Splitting A Large Table Into Many Smaller Ones

Mar 17, 2005


To avoid the mind-numbing tedium of have to use make-table queries loads of times, is there a quick (probably VBA-related) way to split a large Access table, of about 350000 records, down into 93 smaller tables, based on a key code field that identifies each group of records e.g. GBW102, GBE999, etc?

Any help much appreciated.



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Create/Link Smaller Tables To One Large Table

Jun 22, 2005

I am a newbie when it comes to Access and ASP but I am trying. I am in the need for some help.
I have a large table in Access 2003 and need to break it into smaller tables (not using a query) where the fields are the same except each of the smaller, new tables will hold info for a specific person. These smaller tables would need tro be linked to the larger.
Is there an easy way to do this? I need to keep it in tables due to the ASP software I use to generate the asp pages.
Is this possible?
My goal is for each user to be able to only view/edit their data and for the large table to reflect any changes made to the smaller table.

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One Large Table? Or Two Different Ones?

Jan 14, 2007

I have two datasets that I am using. They start off with similar information: sitename, siteprovince, sitecoordinates. They also have 5 more fields that have the same type of information. After that there are about 10 more fields with no overlap.

In the original dBase program they came from they were treated as one dataset.

The current structure I am using is Company, CompanyContact, Transaction, SiteDetails (the dataset I am asking about).

Is it better design to breakup the SiteDetails into SiteTypeA and SiteTypeB? I have everything working in one table, but I thought it might be more effecient to have two.

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Splitting A Table

Sep 7, 2006

Hi, i have a table that has contact information in.

It has contact name, number etc and company.

Quite alot have the same company. I was hoping to split the table into two, a company and contact table which are linked. I've been thinking about this and not too sure how to go about it.

Anyone have any ideas?


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Need Help Splitting A Table

Oct 11, 2006


i got a table containing info of 2 different products. and now i would like to split it so that each table only for 1 product.

but there is query based on the original table, the question is after splitting, and updating the query, the form doesn't work properly any longer...

a bigger problem is the form created based on that query has loads of vb code doing quotation, so it is costly to remake it...

thanks in advance

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Save Error In Large Table

Jan 18, 2005

I have a table with 140 fields (I know, this is too many). I have a date field that intermittently will not allow data to be entered. There is a pattern to the data it will not accept, but it seems to only occur in certain records and what it will or will not allow seems different in each case. The error I get when I try to save a record is: The search key was not found in any record. I've isolated the error to the level of the table. Have tried compact/repair, removing the index on the field, deleting and recreating the field. Nothing works. Help! :confused:

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Extract 8 Tables Into 1 Large Table

Mar 4, 2008

I currently have 8 tables in my Database.

How can i extract all the information in those tables and put all the data into one large table? I want to extract everything apart from one table?

and can I format the large table once the data have been put in i.e. insert new Columns at the start, and populate fields based on the value of other fields values?

Any ideas or help? thanks

Kind Regards

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Queries :: Updating A Large Table?

Mar 1, 2015

This really isn't a large table by Access standards, as it has only about 1 million records, but nevertheless it's taking a long time to run the update query. Here's the query:

UPDATE [Db] INNER JOIN [Small Table] ON [Large Table].text1=[Small Table].[text1] SET [Large Table].[text2] = [Small Table].[text2];

[Large Table] has about 1 million records and [Small Table] has 10 records.

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Splitting A Table For Security

Jun 19, 2006

I'm on a project to build a database for the stores in our area. Things like managers, banks, and partners obviously should be in seperate tables. Most of the information though, seems to belong directly in a table of stores. Basically each record is a store and there will be very many attributes per record (about 30+). Some attributes only relate to certain departments and only someone from that department should see that info. If I broke up the big table into smaller tables it would be the same information but every table would have to have the store number to link it all back together. From a design standpoint this is bad because the store number is redundant.

So my question is, is it a good idea to split up the table for security purposes?

My main concern is security, I can take a hit on performance or storage.

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Splitting Data In A Table

Oct 11, 2006

I have one table with the following fieldsName, Address1, Address2, Postcodewhen data has been imported from Excel I have found error in the data entryie the excel spreadsheet contain Name, but the address has been entered into the Address1 field now I need to split into Address1 and Address 2. Please Help:confused:. I am beginner to access have never used VBA only some queries. So sorry but I will need to know exactly how to do it. Thanks so very much for your help. Sometimes a comma seperates the address but sometimes just a space

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Splitting A Row In A Table Into 2 Or More Rows?

Apr 5, 2012

I am working on a project that requires to calculate interest on the amount. There are 2 tables, 1 with Interest rate for a product for different and periods and another is product table with amounts in different period.

Table 1 (Rates table)

Product From To Rate
1111 1/1/2012 1/20/2012 .75
1111 1/20/2012 1/28/2012 .50
1111 1/28/2012 4/6/2012 .40

Table 2 (Product table)
Product From To Amount
1111 1/1/2012 1/17/2012 10000
1111 1/17/2012 1/24/2012 15000
1111 1/24/2012 2/25/2012 20000

What i need to do is to calculate interset based on the above 2 table and insert into another table (Interest). However, the problem is with identifying correct rates for the periods in Table 2.


for period 1/1 to 1/17: applicable rate would be .75

for period 1/17 to 1/24: From 1/17 to 1/20 the rate would be .75 and from 1/20 to 1/24 it would be .50

this is what i want to achieve, basically to split the period between 1/17 to 1/24 into 2 so that appropriate rate can be applied.

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Add Primary Key Field To Existing Large Table

Apr 28, 2008

I have a table with more than 700,000 records. There are no unique fields or unique combination of fields. I would like to add an AutoNumber field but when I try I get the message:

File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.

If I answer yes I get an error that the new field was not added. Is there any way to add a key foield to an existing database?

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Opening Smaller Windows

Sep 15, 2006

Hi Guys

Im' Pulling my hair out at the moment trying to get my forms to re-open in the smaller view after ive closed them.

Ive tried Cmd.movesize which works ok occasionally but when you turn your back the next time the darn thing opens maximised.

Is there a simple command to get the window to open in the smaller mode like DoCmd.Maximize does for the full size mode?

I would be much obliged for any help with this one.

Thanks in advance for any help offered

All the very best for now


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Single Record Corruption In A Large Table --HELPPP

Feb 18, 2005

:eek: I have a large table with 1 damn corrupted record, the database can't be repaird, compact, I can't use the copy ,method since the table is over 9000 record sets.

I tried creating a new table and appending the non-corrupted record into it with no success, it is keep locking on me.

Have you guys tried anything else that works for this situation???

Thanks a bucnh

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Large Table Causing Slow Opening Form

Mar 21, 2006

I have a database with a table that contains 360,000 rows. I built a form with four boxes where a user can specify values to limit the result set. And instead of having a new window open with the results, I built a subform and placed it on the main form to display the results.

Here is how it flows:
Main Form -> user enters search criteria
Search Criteria -> feed as criteria in query
Query Results -> display on subform
Subform -> shows on main form

The query is setup to take the values from the main form and either use it if it's not null, or return all values if the field is null.

The problem I am having is that on opening the main form, Access is taking the four null values from the main form search fields, feeding them to the query, which is then feeding the subform. So 10 minutes later when the main form finally opens, I have 360K records displaying in my subform.

What I would like is to be able to open the main form instantly, specify my search criteria, then run the query, then have the query results populate the subform.

What do I need to do?

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Modules & VBA :: Metrics Analysis Table - File Too Large

Jul 22, 2013

I am attempting to create a metrics analysis table from another table. What I would like to do is copy the structure (only) from table 1 into a new table. Change all the fields in the new table to text (except for an ID field which would be an autonumber). Then run a seperate group by query against each column, counting the values in each group (i.e. first query would have two fields The grouped column and the column count.

Once I have these values I would like to concatenate them (with the count in parens) and then push these values back into the new table under the appropriate column.

My code does this. I basically loop through a recordset that runs to each column/field groups and counts and then Edits the new table with the concatenated data.

My first table is 170 fields and 38K records. The issue is that it's too much for Access to handle and it blows up (on field 123) Telling me the File is too large. The file does explode to 1G. Then I can shrink it back down to 67mb by running a repair and compact... and then run the the data for the rest of the fields in that table. When I compact again I get about 80Mb.

So now I have two tables, both with an ID field... so I try to link them together (via a make table query) and meld them into one table... but it keep running into that "File Too Large" issue.

How can I have two tables in a database file with a combined size of 80Mb, but when linked together are too large for the database file? Does it have something to do with having all text fields?

I looked up the limits to MS Access and the field count doesn't appear to be an issue since it's nowhere near 255... So what's the problem here?

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Table Structure For Large List Of Number Fields

Jul 30, 2015

Have a look at this screenshot from excel.

Basically I would like to capture the quantity in stock for the above list of phones at many stores.

I started out by adding each phone model as a numeric field in tblStock, because I need to obtain the quantity value for each and every model, for each and every store.

Is there a better way to do this? I was thinking of creating just 2 fields, Model and Quantity, then adding each model as a record, then using that record as a sort of template. I wander what would be the drawbacks of this, since with the first method, if a user needs to add a phone not on the list he would have to modify the table design.

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New Field Value From Large Table Column To Be Highlighted In Report

Sep 3, 2015

I have a daily report that shows data from previous day for production. When we have new products produced, I would like a field to be highlighted if it is the first time it has come up. I do not want it a unique field just from yesterday, but to analyze the table of all of the production days and highlight if a particular field from a column is unique. Can this be done?

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Form Gets Smaller When Viewed Second Time?

Jan 24, 2005

I am updating an old Access app. The first form, FORM_A, of the app displays in maximized window - as I want them all to display. I click on a button to open a new form, FORM_B, and do whatever I need to on that form, close that window to return to the first window, FORM_A. When I do, FORM_A is now displaying much smaller.

FORM_A's Has Modal property is =Yes.

When I try to change the "Has Modal" property to NO, it alerts me that all the module and macro code will be deleted - and it is. I made a copy before continuing so I still have a copy of it.

I have the OnLoad event set to a macro that short maximizes the window. I use the same macro for the On Focus event, but it does not change the display on focus.

I've tried changing it to Has Modal = No, then copying the old code back into the blank module for that form - doesn't change the display of FORM_A.

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Forms :: DSum Bigger Or Smaller Than 0

Jun 26, 2015

This is my code : (I am using 2007-2010 and its working like that)

=Dsum("*";"Table Name";"[Field Name] < 0")

I need to calculate only bigger than 0 or smaller than 0 doesn't matter..

I checked from Forum etc. there is only between 2 dates options.

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Tables :: Splitting Attachment Field From Table

Jul 4, 2013

I have a database composed of personal statistics. (name, age, height, wt, etc). I have two attachment fields. Photos and Videos. Each of these fields can contain more that one file. The size of the video attachments is starting to get me up close to the 2 GB database limit. If each attachment field contained only one file, I would convert the fields over to a path link. I'm stumped on how to move the files out of the main database to control the size, but maintain the multi-file link to my forms. How to restructure this?

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Modules & VBA :: Make Smaller Tables Out Of A Bigger One

Jul 30, 2013

I have a table with 3 fields. The fields are down1, down2 and down3. . I would like to use this table to create a new table (downtime). What I need too do is loop through each record in the table and place the three fields independently in my new table. For example, I would like to go to the first record in my original table, than place down1 as my first record in my new table, down2 as my second record and down3 as my third. Than I will go to the second record in my original table and place down1 as my fourth record, down2 as my fifth record, down3 and my sixth record and so on.

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Splitting Table Into Related Table

Jan 14, 2008

okay, last question. I promise. You all have been so helpful, though...

I have been given the assignment of splitting down a table into two more tables(three in total). My question is this: Could I use the Table analyzer? If so, what are the shortcomings? I would like to have the other tables referenced by the key of the original table instead of a lookup field, whioch I'm not sure if I can do in the analyzer. What attracts me to the analyzer is that it would make the needed queries to join the new tables. If I don't use the analyzer, would I use a make table query to accomplish it? If so, would I have to change every existing query in the database that used that old table?

I know it's a lot, but any help in pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated

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Queries :: Select Largest Value Which Is Smaller Than Another Value (Access 2007)

Jun 4, 2014

I have a table of logged entries. Each record has a date field (ValueDate) and an account identifier field (AccountID)

I also have a table of rates. Each record has the same account identifier field (AccountID), a date field (EffectiveDate) and a rate field (BankRate)

Entries can be logged for any given ValueDate. But there may or may not be a corresponding EffectiveDate in the rates table.

I need to write a query that will return all of my logged entries and the largest EffectiveDate which is on or before the ValueDate (as well as the BankRate corresponding to that EffectiveDate)

This is as far as I've gotten but it returns multiple records for each logged entry. I need one record per logged entry.

SELECT tblLoggedEntries.EntryID, tblLoggedEntries.AccountID, tmp.BankRate, MAX(tmp.EffectiveDate) AS EffectiveDate
FROM tblLoggedEntries
(SELECT tblRates.AccountID, tblRates.BankRate, tblRates.EffectiveDate
FROM tblRates) AS tmp ON tblLoggedEntries.AccountID = tmp.AccountID
WHERE tmp.EffectiveDate<=tblLoggedEntries.ValueDate
GROUP BY tblLoggedEntries.EntryID, tblLoggedEntries.AccountID, tmp.BankRate

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Tables :: Splitting Table Into Multiple Sets Based On Row Count

Oct 5, 2012

I want to split a table into multiple sets based on rowcount. Suppose I have a table having 10,000 records. I want different sets which should have values based on rowcount. Suppose if I select set 1 then the table should populate records from 1-2500. If I select set 2 then the table should automatically give the records from 2501-5000. If i select set3 then the table should have values from 5001-7500 and so on.

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Modules & VBA :: Requirement To Break Bulk Emails Into Smaller Groups For Transmission

Mar 10, 2014

I have put together a VBA sub to run Outlook.Application to send a report to selected email addresses. A Table's records contain an email addresses as well as category for grouping purposes.

I use a "Create Table Query" to extract the selected email addresses from the table into a temporary table called "ETransferAddress" then "Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ETransferAddress")" then concatenate the email addresses separated with commas.

This works fine for small groups, but the service provider blocks them if the number of email addresses go into the hundreds.

What I need is to break the email addresses into sub groups and then create a series of emails all with the same Report, Subject and Content.

One way might be to create a series of loops to create a number of smaller tables but to string that lot together to achieve it is beyond me at present.

Here is my code to date"

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Create a table with selected addresses

[Code] .....

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