Multiple Table - Auto Number

Mar 10, 2006

Not to sure if I am doing the table structure correctly as you may come up with an alternative.

I have an [Pre-Order] table, which is linked to an [Order Details], table. A product grp is assigned to each Pre-Order. One Order can have many colours. So what I need is to be able to have an Auto Number generated sequentially depending on what the product grp is.

So for example, I order some shirts, in three colours.

Shirt Product Grp is P

The start of the barcode is 175

Style number is the next section of the barcode which needs to be sequential generated.

175 0001
175 0002

Yes this is easy with an AutoNumber, my problem is that my next order could be ties.

Product grp J

The start of the barcode is 145, i need the autonumber to start from 0001
not start from where the previous order ( in this example Shirt above )


145 0001
145 0002

do i have to have a separate table for each product grp, ( there are 26 Product grps )

please help, a bit stuck


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Appending Records With A Desired Auto Number In A Table With Auto Number

Oct 26, 2005

Here is my issue. In a table with an Auto Number index some records have been deleted. I have been able to recreate them along with their original auto number. The problem is that I do not know how to append these records forcing the original auto number. I have tried changing the auto number field to a number field in the table, this works except I cannot change it back to auto number.

I am sure I’m not the first with this question or issue. I did search through a couple hundred entries about auto number before I posted this question.


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Can Add Multiple Names To One ID (Auto-number)

Mar 25, 2014

I work in University accommodation housing 3000 students and we conduct meetings with the residents when they are to be disciplined.. for various things such as smoking in their room, poor conduct, or cause they've broken a window decided playing football in the kitchen using a window as a goal.

They can then be given a fine or community service or a warning.

I've created a database that logs a these meetings and it works fine when one person is called in, it logs the individual (Name, ID Number, Accommodation, Flat & Room No) and I can transfer the details to a new community service record or fine record and it all links to the auto generate ID number (known as the Case Number).

Though in cases where there is more than one person involved and each are given their own "discipline" I haven't got the knowledge to know how to keep it linked to the same 'Case Number'.

Can I create a case, add more than one person to the meeting record who will be present?

Then following that meeting for example Alan gets 10 hours community service, John gets a £40 fine, and Dave gets a £40 fine and 5 hours community service? Though all 3 are still linked to the same case number from the initial meeting?

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Forms :: Alphanumeric Data In Field - Multiple Auto Number

Dec 27, 2013

I have a table having the following fields:

StaffNo TextField PrimaryKey

The data in StaffNo will be alpha numeric, like AKA-111, AKA-112, LMN-100, LMN-102

Here AKA and LMN describes the Sites where employee is working.

On Add New Employee, When user enter AKA- in StaffNo, on exit the next number on that site should be generated. i.e AKA-113.

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Queries :: Auto Assign Increasing Number Based On Multiple Factors

Jun 11, 2015

I have written a check writer program for the company I work at. I have a table for Venders, and a separate table Invoices set with a 1-many relationship. When checks are printed it consolidates all the unpaid invoices for each vender to print a single check and mark it as paid with the date.

The checks already have a check number printed on them so what I need is an option that will allow me to enter the first check number when the print starts and Access will put that number in a field on the invoices page for each invoice associated with the first vender printed, then would increase the number by one and put that number in the invoices associated with the next vender printed.

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Tables :: SQL Table View Auto-number

Apr 7, 2014

i have created a Union sql Table View, that i have connected to in access. Its a list from 5 different companines of Supplier accounts. I need to create an autonumber for this table? Not sure if this may be more SQL based than access

SELECT PLSupplierAccountID AS AccountID, SupplierAccountNumber AS AccountNumber, SupplierAccountName AS AccountName, 'RWL' AS Company
FROM Roth.dbo.PLSupplierAccount
SELECT PLSupplierAccountID AS AccountID, SupplierAccountNumber AS AccountNumber, SupplierAccountName AS AccountName, 'FAH' AS Company
FROM FAH.dbo.PLSupplierAccount


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Tables :: How To Have 2 Auto Number Fields In One Table

Jun 4, 2013

I am having a table for invoicing and vouchers, and I need to have two fields that will have auto incremental numbers. How I can have two fields in the same table with autonumbers and how can I get one of them to start from a different value.

Eg. Record 1 - [inv No] 1 [Vno] 0005
Record 2 - [Inv No] 2 [Vno] 0006

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Adding A Second Auto Number Field To Current Table

Jun 22, 2007

Is this possible, and how can I do it?

Adding a second auto number field to current table and auto numbering current entries?

I need to combine some records from the same order number that currently have detailed names. I'm trying to simplify them, but I can't because it creates duplicate records.

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Modules & VBA :: Table With Auto Number Key Field That Is Numbered Sequentially

Oct 10, 2013

I have a table (tblContact) with an auto number key field that is numbered sequentially (1-8) there are no deletions, each new record is appended.I wrote a simple FindFirst line to locate a record that is the first record in the table. The FindFirst failed to find the record.So, I wrote a Do Until Loop that cycles through each record looking for the record that I want to find (the first record with key field 1).


Debug.Print "ContactID: " & rstContact.Fields("ContactID")
Debug.Print "CEmployerID: " & rstContact.Fields("CEmployerID") & vbCrLf

Do Until rstContact.EOF
Debug.Print "ContactID: " & rstContact.Fields("ContactID")
Debug.Print "CEmployerID: " & rstContact.Fields("CEmployerID") & vbCrLf

This works to find the first record... eventually, because it does not begin its search at the first record. The results in the immediate window are below.


ContactID: 4
CEmployerID: 2
ContactID: 4
CEmployerID: 2
ContactID: 5
CEmployerID: 4


I believe the field CEmployerID is unrelated to the issue. I am also attaching screen shots of the table "tblContact" and code with immediate window. I have tried indexing and not indexing the CEmployerID field in the Contact table to no avail. Even though the Do Until Loop eventually finds my record,

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General :: Update Name Fields From Related Table Along With Auto-number?

Jul 1, 2014

The "PersonalDetails" table is related to the "Application" table using the autonumber from table, "PersonalDetails".

The "PersonalDetails" table has "StudentID" (autonumber), "First Name" and "Last Name" fields.

The "Application" table also has "StudentID", "First Name" and "Last Name" fields.

The "Application" table is related to the "PersonalDetails" table using the "StudentID" field.

How do I make it so that the first and last names on the "Application" table are automatically updated when the StudentID is entered?

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Number Field In Access Database Table

Aug 30, 2013

creating auto number field in access database. I have an access database which 20 million records. When i am trying to add auto number field i am getting error "File sharing lock count exceeded".Then i did some google search and got some information like editing the registry file , in my case its not possible due to security restrictions.And another option of adding a code in VB immediate window also i tried but this option is also not working.

"DAO.DBEngine.SetOption dbmaxlocksperfile,25000000"

how to auto populate the numbers in a specific field using VBA codes.

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Force Auto Number To Change According To Filter Applied On Table

Jul 6, 2012

I have a table and it is like this 1 a 2 b 3 f let's assume i want to add new data {C} so it will be like this : 1 a 2 b 3 f 4 c

Is their any way i make the table look like this 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 f can i force the auto number to change according to the filter applied on the table is their a numeric field can be used instead on auto number that can be changed according to the filters

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Forms :: Auto Generate File Number Based On Number Of Records In Year

Jan 21, 2014

I have a form [IUDATA]

I have a add record button.

I have a date field [DATEIN]

I have a text field [DRPNO]

If the [DPRNO] field is empty, I would like the user to have the [DPRNO] field be automatically populated after the user enters a date.

I'd like the format of [DPRNO] to be "dpr YY-XXX"

YY is the year of the [DATEIN] field and
XXX is number of records in that year.

So for example, if it was the 4th record with a 2013 date the [DPRNO] would be dpr 13-004.

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Tables :: Procedure To Restrict / Stop Auto Number Increment For Certain Number Of Record Count

Mar 16, 2014

I would like to know if there is any procedure to restrict/stop auto number increment for certain number of record count (say 50), then increment by 1 for next 50 records.

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Auto Increasing A Number, Depending On Maximum Number When Condition Is Met

Sep 18, 2006


I'm trying to get the maximum number in a table field to increase it by one depending on the member that is selected in a drop down in a field.

I have three tables: members, programs and times. Each member can have N programs and each program can be broadcast N times.

Each member has a three digit code, like XXX. Each program has the three digit code of the member + three numbers that are supposed to auto increment. That is, the first program of member X with the member code XXX is called XXX001.

What I'm trying to do is that when a new program is filled in and I select the member, then the program code should update automatically, adding one to the latest program by that member.

That is, if the last program by member X that was inserted in the database is XXX010, then if a new program is inserted it should automatically be XXX011, even though programs by other members have been added in between.

This is the code I use now, for the AfterUpdate when selecting the member in a dropdown in the form. But although I've played around a bit, I just get error messages...

Private Sub medlemsruta_AfterUpdate()
Dim medlemskod
medlemskod = Me![medlemsruta].Column(2)

Dim strMax As String

strMax = DMax("programs_kod", "table_programs", "Left$(programs_kod, 3) = medlemskod")
Me!program_kod = Left$(strMax, 3) & Format$(Val(Right$(strMax, 3)) + 1, "000")
End Sub

Medlemsruta is a dropdown where one selects the member from the members table, where the three digit code is in the third column (Column(2)).

I'm trying to use DMax to get the maximum number for the particular member and after that adding 1 to that for the new program code.

Grateful for any advice! Thanks!

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General :: Getting Invoice Number Field To Auto Generate Next Number

Jun 2, 2014

I'm trying to get an invoice number field to auto generate the next number, keeping the format as "00000"...this is what I have, which gets the next number but drops the leading 0


Private Sub Customer_AfterUpdate()
If Len(Me.[InvoiceNumber] & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.[InvoiceNumber] = (DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[tblInvoiceNumber]") + 1)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
End Sub

invoice numbers are 04024, 04025 I keep the formatiing?

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Auto Number, Year, Month Number Combination

Apr 20, 2008

I need to create an auto number for service calls that show the following:

year as 08, 09 etc, month as a letter, Jan = A, Feb = B etc then an incremental number starting at 300 for each month/year combination.

So for example: 08A300

Can anyone help me as I am stuck?

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Query That Result Incremental Number, With No Auto-Number

Sep 10, 2006

Well, here's my database :

Name : String
Address : String

I want to add an automatically generated column, "no.", to show which number it's in. Like this :

No. Name Address
1. A Unknown
2. B Unknown2

The problem is, I can do that with Auto-Number, but if the user delete row 1, the number in row 2 is still 2, not 1.

Is it possible to generate query that have "no." column in it ?

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General :: Auto Number PK Change Starting Number?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a table with an auto number PK. This table will contain orders. I'd like to use the PK from this table as the Invoice number on the invoice. I'd like to have it start at a number other than "1" just because it looks better on an invoice. I don't know how to do this. I looked at the table design to see if there were options available to me there but couldn't find anything. Is it possible? (I do not know how to use code.)

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Auto Sequence Number For Reference Number

Dec 8, 2005

The title probably doesn't give an idea of what I need, so here goes.

We currently have reference #'s for our bills that include the date requested in mmddyy format, the first 3 letters of the customer, the initials of the order taker and finally a sequential number to show the sumber of bills that day.

example: 120705SEAGMM02 2nd order taken by GMM for Seagate on 12/7
120705SEARLH01 1st order taken by RLH for Seagate on 12/7

I want to generate this number automatically based on the date entered and the initials given of the user. We only deal with one customer at our desk so that will always be "SEA".

I have a query that generates the first portion (date, customer, and initials):

SELECT Format([REQDATE],"mm") AS [Month], Format([REQDATE],"dd") AS [Day], Format([REQDATE],"yy") AS [Year], Format([REQDATE],"mmddyy") AS [Both], [Both] & "SEA" & [PickUpReqData]![INITIALS] AS REFNO
FROM PickUpReqData;

But I can't seem to get my head around the part of generating the number. I know I had done this in a database I created 2 jobs ago but all my files were flooded out in Katrina. (I have since relocated to Atlanta, although I'm not looking for sympathy. But I will take what I can get!)

Anything to point me in the right direction will be appreciated. I am looking to have this on a form and feed the REFNO field in the PickUpReqData table.



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Creating A Serial Number That Is NOT Auto-number

Mar 20, 2012

I have a table called "OrderDetails" with following fields:

OrderID (Primary key)

I want to create a data entry subform that can used to enter order details in this table such that, for a given OrderID, the Num field is automatically set to previous number + 1. For example, for OrderID = 12, if there are 4 products that need to be entered, the 4 records should automatically take 1 , 2, 3, 4.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Multiple Excel Files With Different Number Of Sheets Into Table

Jul 12, 2015

some code I've come up to in order to import multiple excel files each of them with a different number of worksheets into an access table. The procedure is called from an Access database. The problem I have with the code is that when it encounters a workbook with only one worksheets (e.g. Sheet 1) it gives the error that "Sheet 2$" is not a valid name. When geting to a workbook with 2 sheets it says that "Sheet 3$" is not a valid name and so on and so forth. Is there a way to "check" the number of sheets in the workbooks and when it has only one sheet to transfer it and go to the next file?

Below is the code:

Sub ImportExcelFiles()
Dim strFile As String 'Filename's
Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array
Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files
Dim filename As String
Dim path As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
path = "D:Tranzactii"


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Auto Number Not Displaying Number

Mar 17, 2005

I have a form with an Auto number field. When the form is opened in new record mode the auto number field displays the following: (Auto Number) instead of the actual number that it has generated. I want the number to be displayed

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Auto Number Starting At A Particular Number

Jul 25, 2005

Hi, I have a form with some fields on it, there is one called Pro Number. what I would like to happen is when a new record is created, it starts at a certain number and continues to increment by one. In other words, the first record would be 5600 and the next new record would be 5601 etc.

I did have this working in an previous database, by creating a append query to start the number, but that does not seem to be working now...

Any help would be very much apprecited.


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Auto Number

Dec 29, 2005

I make a data base every year for work orders that my work does for our customers, I have every thing set up and it looks great except for one field, last year I was able to make it do an auto number once I put the date in. for example first box work Order # ___ second box date once I put in the date an work order # would fill in the w/o# box and it would follow what ever the last work order # was (12600). for example I need the year 2006 TO START OFF WITH # 12601, What querie/option do I need to accomplish with this info.

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Auto Number

Jul 10, 2006

are you able to do something with the auto number.

i'd like it to display R/N "month" auto number "year".

i cant seem to get it to display the month and year

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