Forms :: Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object Table Name

Jan 5, 2015

I am currently building a database for the company I work for that is fairly similar to the Northwind Database; however it is made from scratch so hopefully some of the common problems with that database won't find their way into mine.My problem is that when I go to my Orders form, I pick a customer from the main form, which creates a record on the Orders table. When I then go to the subform to choose a product/line item, I get the error in my title ("The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'OrdersT.") as soon as a product is chosen from the drop down list.

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Forms :: Subform - Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object

Jul 17, 2013

The error is:

The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblIndividual.' '

Then it also gives me the same one on another table.

I think it has something to do with the link master/child fields. I've tried all kinds of relationships with the three tables and can't figure it out.

I've tried uploading the database here but it won't. It's on my Sky Drive.

[URL] .....

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The Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object X

Dec 27, 2006

I'm getting an error message (informational only):

The object doesn't contain the automation object 'ClientID.'You tried to run a visual basic procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation operations.

Check the components documentation for information on the properties and methods it makes available for automation operations.
This happens when I start entering data in the field "productname" of a subform.

So I'm assuming something in the form or in the code of the form is referring to ClientID. but I've checked it, and there is nothing referring to it anymore. Well, at least as far as I'm aware of.

This afternoon access crashed without any error, it just closed. Upon reopening the DB again, all my work of the past one and a half week was gone. Normally I always backup the data, but these past days I didn't due to christmas and still working a lot too. So I forgot.

I did some redesigning in the process this evening, deleting and adding some fields and code.

I can't get rid of this error. Can anyone help? Or point me in the right direction?

Also the DB is 3.5MB in size. While it is completely empty. And I can't imagine that some empty tables, queries, forms and a bit of code can be so much. But that's for a later time to worry about I guess, unless one of you says: this and that, maybe that works... Otherwise, I would really be very glad already if the error disappears....

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Automation Object

Oct 26, 2004

In simple terms please explain what an Automation object is. The Access help is any help!
When I try and enter a value it comes up with "The object doesn't contain the Automation subject "Surname"" The only surname field I have is on the header of the form and is not related to the field that prompts the message.
Any ideas much appreciated

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Automation Object Not Available Error-

Jan 16, 2006

Need a second opinion on this one, if someone has the time.

The boss is asking me about this:
Small db to track keys issued to individuals.

2 tables:
#1. ID, (with auto numbering for ID,) and basic name, SS #, etc.
#2. ID and Key number, Date Issued, etc, without auto numbering.

1 to many relationship (#1 to #2).
Cascadeing Update and Delete, and referencial integrity.

He has a form and subform based on a query, wants to do basic info entry on main form (for table #1), then tab to subform to enter specific info for (for table #2).

Problem is, when he tabs to the subform, he gets "Automation Object "Keys Issued" Not Available" error message.

I've found that in his querry, he is pulling the ID from both tables.
I can stop the error by eliminating the the ID from Table #1, using only the one from Table #2.

Is this just a fluke, or do you think I may have hit on the root cause? Any suggestions for problems to watch out for?

Thanks in advance,


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Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method

Feb 27, 2006

Using the following function to update records and receive this error: "Object doesn't support this property or method"

Code:Public Function edit_users()On Error GoTo user_errorDim StrSQL As String, strUser As String, uid As String, section As String, chkAdmin As IntegerDim fname As String, lname As Stringuid = Forms![ctrlpanel]![subEditUsers].Form!cmbUseridsection = Forms![ctrlpanel]![subEditUsers].Form!cmbSectionfname = Forms![ctrlpanel]![subEditUsers].Form!txtFnamelname = Forms![ctrlpanel]![subEditUsers].Form!txtLnamechkAdmin = Forms![ctrlpanel]![subEditUsers].Forms!chkAdminIf uid = "" Or section = "" Or fname = "" Or lname = "" ThenMsgBox "You have left one or more fields blank.", vbOKOnly, "Edit User Error"GoTo user_exitEnd IfStrSQL = "UPDATE users SET [section] = '" & section & "', [fname] = '" & fname & "', [lname] = '" & lname & "', admin = '" & chkAdmin & "' WHERE [userid] = '" & uid & "'"Call get_rs(StrSQL)user_exit:Exit Functionuser_error: MsgBox Err.DescriptionGoTo user_exit:End Function

Here is the connection get_rs:

Code:Public Function get_rs(StrSQL)Dim temp_rs As New ADODB.RecordsetSet temp_rs = New ADODB.Recordsettemp_rs.LockType = adLockOptimisticWith temp_rs .ActiveConnection = open_conn() .Open (StrSQL)End WithSet get_rs = temp_rsSet temp_rs = NothingEnd Function


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Object Library Not Registered/ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jun 9, 2005


I am using Access 2003(11.6355.6360) SPI

When I attempt to create a new DB - by performing Blank Database I immediately get a message 'Object Library not registered'.

If I 'OK' that box and try to create a table, I can do so - create Table in design view.

When I then try to Import external data - an excel file I get the message 'ActiveX component Can't create object'.

I have looked ob various sites for help and forum information regarding these errors but have found nothing conclusive, with specidfic regard to Access 2003.

The version has been loaded on my machine about 1 year as part pf Office Professional but this is the first time I have attempted to run Access itself.

Does any forum member have any ideas as to how this problem could be resolved.

Thank You


Paul Langham

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Error: Member Already Exists In An Object Module From Which This Object Module Derive

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating an form in a database and whenever one of my procedure's run it creates this error message:

The expression ON Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
Member already exists in an object module from which this object module derives.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [event Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.

An ideas?

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"Object Doesn't Contain" Warning

Apr 15, 2007

I keep coming up with the warning- object does not contain the automation object "SelectCountry" .
I have searched through but can not find this in the object properties. Is there a way to do a search through all code or properties through an automated search within Access?

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Inserting An Object In A Table

Jul 28, 2005

I have been inserting thumbnail pictures into my table for the last six months with no problem. The field in my table displays "Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Photo." Now when I enter my thumbnail by inserting an object, the field displays the word "package" and the photo does not appear in the form where the pictures are displayed.
What would cause the word "package" to appear when I am inserting an object just like I have been doing for months?

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Forms :: Can't Assign A Value To Object

May 6, 2013

I have an unbound form, with a subform datasheet (sfmStaffDS) - not linked to the parent form, which displays a list of all staff. There is another subform (sfmStaff), which displays data based on a field in the form which takes its value from the DA subform.To add a staff member I press the button and this clears the fields down as expected.

However, when I start entering data (in the First NAme field), I get the error as stated in the title. Interestingly, I can carry on and the data gets saved as 'normal'.I have used this technique before with success, except that the DS subform is linked to a value on the parent form.

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Forms :: Layer Object On Top Of Listbox?

Jun 25, 2013

In a form - How do I layer an object on top of a listbox?

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Forms :: Error / You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Dec 2, 2014

I'm building a simple database for storing records about books.

I'm currently working on one of the data entry forms. Part of this form is supposed to enable the user to add details about the book and the series that it belongs to (if it does belong to one).

The relationship is One-to-Many: One series can have many books. I've made the series part a sub form.

When I enter some data to test that it works, I get an error message when I try to add a new series using the sub form. It says:

"You can't assign a value to this object.
*The object may be a control on a read-only form.
*The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
*The value may be too large for this field."

As far as I know there isn't anything wrong, so I'm not certain why this error message comes up. I think it may have something to do with the primary key being the AutoNumber data type, but I just click 'OK' and ignore it, and it works fine.

The database works as far as I can see, I just want the error message to stop appearing.

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Forms :: Copying Data From One Object To Another

May 31, 2013

I have a form Based on a tables called:-

TBLInvoice which contains to fields relative to the question
UseDefaultDescOfServices = Yes/No Type
DescriptionOfServices = Long Text Type with Rich Text Enabled

And second table called TBLCustomerPOs which contains a field
DefaultDescriptionOfServices = Long Text Type with Rich Text Enabled

What I am trying to do is if the UseDefaultDescOfServices = Yes then copy the data in DefaultDescriptionOfServices to DescriptionOfServices and make the field read only and turn off the boarder on the field. If it set to no then the user can enter his own data, turn on boarder and make the field editable.

However I am failing at the first hurdle, i.e. I cannot copy the data. Below is what I have tried to do but it doesn’t do anything.

If [TBLInvoice]![UseDefaultDescOfServices] = -1 Then
[TALInvoice]![DescriptionOfServices] = [TBLCustomerPOs]![DefaultDescriptionOfServices]
End If

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Forms :: Pop Up Message On Cursor On Object

Aug 13, 2014

I spent several hours but looks like I can't pop up a message in a form when the cursor pointer is on a specific object. Focus of cursor maybe somewhere else, but when I move the cursor with mouse and it reaches to a specific object, I want the object to display a message. I couldn't do it.

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Forms :: Automatically Insert Object To OLE

Apr 10, 2014

I have Ms Access table with OLE Object column. So I am using form to handle this table. I want to store word documents in this column. Now, to add new item I should right click on OLE field, then choose "Insert object", then choose Microsoft Word Document.

How can I to automate this process? How can I automatically insert empty word document on adding new item?

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Forms :: Exclude Object From Read Only?

Dec 16, 2013

possible to exclude certain boxes when a form is set to read only?My database essentially has 4 user levels (Developer, Admin, User and Guest), and whenever a Guest opens up a form, the form opens as Read Only and a message box displays telling you this. However on most of these forms, there are search boxes which allows you go straight to a specific record, but they don't modify any data, but because the form is read only, I can't type in these comboboxes. So is there anyway to exclude these boxes from being read only?

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Forms :: MS Access Could Not Find Object

Apr 8, 2013

I am using access 2010 but working on a 2003 db. I have a command button on a form that I am trying to get to export a report to my desktop:

Private Sub Export_QA_Report_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Export_QA_Report_Click
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String


I am getting a msg stating MS access could not find the object rptQAReport...

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Forms Missing From Object Browser

Oct 17, 2011

I created a new form and subform and set an "On Update" event on one of the fields.

Went to Visual Basic and can't find the form or subform in the object browser. What gives? How do I create the code when I can't find the object?

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General :: Save PDF Report Into A Table (OLE Object)

Jul 6, 2013

How could I save a PDF report into a table (OLE object).

I want to click on a button, then that button should save the file into a table which formatted as OLE object ??

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Forms :: Object Missing Inside IF Statement

Mar 28, 2015

Sub ClearDeck()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ToStay As Variant

'Because Access will not allow a Frame and all it's contents to set Visible = False
'Remove all Frame Controls except those to keep outside our Frame

[Code] ...

I'm getting RunTime Error 424 Object Missing on the line inside the if statement. Although it is getting .Controls(i).Name correctly and I would have thought Me is an Object? I also tried the complete Form name but still got the error.

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Forms :: How To Get RowSource For Combo Box Based On Value Of Different Object

Sep 9, 2013

I have a form with several objects:

Projects -> which have Sources -> which have SourceTypes

The underlying DB has tables for Projects, Sources and SourceTypes:

Table Projects;
ProjectID : AutoNumber;
etc, etc

[Code] ....

So, I'm trying to get all the Sources for a given ProjectID, and I'm using the following SQL statement:

SELECT ID, ProjectID, Sequence, Name from Sources WHERE [Sources].ProjectID= MyProject.ProjectID;

Which actually gets coded (because MyProject.ProjectID is a variable) as:

"SELECT ID, ProjectID, Sequence, Name from Sources WHERE [Sources].ProjectID= " & MyProject.ProjectID & ";"

What actually happens is that Access jumps in and says (via a Message Box) "Give me a value for Source.ProjectID.

I've just done that in the SQL statement!

How do I get a 'real' SELECT to work for the RowSource?

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Forms :: Making Object To Appear On Button Click

Jul 3, 2014

What vba code would I use in the on click event of a command button to make another button appear?

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Forms :: Unable To Print Web Browser Object

Aug 15, 2014

I have a form that displays a html document in a WebBrowser object. This displays fine on screen but shows up blank when printing the form. Is there any way to get this to appear on the print? I know you can right-click on the object and select "print" to print the contents of the object but ideally I'd like the page to print in the context of the form. Is this possible?

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Forms :: How To Display Picture In Object Frame

Mar 25, 2014

I want to know how to display picture in object frame in a form ?

I would like to select the data from a table ...

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Forms :: Writing To A Textbox - Cannot Assign Vale To This Object

Mar 28, 2013

Having problems writing to this textbox on my form?

Textbox name is: Last_Name
Text Control Source is :Last_Name
Line of code is :

Me.Last_Name = Me.Combo0.Column(4)

I get the following data in the textbox " #Name?"

And the error:

" You cannot assign a value to this object"

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