Import Text File To Table

Oct 18, 2014

How to read data in file (attached) and import data by reading certain amount of characters in a line like A02 and read 30 to 40 characters which has the Name of a passenger and may 20th to 25 has the name of an Airline. Import these data into a table with pre-assigned columns.

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Import Text File To A Table With Autonumber

Jul 19, 2005

Hi, I'm trying to import a text file (just for a test at the moment) with the fields seperated by |'s.

The table I'm trying to import to has the fields -
ID, First Name, Last Name, Gender.

The ID is an autonumber though so what can I put there in the text file because I'm getting an error? :confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Import Pipe Delimited Text File Into Table?

Apr 2, 2015

I'm trying to import a pipe delimited text file into a table. I can import the entire table using the following code, but I only get one column of data (the entire data set in one column). If possible I would like to import with the columns defined or if not possible use some code for a function similar to text to columns.


DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "tblTest", "C:Work2015PPVMasterData.txt"

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Tables :: Command Button On Form To Run Text File Import Into Table Wizard?

Aug 28, 2014

Is it possible to have a command button on a form to run the Text File Import Into a Table Wizard?

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Text File To MS Excel Multiple File Import Application

Jul 20, 2006


I would like to automate something presently done on a one-by-one basis. Here: a number of text files(containing data) are to be exported into an MS Excel file, with each text file to occupy a different worksheet. Presently, the idea is to use the Data/import external data/import data feature of MS Excel for importing the text files one-by-one into newly created worksheets(within the same workbook).

I would appreciate some advice on how to go about creating a useful MS Access application to achieve the above. I have checked the available Macros in MS Access, but I could not find one to suit my purpose. can anyone pls assist, on how I can get started?


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Import A Text File Weekly Within A Batch File

Jan 30, 2006

hello everyone, i really need some detailed help as the deadline is approaching and I need to find a solution for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated

I currently have a batch file that ftps a text file from a Red Hat Linux Server to my W2k C:. I would like to make another command in the batch file that imports this text file into an existing access table. I would like the text file to repopulate the table everytime it is imported. I do not want the data added on to the existing data in the table.

Thank you for your time and insight.!!!:)

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Import From A Text File

Dec 17, 2004

I have a log file that records an action in following format.
50144021 12-17-2004 21:00:44 Mail Sent Subject: Test file TO:

I want my database to look into this file and return the date/time of the last send in the log to match up with a record in one of my tables that has following fields: "email","last sent", "subject". ( The match will be done on the email address)

I can therefore look at each record and identify when each email address was last sent the file

Any help would be much appreciated

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Text File Import

Sep 5, 2007

Hi all. Another question that i hope ya'll can answer.

I'm trying to take a comma divided text file and import the raw data from there into one Access table to allow for various data manipulations with the end result being a very nice printable report. Unfortunately, I can only get the data in a plain text file, and not a CSV file.

What I'm looking for is a method to where I can import one or many of these text files into a database at one time via a fairly automatic process (pressing a button to load all the text files in a given directory would work), and have the data filtered according to the pre-defined variables in the text file itself (which could just be pre-entered into the database as a template). How would I go about doing this?

p.s. If anyone wants to see an Excel file of a manual data sort to see what i'm talking about, please e-mail me and I'll send it off.

p.p.s. Thanks for any help you can give me

raw text file data (there's more, but this will suffice as an example):

price,volRemaining,typeID,range,orderID,volEntered ,minVolume,bid,issued,duration,stationID,regionID, solarSystemID,jumps,
4500000.0,16.0,25619,32767,512583166,16,1,False,20 07-09-04,7,60006655,10000043,30003562,12,
5010707.0,3.0,25619,32767,511108734,3,1,False,2007 -09-03,30,60006658,10000043,30003563,12,
5523022.0,2.0,25619,32767,512004088,2,1,False,2007 -09-04,14,60008494,10000043,30002187,2,

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Import Text File Plus Adding A Field

Feb 8, 2007


I'm importing the contents of lots of text files using a combination of a loop and DoCmd.TransferText.

This works fine and I can get the contents of several hundred files in a few seconds. The files are called 1.dbb, 2.dbb... and each has an associated image file, 1.bmp, 2.bmp... etc. After the import I move the files to a new folder.

I need to create a link to the bmp file but this information is not included in the text file so I need to rely on a field which contains the file name.

How can I populate a field at import time to include the name of the imported file?

Anyone give me a clue please.


Bernard D

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Import Text File Into Access97 Without Index

Sep 15, 2004

I am importing a text file into Access97 using fixed width with import specifications that specify NO to indexing. However, when I run the Macro, it automatically indexes the first field (which is a long integer).

Why? How do I import the text file without having the index automatically added?

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Can't See Specs When Trying To Import Text File Via Macro

Oct 23, 2014

I am trying to complete a macro that starts with importing of a text file. However, when I go to complete the steps in the macro, I do not see the specs for the import file that i created. There is a dropdown with a few specs for me to choose from in the box titled "Specification Name" when I am completing the action titled ImportExport Text. However, none of those specs are the right ones.

When I go to "Saved Imports" I can plainly see the import that I am interested in. So is a Saved Import different than a spec? If so, what steps do I need to do to create the spec?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Complex Text File Into Access

Jul 19, 2014

They are receiving e-mail with some data that they want to transfer to access database to track. The one think they can do is copy past, copy paste. That is a lot of data to copy and paste. The date looks like this format


Text2 (text2 can be more than 255 char)

Text3 (text3 can be more than 255 char)



Text2 (text2 can be more than 255 char)

Text3 (text3 can be more than 255 char)


and so on.. It can be 50 records

I am thinking they can copy this to the text file. Then the code form Access grabs the text file and imports to access table with format below.

Field1 Fied2 Field3 Field4
Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4

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General :: Import Non-delimited Text File Into Access

Apr 7, 2015

I am trying to import a non-delimited text file into access, but where there is a strict hierarchy to the records, i.e.




etc. etc.

The field names are constant throughout the document but the pages are of variable length depending on what is in the fields.

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Automate Data Type Conversion At Text File Import

Jul 7, 2005

hello once again,
I need to import a text file into an existing table in Access. The text file has been imported once and is working well and everything. However, since I had to change some of the datatypes to be able to query the table correctly, I now cannot import the text file anymore unless I change the datatype of the table itself. Since someone other than I will be doing the imports from here on out, changing the datatypes everytime is out of the question. I was looking at the TransferText event, but I didn't seem to see anything about converting data types. I can think of two options, and neither are probably possible:
1. import using the wizard. Since I didn't see anything related to the types of data, I don't think this will work...
2.import using TransferText. This doesn't seem to give me any opportunity to change the datatypes either. Is there anyway to programmatically change datatypes, or is there possibly an easier way that I'm overlooking??
thanks in advance,

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Tables :: Drop Header Records During Import Of Text File

Feb 11, 2015

simple table 6 columns

the txt file is set up so that there is a header record, 4,999 lines of data, then the same header record, then 4,999 lines of data, then a header record etc etc. for as many lines as is in the download. This is a download TXT file from a Microsoft Axapta ERP system.

I have my table all set up and during the import I want the header records to be dropped. I tried in the validation section for startdate {Not "startdate"} but that did not work. Is there some simple way to ensure the header records are dropped?

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Modules & VBA :: Allow A User To Navigate To A Text File And Import It To A Database

Aug 19, 2013

We have a function that will allow a user to navigate to a text file and import it to a database. I've been asked to make it import ALL the text files from all sub-directories in the directory IF they've never been imported before (based on FileName and LastModifiedDate). I've set up a table to track what's getting imported (tbl_ImportHistory). I'm thinking what I need to do is use the previous coder's GetFileName function in a recursive loop removing the navigation request and adding the comparison and then, if it imports the file, the name and date need to be added to the tbl_ImportHistory table. But I'm completely unsure of how to do it.

I'm posting the GetFileName function below. I believe once I've got it modified the rest of the code can be left intact as it just parse's and loads whatever file is selected in the GetFileName function.

Function GetFileName() As String
Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
Dim vrtSelectedItem As Variant


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Tables :: Text File Import Function Will Not Recognize Dates In Certain Format

Oct 8, 2013

I upgraded to Access-2010 and the Text File Import function will not recognize dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The import dialogue sees enough to recognize the field as a date, but then every date encountered is written to the Import-Errors table. This is true whether the file has a .txt or .csv extension. The actual file format is .csv.

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Modules & VBA :: Attempting To Import Tab Delimited Text File With 274 Columns Into 2 Access Tables

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to import a text file with 273 fields into two tables. I've been able to do this with the code I found on an old thread and I'm now trying to accomplish everything with one step. The file I'm importing is tab delimited text file. With this current code I'm only able to populate the first record in the table and then I get error message. (Run-time error '3265') (Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the reqested name or ordinal).


Public Sub ImportTextFile()
' to use the ADODB.Recordset, be sure you have a reference set to ADO
Dim rst As ADODb.Recordset
Dim rst2 As ADODb.Recordset
Dim strFile As String
Dim strInput As String
Dim varSplit As Variant
Dim intCount As Integer


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Import Text File / Multiple Lines And Varying Delimiters / Size To One Record

Aug 22, 2012

Using MS 2007, I have a 200 text files exported each day from another application that has two different types of lines (see below). I would like to import each text file in to a database as a single record.

Text file example (text.txt):

R111 WC 8/21/2012 7:00 Doe, John doej 10110110

First Question? Y
Second Question? N
Third Question? Y
Seventeenth Question? 10

As you see, I have the first row with multiple fields, but the next rows I have a question and an answer.

I would like to have this data imported as shown in the attachment.

Most answers I see are for either multiple lines (same data and sizing). I am not sure how to handle several different lines with that vary in size and delimiters.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Excel File Into Access And Append A Date To A Field From Unbound Text Box

Aug 22, 2014

I have a form which i use for a user to select an excel file they want to import and then click a cmd button to import the file into a table which works fine, however i want to append a date into a date field from an unbound txtbx before the file is imported so it will look something like;

id;date;excel info;excel info;excel info.

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Tables :: Import Excel File To Table?

Oct 22, 2014

How do you import an excel to table..appended?? Using code. I am new to access. I have code to export and open an query into a excel file.

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Modules & VBA :: Download File From Url And Import To Table

Sep 2, 2013

i am trying to download an excel document from a url and the import it into a table i can successfully download the file to my desktop but when i try to import it i get the below error the Microsoft office access database engine cannot open or write to file 'C:documents and settingsJHalliweDesktop' it is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data..i have checked and the excel book is not open ( i think its trying to open while its still downloading is there away around this

Dim strUserName As String
strUserName = Environ("UserName")
Dim FolderLoc As String
FolderLoc = "C:Documents and Settings" & strUserName & "Desktop"
Dim StFile As String
Dim MySelect
MySelect = Forms!FrmIndex!Text134


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Trying To Import / Merge / Update A Table From Xml File

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to import/merge/update a table from an xml file.To import I'm using the following code:

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Const acAppendData = 2
Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "DATABASE LOCATION"
objAccess.ImportXML "HTTP OF XML FILE", acAppendData
End Sub

This works perfectly to import new records, however what I also need it to do is merge/update the data. So the xml file will contain the correct data and any amendments need to be made to the Access table.

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Tables :: Read A File And Import Its Data Into A Table?

Oct 17, 2014

Was wondering how i can import data from a file to a table in different fields. The data inside the file is described with the number of characters and space's between. The attached file has the data.

For example in the file attached, the first four characters represent a data like 'ticket number' and maybe the third line 6 to 10 charcaters represent 'name of a passenger'.

Now how do i import these data to a table into respective fields in a table.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Import Multiple-table Html File

Jan 16, 2014

I need to import a html file automatically BUT my file has many tables in it, when I am doing the importation it asks about which table I want to import, the thing is that I always want every tables. The number of tables is variable. VBA code so it can have a looping which says to import every table in my HTML file?

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Tables :: Browse For Excel File To Import Into Access Table

Jan 15, 2015

I want a user to click a button, have the file open dialog open, they select a spreadsheet, and then it imports into a table. The problem is the filename can be different every time. The table name will remain constant.

Here is the OnClick:

Private Sub Command8_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel2Xml, "Table1", "T_Staff.xls", "Yes"

Exit Sub


Resume Exit_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
End Sub

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