New Data Doesn't Show

Aug 19, 2005


I have a subform (based on table "Source") that allows the user to create a new record in another table "Events" (it copies some entries to facilitate entering new data). The data should then be dispayed in another subform. However, the newly created redord is does not show in the subform although I use Me.Refresh. When I close the form and then open it again it works - but there has to be an easier way.

How can I reload the data from the table. I have looked but am unable to find the right method.

The code:

'Create New Record in Table Events

Call AddEvent(EventDate, Country)
'This function opens the table and adds a record

'Open Subform
DoCmd.GoToControl "subfrm_events"
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast

Help would be much appreciated!

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Forms :: Data Entry - How To Show Current Date That Doesn't Change The Next Day

Jun 27, 2013

I am extremely new to Access. I have my database up and running ok(ish) and would like to know if in my data entry form, I can have the "Date Entered in Database" box display the current date that does not change from day to day. I know you can use the "Now()" function but won't this just change everyday?

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My Record Doesn't Show Up When I Add It

Mar 27, 2006

I was having trouble adding my records to my subform. I think it was going into my main form, which is unbound. When I removed the navigation bars from my main form and added them back to my subform, I lost my records that i had. They are still in my table, but not showing in my subform. How do I get them in there?

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HTML Text Doesn't Show Right

Nov 29, 2004

In my website I've created a admin login with some ASP pages to edit and update stories.
I use an acces database and installed HTMLarea for WYSIWYG editing.

When I update text, all the HTML tags show als plain text in my website.
For example: I make a headline bold in my wysiwig editor and I update my text, it just shows: <B> here's a new story </B>
If I look in my database I have a field 'text' wich is a memofield and I can see the html tags have been stored into my database. <B>here's a new story</B>

It looks like it doesnt recognize the html tags as HTML, but just as plain text...

Can I use HTML-tags in an acces database and how do I get them to show up right in my website?

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Tab Control Is Set To Transparent But Background Doesn't Show Through

Aug 31, 2006

I have some tab controls, which for some reason show up white.
I have set their back style to transparent but it doesn't seem to show the grey Windows colour of the background form.
Any ideas why ?

AT the moment I'm having to put grey rectangles in various places to cover this up, which is obviously not ideal.

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How Can I Show Switchboard Only (i.e Access Doesn't Appear To Be Open)

Jul 19, 2005

Does anyone know if I can just show the switchboard only so that it looks like a program, or if I can use an existing MDB to create an .exe??

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Why Doesn't Primary Key Show Up On Datasheet View

Sep 18, 2015

I have an ordinary table with 20 fields and in the design view the primary field is shown as an auto-number, but it doesn't appear in the datasheet view.

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Form With Subform Doesn't Show Totals Unless Keyed

Aug 2, 2007

I have an application that has two tables, linked on a common key. The main data entry form is for invoices, and has a sub-form for parts used. A similar report/sub-report is used for reporting. Everything is fine for records that are entered via the form. My problem is that when I import data from other sources ( consolidation process ) the calculations are not performed. So when those records are displayed no totals appear until I click on a control that drives the calculations. I don't want to store totals in the database but I need to have them reflected on the viewed form without operator intervention. Otherwise I'm open to incorrect decisions when the operator doesn't notice that an invoice doesn't reflect the cost of parts used.I'm looking for a "one-time" process that I can invoke after loading new data that would "touch" each record (ideally each "new" record but there's no impact to re-calculating existing ones) and drive the calculations so that the viewed form is correct.It doesn't need to be "easy" or automated since the end users won't do it, only myself as part of the data consolidation.Any ideas?Thanks

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Customer ID Doesn't Show Up Correctly In A Query Or Table

Oct 11, 2004

When I open one of my tables or queries and look at the customer Id, the displayed info is a single digit. On my customers table my primary key is the customer Id with auto number with the format like this: "ID"000. This is great however, when you look up the customer id in other tables it only displayes the single digit. I want it to show up like ID001 or ID002. In the customers tables it looks just like that, but if you click in that cell/field it takes away the ID and just shows the 001 or 002. I changed the format in my other tables under customer id to "ID000" but that didn't seem to make a difference. I would like to be able to do a search lets say by customer ID in one of my products table and when I type ID005 or ID012 it takes me to those records. But right now I would have to enter 5 or 12. Datatype in my other tables on field customer ID is set to text. Do I have to do a validation rule? How can I get it to show up the way I want it?

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Modules & VBA :: Query Result Doesn't Show In Subform

Aug 22, 2013

I already success to run this dynamic query where the parameters taken from the main form.Now the problem is the query result doesn't show in the subform.But the status bar below tell me that it have 2 records in the subform, but there is no data in the subform, it just Blank.I already apllied the Requery or Refresh to the subform (in the Command Button), but it have no result too.This is the code:

Forms!MsDataWarga.QueryDataWarga.Form.RecordSource = "MyQuery"

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Queries :: New Record Added To Table But Doesn't Show Up In Query

Aug 4, 2014

I have a database used to track my personal assignments, created about six years ago using Access 2003 on Windows XP. Recently upgraded to Access 2010 on Windows 7. At some point thereafter, I started having the following issue:

When a new record is created, that record gets added to the table, but doesn't show-up in any query, form, or report until after another new record has been added. The most recently added record cannot be located to view or update, except in the table, until after another new record has been added to the table. Queries, forms, & reports now always lag behind by one record.

None of the queries, forms, or reports tested contain filters. I have several multi-user databases that I also support and none of those users have reported having this problem. This is only happening on my personal database.

I've re-created this database once or twice in the past to resolve other issues, but would like to avoid that route this time around, if possible.

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Forms :: Field Doesn't Show Full Length Of Record

Dec 4, 2013

My form which is based on a table carrying same name doesn't append the full length of the text to one of the fields.

I don't know where the mistake is occurring or indeed I don't know if the error is in the table or in the form.

The form is showing full length of the text but when I look it in the table, it has just one or two bits of the full length.

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General :: Start Up / Doesn't Show Minimize And Maximize Button

Sep 1, 2012

I created autoexec macrro. But when i open the form as a dialog box it doesn't show minimize and maximize button.. it only shows close button so what should i do..Also i want to create the log in form as well..So here is what i want

1) when i open the database it shows me log in box and if i put right password and username

- if i put wrong password it should keep promoting me until i put right login details and this login shouldn't be displaying the close button otherwise users can easily access through database.

2) the navigation form should be pop up.

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Subform In A Form Doesn Show Controls When Link Child And Master Fields Derfined

Jun 13, 2005


I have a form and a subform in MS Access 2003. I have made some changes to database structure, so I decided to change the subform also. When I changed the Link child and link master fields, the controls of the subdatasheet dissapear- they show only in design view. If I clear the contents of Link child and link master fields they appear again, but the records are not binded.
Is there a setting on the parent form that also has to be changed, to make the new binding?


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Help! My Form Doesn't Show Up In Form View

Aug 7, 2006

I created a form in "design view" and everything is there, but when I go to "Form view" it is just blank!

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Select Where Not In Doesn't Seem To Pick Up Data

Aug 22, 2006

I can see which records are missing from the table I want to import to but this query picks up no records:
SELECT [Field1] FROM Table_Linked WHERE [Field1] NOT IN (SELECT [Field1] FROM TableA);

Yet, when I run them separately, all fields are displayed.

Am I doing something wrong with the NOT IN part of the sttement that access doesn't like? If you run this in SQL server it works fine.

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Data Is In Me![fieldname] But Doesn't Get Stored In Table

Apr 22, 2006

Hello all :)

I've read some really funny stuff while searching for an answer to this. You're a bunch of really witty types :)

So I'm sure someone can help me - why would this entered data not make it into the table?

I have a form that has a subform. After the subform I have a button to continue. If this is clicked I change the visible property for another field to true. This field appears to work fine, but the data doesn't make it to the underlying table, in fact it sometimes seems to be included in the next record.

Any ideas?


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Strange User Doesn't Get Backend Data

Feb 28, 2006

i have my database split (backend and frontend) - both are residing on the server in different folders...users can't have it on their desktop since we're running on a Citrix server and each user only has a thin client.

Now currently I've got 3 users to the system. 2 users can use the system simultaneously without any problems...however the other user loads the front end but the backend data (bookings, despatches, etc) simply does not load - cannot access any data..

has anybody had a similiar problem? pls help!

thanks :)

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Reports :: Report To Show Data Details Selectively For Each Field / Qualitative Data

Apr 16, 2014

I have data from a survey with qualitative responses. For a single qualitative question, I moved the ID & responses into a new table and categorized the response according to a bucket/theme, where each column is a new bucket. I now have 10 columns. Each response is represented in 1 or more columns. I used an excel formula to copy the response data into the column itself.


A1 // B1// C1 // D1// E1//... L1
ID // Response // Cats // Dogs // Elephants //.... Column 10
1 // I like cats // I like cats //(null)//(null)// ... (null)//
2 // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs //(null)//..//
3 // etc.

However, now I'm realizing that Access always wants to show data for all records, or at most I can limit using a WHERE clause in my query.I want to use Access to generate this report:

1. Section 1: Show all responses from the Cats bucket where there is data
2. Section 2: Show all responses from the Dogs bucket where there is data
3. and so on

I know how to do summary values, and I know how to do filtering that apply across the whole report, but this seems like more advanced filtering, where I want to see selective details differently for each field.

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How To Show The Data In Such Layout

Jul 9, 2007

I have this very important question, I dont know how to do it but I am sure Access support this and it is doable.

I have the following recorset:

Name LeaveType LeaveDate LeaveYear

Frank Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Frank Annual 30/04/2007 2007
Frank Unpaid 11/09/2004 2004

James Unpaid 04/03/2006 2006
James Unpaid 19/09/2006 2006

Meco Paternity 17/12/2004 2004
Meco Paternity 18/12/2004 2004
Meco Annual 02/07/2006 2006

Paolo Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 12/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 24/06/2004 2004

I want the data to be shown in a report as follow:

Name: Frank

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: James

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: Meco

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 002

Name: Paolo

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000



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Expression For Data Not To Show If Same

Jul 5, 2007

:confused: Running Access 2000. Have a table with Employee number and data, another with training (number ID's) that also has the Employee number.

Therefore the employee number is shown numerous times throughout the table.

What I want to do is bring up a list of employees who have NOT got a specific training ID only.

Hope this makes sense.

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Show Only Unused Data In Combo Box

Jul 29, 2005


I'm wondering how to do the following:

I have two combo boxes that exist on a form record (i.e. two combo boxes for every record on the continuous form): mainCategory and subCategory.

Currently, I can choose a mainCategory and depending on the mainCategory, I have certain values available for the subCategory.

What I want to do is only show the values that have not been used for the subCategory (the mainCategory can always show its default value).

An example of what I mean is below...

The comboboxes and their row data:

mainCategory (combobox)
A (combobox rows)

subCategory (combobox)
for A: 1, 2, 3 (row for the selected mainCategory)
for B: I, II, III, IV
for C: red, blue

Sample scenario:
1. For the first record on the form, a user selects "A" from mainCategory and "1" from the subCategory for "A".
2. The user adds a new record to the form
3. For this new (2nd) record on the form, a user selects "A" from mainCategory and can only select "2" or "3" from the subCategory combobox. The "1" from the subCategory combobox is no longer available for choosing, unless the user changes the first record's "1" in subCategory to another value.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Show Only One Occurance Of Data In A Field

Aug 14, 2005

I have the following table:
Blast NoHole NumberHole Depth TapeBCM/MORE mORE bcm

And i want to show only the last occurance of the Hole Number field. e.g:

Blast NoHole NumberHole Depth TapeBCM/MORE mORE bcm



However I cannot figure out if the LAST function dose this. When i have applied it hole 202 & one of the 200's dissapeared. However 202 should not, but 201 should??

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Can I Use A Query To Show Only One Of Each Repeated Data

Nov 7, 2007

I am really new to using access and I have a massive table 16000 or more entries. What I need to do is take this example data :


(This is just a tiny fragment of the total data)

The 001: to the first '_' is the important bit this is defining a "Router" what I need to do is total up how many '001:*_' there are, not including duplicate numbers.

Firstly if I understood this ( post correctly I need to have all the VPIAddress the same. If this is correct is there a way to get access to delete the data after the first '_' ? (I would of posted in this tread but i didnt think that would be right, if im wrong mods move the post :) )

Secondly will the info in that post help me to reduce the data into this :


So that I can then see how many Physical "routers" there are

If any one can help me and tell me that my idea will work then tell me how to do it id be extremely happy!

Even if any one says that wont work and gives me the correct way to do it and does a virtual "Clip around the Head" and call me a Daft Bugga I would still be happy because I wouldn't have to trawl through the entire 16000+ entries deleting and modifying.

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Show Fields With No Data In The Query

Jan 3, 2008

I have two one-many related tables: Transactions and Site Details. Most of the Transactions information can be filled in first, and then the Site Details filled in when they are ready.

How do I get a query based on both tables to show those transactions with missing site details? I have tried IsNull(SiteName) in the SiteName field in the Design View, but I don't get any results at all (for records with no SiteName). The answers I've seen in Google seem to be variations on the theme, but I am probably missing something simple (as usual).

I orignally posted this with a question about tracking revision history. I thought it might be a similar solution, since I want to add information to the blank fields when the information becomes available. But I need to find those transactions WITH blank fields first.

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Show Data Alphabeticly In Combo Box

Jul 28, 2005

Hi Was wondering if someone can guide me in the right direction.
this is my first post.

I have a form with a combo box listing 900 pupils but the list is in no particular order. How can I sort the surnames in alphabetical order and for those changes to reflect on my form.

The problem I am having is I can sort it out in alphabetic order but the changes dont reflect onto the main form.

Does anyone have any suggestions.

Kind Regards


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