General :: Drop Down Box - Field Is Too Small To Accept Amount Of Data

Sep 17, 2014

I currently have a drop down box with four options in there and the options are:


However when i change the options in the table to:


it comes up with the error message: the field is too small the accept the amount of data you attemtpted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.

I do not understand what is wrong with the second option of words? The maximum for characters is set to 255 so i am not sure why it is coming up with that error message.

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The Field Is Too Small To Accept The Amount Of Data You Attempted To Add...?

Nov 16, 2006

I have inheirited a database which I am attempting to query via an SQL statement:


This query works fine under Access but when executed thru ADO 2.5 / Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 from VB6 it reports the following error ("2147217833"):

"The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data."

First things first, I'm not trying to add/insert/paste any data (see SQL statement above). Secondly, when I remove "ORDER BY SheetNumber" from the SQL statement the error does not occur. I need to retain the ability to sort and would be grateful for any help/suggestions.

For your reference SheetNumber is defined as a 20 char Text field in Access.

Thanks in advance,

Rob Black.

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Error 3163: The Field Is Too Small To Accept The Amount Of Data You're Tryng To Add

Apr 10, 2008

I have the following query, which runs perfectly:

[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Transit,
Format([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].month,"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthOfYear,
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME AS District, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_NtoB_Amount,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_NtoB_Amount,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_BtoN_Amount,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_BtoN_Amount,
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].AREANAME, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year
FROM [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2] LEFT JOIN [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2]
ON ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].AREANAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].AREANAME)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Transit = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Transit)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year);

When I try to reverse the above, as shown

[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Transit,
Format([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].month,"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthOfYear,
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME AS District, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_NtoB_Amount,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_NtoB_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_NtoB_Amount,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Count) AS M_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month_Amount) AS M_BtoN_Amount,
IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Count) AS Y_BtoN_Count, IIf(IsNull([qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount),0,[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Yearly_Amount) AS Y_BtoN_Amount,
[qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].AREANAME, [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year
FROM [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2] LEFT JOIN [qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2]
ON ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].AREANAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].AREANAME)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Month = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Month)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Transit = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Transit)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].DISTNAME)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Name)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Grouping_Priority)
AND ([qry_BMO_District_Recap - RHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year = [qry_BMO_District_Recap - LHS - Stage 2].Financial_Year);

I get the error message "The field is too small to accept the amount of data you are trying to add. try inserting or pasting less data." I'm not attempting to run an insert or update query.

Access Help lives up to expectations by just repeating the error message, and the posts I can find on the forum which mention this error all seem to include something about a maximum of 254 characters in a field. None of mine are anywhere near that amount.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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Exporting Query To Text File - Too Small To Accept The Amount Of Data ... HELP!! WHY?

Mar 30, 2006

Hi folks,
I have a query that returns about 3500 records (and runs very well I have to say). the issue comes when I attempt to export that queries results to a comma seperated text file. It gives me the message that the field is too small to accept the amount of data..bla bla bla... I've looked this up and it mentions stuff about memo fields and issues with that, but I don't have any memo fields in any of the tables that this is pulling information from. Does anyone have a clue why this would be happening...please help..this is urgent.

Thanks - J

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Field Too Small To Accept Data

Dec 2, 2014

I am trying to insert data into a table through a combo on a form. Originally, I had the text field size set at 15 characters, but the data I wanted to enter changed to 25 characters in length, so I changed the field size to 25. I then got the following message:

"The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data."I increased the size, but still got the message. I even took the size right up to 100, but still got the message!

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General :: Multiply Different Amount Of Hours By Different Amount Of Rates

Jul 17, 2014

I am trying to make a report in which I can see the amount of money that I have to pay weekly to an employee. To explain myself clearer, I have different rates for each employee. For example:

John Smith$15$10$15$30$8
Ken Jonson$10$8$10$20$8

I am doing this in a query. So what I want to be able to do is, for example, take 4 hours that the employee worked at NormalPayRate and multiply it. But if tomorrow the employee worked at a different rate, for example 3 hours overtime, I want those 3 hours multiplied by OvertimePayRate.

The way I saw it on my Google researches, is that they have only one rate and the amount will be [SumOfHours]*[Rate]. But how can I tell my query to skip, for example, one rate because the employee didn't work at that rate that day. So I can have different amount for the different rates.

By the way, entering the information I can divide at what rate the employee worked x day. So if the employee work 6 hours at regular, and later on 4 hours at standby, I have those information separated in my table.

Results that I am getting: I can easily get the amount in money multiplying the whole hours by a rate, so my result in my report will be multiplied by the same rate.

I am using Access 2013 ...

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Forms :: Handling Large Amount Of Data In Memo Field

Jun 9, 2013

My DVD library database I have a memo field which has the description of the movies.

In some cases, like my tv show records, I have a lot of data because of the episodes and episode descriptions.

I'm currently displaying this data using a split form with the datasheet on the left

I must use a small font in the memo field in order to display all data.

I could use a larger font and simply scroll but I'm looking for an alternative.

I've even thought of creating a hyperlink filed and point to the movie on IMDB's web site. But when I click the link nothing happens even though I copied and pasted the link into the field.

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General :: Importing Data From Excel With Drop-down List

May 15, 2013

I have a Access DB created. I have a field, which is a dropdown list. The users can go in to a form and manually create a record into the table etc.

However, i've some data that I'd like to import into the DB.

This data is in Excel.

When i import the data, everything is fine but the column that has the information for the dropdown field does not import.

so to clarifiy, the field in the DB is a dropdown list.

the field in the Excel data is just a plain text entry.

is there somehow i can import this data?

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General :: Subform Does Not Accept More New Records

May 14, 2013

I have a db for my clinic with 3 tables, one is Patient (P_ID, P_Name, P_Age, P_Sex...etc. The second is Referral (R_ID, R_Date, R_Clinic, R_Diagnosis...etc. The third is Therapist (T_ID, T_Name, T_Division, TherapyDate, T_Plan...etc.

The main form contains all patient info and below I have a subform showing info from both other tables (Referral and Therapist).

Each patient could have more than one referral, so I made the relation between Patient table and Referral table, one to many.

Other relations are as follow:

Patient to Therapist (one to many) because one patient could be treated by different therapist each time he is referred.

Therapist to Referral (one to many) because one therapist could handle many referrals.

Now for the first patient, I entered the first patient info in the main form and then the referral and therapist info in the subform, then the same patient was referred to me for the second time, when I attempted to enter the second record (referral) in the subform I am not able to. Why I do not Know, I am sure I did something wrong.

By the way most of the fields in the subform are comboboxes except for dates.

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General :: Any Way That Access Could Create A Drop Down Box Within A Drop Down Box?

Jul 24, 2012

Is there anyway that access could create a drop down box within a drop down box? For instance, when a selection is made in a drop down box, it opens another drop down box with choices.And is it possible to link an inserted image from a form to open in MSPaint that when it opens, the image is already there?

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Database Will Not Accept Data!

Dec 27, 2004

Dear Access Gurus:

Help! I have creadted a basic foirm to collect data. The problem is when I switch to form view, the "add data, delete data" butons are disabled. I tab thorough the fields and I cannot add any data??????????????

I have checked and rechecked the data properties of the form tab and allow additions and allow deletions are set to yes.

I am at the end of the rope and I am completely lost. Do I have to reinstall Access?

Any help is most welcome..........please



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Form Won't Accept New Data

Mar 25, 2005

I have created a form based on a query that joins two tables. When I run the form, I am able to input new data into all fields that are from one of the two tables, but it won't accept new data into the second table. I don't get an error message that might help me identify the problem. The join between the tables is of the "include all records from Table A and only those records from Table B where the joined fields are equal."

Can anyone suggest where my problem might lie? Thanks!


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Form Cell Won't Accept Data

Oct 24, 2012

I have a form that is based on a query that returns all the students taught by an indidual faculty member. There are two text boxes which I have added to the form bound to a table used in the query. However when I try to add data (attendance data) is doesn't accept it and simply "pings" each time I try.

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Tables Not Accept Data With 2 Decimal Places

Jan 9, 2013

I am using access 2007 but my tables does not accept data with 2 decimal places instead it is rounding it up. I have used all the formats stated in the property sheet but it does not accept the changes.

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Can't Get My Weight Field To Accept Decimals...???

Aug 14, 2005

I've got a products table in which I have a field called weight. Obviously, this is to hold the weight of the item. I've it set to Number | Long Integer with desimal places set to 2. However, when I put 2.5 it makes it 2.

What could be causing this?

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General :: Drop Down Box Which Effects Another Drop Down Box?

Jun 18, 2013

I have a drop box that has four selections from a table (NORTH, EAST,SOUTH or WEST) I also have a another table that has two fields which is a NAME of a person and either NORTH, EAST,SOUTH,WEST depending on the persons name. What I need to happen (within a form) is that when I select NORTH from a drop down box, I can then select names in another drop down box that correspond to NORTH only. Then only names from the South list if I select SOUTH etc

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General :: Small Application Not Working Since It Was Moved From Its Old Location?

Nov 27, 2012

I do IT support for different companies.

I have had a client moving to a new server a couple of months ago.

They have a small access application that reads csv files and exports them into Sage format that can then be imported into their accounts program - it also reports the total invoiced (whatever is inside the data CSV file) and has a printer friendly report with all the invoices inside said data CSV file.

The issue I have is that since the little app was moved to the new server - it stopped working.

I think somewhere in the code / options there is place to state the working path for the app. I think the app is trying to read the input data file from the old shared folder and thus not working anymore.

I can post the code and a sample CSV file. Specially because I did find a place with the old path and changed it to the new file share and it still didn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Amount And Checking Daily In Hand Amount?

Jul 21, 2015

I have One table(and designed form from it) in which i have recording the daily transactions(it is like a daily book). Daily transactions took place like Purchase of items of Amount 45, sale=70, sold on account=100 etc.

What problem i am facing is: I would like to Add Cash In Hand amount and would like to show it on my form. When day end I would like to move remaining cash In Hand on separate column of that date. The next day i would like to take the previous Remaining Cash in Hand as Cash In Hand at Start for next date and so on.

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Table Field Properties - Bound Column Only Accept Numeric Value?

Oct 22, 2014

I try to put an expression for the property "bound column" so that my lookup values will be directly dependent on one of attribute's choice

I have got four options for my attribute. Each option will use a slightly different set of lookup values. I save all four sets in another table.

Then in my properties definition I refer directly to this table as lookup base. When I put bound column number equal to an expression so as to choose the right column of lookup values it refuses. It seems that it does notl ike anything other than a numeric value.

If that's a no-go, I am not sure how to achieve what I try to do then?

Essentially I have a table that 4 attributes: QID,itemID,CatType,Catchoice

CatType can have only 4 values. Each value will make Catchoice take on a different set of combo values

The problem I am having is that I am stuck at the Catchoice lookup definition because it is dependent on what kind of CatType the user picks.

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General :: Count Amount Of String?

Jun 23, 2014

In form (datasheet) I have a three columns "RightColors", "LeftColors" and "AmountOfColors"

I want to do something like this:

If I fill 'RightColors' "red;green;blue;", and fill 'LeftColors' "orange;" then in 'AmountOfColors' column should be "4". Sometimes I can fill only 'RighColors' or 'LeftColors;

I think I should add code in after update event. Is this possible to build code which can count colors using ";"? I need loop for this, right?

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General :: Minus One Amount From Another In Subform

Apr 1, 2014

I need to minus one amount from another in my subform.

How to do that and which command to use? Sum?

Also should I go to criteria and do it there?

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General :: Limiting Amount Of Bookings Per Course To 50

Jun 27, 2013

I have Trainee, Staff, Course, and Booking tables and forms. Everything is working fine but I want to limit the amount of bookings per course to 50, how would I go about doing this?

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General :: Finding Average Amount Of Items

Feb 18, 2013

I work in the Insurance Industry and I am having a hard time trying to find the formula for finding the answer to the below issue I am having.

In a table I have 4 columns:

1st: Total # of Claims (Claim Count)
2nd: Total # of Items (Item Count)
3rd: Item % of Claim Count
4th: Average # of Items per Claim (This is the number which I am trying to get)

Is there a formula which could give me the "Average # of Items per Claim"?

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General :: Calculation Of 2 Amount If Some Of The Fields Null

Oct 16, 2012

Calculation : In the event the null, is will become 0.

OT Qty: Nz([Qty(Overtime)-Nz([Qty(Work Hour)])

Is work to calculated the OT amount. How to set the value become zero in the event the the Qty(Overtime) was null.

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Need Solution To Read Data In Both Capital/small Letter

Nov 13, 2006


In one of the column of a table of my SQL Server contains around 500 employee names. Some of them are written in capital letters and some are not. Some of them with first character capital and rest all small.

I am using FE as MS Access. When user search the record thru a normal textbox (behind which I put small bunch of code to get the desired data in sub-form) user must enter searching name in the textbox in the same fashion the actual data available in the table.

e.g. let us say the employee name is John

User who searching John’s record must enter first letter capital otherwise it will not search. Why like this if table in on server.

This doesn’t happen when table is local in access. What is the solution to this?

All the suggestions are welcome.

With kind regards,

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Reports :: Removing Small Value Data Labels In Stacked Bar Chart

Jan 23, 2014

I would like to remove small value datalabels in a stacked column barchat.

If you look at the image attached, the small value datalabels tend to clutter the image.

My graph is a MSGraph.Chart.8 inside a Report.

I am working with Access 2010.

Looks like the only possibility to remove the small values is to do that programmaticaly in VBA.

I would like a method that I could call with two parameters : graphname and a threshold value as of which small value datalabels are not displayed.

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