General :: Other User Computers Won't Run Default Value Formula

Jan 8, 2013

I recently completed a database project and was set to launch it today for use throughout the company. The database is split, and both ends are saved in the same folder on the company server. I have copied a shortcut to the front-end file onto the desktop of each of the four user computers. Two of the four users are able to open and operate the front-end with no issues. The other two won't run the 'Default Value' formula for the "Order#" field in the front-end form. This being the case, I'm certain this is not a code issue.

- Field
- Control Source
- Default Value

= [YEAR] & ["P"] & [Order#]


When I opened the form on the two noncompliant computers the PO# field displayed #Type!.I deleted the Order# default value to confirm that that was indeed the source of the problem, and it is. When deleted, the PO# field displays "13P" instead of "#Type!".

I've tinkered around with Trust Center to no avail. And I'm almost certain this is not an upgrade/patch issue as one of the nonconcompliant computers had Access 2010 downloaded yesterday. The server and all users have Access 2010.As well, the option settings on the front-end are set to only open the form, with no editing capabilities. However, when using Shift+Enter to open the edit capable version, there is no issue; the PO# populates.

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How To Apply User-level Security To Multiple Computers

Mar 16, 2012

I've designed an Access Database (using Access 2003) and assigned user-level security to it such that some users are read only and some are full access. Everyone requires a login and password to access the database. The problem is, once I copy/paste the database from my computer to the shared drive (where it will be accessed by all the users) the prompt for a username and password disappears.

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Default Value For Final User

Jul 19, 2006

Hi I have tried to look, but have not find the solution:confused:

I have a form wich I need in certain fields to have a default value, and this needs to be changed from the final user, I was thinking about taking the data from the previous input, the final user will use the control panel were there is a "push button" to open the form in add mode.
Can I get some help:D

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Setting Default Value To Access User ID

Jan 6, 2005

I am having some problems setting the default value of a field to the user name of the person logging on to the database.

I have created a *.mdw for my individual database and would like to include the current user id of the user creating a new record.

Anyone out there have any ideas how i would go about doing this?


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General :: Formula In Report

Mar 27, 2015

I want to be able to sum my net amount and other costs in my page footer but it is error why would this error in the page footer =Sum([net amount]) if I did that would it still give the total for more than one page on every page.

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User Login On Popup (Default Problem)

Aug 2, 2005

I currently have a network shared database. I setup permissions but only one PC shows a login screen when it starts up. The other just logins to "Admin" account which I have taken permissions away from and therefore cannot make any DB changes.

Any idea how to fhix this?

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Current User Default When Adding A Record

Feb 22, 2005

If I have a field in a table called "AddedBy", is there a way for this to default to the CurrentUser that's logged in to the database when a record is added to the table? I know you can use "Application.CurrentUser" both in the VB code and within SQL queries, but it doesn't seem to work if I put it in the "Default Value" box with the table editor. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Forms :: Default In Textbox - User Should Only Enter Numbers

Nov 13, 2013

I have a text box in Form which i need user should only enter the numbers:

E.g.: When new form appears SI [space]#### should be there and even user needs he or she can change SI to PI and enter the required data.

And the data should go as SI #### or PI #### in Table Backend. The Textbox is Unbound.

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Tables :: Default Value Equal To Date Entered By User

Dec 21, 2012

I want a default value to equal the first 2 characters of field [first name] and first 3 characters of field [last name] and the numeric datevalue of [DOB] 'date of birth'.

In excel its easy,
C D E resultformula

Formula LEFT(c9,2)&LEFT(d9,3)&"-"&e9

How do I get same result in Access?


Field 'PRN', a text field set as default =""""& left([first name],2}+LEFT(Last name],3), date()&""""

Access accepted the above statement but when I input user details the default doesn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: Allow User To Change Default Checkbox Values?

Jun 20, 2013

I've got a form (frmEdit) that allows users to search tblMain for records using a bunch of unbound controls and a dynamically created SQL statement. Search results are displayed in a subform (subMain), and the current record in the subform is displayed in a set of bound controls on frmEdit.

Now the important bit: There is a set of unbound checkboxes on my form that allow the user to change which fields are visible in subMain. This is accomplished by the following:

Private Sub chkName_AfterUpdate()
If Me.chkName = 0 Then
Me.subMain.Form.CorrespondingField.ColumnHidden = True
Me.subMain.Form.CorrespondingField.ColumnHidden = False
End If
End Sub

Certain fields are visible by default, but the user may want to change which fields those are. Here's what I've done so far to accomplish this:

Created a button (btnChangeDefaults) that opens a form (frmChangeDefaults)

Put checkboxes for each table field on frmChangeDefaults

Put a "Cancel" button (btnCancel)* and "Done" button (btnDone)** on frmChangeDefaults.

*btnCancel just closes frmChangeDefaults without making any changes to frmChangeDefaults or frmEdit

**btnDone changes Forms.frmEdit.Form.chkName.DefaultValue to Me.CorrespondingCheckBox.Value and then closes frmChangeDefaults

This all seems to work quite well, actually. Debugging confirms that the default values of the checkboxes on frmEdit are indeed changed when I click btnDone. But when I close frmEdit and re-open it, the default values return to what they were prior. This happens even when:

I close frmEdit using DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmEdit", acSaveYes

I close frmEdit after using DoCmd.Save acForm, "FrmEdit"

I save frmEdit manually by right-clicking and pressing save

What am I missing here?

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Modules & VBA :: Default Value Not Working When User Open A Form

Sep 14, 2013

I think my issue is that when the user opens my form a record gets created. Thus default value will not work. what happens is; the user fills out form 1 goes to form 2 and on form 2 i want a check box default value to be true...but its always false.

the checkbox in question is adequite staff. the user gets the question, "was there adequate staff" if there was the "adequate staff box" would be true. what i have tried is i created a "dummy" checkbox (checkbox299) entitle no. and labled adequite staff checkbox as yes. on the form2 open insert the following

If Me.ADEQUATE_STAFF = False And Me.Check299 = False Then
End If

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General :: Formula Result Doesn't Display

Dec 10, 2012

I have a database that I have created for work. On the form I have several dlookups running. A couple of them show up as expected. But most of them are showing up blank. That is until you click on the box, then the result appears. Changing the Locked and Enabled settings does not resolve this.I have the database locked up for normal users. When I access it by holding shift while opening, when I access this form, the dlookups all show the desired results. No clicking on the boxes required.

I've tried refreshing, but that doesn't work. If I write code that loops through all of the textbox controls, setting focus on them and moving throuhg the form, then the results will show up. Basically having VBA click on the boxes for me. Although this works, there is a slight lag and screen flicker as it sets focus to all of these textboxes.

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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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General :: Query Formula - Allocated Qty Not To Be Summed Back Onto Qty Outstanding

Nov 20, 2014

Below is a formula that I have in my query. The problem I now have come up with is sometimes I will not want the allocated qty to be summed back onto the qty outstanding.

I have more fields in my form ( allocation)of which one is called " consumable" what I need the formula below to do is the consumable is not empty then don't add the " qty allocated" to the "qty outstanding"

qty required: IIf(DLookUp("[material]","Allocation","material= '" & Stocklist.material & "'") Is Null,[qty outstanding],[qty outstanding ]+DSum("[qty allocated]","Allocation","material= '" & Stocklist.material & "'"))

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Convert Formula Into Formula Result

Apr 6, 2007

Hi All:running Access 2000.I have a qry with a formula field that performs some calculation (Extension: CCur(([OnHand]*[Price])/[UnitsPer]))and it works fine. How can I update the actual table with the result of the calculation for every record? The problem I have is that there's some null values in the results therefore when I try to get totals on that field, it errors out saying "invalid null use"thanks

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The Macro Can Not Run In Some Computers

Jul 30, 2007

I have a program thats work perfectly in some computers useing the network but when i try to open it in other computers i get an error and when i try to debug the error it highlit the line that i am calling the micro that open the mainform in it, i hope some one have an idea for what is going on with the program

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No More Than X Computers Per Time

Apr 24, 2007

Hey, My access database will be used to make computer reservations for an internet cafè. The user makes their reservation date by using a calendar control, they choose their start and end time, and they also choose the amount of computers they can book (no more than X). Would it be possible to create a query that will limit the user from overbooking the computers?

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General :: Combo Box Default Value

Apr 9, 2014

I got a COMBO BOX with 2 columns , for instance code and name.

123 JOHN
124 JACK
126 MARY

In the OPEN form action which the form using this combo to do some query action, I want to put a default value to this combo box after a VBA query result of which should return a name to this form. Just want to know how to put the result to this combo box, e.g. when the VBA query return a name Billy. What's the syntax to make this combo box equal to Billy and do corresponding query?? Thans a lot!! FOr the time being I just know the following syntax, but since the combo box got 2 columns and how can I know Billy is located in the third record?

Me.Combo24.DefaultValue = "FORMS![Master]![combo24].itemdata(0)"

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Cannot Distribute Database To Other Computers

May 26, 2006

I created the database on my computer. I added security and split the database to put the tables on the the server. Everything works just fine on my computer. However, when I try to copy the 3 files for the front end of the database to other computers on the network, it won't work.

Perhaps I'm confused as to what files need to be migrated to each additional computer or I don't have the security setup properly.

Right now, I move 3 files. The main database file with the front end. The shortcut file that is created when you add security and the security file that is created when you add security to the database.

I'm stumped.

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Reports Don't Work On New Computers

Dec 26, 2006's the deal. Four computers were replaced in our office and now three of them are having problems with the database. The database is written in Access2003 and all computers (the old ones and the four new ones) are running on WindowsXP Professional w/ Office 2003.

The problems that comes up only involves reports (viewing, email, exporting). When they try to view a report, a message comes up

Cannot find object ".

When they try to email or export a report the function is cancelled due to the error.

I'm going to have the computer admin re-install Access to see if that helps.

I've been searching around trying to find some info on various settings that would cause this, but I'm pretty ignorant in this arena. I checked the references in Access and they are both the same. That's about the extent of my knowledge in thise area.

Any insight would be great.

Thanks for the help.

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General :: Default Value Combobox But Not In List

Jun 11, 2012

(I'm upgrading an old database)

I have a combobox who lists te values of a table.

In that table are say: 5 records filled with a,b,c,d,e.

In my form i have a combobox who is default filled with a blank field, but i can select a,b,c,d or e.

If i select nothing in the combobox, the value has to be set at "0"

But i cannot add "0" as a value in de table of the dropdownlist.

if i can get the value default for "0" i'm happy, but if i can display the "0" as default in the combobox, i'm very happy.

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General :: Date From One Field As Default

Jan 21, 2013

Is there a way to use the date entered in one field in a table as the default date on another field in the same table?

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General :: Reset Default Menu Bar?

Dec 12, 2012

I just change my default menu bar in access from start up option. And created a new menu with some sub menu which I want. But when I remove all tick mark from different toolbar and only select my new menu, I can't show default menu bar again. How I can show default menu bar?

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MsAccess2002 Ade Works In Some Computers And Doesn't In Others

May 9, 2005

Hello All,
I have MSAccess ade working in some computers which has WindowsXP-pro(SP1 and SP-2) without any problem. But It doesnot work(When i said it doesn't work means it doesn't work in certain parts which i will give an example) in some computers that has exact same configaration. The problem is when I try to instance a class using a TypeName function, it doesnot recognize the class name and just returns an object rather than recognizing the class's name. Its a strange thing because I have some .ade from past works fine in all machines. The only difference is In the new .Ade is I have included the Microsoft outlook 11.0 object library. But the part of the code thats not working doesn't even use the Outlook library at all. So did anyone has this kind of problem, PLease suggest or ask me if you have more details of this problem. I really appreciate your help.
Thanks again

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Values In Combo Box Not Populating On Some Computers

Feb 4, 2008


Hopefully this is a really simple requiring a simple answer.... hopefully

On one of my forms I have a combo box thats values are generated by a parameter query. On my computer and a couple of others i tested it (on the same network) this combo box populates fine, but i put it on a couple of other computers today and it doesn't show any values. I checked and the query itself runs fine, plus a combo box that runs off a table populates fine.

not too sure if its relative but the database is split with the tables sitting on the network share and the database sitting on the main computer. or perhaps this could have something to do with blocking unsafe expressions.. i am not sure

any help on this would be greatly greatly appreciated

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Query To Return Computers Without Allocation

Apr 26, 2007

I have 2 tables tblComputers & tblComputerAllocations
tblcomputers has 85 records & tblComputerAllocations has 71.

I would like a query that returns the 14 computers that have no allocations.

I tried a union query on field ComputerID but i must misunderstand its use!!
Thanks in advance,

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