Forms :: Taking Data From Form And Placing Into Table

Nov 20, 2013

I have a form that I am inputting data into. I have been able to Clear the form. I have created an edit script and it brings the data from the table to populate the form. When I try to change the data in the form and run a VBA update to push the data down to the table I am having no luck. I can add/Delete recordswith no problems but I can't edit them and put them back in the table. I am novice and just learning the formats and scripting.

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Taking Data From Another Table

Feb 16, 2007

Hi All

I have a quick query. I have a table with a Account Code and its relavant Account Name.

What im tyring to do is in a query or another table, which has 17000 rows of data and the account code has been used in each entry. What i'm trying to do is to be able to create another column where the relavant Account Name can be next to Account code in the query or table.

Could someone please help.

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Taking Data From Forms Every Month

Nov 21, 2005

I have a database set up with charts which plot information about support for "quality" purposes.
I have reports that work out the percentages but i would like to be able to take the percentage figure (say on the 1st of each month) and add it to a graph which will then be able to show the figures from the last 12 months so i can see how well the support is performing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Forms :: Error 1907 When Placing Chart Control Within A Form

Nov 3, 2014

I have just tried experimenting with placing a Chart control within a form (Access 2010). Although the chart ultimately seems to work (based on my one simple example), I'm getting an Error 1907 (Could not register font.......) each time I launch the database or reload or edit the form.

This error message is itself contained within a "Configuration Progress" screen for MS Office Prof + 2010 which seems to complete if I select Ignore the error message but runs again each time the database is launched (with the same error message showing up part way through). I am logged on as Administrator.

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Forms :: Taking Out Certain Value From Table?

Aug 16, 2014

I am using ms access for entry of data of AC technicians. All Technicians can gain bonus amount in % if they work well and bonus % is dynamic for each technician. Suppose, Technician Mr.Jhon work for $300 or above so his bonus % is 5 and if he done work of $800 or above then bonus % is 9 and son on. But this % rule is not same for each Technician(based on experience company decided the %).

So How can i get % figure while entering data of specific Technician suppose I am entering Data for Mr.Jhon and i enter work done $600 (which is greater than $300) so the value 5 should be appear in next of my form column.

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Modules & VBA :: Taking Data Form A Web Page

Aug 12, 2013

I am successfully using some code to open a web page and log in for me.


Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer
ieApp.visible = True

[Code] ....

The bit I am really stuck on and still after reading various posts and googling I cannot seem to get a bit of code to read a value from the web page.

<tr><tdvalign="top"style="width: 50%">


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Modules & VBA :: Opening New Form And Taking Data From Another

Jul 19, 2013

IThe db has a form called ClientFormNew which logs client details into a table called Clients.Each client has a unique client ID in the table called ClientID. Sometimes Clients call back for further information and we want to log that information into a related table called ClientHistory.Each record in the ClientHistory table has a unique ID called HistoryID which is the same number as the ClientID so these fields are related.

When a client calls back and the telephone adviser opens up the ClientFormNew form and discovers they have called before they need to click on a button called Client History which then opens up the ClientHistoryForm..I am struggling with the code to put on the Client History button as I want the new form to display the details of the clients first contact then allow details of the second contact to be added in a new row. Also the new form needs to show all that client past history which would be in the form of the following fields from the ClientHistory table.HistoryID, ContactDate, Name, ContactMethod, ContactReason, AdviceGiven, Notes.

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Placing Fields On A Form

Sep 21, 2006

I need to place fields on a form that is not linked to a table or query. Form was built by my predecessor and it already contains multiple fields, however the form itself is not linked to any data source. I have tried hardcoding the field onto the form, but it didn' take. How is this done?

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Placing Fields On A Form

Sep 21, 2006

Need help placing fields on a form that is not linked to a table or query. The form was created by my predecessor. The form already has multiple fields on it, however the form itself is not linked to any data source. I have tried hardcoding the filed onto the form but it didn't take. How can this be done?

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Placing A Formula In A Form Field

Apr 11, 2005

Hi all,

A nice easy one for you. I am creating a database, one of the fields is total cost. Is there an easy way to have another field, which calculates the VAT without using a query? I would like this done as soon as the total is entered.

I have done this using a query, but didnt like this way.

I am sure there must be a very simple way of doing this but it has escaped me.



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Data Entry - Not Always Taking In Database

Jul 27, 2006

I am having a problem where I have a form that I enter data into. Sometimes when I enter the information it will add a record to the table and sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't put the information in the table more times than it does.

I have tried to enter the information outside the form and it still does the same thing.

Do you have any suggestions of what I can do to fix this.


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Taking Data From Table1 Modify And Output To Table2

May 25, 2006

hey all,

bit of a head scratcher for me here.

i have a database and i need to be able to read all the records from table1 modify the data and output the data to table2 and I would prefer this to be done via just one button in a form so im guessing VBA need to be used.

table1 consists of an ID field, firstname field, lastname field and date field.

table2 has ID field, full name field, date field

so i want to read the first and last name and date from table1, merge the first and last name and then output the merged names and date to table 2.

ive googled around and all ive come up against is recordsets but im having a hard time actually getting them to even work.

any help is appreciated.



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Forms :: When Pasting Data In Table / Some Of These Data Appear In Form But Some Are Not

Mar 13, 2013

I am new to access (2007), There is a datasheet in the form where we enter our time in/time out. We enter data using the form but that is one data at a time only. So I tried to paste multiple data (records) from excel into the access table. After pasting into the table, the data appears in the query, but not in the form.When I go to the form to check if the data I pasted into the table will appear in the form's datasheet...some data appears but some does not.

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Modules & VBA :: Taking Access Data On Button Click And Putting It Into Excel

Jun 23, 2015

I have a database that had some code that enabled the user to click a button and it would take information from one Access query or table and paste it into specific locations in Excel. This is important because the last worksheet has specific formatting in place.

If it didn't, I'd just use the transfer spreadsheet option and not even bother opening Excel at all with code.

I've got it working well except for the last part. The last query being copied has eight records and only one is being sent to Excel. Same code as the other queries where all of their data is going to the right spot in Excel with the right number of records.

Private Sub AM_Top_25_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "delete_ShortPartItems", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "append_to_Short_Part_Items", acNormal, acEdit

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Update Data From One Table To Another Table Using Form - Access 2010

Dec 16, 2013

How to update data from one table to another table using form.

I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.

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Forms :: Text Box Taking Value From Wrong Column?

Oct 1, 2013

I have a text box that is displaying a value from a table where the display control for the field in the table is a two row combo box. The text box on my form (I'm droping the text box on the form and manually changing the control source) is displaying the second column of the combobox where as I want the first column. If I drag the combobox from the field list onto the form it does show the expected first column (now if i change this to a text box in properties it shows the second column as well). Is there a way to change the text box to view the first column?

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Forms :: Datasheet In Navigation Taking Multiple Refreshes Before Updating

Apr 7, 2014

I have a Navigation form which contains a subform and on that subform is a datasheet.

Navigation Form -> Navigation Subform -> MyForm -> MyDatasheet

I have been having a hard time getting the datasheet to update - I've tried several methods (refresh, requery, repaint, etc). Even pressing the "Refresh All" button on access takes 1 or 2 refreshes before my data is updated.

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Forms :: Display Number Of Events Taking Place Today

Dec 17, 2013

I'm creating a database for a music store which also does music lessons. In the header I wish to display the number of lessons that are taking place each day, the number will be dynamic as the number of lessons vary from day to day. I obviously have a table with all the lessons that have already taken place, as well as lessons that are taking place in the future.

I've attached the header (isn't the final version) as an example.

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Forms :: Passing Data From A Form To A Table

Jul 5, 2013

I have a search form that searches for student ID from the student demographics table. I have it set when I click on the student ID (Frm_Student_Demographics_DailyCares) it will open the student visit form. When the student visit form opens it will show the student ID on the Student Visit Form but it is not being recorded in the student visit table.

I have Student ID control source on the Student Visit Form set as:


My tables are called Student Demographics(parent table) and Student Daily Cares(child table) and they are linked by Student ID.

I have done this before on another part of this database but I just simply can't seem to find what I missed.

Here is a sample of my forms and tables.

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Forms :: Adding Data From Form To Table Using VBA

May 27, 2013

I have a form (called Form2) with say 3 text boxes, called txt_Field1, txt_Field2 and txt_Field3.

In txt_Field1 the user specifies the number of records to be added to an existing table. The fields txt_Field2 and txt_Field3 are used to pre-populate the records with default values.

Furthermore, I have set up a table called Table1. It's headers are ID, Strategy, divRate. ID is Autonumber, Strategy is Text, and divRate is Number.

Suppose the user inputs the following on Form2:
txt_Field1 = 3
txt_Field2 = Covered
txt_Field3 = 0.04

How do I programmatically add 3 records (since txt_Field1 = 3) to Table1 such that the table will look like:

ID, Strategy, divRate
1, Covered, 0.04
2, Covered, 0.04
3, Covered, 0.04

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Forms :: Saving Data From Form To Table

Jul 1, 2015

I created a table name HEAD with column names (ID, Begin, End, Month, Year and Quarter)

Begin and End are dates. I haven't entered any data in Month, Year and Quarter fields. In the table properties I kept a validation rule of ([Begin]<=[End]). It worked.

I Created a form named FORM. I named the control source for Begin and End to Begin and End from HEAD table. For the Month, Year and Quarter control sources I wrote

=Format([End];"q"". Quartal")

The form consists of all the data ID, Begin, End, Month, Year and Quarter values too..

My problem is the data of Month, Year and Quarters are not saving in the HEAD table from the FORM.

The FORM data of Begin and end dates are saving into the HEAD table but not the month, year and quarters.

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Forms :: Form Is Changing Table Data

Aug 29, 2013

I have a form that allows users to click on an item in a listbox and it brings them to the selected record in another form. However, everytime I close the form and open it, it changes the client name in the list to the client ID.

List is set up like this

Client ID | Client Name| Order Date
1 Mike 2013-08-04
2 Jon 2013-08-15
3 Mark 2013-08-17

Turns into this on close - Changes the client name to the ID of the last item selected before close

Client ID | Client Name| Order Date
1 Mike 2013-08-04
2 3 2013-08-15
3 Mark 2013-08-17

Select statement is:
SELECT Client.[Client ID], Client.Client, Client.orderDate FROM Client ORDER BY Client.orderDate;

Code is:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command22_Click()
'opens the form with my subform that holds the table data
On Error GoTo Err_Command22_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Client1"


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Forms :: Looking Up Data From A Table To Set Form Field Default

Feb 11, 2015

I have a basic invoicing setup, with a Form (Invoices) and subform (InvoiceDetails).When in the subform, i have a combo box to choose a Product Code (saved in table as PCode).I want now to auto fill in the NettPrice and (Product Description) PDesc fields in the subform row - by looking these up in the Products Table and entering the data into the relevant fields on the Subform. This lookup will be based on PCode.

I tried all sorts of methods and the one i favour, if i could get it to work, is setting up a Function then calling this function from the Default Value property of each field involved.So, for the Product Description field (PDesc), i created a Function as follows:

Function GetDesc () As String
GetDesc = DLookup ("[PDesc]", "[Products]", "[PCode] = " & Forms!InvoiceDetails!PCode)
End Function

Then i try to call by entering =GetDesc () into the Default Value property for the PDesc field.I seem to have a syntax problem with my function code.I know some of my values like NettPrice need not be fields on my Invoice Details table, but the prices change and I also need to be able to overwrite prices etc when typing invoice.

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Forms :: Order Form Pasting Data Into Table

Aug 20, 2013

Okay I have an Orders Form, which generates a SubTotal Price (ex VAT), VAT, Shipping & Freight Charge based on an IIF statment of being under a 50.00 order apply 20.00 charge. And finally a Order Total with it all added together. This works fine, however I cannot seem to find a way to post these prices in my Orders Table. When I click on Datasheet View for the form, all the details appear as they should.

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Forms :: Copy Record Data To Another Table Through Form

Aug 1, 2014

I have a form with 2 subforms, each based on their own table. One displays categories of invoices (e.g. rent, electricity, etc.) including some details like monthly costs.

I would like users to be able to select one of those categories and copy this to another table, after which they can enter on what date the invoice was paid, to make a history of payments.

At first I based fields in the history table on fields in the categories table so that you could simply pick a category from a combobox. I had an after update event on that combobox that also automatically set the 'costs' combobox to the matching price.

Worked fine, but had one snag: if I update the costs of a category in the categories table (e.g. the rent goes up) then all the costs in the history table was also updated because the fields got their info from that table.

So now I no longer have field from the history table based on the other table, and want to use 'set value' to copy values from one table to the other. I'd like the user to be able to somehow select a category with a single click on a button, and getting the info for that category copied. However, how can I get access to know from which record I want the fields copied?

Or is there a completely different way to get a history of payments that works much better?

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Forms :: Form Data To New Record Related Table

Aug 19, 2013

I have a form based on a table which includes the mid field. I want to have a macro that takes the value of the current mid, and makes a new record in a 1-many related table (consisting of record id (auto), mid and trmntdate), paste the mid and insert the current date.For the life of me I cannot get it to work? The process should be something like:copy mid value, add new record to related table, paste value in mid, insert current date in trmntdate, save. I've tried append queries, experimented with copy etc, dabbled blindly with VBA and not got anywhere.

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