How To Prevent Datatype Conversion When Importing Tables From Excel????

Feb 23, 2005

I'm building a database at work to see if we can replace some of the "buhzillion" spreadsheets we currently use to track data on sites and employees across the country. I've set up the primary excel tables the way I want to import them, but Access keeps converting my Employee Numbers (mostly 7 digit numbers, "text" format in excel) to scientific notation during the import process and then giving me errors because my primary key "EmployeeNumber" has duplicates. How do I tell Access to import these as text instead of numbers? I'd really like to not have to type in data for 100+ employees and over 1000 sites, you know?

Thanks in advance.

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Having Trouble Woth Type Conversion When Importing From Excel To Access

Feb 16, 2005

I have getting type conversion errors for numeric and currency fields when importing an Ecxel spreadsheet into a Table in Access. I have tried changing the data type to text in Excel, and that is what it says I have done when I examine the field formats in question. How can I force this to be text, it keeps reverting,
i.e. the fields in question, to numeric and currency. Can anyone help? Thank you.

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Importing One Excel Sprdsht Into Several Tables

Jul 9, 2007

I have an Excel spreadsheet of data, that matches fields with two different (many-to-many linked) data tables. Can i import then separate the data into the respective tables, while maintaining the relationships created by junction tables? Or can I create a query to temporarily link the two tables and their related fields, input the data, then disseminate it to the two separate tables??
Thank you all for your input as I fumble my way thru this!

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Importing Excel Tables Into Access?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to write some code to import an excel table into access. I want to delete and append a table already in the database. I am having trouble writing the code to do this. If this is at all possible through excel, I would prefer to export the table from excel into access. Otherwise if that's not possible, a macro to import from excel will do.

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Tables :: Importing Data From Excel 2007

Dec 12, 2013

how to import data from excel 2007 like' suppose the field in DB table is A, B & C and the same is there in excel 2007, now i like to get B & C filed data from excel to DB table directly (import) which may be through button at form, because i have given my user the accdr file so they cann't go into the table and paste record.

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Tables :: Importing Number Field From Excel

Nov 13, 2013

I am importing information into a table from excel. The number is formatted correctly in excel and is displayed as 10309976464180, but when it is imported into access it displays as 1.030998E+13. I have tried all of the possible formatting for numbers but nothing corrects this, and if I change to Long Integer it actually removes the numbers. What is the correct formatting in Access to get these numbers to display correctly?

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Tables :: Importing Lookup Fields From Excel?

Apr 13, 2014

I have a table that contains about 75 fields. Each field is going to be a Lookup field that will allow the user to enter multiple values. This is for a home inspection service. So the first field name will be ExteriorShingles. The user clicks the dropdown arrow, and is allowed to select multiple values such as "loose", "missing", "rotted" etc... I was wondering if there is an easy way to import all these values from my Excel spreadsheet, or do I have to enter each one individually, which is going to be a lot of work.

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Tables :: Importing From Excel With Lookup Values?

Sep 19, 2012

I am building a small database to automate the process of producing sales reports for our sales staff using data from our customers (distributors). They provide us with Excel spreadsheets with detailed sales data for our brands at THEIR customers (retail stores).The problem is that many stores receive from two distributors, and each distributor of course has different "customer numbers" for the store. I've built the database with the following:

tblStores (containing the list of stores)

tblSalesData (containing the monthly sales per store, by brand)

When the distributor provides the spreadsheet, they use their Distributor1StoreID (or 2 or 3, depending on the distributor). I want to import it to tblSalesData but would need to lookup the StoreID from the tblStores during the import, using Distributor1StoreID, etc.

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Tables :: Importing 2 Columns From Excel Into Access

Jun 29, 2015

I was using Excel.We do transportation, I have two columns Which means 2 Records One is from address a to address b.And another from address b to address a it's not always like that The return can be to anywhere I want to make one table called 'locations'.I can set the relationships to both fields using that table or so I think But what about the last five years worth of data I can't seem to split my data correctly.

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Tables :: Importing Excel Data In Access Table?

Mar 5, 2015

I'm looking to import huge excel sheets in access, but normalization process in Access has forced me to divide all the columns in Excel to about 12 tables in MS Access.

How how could I import data from excel sheet columns to 12 different tables?

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Modules & VBA :: Importing Multiple Excel Worksheets Into Various Tables

Jul 2, 2013

I have a code that allows the user to select the file that they want to import, however it automatically imports the first worksheet into a specific table. Is it possible to change the code to make it import the first worksheet (or with a specific name) into one table and another worksheet into another table?

Dim dlg As FileDialog
Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With dlg
.Title = "Select the Excel file to import"
.AllowMultiSelect = False

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Importing Excel Spreadsheet With Empty Rows

Oct 31, 2012

I am using Access 2007 and we are importing an Excel spreadsheet that is received from our customer on a regular basis.When I open the Access table I see over 9,900 empty rows at the start. Following this is the actual data from the spreadsheet.Is there an import setting somewhere that would eliminate all these blank rows?

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Tables :: Importing From Excel Where Format Requires Pre-conditioning

Nov 26, 2012

I have a table in my database which I want to update on a daily basis from an Excel workbook. Normally I would just use the TransferSpreadsheet command but in this case the format of the source sheet makes things a bit more complicated (It's not my workbook so I have no control over its layout, unfortunately)

My formatting issues are as follows :

-the header row is not on row 1, but row 3 (the first two rows are free format comments)
-there is a gap row between the header and the data region
-the source sheet is laid out with dates as the headers (left to right) and my field headers running down (top to bottom) - so would need some form of transposition
-Basically, looking for some direction on how I should approach this while maximising efficiency. One approach would be to have my own local Excel sheet with VBA code added, to open the source sheet, copy / edit / transpose as necessary and then import my local version and append to the existing table. But this adds an extra step to the process which I'd like to avoid if at all possible.

I would prefer to 'customise' the import within Access itself, to account for the above obstacles, so that I could just point to the source document directly but import according to my own 'non-standard' rules.

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Importing Of Data From Excel/Access To Two Tables Linked By A Querry

Jun 28, 2006

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am having the problem of importing a database from Excel/Msaccess 2000 to a Msaccess 2000 database from which the data was originally exported. The Database consists of two tables connected in a querry and the two tables has a unique primary key thru which the two tables are linked using a querry. While importing only two tables are listed in the importing wizard and not the querry.

So how to import the data to the two tables connected by a querry using a primary unique key.

help me the procedure.
thanks in advance

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Tables :: Importing Excel Data - Maintaining Column Order

Mar 4, 2013

I've been using MS Access 2007 for years to manage some Excel data. running some queries etc. Just recently I've been encountering problems when importing data into an existing table. When I do it now, I get a "Subscript out of Range" error. To troubleshoot, I imported into a new table and when doing so, the fields no longer match the column order of the spreadsheet. They all get imported but appears in a different order. I think this is why I am getting the error message. How can I go about ensuring that the data gets imported properly into my already existing table? My fields in "Design View" will match the order of the Columns in the Excel spreadsheet.

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Tables :: Random Missing Data After Importing From Excel To Access

Mar 8, 2014

I've got an Excel sheet with +700k rows and 20 columns that I wanted to import to Access. All fields are text except the field that I want to use as a primary key, but I planned to import that as a text as well.

When I used the import wizard, I set all fields to import as text except for three that I set to memo. The wizard didn't say there was any error after importing the data, but when I checked the table, I noticed there were *a lot* of records where many fields where blank. Some fields where completely unaffected by this problem throughout the entire table, but in the rest of them, there is data missing in many records, and when there is data missing, it is not always the same fields that are missing. I have been unable to find any pattern that explains why sometimes the records were imported correctly, and why sometimes they were not.

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Tables :: Importing Excel Table With Invalid Field Names

Jun 3, 2015

I would like to import excel sheet that contains about 45 fields and the fields names are not well defined(not obey the Access rules). I would like to import the sheet into ms access without changing the excel sheet because i have to provide only the interface to users where they have to import sheets only. (All the time In Excel fields name are arranged and in specific order but invalid names of fields).

After 1 week the person has new excel sheet with same format and the process of importing data into ms access will be continue for whole year or more.

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How To Prevent Duplicating Records When Importing Data

Oct 14, 2011

We are a travel company and I am just setting up a new database with two tables - [Client_Table] & [Enquiry_Table].

Most exisiting clients call in when they want to make a new enquiry so the 'user' can go it to a form which creates a 'new enquiry' for that client.

We also download 'new enquiries' from our website. This data includes info that goes in to the [Client_Table] and [Enquiry_Table]. They download in to a XL spreadsheet. Currently I copy and paste the data (not sure if there's a better way) from the XL speadsheet in to a query. This query creates a new client record & a new enquiry record which are both linked by a primary key [Client_ID].

This all works however the problem I have is that sometimes existing clients enquire through the website. They do fill in a field to say they're an existing client but if I paste them in to the query as explained above it creates a duplicate client record.

The only way around this I can think of is it to take out any exisitng clients from the XL spreadsheet first, search for their Client_ID and then paste these enquiries seperately with their Client_Id's in to different query which only adds a new record to the [Enquiry_Table] and links them to their exisitng record in the [Client_Table].

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Importing Excel To Access Keeping Relationships In Access Tables

Sep 13, 2007

I have a stock control database which i have nearly completed. This has Manufacturer, which is linked to products, which is linked to Sub Product(which also has field partCode). i.e. Manufacturer1 can have 3 products, and each of these products could have 5 subsystems and partcodes. Each partcode is unique to that subsystem/product/manufacturer.

I then have a pricing spreadsheet in excel, which has many tabs. A new column has been added for each item for Manufacturer,Product,Subsystem and Partcode.

I need to import these manufacturers,products,subsystems and partcodes, but into the tables with the correct relationships, i.e. product1 and product2 are products of manufacturer1 and so cannot come under manufacturer2, and so on.

I hope this makes sense, Thanks in advance for any help you can give!


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Tables :: Changing A Datatype Into A Number

Nov 26, 2014

I have a problem with changing a datatype into a number. The thing is that all the fields are in text and i want to change some of them to a number datatype. If i try to change the field to a number i get a message that come up as This:The setting for the field size property of on or more fields has been changed to a shorter size. If data lost, validation rules may be violated as a result. I try to export it into an excel file and change all the field that i need to be a number and convert them into a number and it work by when i import them back into access they don't change.

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Excel Template To Access Conversion / Storage

Apr 30, 2013

What I have now is an excel template (with ~12 worksheets) that many regional offices use to enter in some lease data, from which the excel sheet creates a rental schedule and does a whole ton of calculations on that data. Some are NPV calculations, some are yields etc etc.Eventually, I would like to:

1) Enable users to fill out one of these templates, and save the data to the database (Just the inputs? All the data? My reading suggests just the inputs)
2) Use the database to produce one of these templates for any lease in our system (shouldn't be hard, from what I've read)
3) Sum up calculations from this template for many records (eg. if a tenant has many leases, what is the NPV of all of those leases, or what is the total NPV for all tenants)

I have the inputs (from Access) I will have no problem using them in the excel version, but does it make sense to use Access given that I may need to somehow be switching back and forth to get the info I want for my various reports? I am very comfortable writing macros in VBA for excel, so if that's the solution, that is no problem. I assume what I need for #1 and #2 is a macro to arrange the inputs from the excel sheet into a format that can easily be dropped into access tables and vice versa.

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Tables :: Getting Relationship Error When Try To Change Datatype

Oct 15, 2014

I'm in datasheet design view and I'm trying to change the data type of a cell and add a lookup. When I try to change the datatype I get an error which says I need to remove a relationship first - except I did. I deleted all the relationships, saved and closed the relationship view and closed and reopened the table.

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User-defined Datatype In A Sql Server Attached Tables

Dec 5, 2006

Hi all,I'm trying to attach some table from a Sql Server database, but when I take a look to the content, I see all the fields filled by the value "#CANCELLED".I supposed that the matter of such an issue could be the datatype used for some fields, a user-defined datatype. The only table content from the same Sql Server database I can see does not use that data type. I'm using a read-only account to access the Sql Server database. If I try to import the table, the data are imported correctly and the user-datatype is converted to text.Any suggestions for a solution / workaround ?Thanks Bye

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Tables :: Selective Operation Of DataType Mismatch Error

Aug 22, 2014

I have a table 'Project Details' to which I have recently added a new field 'Last Invoice issued'. This field is a text field with a lookup and will default to 'No' for new records being added. When the related record is updated in my 'Invoices' table, I have set up a query to change 'Last Invoice Issued' to yes. This is all working fine, but it requires all the records in 'Project Details' to contain 'No' already in order for it to work. As there are over 1000 records in 'Project Details' I made a list in Excel of the right number of no's and copied it in. Most records were fine with the exception of 127. I can edit any of the other fields from the 'Project Details' datasheet or my data entry form, but when I try to edit one of the 127, I get a DataType mismatch error. I can't understand since the records are all in one table and have exactly the same DataTypes set up for each field, why I can edit some and not others? Is there some other place where DataType can be set up that may affect some records and not others?

I have tried to copy my table to post here but when I do that, I get a 'Index or Primary Key cannot contain a Null value' error due to the (New) record having the default values already in but the primary key not being filled until I save,.

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Tables :: Type Conversion Failure And Key Violations

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to import records from Excel and I have two issues:

1) I have imported the excel file into a new table and I get type conversion errors just for fields 25, 26, 28 and 29 (and only for rows 2 to 25) but there aren't that many fields in the table.

2) The second is that I get key violations even though the indexing for all the fields for "table_candidate" is set to "no" (apart from the "cand_ID").

I can't see anything wrong with the records.

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Importing From Excel

Mar 6, 2007

Guys I don't know if any of you have done this. I need to import a formatted excel file into an access table, I know that I need to write a vba code to do it, can someone please give me a tip or an example. The excel file is a formatted form, it's not based on columns & rows!!!! Please Please assist.

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