Forms :: Validation Rule In Access Form On Unbound Text

Jan 8, 2015

Is there a way to add a validation rule in an access form on an unbound text box. This box is currently doing a calculation of others. If the figure is not between 0 And 0.3125 then I do not want the user to be able to move on. For some reason if I enter "Between 0 And 0.3125" in the validation rule it doesn't seem to do anything. I can only assume its because its an unbound text box. Data attached please see Frm_Input and text box total standard hours.

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Validation Rule/ Text

Mar 14, 2007

What do the validation rule and validation text in the properties box do?


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Text Only Validation Rule

Oct 18, 2004

i need some help with a validation rule, i need a rule that permits only A to Z characters of any length. i searched but i could only find rules that allows A to Z but of a fixed length.


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Tables :: Validation Rule Doesn't Recognize Hyphen As Text

Feb 15, 2013

I'm struggling with a validation rule that almost works but not quite.

I want to restrict the values in a feild by characters between 0-9, A-Z, _ and -

Using the following string works for all except the hyphen, which I assume is because it's an operator:

Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0-9) or (_) or (-))]*"

Is there something I can do to make it recognise the - as text?

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General :: Append Validation Rule Errors (Using Text Fields)

Jul 27, 2015

Many times I have appended tables. But now I am struggling even trying to append 4 fields defined as text.

View attached zip file.

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Forms :: Change Validation Rule Msgbox

May 15, 2013

TextBox1 Validation Rule is

>=0 And <21

I would like to replace the error message

" The value you entered doesn't meet the validation rule...."

I made a start with the OnUpdate Event

If Me.TextBox1 <= 1 Then
Msgbox "Whoops..."
End If

But, although my message box appears, (nothing else does) the Validation Rule is ignorred and then zero entry causes an error.

So, I'm guessing, my If Statement has to catch the whole Validation (somehow). Am I on the right lines?

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Forms :: Validation Rule With Multiple Conditions

Apr 14, 2014

I have a main form which has couple of subforms bound to one main table. One of the subfomrs is about employment info. It has 3 TextBoxes: (Job Start Date), (Employer Name), and (Wage).

It has also 3 ComboBoxes: (Job Type [Full Time or Part Time]), (Hire Status [Permanent or Temporary]), (Quarter [1st, 2nd, or 3rd]).

I want to force users to fill all these 6 fields if they put any value in any one of them. I tried to set a Validation Rule in the TextBox/ComboBox’s property including IIF statement condition, but I did not succeed, and these rules did not work.I put the following code in the subform’s (After Update), (Before Update), and (On Current) events which works very well when I keep the (Wage) value 0 and move to a new record or to another subform:

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
If Me.[Start Date] > 0 And Me.Wage.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox "You did not put how much is the wage."
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub


how to make a similar validation rule for the other TextBoxes and ComboBoxes.

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Forms :: Can't Give Conditions On Validation Rule?

Jun 1, 2015

Can't we give conditions on Validation Rules? (Like IIf)

IIf(getusername()=[Log_Resource],Between DateAdd("d",-1,Date()) And Date(),Between DateAdd("d",-2,Date()) And Date())

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Problem With Validation Rule On Form

Oct 22, 2005

Hello, I'm having difficulty with a validation rule in a form. I have a numeric field I want to limit users to entering a number between 1 and a variable second number. The second number is the number of records in the table. So if the table has 5 record, the user can enter a number between 1 and 5. When the number of records increases to say 15, then the user should be able to enter a number between 1 and 15.

What I have done so far is as follows:

Function MyValRul()
MyValRul = "Between 1 And " & DCount("*", "tblRegion1")
End Function

and in the validation rule option for the field on the form I enter

This should returns a value like
Between 1 and 15

But it does not work. I do not get any programming errors but when I attempt to enter a number in the field I get the validation error message even if I enter a number that IS valid.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. And please be gentle (i.e. keep it simple and include detailed step by step instructions) I am new to Access and vba.

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Forms :: IS NOT NULL Not Working In Control Validation Rule

Apr 15, 2014

I am using Access 2010 on Windows 7 (64-bit).

I have create a table clients that contains multiple column i.e. Id, First Name, Last Name, Starting Date, Company , while defining the table I did not mark REQUIRED property of any column

I have created a form based on this table "CLIENTS",

I create the company as combo box and taking the list from COMPANIES.ID

I put the validation rule as IS NOT NULL and put validating text Select Company from list.

If I marked REQUIRED property of this column in table definition as YES then it displays system generated message with tablename.controlname, while i want to display my own message.

But when i input the data and leave the Company column blank the validation is not executed.

There are three columns in the form on which I want to apply the same validation.

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Forms :: Validation Rule - 1 Field To Multiple Fields

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to create a validation rule whereby If a box is checked it makes sure that before saving and moving to the next form several, though not all fields are valid.

Ive tried many variations of:

([x] Is Not Null) OR ([Y] is Null) And ([x] Is Not Null) OR ([Y] is Null] etc etc for the fields I need covered.

Either the rule doesnt work at all or else all data input is invalid!

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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Data Entry Validation Rule In Form

Dec 7, 2012

What I have:
Table named: clients table
Form named: clients data form

The form has the client information. The client sends me a document. I review the document. If the document has the correct info needed, then I have a field named "Incomplete" that is a Yes/No field in the clients table.If the field is clicked, then I want the next date field to appear and then I can fill in the date that it was sent back to them.If the field "incomplete" field is not checked, then I don't want that date field to appear nor do I want to fill it out.

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Input Mask, Validation Rule, Search Form

Dec 1, 2005

I have a form that acts as a filter/search engine -- it inputs criteria into a query, then opens a report based on the criteria/query. One of the criteria options is "Supplier Number", which is to be entered into an unbound text box.

All of our suppliers have 10 digits, usually in this format: A123400000 (i.e. First character is either a Letter or digit, followed by four or five digits, then followed by four or five zeros)

Our system works with ten digit numbers, while the people in the dept are used to just typing in "A1234" assuming the zeros are irrelevant.

How do I create a validation rule or input mask where a user can simply type "A1234", then it will return zeros for the remaining of the ten required characters?

I realize the usual response to these type of simple question is "Search the Threads", but I have done so already and still don't have an answer!

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Forms :: Combobox - Error Evaluating Check Constraint In The Validation Rule

Sep 22, 2014

Error: Error evaluating check constraint in the validation rule

What does this mean?

I have used a combo box in the table to input into 2 fields - one restricted to numbers 1 to 5 and the other restricted to letters A to E

Message comes up when I try to change the view or press submit. Does it have anything to do with the field type?

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Help Needed With Database Problems; Validation Rule And Image In Form

Apr 17, 2007

Hello Everyone,
I am in the final stages of creating a database for school coursework however I am having a few problems with a few features; any help would be much appreciated.
The database itself is meant to manage / keep are record of utility bills, it consists of two tables: Invoice and Company.

Problem 1.
In the Invoice table there are two fields called Date Due and Date Received the data type is Date/Time, how do I create a validation rule so that Date Due must be after 'Date Received' and vies versa?

Problem 2
I want each record in the database to store an image of a scanned invoice, and the main form called Transaction to show a preview image of the invoice. Much of the code I used is borrowed from the Access Northwind sample database, after some initial success I had to redesign the 'Transaction' form where the picture was shown and now I get the error message:
‘Run-time error 2135, this property is read-only and cannot be set’
I think I know what is causing the error but I have had no luck fixing it, if someone could help me that would be excellent.

Problem 3
Once I get the Transaction form to properly store and display a preview image of an invoice, I want to add a button that opens the image in an external window(ie MSPaint).
Currently my only success has been to add a button on the form that launches MSPaint (you have to manually open the image in MSPaint.)
Again, if someone could help me sort this out it would be excellent.

Sorry if my problems aren’t clear or well explained.

I have spent many hours looking for answers to my problems in forums, Access help files etc…
My computing tutor has little (no) experience with Access so he has been unable to help, hopefully the people on this forum have the expertise.

I am happy to email you my database if you need it to help me with problems 2&3.

Thanks in ALOT advance :)

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Cancel Validation Rule Message Boxes On Closing Form

Oct 26, 2006

I want to close a form and I am using

Private Sub Form_Close()
End Sub

as the form opens with the access application window hidden, and I found that the .ldb file didn't close if I simply used the X.

I have a series of fields with validation rules which activate on exit. One of these validation rules is in the box which gets focus when the form opens. This means that I get the validation text error message boxes when I close the form with the X.

If I have started to complete the form, I get a whole host of error messages and validation messages when I try to shut it with the X.

Is there a way of closing the form and cancelling or ignoring all error message boxes. I want the user to be able to close the form if they have decided not to fill it in after all, or have got part way through and want to cancel.

I would really appreciate any help, I am sure this is a very basic question and I should probably be able to find the answer, but I can't and I am very fed up!

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Help Needed With Database Problems; Validation Rule And Image Form

Apr 17, 2007

Hello Everyone,
I am in the final stages of creating a database for school coursework however I am having a few problems with a few features; any help would be much appreciated.
The database itself is meant to manage / keep are record of utility bills, it consists of two tables: Invoice and Company.

Problem 1.
In the Invoice table there are two fields called Date Due and Date Received the data type is Date/Time, how do I create a validation rule so that Date Due must be after 'Date Received' and vies versa?

Problem 2
I want each record in the database to store an image of a scanned invoice, and the main form called Transaction to show a preview image of the invoice. Much of the code I used is borrowed from the Access Northwind sample database, after some initial success I had to redesign the 'Transaction' form where the picture was shown and now I get the error message:
‘Run-time error 2135, this property is read-only and cannot be set’
I think I know what is causing the error but I have had no luck fixing it, if someone could help me that would be excellent.

Problem 3
Once I get the Transaction form to properly store and display a preview image of an invoice, I want to add a button that opens the image in an external window(ie MSPaint).
Currently my only success has been to add a button on the form that launches MSPaint (you have to manually open the image in MSPaint.)
Again, if someone could help me sort this out it would be excellent.

Sorry if my problems aren’t clear or well explained.

I have spent many hours looking for answers to my problems in forums, Access help files etc…
My computing tutor has little (no) experience with Access so he has been unable to help, hopefully the people on this forum have the expertise.

I am happy to email you my database if you need it to help me with problems 2&3.

Thanks in ALOT advance

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Calculation Using Two Other Unbound Text Boxes

Jul 25, 2013

I am running in to a brick wall with this. I have an unbound text box with the control source set to =IIF([text42]=0,0,[text42]/[text44])*100 and in continues to return a #name? error.

I am not sure how to get this expression to work. I have even tried to put =[text42]/[text44] and I still get the #name? error.

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Forms :: Creating Two Text Boxes - Validation Value In Form?

Dec 18, 2013

I have little bit problem in access here, if i want to create two textbox... first textbox for time and second textbox for unit. When I type (time) in first textbox, second textbox will appear automatically the unit number...



1<time<=60 ------- 1 unit
60<time<=120 ------ 2 unit
120 < time <= 180 ------- 3 unit

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Forms :: How To Copy Unbound Text Box On Form To A Current Record In Table

May 17, 2015

I created an unbound text box on a form that automatically pulls the current logged in user by using this:

Private Sub Txtuser_Click()
Me.Txtuser = Environ("Username")

The form grabbs the logged in user with no problems, however, I ultimately want this information to also end up in my table. So the form has three boxes (to keep it simple). The user will type their first name and last name manually on the form which the record source is this "table" where their name goes to the table last name =Field 1 and first name=Field 2 respectively. I want the unbound box from the form to place the logged in user in Field 3 for the current record.

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Forms :: Add Record To Table From A Form Using Unbound List And Text Boxes?

May 14, 2013

I have a form with 1 unbound listbox as drop down list (entypolst), an unbound text box(entypotxt) and a command button. The list box reads items from a table. I want to change a value (text) on listbox, input a text on textbox so pressing the button add a new record in a table (Table1 fields Category,Product) showing in my form as subform (SFTable1) in datasheet view. For that reason a made the following code:

Private Sub AddBtn_Click()
Dim ans As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control


I take the error msg for 0 items selected in listbox and exit the sub.

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Validation Rule

Nov 22, 2005

Hey I have a little problem, I have this assignment for school to make a simple database, I did all that but there's one little thing I can't seem to find.
I have to limit a Field's length to 15, but not through Field Size but thanks to a validation rule, and since I don't know a lot of validation rule commands I have no idea what the syntax is for the field length. How can I do this, it's pretty urgent actually, need to have this by tomorrow :s

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Validation Rule

Nov 27, 2005

Relatively new to access, just trying to create a range in a validation rule. What I have are 2 cells, Date_Taken and Date_Returned. I want Date_Returned to only accept values between: Date_Taken and equal to or less than the current date.

Between "Date_Taken" And <=Now()

is what I've got at the mo', yet it's not working. I'm gathering that I'm referring to the Date_Taken cell incorrectly. Any help? I don't see any tools to fix such a thing.

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Validation Rule

May 26, 2007


I need to know how to set a rule to a password field that the user
only be able to type english letters and numbers .

Any idea how?


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Validation Rule

Aug 20, 2007

Hey guys, what is the easiest way to validate a field based on another.

I have 2 combo box, lets say cboOne and cboTwo. If cboOne = 1 then cboTwo must be blank/Null. Can I place this validation in the table validation properties. If so, how do I word the validation code.

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