Queries :: Return First Record Of Each Client Depending On A Filter

May 30, 2014

I have a database where I need to return only the first record of each key (named "process key") accordingly to a time frame I set.

Consider the table below:

ProcessContact dateSalesmanClientClient
99904/28/2014 11:39:00SALESMAN 1111CLIENT 1
88804/28/2014 10:13:00SALESMAN 1222CLIENT 2
55504/22/2014 14:29:00SALESMAN 2333CLIENT 3
66604/16/2014 12:14:00SALESMAN 3444CLIENT 4
55504/16/2014 11:47:00SALESMAN 2333CLIENT 3

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 1st to 30th, I want to get as a result 4 records, one of each client and only the latest record from CLIENT 3 (04/22).

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 1st to 20th, I want to get as a result only the records of clients 4 and 3 from 04/16 (as every other contact is from beyond 04/20).

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 25th to 30th, the return must be only the top 2 records (the only ones after April 25th).

I tried using a query grouping the totals on "process key" and the other cells set as "first", but if I filter from April 1st to 20th, for example, no records from CLIENT 3 gets shown, since Access processed the "first" record request before the date filter, and therefore only considered the contact from 04/22, and as it is later than 04/20, wasn't shown on the query.

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Queries :: Return Unique ID For Any Client Who Attended Any Event

May 2, 2013

I have a query to find only the unique clients that have attended an event during a time period

I can only get the event and client for each event

So I want a query that returns the clientID for any client that attended any event.

I have tried using the return unique values in the property sheet but that still gives me multiple clientIDs with each event they attended.

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Queries :: Table With Duplicate Records - Return Distinct Data For Each Client

Jan 17, 2014

I have a table with duplicate records (which is ok) and I want to return distinct data for each client.

It works fine when there is only two fields returned however, when I add a third field to the query it no longer returns only the Distinct records - I am getting Duplicates returned.


SELECT DISTINCT tblClient.ClientNo, tblClient.Name
FROM tblClient

Works fine with only the Distinct records for each client returned


SELECT DISTINCT tblClient.ClientNo, tblClient.Name, tblClient.Address, tblClient.OrderValue
FROM tblClient

Now returns Duplicates!

Is there a limit to the number of fields to be returned using DISTINCT or what else could be the problem? Should I be doing this some other way?

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Queries :: Filter Records Depending On Subform Value?

May 20, 2013

I have a database that tracks Construction projects. Each project can have multiple Managers, so I have a many to many relationship set up with tblProjects, tblProjects_Managers and tblManagers. I created frmProjects and sbfrmProjects_Managers. sbfrmProjects_Managers has a combo box control and is continuous. Its record source is tblProjects_Managers, its control source is ManagersID (the foreign key in tblProjects_Managers) and its row source is SELECT tblManagers.ManagersID, tblManagers.Managers FROM tblManagers ORDER BY tblManagers.Managers;. The bound column is 1, the column count is 2, and the widths are 0";4". When adding sbfrmProjects_Managers to frmProjects I made the child-master link with ProjectsID, the PK of tblProjects and the other foreign key in tblProjects_Managers.

I need the Managers to be able to do a search that will return only the projects that they manage. I've tried making a query composed of tblProjects, tblProjects_Managers, and tblManagers. I used the field ProjectsID from tblProjects and ManagerName (with the criteria Like [Manager's Name] & "*") from tblManager. The query worked when run by itself, but when I use it as a filter in a macro to open frmProjects, I get two prompts to enter a value, one that asks for tblManagers.ManagerName and one that asks for Manager's Name. No matter what I do I can't get only the second dialouge box to appear, and regardless I no matter what I enter into the two dialogue boxes my results aren't filtered at all.

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Queries :: Insurance Database - Get Only One Record Per Client

Apr 4, 2013

I am working on an Insurance DB.. I have two tables tbl_Clients and tbl_PolicyDetails with a One-Many relationship.. tbl_Clients have the Clients basic info, Name, Tel, Address etc. The tbl_PolicyDetails have the details of the policy for the customer like Start date, policy term, amount they pay, policy status etc. Policy Status can be any of the following Quote, Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled, Terminated..

One client can have many Policies.. When one policy finishes (like when cover upgraded/downgraded/any changed their insured property address etc.) we categorise them as Termination of old policy thus the client will have a New policy.. At any stage we only need the newest policy per client. My problem now is I need to list all Clients with policy status Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled..

SELECT tbl_Clients.cli_ID, tbl_Clients.firstName, tbl_Clients.address, tbl_PolicyDetails.policyCover
FROM tbl_Clients INNER JOIN tbl_PolicyDetails ON tbl_Clients.cli_ID = tbl_PolicyDetails.cliID_FK
WHERE tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Active" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Suspended" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Lapsed" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Cancelled";

cli_ID firstName address
1 Paul Bournemouth
2 Mark Bristol
3 Lauren London
4 Caryn Devon


When a Client wishes to Cancel a policy it is not Terminated, the policy status is just Cancelled.. Similar to Lapsed policy, if the policy hits 30 days of no pay then it is passed on to a Debt collection agency.. If in future the Client comes back a new policy is generated for both cases.. So in this case Client Lauren and Caryn will have been repeated twice, in the report I am trying to generate (based on the above query).. I do not wish to display the Cancelled policy if the customer has another policy which again can be Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled..

cli_ID firstName address policyCover policyStatus
1 Paul Bournemouth PDB Active
2 Mark Bristol PDB Active
3 Lauren London PDBCH Suspended
4 Caryn Devon PDE Active

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Queries :: Failing To Filter By Criteria After Return Values From A Function?

May 15, 2013

I have two date fields in a table. I need to find the days between these dates and, if its greater than 7 days, I want to display the record in a report, so far, I have found a hand function that allows me to enter two dates and it returns a long data value representing the number of days in between the two dates. (google "I've developed the following code to count the business days between 2 dates." and its the second one that starts as SOLVED I made no mods to it as it does what i need it to do.

So, i added this to its own module within the data base for use within a query. My test query basically displays the unique ID, the start date and the end date and then displays the values returned from the function. here is the SQL:

SELECT [Main Table].[Unique ID], [Main Table].[Start date], [Main Table].[End Date], (Business_Days_Between([End Date],[Start date])) AS [Days between]
FROM [Main Table]
WHERE ((([Main Table].[Start date]) Is Not Null) AND (([Main Table].[End Date]) Is Not Null));

When ran, this Query works... However, when I enter a criteria like =2 or > 7, it says data type mismatch. I have even attempted the CInt() function to make sure its formated as int but i continue to get the same error.

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Queries :: Return Last Record In A Table

Sep 23, 2014

My setup is simple, it consists of two tables:

Employee (one)
Position (many)

So an employee in this database can have many different positions. The tables are linked using an EmployeeID field.

I want to construct a query that will list each employee and the last job entered for them in the database. Right now my query simply returns all the positions held (where there are more than one)?

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Queries :: Return Latest Record In Table

Feb 23, 2014

I'm trying to create in access2010

(1) a query that returns the latest record (newest) in a table called 'Invoices' and then

(2) places this value in a form called 'FrmInputInvoices' as the default value when the form opens. Newest record is by Autonumber and the table defaults this to top of table as views newest down to oldest.

Re (1) Query is called 'QInvoices'; the values I want to return in my query is ID (my autonumber) and Invoice_No . Must be a simple answer to put in the criteria, but I can't find this.

Re(2) What code do I use in my Form field named 'Invoice_No when the curser defaults there on opening?

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Queries :: Return Record In Datasheet View

May 21, 2013

I have a query that returns records in datasheet view. I need a field to accept the user selection from a drop down, then save that to a table. The query is based on a couple queries and one of those queries is based on the table i need to save the user input into. When i make a selection from the drop down list it puts the selection in that field for all the records and then doesn't save.

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Queries :: JOIN Query To Return Most Recent Record?

Aug 18, 2014

I have two tables with a one to many relationship. The tables are linked by the INDEX column.


1 Name_A
2 Name_B
3 Name_C

1 3 OPEN
3 2 OPEN

I need the NAME field from TABLE_1 and the Last STATUS field from TABLE_2 (MAX of NUM_INDEX).

Name_A, OPEN
Name_C, OPEN

SQL that I have now.

SELECT A.FIN_Finding_Number, B.Max_Index
FROM TBL_Findings AS A INNER JOIN (SELECT RES_Finding_Index, Max(RES_Response_Index) As Max_Index
FROM TBL_Response GROUP BY RES_Finding_Index ) AS B ON A.FIN_Finding_Index = B.RES_Finding_Index
WHERE (((A.FIN_Finding_Index)=34));

This SQL statement will return me the Finding_Number and Max_Index. I don't need the Max_Index. I need the Status. If I put the Status in the Sub-Query and GROUP BY it, it will return both REJECTED and OPEN. I just need it to return OPEN.

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Queries :: Return Latest Record For Multiple Criteria

Mar 12, 2014

I have a table that contains readings from several pieces of equipment as well as the status of each one. Each record has a timestamp, equipment number, status, etc. What I want is to create a query that will return the latest record for each equipment number. Simplified example table:

Timestamp EquipmentNumber Status
Today ------Machine1 ----------Running
Today ------Machine2 ----------Running
Yesterday -Machine1 ----------Down
Yesterday -Machine2 ----------Running

There are more than 20 different Equipment numbers and they are read several times per day and sometimes some of them get missed. What I'm looking for is a way to get a list of all the machines with their latest reading so they can tell which machines are running and which are down based on the last time they were read (instead of specifying a date). I can get this for one machine with no problem. I'm having trouble getting it for more than one machine. I tried a union query (with just 2 of the machines included for testing) but it only returns the results from one machine:


SELECT TOP 1 TestCompressorRoundQuery.LoggedAt, TestCompressorRoundQuery.AssetNumber,
TestCompressorRoundQuery.CompressorID, TestCompressorRoundQuery.Status, TestCompressorRoundQuery.CompressorIntegrity, TestCompressorRoundQuery.Notes
FROM TestCompressorRoundQuery
WHERE (((TestCompressorRoundQuery.AssetNumber)="104399"))

[Code] ....

I'd rather not have to create a seperate query for each machine and then join all of those together! I think perhaps a Union query might not be the correct approach. All the data is coming from only one table.

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Queries :: Return Multiple Rows From A Single Record In Database

Jul 16, 2014

For each record in my database, there are observation periods which are recorded in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss, titles as follows

1st Obs Start
1st Obs End
2nd Obs Start
2nd Obs End
3rd Obs Start
3rd Obs End.

I have been asked to create a query that will quickly show how many obervation periods commenced in a particular month. What I am trying to do is create a column that will be named Obs Start, and another, Obs End. For each record ID, this would then show as follows:

ID......Obs Start.............Obs End........
1....[1st Obs Start].....[1st Obs End]....
1....[2nd Obs Start]....[2nd Obs End]....
2....[1st Obs Start].....[1st Obs End]....
2....[2nd Obs Start]....[2nd Obs End]....
2....[3rd Obs Start].....[3rd Obs End]....
3....[1st Obs Start].....[1st Obs End]....
4....[1st Obs Start].....[1st Obs End]....


I could then quickly count how many obs periods started within the desired month.

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Queries :: Subquery To Return Latest / Most Recent Value For Each Record In Main Query

May 7, 2014

I have a table of accounts and a table of rates. There is a one-to-many relationship between them (i.e. each account can have multiple rates, each with their own - unique - effective date)

I'm trying to build a query which will show me all of the accounts in the accounts table and the most recent rate (based on the effective date) for each of those accounts.

This is as far as I've gotten with the SQL :

SELECT [tblAccounts].[AccountID], [tblAccounts].[AccountNumber], [tblAccounts].[AccountName], [LatestRate].[IntRate], [LatestRate].[EffectiveDate]
FROM [tblAccounts]
(SELECT TOP 1 [tblRates].[AccountID], [tblRates].[IntRate], [tblRates].[EffectiveDate]
FROM [tblRates]
ORDER BY [tblRates].[EffectiveDate] DESC) AS LatestRate
ON [tblAccounts].[AccountID] = [LatestRate].[AccountID]

But this can't work because the [LatestRate] subquery can only ever return one record (i.e. the most recent rate across all of the accounts)

I need the most recent rate for each of the accounts in the main query

(FYI - I use an outer join as it is possible for no rate to be available in the rates table for a given account, in which case I want to return the null value rather than omit the account from the resulting dataset...)

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Modules & VBA :: Filter List Box With Combo Box Depending On Check Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form wich includes listbox of employees. When I click on them, it shows his or her data (date of birth,address,etc...). For every employee there are also three diferent checkboxes - if he is regularly employed, temporaly employed or student.So now what I need is to filter listbox of employees - only student or only regular or only temporar or all.I was wondering if I can do that with combobox, but I really dont know how. I am prety new to VBA.

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Reports :: Filter Report Depending On Data Entered In A Column?

Oct 3, 2013

I have a user form in Excel that sends data to a table in Access 97.

(Due to restrictions on system).

I will need to pull reports off this table to send via email to Lotus Notes 8.5

Is there a way I can filter the report depending on the data entered in a column?

aka If a cell in a column has "Cheese" I can run a report showing just the "Cheese" results?

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Current Client/Prospective Client Database

Nov 9, 2005

Hi all

Brand new on here and desparate for some help and guidence.

So far with Access I have just used it as a store of addresses to mailshot prospective clients.

However, I now need a more complex database and this is where you might be able to help.

First things first, most of my clients are in universities. This means that I can be used by more than one person in more than one department at a university.

Does this mean I need to do three tables:

1/ "University Details" which gives the address details
2/ "Department" storing the departments of the unis we work for
3/ "Client" Name of the client(s) in that department.

After this how do I link them?



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Modules & VBA :: Client Table - Add New Record If None Found

Nov 23, 2013

The Setup: There is a clients table, a property table and a jobs table. Each client can have multiple properties and there can be multiple jobs done on each property.

The form: I created a form that uses a drop down to select the client, once the client is selected the subform shows the properties for that client. I can navigate through the properties to select any of the required properties and on this same subform, there is a button to open the jobs related to the property selected.

The problem: The form and subform work fine. The last form (the button that opens up the jobs) works ONLY IF there are records available. If there are no jobs for that property, it doesn't allow me to enter a new record. I'm pretty sure that the issue is because the jobs form has a query record source that uses all three tables linked (I'm pulling the clients name from the clients table and the property name from property table).

What I need is some vba coding to check if the recordset is empty and if it is then add this entry. Also, I'm not sure if this should add this code to the button or on the on_load of the jobs form.

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General :: Filter A Function Return Value?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a function which I want to return the value of a field.

Public Function fieldValue(tblName As String, fldName As String)
Dim drs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set drs = db.OpenRecordset(tblName)
fieldValue = drs.Fields(fldName).Value
Set drs = Nothing
End Function

I need to return the value obtained, for a specified User identified with a numeric variable.What is the best way forward? - Some sort of filter or DLookup and how to code this?

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Queries :: Enter Query Criteria - Filter All Record From Parameter Table

Nov 14, 2013

I have table which store set of number

table: parameter
field: Branch

I want to use enter query criteria so that it can filter all record from parameter table, How can I do? or any VBA code can serve same purpose?

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Queries :: Getting Most Current Date For Each Client

Aug 3, 2013

I have two tables:

1. Client Info table which contains the following fields:

2.DatesDistribution table

The relationship is one to many for these tables.I have been trying to create a query that will show the following:

DateAttended (where this field only shows the most current date that the client visited)

ClientInfo has 2 records:




I have tried grouping the records in Client Info table to get distinct names and using a Last function to get the most current date with little success.

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Queries :: Delete Query Where Code And Client Are Equal

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to delete a record in tblinclude where record from tblexclude are equal to clientid and codeid

Here is the sql
DELETE tblinclude.ClientID
FROM tblexclude INNER JOIN tblinclude ON (tblexclude.ClientID = tblinclude.ClientID) AND (tblexclude.CodeID = tblinclude.CodeID)
WHERE (((tblinclude.ClientID)=1));

I get the error Specify the table containing the records you want to delete. I've searched for this but I am just not getting it today.

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Forms :: Apply Filter To Return Records That Matches The Text Exactly

Aug 2, 2015

I am using an apply filter in a form to find records in a split form.

The macro which I am using is:

[SLIDE] Like "*" & [Forms]![SALES]![ENTERREFDATA] & "*"

However I the filter to return only records which match the text exactly.

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General :: Find Record From Field In Subform And Then Return Its Parent Record

Feb 6, 2014

I have a database which has a main form and subform built in linked by parent/child customerid, what i would like to do is search all the subform records from the whole DB and return its parent record on the main form?

Can this be done? because if i use find it will only search the filtered form i have onload of the form?

My onload event is based on fosusername()

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Delete Record From One Depending On Criteria From Another Table

May 27, 2005

Hello all,

I am trying to write a query that deletes all records from one table that meet the criteria of another.

The table i need to delete from is called StartingPoint and the other table is called R7e, both tables have a field called "Reference" and R7e has a field called "Change".

I have been stuggleing with various different delete query's to no avail.

So i need the query to delete a record from StartingPoint where [R7e].[Change] = "Suspended". The reference field is a primary key, this field will need to be used to determine which records to delete from StartingPoint.

Sorry if it all sounds confusing.

Any ideas guys?

Many thanks

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Load Record To Form Depending On Value In Combo Box

Oct 10, 2007

I have 2 combo boxes. The first one gives a lis of Prefix letters for railcars. The second uses the value of the 1st and finds railcars that start with the same letters.

finally got the 2nd combo box to list the prefix and number of a railcar based on the 1st combo box and also got it to clear as each run-through starts.

Now that the user can select a number (ex. dfcv1234 as the railcar), I need to find the record with the prefix dfcv and the car number 1234 and load the record to the form for view and editing.

So far, I know it needs to be the after update event and have a select statement that finds the [key], [prefix], [car_number] that matches the value selected on the form but how do I use the key to make the record show on the form?


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General :: Check Box Event - Lock Textboxes Depending On Each Record

Aug 30, 2013

I have a checkbox which when checked then turns textboxes to locked as below. However when I navigate to the next record which may not be checked the text boxes remain locked. I obviously want to lock the boxes depending on each record. I am navigating via the windows next/back record buttons. How do i do it?

Private Sub Check44_Click()
If Check44.Value = -1 Then
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
End If
End Sub

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