Modules & VBA :: Make Smaller Tables Out Of A Bigger One

Jul 30, 2013

I have a table with 3 fields. The fields are down1, down2 and down3. . I would like to use this table to create a new table (downtime). What I need too do is loop through each record in the table and place the three fields independently in my new table. For example, I would like to go to the first record in my original table, than place down1 as my first record in my new table, down2 as my second record and down3 as my third. Than I will go to the second record in my original table and place down1 as my fourth record, down2 as my fifth record, down3 and my sixth record and so on.

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Forms :: DSum Bigger Or Smaller Than 0

Jun 26, 2015

This is my code : (I am using 2007-2010 and its working like that)

=Dsum("*";"Table Name";"[Field Name] < 0")

I need to calculate only bigger than 0 or smaller than 0 doesn't matter..

I checked from Forum etc. there is only between 2 dates options.

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Create/Link Smaller Tables To One Large Table

Jun 22, 2005

I am a newbie when it comes to Access and ASP but I am trying. I am in the need for some help.
I have a large table in Access 2003 and need to break it into smaller tables (not using a query) where the fields are the same except each of the smaller, new tables will hold info for a specific person. These smaller tables would need tro be linked to the larger.
Is there an easy way to do this? I need to keep it in tables due to the ASP software I use to generate the asp pages.
Is this possible?
My goal is for each user to be able to only view/edit their data and for the large table to reflect any changes made to the smaller table.

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Modules & VBA :: Requirement To Break Bulk Emails Into Smaller Groups For Transmission

Mar 10, 2014

I have put together a VBA sub to run Outlook.Application to send a report to selected email addresses. A Table's records contain an email addresses as well as category for grouping purposes.

I use a "Create Table Query" to extract the selected email addresses from the table into a temporary table called "ETransferAddress" then "Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ETransferAddress")" then concatenate the email addresses separated with commas.

This works fine for small groups, but the service provider blocks them if the number of email addresses go into the hundreds.

What I need is to break the email addresses into sub groups and then create a series of emails all with the same Report, Subject and Content.

One way might be to create a series of loops to create a number of smaller tables but to string that lot together to achieve it is beyond me at present.

Here is my code to date"

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Create a table with selected addresses

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Make Multiple Tables Using Parameters From List

Jun 11, 2013

I've got a table of associate directors "t_ADnames" and want to build separate tables for each AD name that pulls a pass through query from our data warehouse. I'm thinking it's got to be done with a macro somehow? So it would run pass_query where AD name = "John" and insert into t_john, then it would check the next name in t_ADnames and run the same query for say "Mark" and insert all his data into t_mark and so on until the list (of about 12 people) has been completed.

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Small Problems Becoming Much Bigger!

Oct 24, 2006

Okay, brief overview.

We currently have 2 MDE front ends to and oracle box. Database is about 25Gigs and have been minimising the traffic by optimising the queries. However we have always noticed some very strange problems now that our user base is about 150. They seem to become more apparent when the MDE files reach a certain size. I have implimented an autoshut down and inactivity shut down protocol into the access front ends but I would really like to know why the MDE files are getting so large. They are normally about 5MB but get to in exccess of 130MB. The autoshut down is forcing everyone out which compacts it overnight!

When these databases reach critical mass, peoples data seems to be getting mixed up and one persons form is mixing data up with anothers!!!!!! What is casuing this? We are using the front ends over citrix too, is this the root of my problems. I am going to be copying the MDE file to each citrix box to speed it up and reduce the number of users on the mde. Ideally I would prefer an mde for each user but that is impractical.

Really my question is this, Why does an MDE file with no tables except linked via ODBC increase in size so dramtically? Is there a leak or somthing somewhere?

Thankyou in anticipation of any replies!


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Migrating Access To Bigger Things

Dec 14, 2005

I have a somewhat complex question.

We currently run Access 97 in the following way. We are looking for a solution where new members can access our data and change it using the internet. We are not sure of the best way.

Our database is split between "data" and "front-end". The "data" is kept on our win2000 server and is split into a "master" and several replicas. Some employees run their "front end" acceess programs on fixed computers attached to our network and simply attach to the "master" "data" database on our server. 4 employees use laptops and run their "fronends" by attaching to their own "replicas" of the "master" which they carry around with them. Once in a while, ususally daily, they synchronise their "replica" with the "master" on our server by simply attaching to our network using ethernet or WiFi.

What would be the best way to allow new members to join in the fun? There could be as many as 10 new members (brining the total to 16). The main problem is that they are located in different countries and ideally need to have a web or VPN access to our server. Does anyone have some suggestions? Should we migrate to SQL?

The database "data" is about 180Mb in size and has 40 odd tables that are used in a complex way by the "front ends". All queries are stored in the "front ends".

?? I would really appreciated some ideas..


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Opening Smaller Windows

Sep 15, 2006

Hi Guys

Im' Pulling my hair out at the moment trying to get my forms to re-open in the smaller view after ive closed them.

Ive tried Cmd.movesize which works ok occasionally but when you turn your back the next time the darn thing opens maximised.

Is there a simple command to get the window to open in the smaller mode like DoCmd.Maximize does for the full size mode?

I would be much obliged for any help with this one.

Thanks in advance for any help offered

All the very best for now


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Splitting A Large Table Into Many Smaller Ones

Mar 17, 2005


To avoid the mind-numbing tedium of have to use make-table queries loads of times, is there a quick (probably VBA-related) way to split a large Access table, of about 350000 records, down into 93 smaller tables, based on a key code field that identifies each group of records e.g. GBW102, GBE999, etc?

Any help much appreciated.



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Form Gets Smaller When Viewed Second Time?

Jan 24, 2005

I am updating an old Access app. The first form, FORM_A, of the app displays in maximized window - as I want them all to display. I click on a button to open a new form, FORM_B, and do whatever I need to on that form, close that window to return to the first window, FORM_A. When I do, FORM_A is now displaying much smaller.

FORM_A's Has Modal property is =Yes.

When I try to change the "Has Modal" property to NO, it alerts me that all the module and macro code will be deleted - and it is. I made a copy before continuing so I still have a copy of it.

I have the OnLoad event set to a macro that short maximizes the window. I use the same macro for the On Focus event, but it does not change the display on focus.

I've tried changing it to Has Modal = No, then copying the old code back into the blank module for that form - doesn't change the display of FORM_A.

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Queries :: Select Largest Value Which Is Smaller Than Another Value (Access 2007)

Jun 4, 2014

I have a table of logged entries. Each record has a date field (ValueDate) and an account identifier field (AccountID)

I also have a table of rates. Each record has the same account identifier field (AccountID), a date field (EffectiveDate) and a rate field (BankRate)

Entries can be logged for any given ValueDate. But there may or may not be a corresponding EffectiveDate in the rates table.

I need to write a query that will return all of my logged entries and the largest EffectiveDate which is on or before the ValueDate (as well as the BankRate corresponding to that EffectiveDate)

This is as far as I've gotten but it returns multiple records for each logged entry. I need one record per logged entry.

SELECT tblLoggedEntries.EntryID, tblLoggedEntries.AccountID, tmp.BankRate, MAX(tmp.EffectiveDate) AS EffectiveDate
FROM tblLoggedEntries
(SELECT tblRates.AccountID, tblRates.BankRate, tblRates.EffectiveDate
FROM tblRates) AS tmp ON tblLoggedEntries.AccountID = tmp.AccountID
WHERE tmp.EffectiveDate<=tblLoggedEntries.ValueDate
GROUP BY tblLoggedEntries.EntryID, tblLoggedEntries.AccountID, tmp.BankRate

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Make Tables Read Only

Jun 17, 2005

can anyone plz tell me how to make a table read only to prevent users from changing the records in the table?

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How To Make Tables Visible

Apr 6, 2007

hey guys i was just wondering if anyone knew the code to make a table visible via changing a combo box. i know for a form its simply

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Tables :: How To Make A Certain Field

Oct 25, 2013

i have a table called students with the following field:


I want to create another field in the table called summary where i can create a default for that field to place the [Name] & [Surname] & [address] & [Class].I have now done it in expression prob being it wont let me add a number field or lookup field.

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Combining Tables To Make One Big Table?

Oct 11, 2006


I have several small tables that I want to make combine into a big table.

How do I do this - is the only way by using a query?


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Tables :: Make Default Value In One Field

Aug 13, 2013

I am doing a project for school. I would like to make the default value in one field (available or rented) to be "rented" if the value in a field in another table is null. Is there an "easy" way to do this?

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Tables :: How To Make The Field Unique

Dec 13, 2013

I have downloaded a contact template from the internet ready to go. There are few things I need to get rid off and make changes to.

One of the most improtant thing is making one of the field unique. For some reason, i can get to the design view. I open navigation panel and right click on the table, there is no such thing call design view on the menu.

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Reports :: Join Smaller Report On The Back Of Main Report?

Apr 18, 2013

I have a report that displays incidents, their details, consequences and a photo. Among the details is a severity rating high medium or low, I have been asked to make the report shorten the records which have been given a low severity (because it takes up as much space as the more important/severe ones).

The only method I can think of is to use the onformat event, to shrink and make invisible all the fields that I don't want to see if the severity field shows 'low'.

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Tables :: Make Table Queries - Indexing?

Jan 2, 2014

I have a complex series of calculations to perform, and I have found the best way to achieve my end is to create new tables by the Make Table queries.

The trouble is I have many tables to create and the downstream tables refer to the previously created tables; I have recently discovered that queries perform much quicker if they are indexed (duplicates OK). I've looked at my tables created by the MakeTable queries, and they all seem not to be indexed.

How do I make them indexed automatically?

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Tables :: Make Query Temp Table

Oct 9, 2013

All using access 2010. I have a multiuser database that I feel would benefit from splitting into a backend with multiple user frontends. My problem is that there are tables from make table queries processed every two weeks that all users need access to. As far as I know; you can not put a table in the backend that you will delete and remake or a temporary table and link to it in the front end. Is there any other way I would be able to split the database and have temporary tables linked from backend to frontend that I am not aware of? Is there another way to creating temporary tables and tables from make queries? This database has 9 users and counting and really needs to be split. r

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Tables :: Replica Trying To Make A Column Addition To Table

Sep 11, 2014

I have a replica at work, 1 copy on the network, 1 local.. I need to add a column to the main table, getting "Operation is not supported for this type of object".... I have users that use the database but was given a change to the form/report which requires a column addition. What is the simplest way to get around this??? I'm trying not to get into major problems.

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Tables :: Make Table Returns Multiple Records

May 11, 2013

I have two tables with compatible data. Table 1 has 23 records and table 2 has 5 records. I am trying to make a "make Table". But instead of a table with a combined 28 results, I get 115.

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General :: How To Combine 2 Tables With Same Primary Key To Make One Table

Oct 18, 2012

How to I combine 2 tables with the same primary key to make one table? I have seen several thigns but none have worked. I seen inner and outer joins. All 4 of my tables have the same primary key. I just want to combine all the tables to make one table. I have a form with subforms but if I can combine all the tables and work off one rather then 4 I will be happier. Every week to 2 weeks I upload new data from excel. How would I after I add the new data combine all tables to one super table?

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Forms :: Can Make Form Based On Fields From 2 Tables?

Feb 15, 2014

I have created simple data base containing 2 tables connected each other and I wanted to make a form with fields taken from those tables and unfortunately it did not work and I got errors message.

Before I start to build the form do I need to create the query based on those tables and having the fields I need for the form? If yes, what sort of query, simplest one?

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Tables :: How To Make Table Not To Fill Entire Screen

Nov 11, 2013

No matter how much I maximize or minimize Access (2010) my tables fill the entire screen. This happened once before but I don't recall the fix. It was something very simple. How to make the table not fill the entire screen?

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Modules & VBA :: Make Control Invisible?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a control invisible?

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