Queries :: Creating Access Storage Database

Feb 5, 2014

i am busy with creating a access storage database and need to calculate the number of days a vehicle is in storage, i have a [date in] field and a [date out] field. i need to calculate if [date out] is empty to use today otherwise [date out] - [date in]

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Queries :: Creating Access Database To Monitor Expenses For New Snack House

Jun 3, 2013

I am trying to create an access db to monitor my expenses for my new Snack house.

I have created a "Main" table which will be holding all the daily expenses entries one the fields is called "Type" in which i formatted as combo box with the following values (vegetables , butchery , bakery).

Another field is called "Item" which should list the items based on the Type selection.

Knowing i have a second table in which i stored all types and their corresponding items , how can i force the filed "item" in table Main to simply display the ones i need based on the "Type" input.

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Forms :: Task Storage Database - Form With Multiple Items And Submit Button

Oct 6, 2014

I have this database with the purpose to storage all the tasks that are done in my team. I have a table named Tasks with all their fields. Now, I would like to set a more user friendly way for clients to update this table. I have created another table with a list of most common tasks, so when a client wants to add their tasks list they can choose one of this tasks and add it to the list. I had created a form with multiple items that contains the common tasks and next to each task a button that adds the information they choose into the table "Tasks". This works just fine. However, I would like to add a single button at the top to add all the tasks instead of having to choose one after one.

The "Add All tasks" button has this code:

Private Sub Command79_Click()
Dim valSelect As Variant, MyDB As DAO.Database, MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb()
Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Tasks", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] ....

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What Is Access's Storage Capacity?

Mar 2, 2005

I'm new to Access and was wondering what the storage capacity was for a table.

I am presently working with a table that's approx. 70 columns and about 6,000 rows (and growing). Does anyone know at what point I'll be hitting a wall? It's already too big for me to import into Excel (which is another problem).


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Access Storage Capacity

Oct 26, 2005


What's the total storage capacity of Access Database

how many records can be saved at Max

how many Tables Can be Created at Max

any idea abt This

thanks for helping

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Excel Template To Access Conversion / Storage

Apr 30, 2013

What I have now is an excel template (with ~12 worksheets) that many regional offices use to enter in some lease data, from which the excel sheet creates a rental schedule and does a whole ton of calculations on that data. Some are NPV calculations, some are yields etc etc.Eventually, I would like to:

1) Enable users to fill out one of these templates, and save the data to the database (Just the inputs? All the data? My reading suggests just the inputs)
2) Use the database to produce one of these templates for any lease in our system (shouldn't be hard, from what I've read)
3) Sum up calculations from this template for many records (eg. if a tenant has many leases, what is the NPV of all of those leases, or what is the total NPV for all tenants)

I have the inputs (from Access) I will have no problem using them in the excel version, but does it make sense to use Access given that I may need to somehow be switching back and forth to get the info I want for my various reports? I am very comfortable writing macros in VBA for excel, so if that's the solution, that is no problem. I assume what I need for #1 and #2 is a macro to arrange the inputs from the excel sheet into a format that can easily be dropped into access tables and vice versa.

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Queries :: Tables With Inventory Items And Storage Charges Per Day - Multiplication Expression

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table with inventory items, a separate table with storage charges per day (ex .03, .04, .05 per day/per item)

I have created some queries where I take the items & # of days they have been in storage and when I try and create an expression for storage charges based upon QTY & # of days I am getting results like it is multiplying whole numbers and not very small increments like .03

I have checked the math, and its not multiplying by 3 instead of .03... I cant quite figure out how it is coming up with the numbers.

Again, the pricing is coming from a lookup wizard to another table. It seems like it should be a very straight forward expression but I cannot get it to work. Does the figures being from a lookup have any issues?

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Queries :: Creating Dynamic Copy Of Database

Jan 20, 2015

I have a relatively small data base.

There are a number of what I call reference tables. These are fairly static and in the main will not change.

There are a further half a dozen tables all linked together.

The system basically takes an enquiry which may lead to a repair taking place. The repair will have a number of jobs and each job may have parts replaced.

What I want to do is have an identical database which to begin with will have exact copies of all the reference tables. The remaining half a dozen tables initially will be empty but grow with time.

The user wants to be able to copy the completed repairs he selects over to the 2nd database (which is initially empty). As weeks go by he wants to select further completed jobs that have not already been copied over to the 2nd database. The 2nd database will be updated so I can't just copy over all completed repairs each time.

I had envisage him doing this by using a front end to the 2 databases and firstly selecting which of the completed jobs which haven't been copied over. This is a fairly straight forward query that will update a field on the repair table.

Once he has done this I was thinking that I could run a query that would pull all the rows from the 6 tables from database 1 and update the corresponding tables/rows on the 2nd database.

I don't actually know how to approach that. The process needs to be simple for the user. ie 1. select repairs to copy over 2. run something to copy them over.

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New To Access. Need Some Help Creating A Database

Apr 25, 2006

Hello everyone!

I heard from a number of people that this is the place to come for Microsoft Access related help.

So here is my question and I hope someone can help me understand access a little bit better.

I am trying to create a database for a job I am doing. THere are 700+ convenience stores that we (4 inspectors) inspect every three months.

We have been told to do an ADA compliance survey when we visit these stores.

The ADA checklist that we have is about 78 questions and my manager wants me to create an ADA database for this information.

So I am in need of help on how to create a database that allows me to input the answers of this ADA checklist for each store inspected.

I then would like to be able to pull all that information into a report that I could say of the 700+ stores, 50% passed all questions, 25% passed only questions 1-??, etc. etc.

I can upload the two files: The ADA checklist and our Store list if anyone would like to help me out!

Thanks Much!

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Help Creating And Designing An ACCESS Database!!!

Sep 1, 2005

Hi guys, i need help with a sample database, and wondered if anyone could tell me the entities and how to calculate the prices etc. If anyone could attempt starting the database off for me it would be appreciated too!!

Here is the spec!!!

You are required to produce and document a design that meets the requirements of the McDuffs Burgers scenario:

The corporate office of McDuffs Burgers has asked you to design a database to help track its restaurants and managers. The database is to help the management show the total annual sales of each restaurant and the performance of each manager, as measured by the totals annual sales of all restaurants for that particular manager. Each restaurant is supervised by a single manager, but a manager is also responsible for several restaurants. The company stores typical personnel data (name, salary, and so on.) for each manager as well as basic data for each restaurant such as the telephone and address of each restaurant, its size in square metres, and total annual sales for the last fiscal year. The company would also like objective ways to measure the performance of a manager such as the total revenue for which they are responsible, the average annual revenue per restaurant, the average annual revenue per square foot, etc.

The database should also track the orders that are placed by individual restaurants to the corporate office for various food supplies. Each order is associated with a specific restaurant, and of course, a single restaurant will place multiple orders during the course of a year. The company uses a standard set of product numbers, product descriptions, and associated prices that applies to all restaurants. Each order can specify several products, and a single product may appear in several orders. The database should be capable of computing the total cost for each order.

1. Entity definition for each entity.
2. Entity Relationship Diagram, which must show entities, relationships and membership.
3. Relationship definition for each relationship.
4. Relations (This must include for each relation the primary and foreign keys).
5. Data Dictionary.


You are required to implement the design (produced in the first part of the assessment - McDuffs Burgers - Database Design), by designing and creating queries, forms, reports and any supporting code. Revisions may be made to the design in the implementation process.

You should note the management of McDuffs Burgers has little experience of database systems and wish to be advised on the information the system can produce.

They require example reports demonstrating the capabilities of the system to:
- Aid the day to day operation of the business.
- Provide appropriate management information.

You must also implement an appropriate user interface to the database easy to use.

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Access Creating A Copy Of The Database

Dec 7, 2007

I have MSAccess 2003 running on WindowsXP. I have multiple users sharing a single database. When more than one user opens the same database, a copy of the database is being created?? I don't know if this is a standard trait of Acccess or something else. Any explinations would be helpfull.


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Creating A Microsoft Access Database

May 17, 2005

I'm not too hot at creating a database in Access, so I was wondering if there was anyone out their prepared to help me construct one.

This database is designed to search for property from various locations and from various price ranges, you can also pick the type of property, the amount of bedrooms and have the result in descending or ascending order.

For location just use: Location 1, Location 2, Location 3, and Any
Price Ranges use: 30,000, 50,000, 70,000, 90,000, and 110,000
Type of property please use: houses, flats, and bungalows
Bedrooms use: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5+

Fill in any data you wish, I think this needs to have a query setup?

Thanks for your help
Chris Green

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Should Use Excel Or Access For Creating New Database

Aug 30, 2015

I am new to Access and somewhat OK with Excel.I am working at a government institution, agriculture sector. We have field staff of ~150 doing different field ranges ~350. Some officers are assign to more than one field BUT no field is assign to more than one officer. (these fields belongs to different Districts, number of fields in each district is not the same)

we have four different programs namely new cultivation program (NPP), productivity improvement of existing lands (PIP), farmer capacity building (HRM) and post harvest handling (PHP). Each program has its activities lets say NPP1, NPP2, PIP1, PIP2,PIP3 etc. for an example NPP1 is land inspection, NPP2 is donating planting materials. these activities are predefined and sequential. (planting materials can not be donate without land inspection)

Officers send their progress to progress monitoring unit monthly which includes progress of each program and each activity progress for that month. My objective is to track, analyse, visualize officers progress.

These are the questions I have,As I am OK with Excel and NOT good with Access do you think I should use access for this due to any special advantage only access can give me.can I visualize data with Access?

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Queries :: Creating Employee Database To Record Related Information?

May 9, 2013

i have been trying to create an employee database to record:

1. Name , Address
2. Telephone
3. Date of birth
4. employee ID#
5. Emergency contact -name, address, telephone
6. Photograph
7. Other pertinent information related to employees

So far I have incorporated the contacts database forms into my new database but I am unable to link the forms into one form that will incorporate all the information needed. Is there an existing employee database that I may edit to suit my purposes?

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Creating Access 2007 Database Question

Dec 18, 2007

I am not sure where to post this question. I remember finding a forum just for Microsoft Access 2007 questions, but I couldn't find it again... Indifferent

Anyway, I have created a database, and have been testing it with my application. I have some data in this database. I was wondering if there was a way in Microsoft Access 2007 to create an empty copy of the database for release. In other words, I would like to create a copy of the database with all of the tables and columns, but without the data (rows) that I had entered as part of using my testing database...

Does anyone know if I can do this?

If anyone knows where this Access 2007 forum is, or resources that might answer my question, please let me know, as I would greatly appreciate that.

Thanks Again,

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Creating Access Database From Excel Document?

Feb 22, 2015

I have attached the excel document in a zip file. Excel documents are not an authorized file type. This is going to be used for volunteers to input the shift and day they would like to work. I want to start by requiring volunteers to contact me and I will add them to the list of possible volunteers and I will give them a unique identification number.

When they contact me I will require all the information that is currently in the excel document (first, last, supervisor, ph number) I will then add them to a list of possible volunteers.

Then I would like a form they can access via sharepoint for volunteering what shift they can work. On this form it will have a box to input their unique id number and then select a shift from a dropbox (that has not been filled and auto populates). This will add them to the schedule.

Then I need a way to pull a report that shows all the volunteers and does not include their ID numbers.

As you can see the supplied document is full for March. I also have a second sheet that is blank for April.

I imagine there will be tables for

Volunteers (no duplicates in this list)
Supervisors (1 supervisor can be over multiple Volunteers)
Dates/Shifts (there are 2 shifts per day, there are 2 slots per shift)

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Creating Access Database To Enter Data

Aug 17, 2014

I am a newbie at Access. I have uploaded an Access 2013 file and an Excel 2013 file to show what I am trying to do.

(I also incorrectly uploaded this question under QUERIES - since marked there as 'Solved")

The Access tables that I have created are meant to mirror the individual fields on the Excel spreadsheet.

On the Excel spreadsheet, I would enter data in the rows as the data becomes available.

The Access file contains the excel fields as tables. Some of the table fields consist of only one field and others have many fields.

I have created Primary Keys in all the tables. But I don't understand the process well at this point in time.

I need to know how to create proper relationships, and then, to create a query or a form to enter new data as it becomes available so that I can keep adding rows of data (query to enter and update data) and subsequently run queries to analyze the data

Need to create the correct relationships and a query that lets me update all the data for new cases, as an individual row (like on an excel spreadsheet) .

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General :: Access (2010) - Database Creating Backup By Itself

Jun 13, 2013

Why Access (2010) database is creating backup copy by itself?

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Creating Word 2010 Charts Using Access Database

May 23, 2014

I am using an Access 2003 database to create a Word report that contains Graphs. We have since moved to Office 2010, and now the vba code will not select the graph and populate the data, i presume this is because the data is no longer in a datasheet but Excel itself.

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General :: Distributing MS Access Database File With Creating Application Shortcut

Nov 4, 2014

I read in the book (Access 2013 inside out), one of the way to distributing access database is creating an application shortcut.

Now i have an Access 2013 file on my computer (with office 2013 and windows 7) other users have office 2007 and windows (XP) on their computers. now i want to give a copy of this file to other users without save as that to 2007.

I would like to know how i can do that with creating an application shortcut , if it is possible because in the book I could not find the way if there is?

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Queries :: Creating Particular Calculation In Access 2010 Query

Dec 9, 2013

I have played with this problem for 3 days and have come close but not quite solved it. My problem, I have several drivers delivering several orders, the orders are named 101, 102 and so on lets say to 150. Due to locations of the drivers, some deliver more orders then others. I want to be able to create a report that looks like

"Driver #1 101 - 106"
"Driver #2 107 - 110"

Driver 1 delivered 6 orders. Driver #2 delivered 4 orders and so on.

I have tried the 'count" which gives me the number of orders per driver but having trouble figure out the design of the calculation in the query.

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Creating Query From Selected Table

Mar 27, 2014

I have just upgraded from Access 2003 to 2010. Now I'm trying to relearn some of the small things I used to be able to. In 2003, I could just have a table highlighted and select "Insert, Query". It would then open a query design with that table. Is this possible to do this in 2010? Or do you have to open query design then add the table manually?

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General :: Creating A Database For Creating Quotations

May 20, 2015

I am creating a database for creating quotations. The quotation number is generated using the date, for example the first quote today would be quote number "05202015-1" because it is the first one today. The next quote today would be quote number "05202015-2" and so on. Is there a way to make access automatically generate these quote numbers based on the date?

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PDF File Storage

May 26, 2005

I've read several previous threads regarding this...but could not find an answer:

Is it possible to store a PDF file in a table?

I know that I can store a hyperlink with the path to a PDF file located elsewhere, but I would rather store the file in the database itself.

If it can be done, how do you do it? Are threre drawbacks?

Thank you.

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Zip StoraGE/ DaTa BAsE

Jul 6, 2005

(this is a repost )
I will skip the basic intro of "Hi im new to access and i dont know.."
anyways, what I am trying to search for and I dont know what Im looking for is this.

Q1) I would like to be able to open a zip file, read the NFO/txt file from within and import certain areas of the NFO file,the NFO file of course is layed out with ascii art but there is a predetermined area where certain info is obtained. for example: I would like to capture/import the URL, testers name, date avaliable, zip file name.THEN the text imported would be written to the database. It would be nice to figure out how you go about importing certain lines but im not sure how to ask the question and find the answer the right way. ie...(ascii art found here http://www.ascii-art.de/)
-= I did search import text and get text and didnt find what I was looking for=-

Q2) How do I write to an ascii file/nfo/txt using access, there is a template or a layout that is pre done,and i need certain fields filled out, just like they above layout.

thanks for all your help, you guys are awsome, and keep up the good work!

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Letter Storage & Retrieval

Nov 6, 2006

I am not sure whether this is a problem with MS Access, Visual Basic or Windows.

I have taken over supporting & developing an MS Access 2000 DB for a small charity & am not an Access expert or a programmer. The Application includes processing to create, amend & store retrieve standard letters based on a Word document called MyMerge.doc. The operating systems is Windows XP for the PCs with a MS Server 2003.

Each letter is allocated a number ‘CallID’ which is used to retrieve the letters later. The letter text is in MessageC.

The VB code to store the letters (Save As) is

Dim strTest As String, db As DAO.Database
Dim td As DAO.TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each td In db.TableDefs
If Len(td.Connect) > 0 Then MessageE = Mid(Left(td.Connect, InStrRev(td.Connect, "") - 1), 11)
GoTo jumpout
MessageC = "%fa" & MessageE & "Db Letters" & MessageC & " " & (CStr(Forms!Contacts![PostalCode])) & " " & Trim(DLookup("[TitleType]", "Title Types", "[TitleTypeID] = Forms!Contacts![TitleTypeID]") & " " & Forms!Contacts![FirstName] & " " & Forms!Contacts![LastName])
SendKeys MessageC

The VB code to retrieve the letters is

Dim MessageE As String, db As DAO.Database
Dim td As DAO.TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each td In db.TableDefs
If Len(td.Connect) > 0 Then MessageE = Mid(Left(td.Connect, InStrRev(td.Connect, "") - 1), 11)
GoTo jumpout
Dim WordApp As Word.Application
Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordApp.Visible = True
MessageE = "%fo" & MessageE & "Db Letters*" & CallID & "*.doc"
SendKeys MessageE
Set WordApp = Nothing
GoTo Exit_Command53_Click

The success rate varies from PC to PC and user to user. It will work with one letter and not the next. It is very difficult to identify a pattern. When the Save As does not offer the expected name & path, the Application (or operating system?) offers to save ‘MyMerge’ to the user’s My Documents folder.

In that case I tell the users to correct the path themselves and save the document under the CallID. Theoretically, retrieval should work since this uses the CallID and wild cards. Sometimes it does but often it will instead retrieve a document in the user’s My Documents folder. If it does go to the right folder, you sometimes have to replace the last wild card with ‘.doc’. I have tried replacing the last wild card in the VB code with ‘.doc’ but this does not work!

Finally, I alone get the message ‘Save failed due to out of memory or disk space’, neither of which is true. This makes it very difficult to continue investigating the problem. If I use a copy of the DB on my hard drive rather than the network I can save but not retrieve.

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