Is It Possible To Automatically Fill In Fields With Previous Entries?

Jun 15, 2007

Let's say in one table (called Employees) I have two columns, Name (the Primary Key) and Job (Both are text fields). One row contains "Jack" and "Gardener" in each column respectively. If I were to have a form for a different table where I select Jack's name from a drop down menu of all the "Names" in "Employees" and it then automatically fill in the next field with his Job (which would be "Gardener").

I really hope I'm making sense... Is this possible?

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Automatically Fill Fields

Nov 7, 2007

hello all, any help greatly appreciated.....

I have two tables in the same Access 2003 database.

Table1 is called "Clients" and has address type fields, e.g. street_name, postcode, etc. It also has a field called CYPAN_area.

Table 2 is called CYPAN_Postcodes and has two fields; postcodes and the CYPAN area that postcode belongs to.

I want to create a function so that when someone enters the postcode in table1, the database searches Table2 and identifies which CYPAN area that postcode belongs to and automatically populates the "CYPAN_area" field in Table 1.

any tips greatly appreciated


PS I'm only a novice so I don't know anything about VBA etc, but I understand excel type formula

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Automatically Fill Fields

Nov 21, 2005

I'm kinda new at ACCESS, and I've accepted an assignment that is giving me some trouble. For beginners, I could use some help as follows:
I am constructing a data entry form that is keyed on PID (Personal ID). I would like to be able to have certain fields in my form (Name, Title, Department, etc.) fill in automatically from information already stored in a different table, also containing the PID (which I can set as key). I would like this action to occur either when the PID field has reached 3 characters or when the PID field has LostFocus.

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Automatically Fill Fields

Jan 16, 2006

Is it possible to have some fields filled in automatically as soon as a certain value has been entered into another field. e.g. if a town is entered in one field, then the postcode is automatically entered into the next field.

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New User - Automatically Fill Fields

Dec 16, 2005

I am new to Access, but have an urgent need. I want to have certain fields (Yes/No type) to be selected based on a certain field (also a Yes/No) being selected.

It's very straight forward. Select West Coast, and the states CA, OR, and WA are selected. De-Select West Coast and the states CA, OR and WA are deselected.

Any thoughts? thanks in advance.


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Automatically Fill Fields With Related Data

Nov 30, 2005

I have a table with several fields. I would like to have a lookup in one field (combo list - get data from another table field) and for 2 other related field have the coressponding data appear automatically according to the selection in the lookup field.

|Field1...................|Field2...............|F ield3...............|
|LookupField1Table2 |AutoField2Table2|AutoField3Table2|

Field1...|Field2... |Field3...|

I am not quite sure if my question is clear... I had trouble in describing it in my post...

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Fill In The Fields Using Combo Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form (Project Form) with (Project_ID,Applicant_ID,Project_description, etc). To make it easier for the user who may not know the Applicant _ID when he/she is adding a new project for the applicant, I want to put a combo box with the Applicant Names in it, and once the Applicant Name is chosen, the Applicant ID will be filled out automatically and be saved in the Project Table.

My Approach so far was adding a combo box with two columns(Applicant ID, Applicant Name), and basically adding the following code:

Private Sub Combo36_AfterUpdate()
Me.Applicant_ID = Me.Combo36.Column(0)
End Sub

This approach works well, when I select an applicant, the Applicant ID will pop up correctly. However, This ID is not being saved in the Project Table.

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Forms :: Automatic Fill In A Field From Info Keyed Into Previous Fields

May 4, 2013

I am wondering if Access 2010 has the capability of automatically filling in a field from info keyed into previous fields. For example, I want a confirmation number issued which is made up of all the characters keyed in the previous three fields. For example, assume the previous three fields are:

Block = 01
Building = 125
Room = A
Confirmation Number =

Therefore, the confirmation number would automatically be filled in as 01125A.

If so, how do I go about setting it up?

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Forms :: Automatically Clear Fields Between Entries?

Dec 23, 2013

I have made a form with a subform to search for existing records based on inputting a postcode then selecting the relevant address from the subform which then fills the form with details of that chosen record ready to issue a further package linked to that original record.

To prevent errors and confusion by the users I coded the following:

Private Sub CmdFindAddress_Click()
If IsNull(Me.TxtPostcode) Then
MsgBox "You need a Postcode to use this button. Please type one in."

[Code] ....

'Where the postcode entered does not exist in records or if there is a mistake typing in the postcode, below will remove residual record details from previous postcode ready for a new postcode search:

For Each ctlCurr In Me.Controls
If ctlCurr.Tag = "clear" Then
ctlCurr = Null
End If
Next ctlCurr
End Sub

The problem is that if I test the system by inputting a postcode where I know there are no records, the CtlCurr is highlighted and the error message is:

Compile error: variable not defined

This does not happen if I have already selected a postcode so the record fields are filled and then change the postcode - so the record fields are cleared.

Previously, entering a postcode which did not match existing records generated the "there are no records...." error message instead. How do I define CtlCurr?

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Forms :: Students Details - Form View Automatically Fill Fields

Oct 25, 2014

I prepared students details in access, but when i look the form view students particulars looks automatically (like name, age, weight and address). But what i need is students details has to come after I enter the name.

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Field To Automatically Fill With Correct Value Based On Information In Multiple Fields

Apr 16, 2012

I have a database in which we are trying to have a field "Headcount" automatically fill with the correct value based on information in multiple fields. The "Headcount" field will be based on about 6 or 7 rules. Most of the rules i can figure out, but im having trouble figuring out what the best way would be to search for a single individual's projects when they are on more than one project at a time. I thought about using a counter of sorts to count how many projects someone was one, but how do I pick them out of the entire table once i have found out the number of projects? Would a for loop work best or just many if statements?

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Edit Previous Entries Using Form - Odd...

Jun 14, 2005

I'm working on a pre-existing form. When I open the form, I am able to enter new data and this data gets stored in the database fine. If I close that form and reopen it, I cannot view past entries or edit them. I know of a property (Allow Additions, Allow Edits, Allow Delete) which can change this behaviour, but these seem to do nothing for this form. I have them all set on yes and it behaves as I've described. Ideally, I would like to allow edits of previous data.

I thought maybe the SQL query controlling the data wasn't returning any entries, therefore no entries would be displayed. So I saved the query and opened it up to see how many entries it did find. And it found all that it should have, so I know that the SQL statement controlling the form is what I want it to be.

So my question is this: are there anymore properties or values that I don't know about, that would control the mentioned behaviour of the form? Maybe something somewhere that I'm missing, that would make the form add only?

Thanks in advance for any help. Kevygee

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Forms :: Using Form To Display Previous Entries And Add New Ones?

Apr 8, 2013

I'm trying to design a simple wildlife tracking DB, so that when myself or my colleagues spot an animal we can enter its ear tag number via a form. That will either bring us up a list of previous dates/locations that animal was observed, or if it's not in the DB, allow us to enter the new animal and location.

I have two main data tables:
dt_Animal- which stores the ear tag info, species, and other information about that unique animal
dt_Sightings - stores info on when/where animals been seen (linked to dt_Animal in a one-to-many relationship, of course)

What I want is that when you open up the form, you get a box (text or combo) to enter the animal's ear tag number.

- If it already exists in the DB, it brings up all the info on that animal and its previous sightings - with the option to fill out any missing info and (of course) to add a new sighting - and it WILL NOT add a new record to dt_Animal - just to dt_Sightings
- If it DOESN'T exist in the DB, it creates a new record in dt_Animal and allows you to enter any/all of the other information

Where I'm running into problems is that I don't want duplicate records in dt_Animal - each animal is unique. I haven't found a way to set up a form so that you don't get pop-up errors if you're typing in an ear tag number that's already in the system.

I've tried various tactics involving simple coding (NotInList, etc.) that I pulled out of this forum and other places, but haven't had any luck.

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Forms :: Form Not Picking Up Previous Entries

Sep 9, 2013

I'm fairly new to databases and have been attempting to build a multi-table database. It's not properly rationalised, but I wanted to test run it to ensure it was fit for purpose first.I've built my form, which is pushing data out to several tables, but I cannot seem to get the form to pick up previous records.

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Pulling Data From Previous Record To Fill Subform

Dec 4, 2012

I have a subform that is embedded in a main form. The database itself is a few years old and so I think redesigning is out of the question. What I am wondering is if there is any specific code that can go into the tables themselves and populate the form based on the previous record. I would like for the Transfer to Rehabber fields (To and Permittee) to be duplicated on the Transfer From Rehabber fields (From and Permittee) on the next record. Do you think that there is code that will be able to achieve such a thing?

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Automatically Fill In Field

Aug 12, 2005

Hi everybody,

I have a table that has 4 columns as shown below:

(*It really isn't code, I just couldn't figure out how else to keep the columns in place!)

Store Name Invoice Number Customer Name Customer Address
Store1 1 Bob PO Box 55
Store1 2 Joe PO Box 789
Store2 3 Chris PO Box 1254
On my input form, for entering a new invoice, when you select the customer name, I want the form to automatically fill in the correct address in the "Customer Address" field.

I think there has to be a way to do this because there is only ever going to be one address for every customer. And the same customers will be comming back very often.

Does anyone have any ideas?


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General :: Setting Default Value For New Entries As Previous Entry

Jan 17, 2013

Is there a method of setting the default value for new entries to the same value as the previous entry?

For example, I have a quality control information table that stores QC data for different lot numbers. It is annoying to enter in the lot number and product code field over and over again if there are dozens of records per lot number. Is there a way for Access to easily display the previous entry as the default value?

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Forms :: Fill Values From Previous Record On Double Click

Apr 12, 2013

I have a Contacts subform and would like to be able to double click to fill addresses, and details from the previous row...every person in our database even those living at the same address needs thier own record.. and since we only need to fill up to 5 records and review them, double clicking on the first name to fill up the next row with the previous addres phone number ect would be grand.

I am assuming we could fill out the new Full Name and double click on it to get the previous record filled to the new one. Don't really want to work with a query unless needed, but I have a little vba understanding.. how do I code this to make it work?

getPreviousRecord.Phone Number(-1)

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Auto-fill A Field Based On Previous Filed Within Same Column

Feb 9, 2012

How do I get access to auto fill a text (supplier)? I realize that for a new supplier I would have to input the supplier name, however my question is what should I do for Access to enable auto-fill so that the next time I have to input that supplier it would auto fill for me. This is happening in a single column.

For example: In the supplier column, I typed Dell in the first row, Apple in the second row, HP in the third row. Now when I start typing 'Apple' in the fourth row, I want it to autofill 'Apple' because I have already input that once.

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Automatically Fill In The Values With Search

Aug 3, 2005

I have a table with date,item number,quantity,price.and so on...
Im using form to input new record and is there a way to automatically search the table and if I enter the item number, it will fill in the rest of the values with the previous record of the specific item number?
since the only thing that will change would be, most of the time, quantity and price? and also date and invoice number but I have that set up to repeat previous record until updated...

Thanks In Advance.

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Automatically Fill A Date In A Record

Mar 30, 2006

I've created a table.
Id= autonumber

Now I need something to fill this table with 365 records where tDate starts at 1-jan-2006 and ends've got it!

I've got a Query that will add a date but I don't want to edit this 365 times.
Probably very stupid simple but please help

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Automatically Fill Field In A Form

Feb 3, 2007

I have inherited a database where the structure is that everyone has a People ID which is unique and is stored in a central table. However to create a person you create their People ID in the People table (the ID is generated by autonumber) and to make the rest of the database work you have to manually type the People ID into a separate field in the form to allow you to do anything further. How can I automatically add this new number to the people ID list?

Hope this makes sense


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Retaining Data Items In Previous Entries After Item Has Been Discontinued

Jul 7, 2013

I seem to be have trouble resolving an issue whereby data entered via a combo box based on another combo box from separate tables/queries is not able to be retained when the data in the original table has been "discontinued". The database in question has changing items that are continually updated and/or discontinued. However when these items have been checked as "discontinued", the old entry data is then updated and the fields are empty.

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Fill HTML With Access Data Automatically?

Nov 18, 2004

Could anyone explain me the best way to fill external HTML pages automatically with data from an Access dbase?
I have spotted several commercial tools that use macro recording. Surely there must be another way using visual basic for example?

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Automatically Fill A Table From Data In Other Tables

Mar 20, 2006

I have 3 tables:

Student Info:
Student ID (Primary Key)
Name etc.

Assignment Info:
Assignment ID (Primary Key)
Assignment Number
Criteria Number

ID (Primary Key)
Student ID - Linked to [Student ID]
Assignment ID
Criteria Number

What I would like to do is be able to link the tables in such a way that for each student entered in the Student Info table, entries are automatically entered into the grades table for each assignment criteria.

For example:
Assignment 1 has criteria 1.1, 6.3, 7.2, Assignment 2 has 4.2, 3.3

When John Smith is entered in student info, the grades table is automatically updated with 5 new entries in the form:

John Smith - 1 - 1.1 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 1 - 6.3 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 1 - 7.2 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 2 - 4.2 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 2 - 3.3 - Enter Grade

That way I can have a form that automatically shows the possible criteria for each assignment on the sub form for each available student without having to type it in each time.

Your help would be wonderful

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Forms :: Creating A Form Which Copy Selective Entries From Previous Record

Dec 10, 2013

I am tasked with creating a scientific database of fish catches at various different sampling stations. I envisage the entry form having hierarchy levels, ie year, season, date, sample station, species caught, and then the specific associated data with each species (weight, abundance, length etc) will form each distinct record.

In each year there are 2 sampling seasons. In each sampling season there are up to 20 dates on which samples are taken. On each date there are up to 50 sample stations recorded. And at each station up to 20 species can be recorded.

In order to enter each species caught in a survey, the end user will potentially have to fill the season box with an entry 40,000 times. For each season there will be 20,000 date entries to be made. For each date, 1,000 station code entries, and 20 species entries for each station. What I would like to happen is this.

When the end user is entering the data, he or she will be working through the hierarchy from the ground up. Ie., they will enter a particular species' data (abundance, weight, length etc) at a particular station on a particular date during a particular sampling season. The next entry will be a different species at the same station on the same date during the same season. I would like the duplicated information from the previous record to be copied across onto the new one so that all the end user has to do is enter the species name, abundance weight and length data.

Once they have finished entering all the species data for that particular site, they can move onto the next site which they would fill in the data themselves for the station code. So, in the hierarchy, the first button would copy all the previous data except the species name and associated weight length abundance data. The next button would do the same, except leave the station code blank. The next button would leave the species name, station code and date blank. And so on up the hierarchy. The end user would be able to selectively choose which data is copied over by using these buttons, saving lots of potential extra work doing repetitive entries.

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