule changes for each process. The only way to achieve this layout I know of is a crosstab query which isn't updateable. Ideally, each day the manager will specify the shift schedules and forms will be automatically generated with the correct structure and sent to the process supervisors. I'm open to different form layouts and even redesigning the database completely.

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Forms :: Sending Email From A Form Based On Query Results

Apr 1, 2014

I have got a form (name: SearchForm) that displays results of a query (name: AircraftSearch). It is a continuous form displaying multiple results of a search done by the query. I need to be able to send an e-mail to multiple recipients chosen from results displayed on the form.

One of the form's field (a text box called: EmailToOperator) is containing e-mail address to an aircraft operator selected by the underlying query. I need to be able to place a check box button (or something similar) that is going to select the e-mail address. The tricky part is to have multiple check boxes allocated for each record displayed on the form and have them working independently.

The second task is sending a one message (via Microsoft Outlook 2010) to chosen multiple recipients (with no attachments) having the recipients' addresses not visible to each other.

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Forms :: Search Form - Show Query Results In Detail Section

Feb 27, 2014

I created a search form. It has 6 unbound text boxes and 2 combo boxes in the header. Users can select values from the combo boxes and/or enter names in the other text boxes. These values all go into a filter on my Main table and the filtered results show up in the detail section. That used to work fine.

Now, I've been trying to convert the filter into a query and show the query results in the detail section instead.
(Why? Because of the ever-changing business requirements, of course!)

For some reason, the detail section went blank. All white. When I change the Data Entry property to No, it fixes that.

However, the text boxes for entering the search criteria will not accept any values anymore. It's like they are disabled.

When I change Data Entry property to Yes, I can enter text into the text boxes again. But the detail section blanks out again.

Windows 7 Professional, MS Access 2007/2010

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Forms :: Open A Form For Saving Results Of Query To A Text File On Desktop

May 6, 2015

I have a BE database, that when opened, opens a form for saving the results of a query to a text file on the desktop. It works fine, if the full path is entered.

The problem is, I want this saved on any users' desktop. I did some digging and found the %userprofile% variable, which when used, gives me the error.

I understand this should work in both Windows XP and Windows 7, which are the environments the full DB will operate in. So far the "EXPORT" button on the form has the following for the code:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", "C:UsersMark N. McAllisterDesktopPubComExp.txt"
End Sub

When I tried this:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
Dim strPath As String
strPath ="%userprofile%desktopPubComExp.txt"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", strPath
End Sub

the error occurs.

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Forms :: Use Buttons On A Form To Change Sort Order On A Continuous Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to use buttons on a form to change the sort order on a continuous form. In the buttons click event I am using a public function (named Sort_1) to change the sort order. The first element of the event call is the name of a generic query (named Sort_1_Query1) and the query field to sort (LAST_NAME OR FRIST_NAME, depending on the button.)This is the Click Statement.


This is the Public Function
Public Function Sort_1(SortName As String, FieldName1 As String)
DoCmd.ApplyFilter SortName, FieldName1 & "between 'A' and 'Z'"
End Function

I think the problem is in the use of quotation marks or trying to pass the query field name to the Do Command or the use of an ampersand.

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Forms :: Sort Form From List Box

Apr 14, 2015

I have a form named "frmItems" with a list box in it called "lstItems"

I would like to create a find (or search) button for it, but how? I also have a search box called "txtSearchI" ...

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Forms :: Dates Won't Sort In A Form

Sep 23, 2013

I have a "Date Select" form that is linked directly to a table that only has one column in it, "Dates". The column in the table is a Date/Time column and is sorted in date order, Lowest to Highest, and when any new dates are added to the table (through another form) they re-sort into date order.

The "Date Select" form allows the user to highlight a date and open a record containing information logged against that date, however the dates on the "Date Select" form will not sort into the logical date order that the table that feeds it is in!

I've set the "Date Select" form Property "Order By" to [Datse_List DESC], (Dates_List being the name of the List Box on the form that displays the list of dates from the table), and set the "Order By On Load" to "Yes", but still the dates in the list box remain out of order.

Dates are entered into the table "Dates" column retrospectively / randomly.

how to make the dates in the list box conform to Lowest to Highest?

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Forms :: Sort Continuous Form By Two Fields?

Jul 6, 2013

I have a form I would like to sort by:

first - by App_Flag (a yes/no field) - have all the clients with "yes" on top

second - by App_Date - from the earliest to the latest

The query sorts it fine but the form does not - even if I requery the form (added a requery button).

Can a macro or coding make it sort it the way I need it?

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Forms :: Setting Sort Order On A Form With Multiple Subforms

Mar 4, 2014

I have a tabbed form. The main form is titles ContractDtlsFRM. There are 3 other subforms in separate tabs. The first field in the ContractDtlsFRM is Contract No. I would like the form to sort in ascending order by this number.

I tried entering the following code in the Forms Order By event but it didn't work

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.OrderByOn = True
Me.OrderBy = [Contract No]
End Sub

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Forms :: Possible To Sort Filter Column Without Subform Record Source Being A Query?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a form that shows multiple rows of linked/child records.The form in question is the "frmFilterNumberTypeView" form. When a particular filter is used (installed on an automobile), I would like to be able to click on the corresponding "Installed 1" button left of the filter number, so that by code, I can reduce the Qty on Hand by One, and insert the corresponding filter ID to the History table, along with the date/time the filter was used.

how to reduce the Qty on Hand, nor how to do the updates to the History table, I'll figure that out myself over the next week or two (hopefully it won't take that long). What I'm trying to figure out here is how I can associate the red "Installed 1" button with the filter to the right of whichever button I press.

how to sort the filter column on this same form. I'm fairly certain that this would be very easy to do if the subform in question was populated by means of a corresponding query, but I'm afraid that if I go that route that I'll spend another 20+ hours trying to figure out how to get the proper filter records to match the filter manufacturer, not to mention having to next figure out how to link the table so that if I modify any particular filter record, that I'll be able to have the associated table update accordingly.

Is it possible to sort the filter column without the subform record source being a query?

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Report Sort Different From Query Sort

Mar 3, 2006

i made a report based on a query. when i run the query, my results are sorted by Job Time Ascending, like i want...
when i made my report i chose job id as the main group priority in the wizard..

now in my report it displays the jobs in ID ascending, rather than Job time ascending as my query says..

i dont want to re-do the report it took ages.. how can i fix this?

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Report Sort Is Not The Same As Query Sort...

Jan 9, 2005

I have a query that sorts players batting averages from highest to lowest. When I run the query just by itself it sorts it right however when I open the report based on that query it does not sort in descending order like I asked. What am I missing??

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Forms :: Form That Shows 100 Records At A Time - Filter / Sort Data Source Entirely

Oct 20, 2014

The recordsource is a query with over 6,000 records. The form currently lists the records in datasheet format with header and footer for things like buttons and filtering. The client wants to be able to go from page to page of the souce query, showing 100 records on the form at a time.

But at the same time, they should be able to filter or sort the data source in it's entirety. The person who created the form came up with what seems like an awful solution to the problem. It seems to use a random number generator to determine how many records to portray at a time. I see this in the code as well as in operation, because the number of records on page to page varies. It doesn't even start out at 100! Worse yet, using a sort on the page only sorts the records that are visible.

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Forms :: Concatenating Query Results

Jan 31, 2014

I have a query that I want to concatenate some of the results onto a single row, but I'm having trouble.I've followed Allen Browne's example, but when I run the query, I either get the #Type, #Name or a 3201 error (I believe, I can't recreate it now).

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Forms :: Displaying Results From Query In Subform

May 9, 2013

So i have a combo box that has a criteria set for the query. I have a search button that runs the query that users click.

What i need to happened is i want the results displayed in the sub form the when query is ran.

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Forms :: Displaying Query Results In Single Row

Aug 7, 2014

I have a Query, which is running on 2 tables and when I run the query I am getting the results like this.


I want the Results like

Rock----------1 ---------- 2

Is there any way to do this.

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