Queries :: How To Sort Mails Separated By A Comma

Feb 11, 2015

I have a field email in the table 2015. I woud create a query that sort my mails separated by a comma. E.G.

Sorted =

123@456.com,456@789.fr, ...

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Queries :: How To Get Access To Put These Records Together Separated By A Comma

Jul 31, 2014

I have an access table for SampleTests. Each sample may have multiple tests carried out on it. Each test is one record in the access table and a sample may have multiple records therefore depending on how many tests are to be carried out on this sample. I need to create a query that would have sampleID as one of the fields which it gets from the SampleTests table and then I need the second column to have all the tests associated with that sample ID in the format test1,test2, etc. but I cannot see how I can get access to put these records together separated by a comma.

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Splitting A Comma Separated Field Into 4

Jan 30, 2007

I'm having a senior moment...

I have a reference field - examples below and need to split into the component parts

example Ref_IDs:
C21/0051,Sheet 18, Sheet 19, E 3, 12/01/07
C21/0052.04, Sheet21 ,E 2
C21/0054, Sheet 23, B 2, 05/01/07

First - ref no, Second - Sheet (note some have more than one), Third - Grid and lastly some have dates, but not all

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Forms :: Numbers Separated By Comma In Text Box

Aug 26, 2013

I have a single 'text' box on a form that captures test scores. The person inputting the test scores puts in all of the scores separated by commas (77, 85, 100, 75.5).. Up to 6 test scores can be placed in this single text box. The field is formatted for text. What I propose to do is take the numbers in the text box and average them out and then display the test scores average in a number field named 'avescores' next to this field in the form. Once the inputer puts the series of scores into the text box, they would hit an 'update' button next to this box to 'update' the 'avescores' box. Right now they use a number pad and add up the numbers manually then place the average into the avescores box....

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Forms :: Comma Separated Numbers In One Form Field

Apr 28, 2013

I've current got two tables, one with Products and the other with Suppliers. The products table has a column in which I may indicate Supplier IDs that carry the product. I'd like to make a report that groups the Products by the Supplier that carries them and I'm having some trouble. The way I see this working is to relate the Supplier ID found in the Product table with the auto generated Supplier ID in the supplier table.

My trouble is this, when the field is set to text I'm able to enter values separated by commas no problem but I can't report on them because I'd be relating a number to a string. How may I overcome this?

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple Field Entry Separated By Comma

Feb 18, 2014

I would like update a table column values separated by ; For example

1. ColumA has no data, I want to do an update and place a comma at the end
2. If ColumA has already value do not delete add new valued at the end where ; if found.

My start attempt as follow:

qry_test= "UPDATE Table1 SET ColumA =" & "Enter Entered ;" & & _
" WHERE ID=" & 1
Set RS = cnnDB.Execute(qry_test)

What do I need to do to add more stuff where ; is found without delete existing value if values exist.

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Forms :: Listbox Populating With Comma Separated Values

Jan 16, 2014

I use Access 2003. I am trying to populate a list box with the names of files found in specific folder in my computer. The problem is that if the file name has a comma (,) in it, so the name is being separated in two parts - first what is before a comma and second what is after. I need them exactly as they appear in directory in order to open the files from this list box.

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Lookup Value On Multiple Items In A Comma Separated Field?

Nov 16, 2013

I have a table like this below:

ProductID ProductName

I have a field in another table, like this:


I need a field in one of my queries that will return the related products field data like this:


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Forms :: Comma Separated Values On Form Textbox Into Table?

Mar 22, 2013

If I have a text box (Text1) on my form with comma separated values entered i.e. 100,120,250,300 what would be the easiest way to enter these into a table column with a button click event. I would like to enter these values into my table tb_test under column Values.

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Multivalue List In Table - Displaying Names Separated By Comma

Sep 30, 2011

I created a multivalue list in my table. It contains a list of names and a checkbox. I designed the form based on this and am able to check off multiple names. When I go back to look at the table, it stores in each name separated by a comma. So far so good.

When I create a report to display the data, it displays it as 1,2,3..etc., instead of the names separated by a comma.

What do I need to do to display the names ?

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Forms :: Select Multiple Items By Pasting Comma Separated List

Apr 30, 2015

I have a list with 50 items in it, I would like to select some of these items by pasting in a coma separated list, is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple Selection List / Comma Separated String - Run Query And Create Report

Jun 18, 2013

I'm using Access 2007.

So far I have a Multi Select enabled list on which the user selects the serial numbers they want. They then click the "Report" button which will trigger a query based on the selected serial numbers to create a report on those serial numbers.

I have the code for the multi-select list working already. It creates a string of comma separated values that are the serial numbers which are selected in the list. Somehow I need to pass this string to my query so it can use it as a filter.

Here is some of my code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim oItem As Variant
Dim bFound As Boolean

[Code] ....

Here's my current query in SQL:

Then finally how to I get the query to execute and create a report based on all of this?

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Queries :: Entries Separated By Commas - Split A Cell Into Multiple Rows

May 7, 2014

I'm a new to Access, SQL. I need the following output:


PHP Code:

PO              Vendor       State
a, b             1,2            IL
c, d, e          3              TX
f                  5              CA 


PHP Code:

PO          Vendor   State
a             1,2        IL
b             1,2        IL
c             3          TX
d             3          TX
e             3          TX
f              5          CA 

I found the following SQL code from another forum, which splits entries in a cell separated by commas into 2 rows, output being:

PHP Code:

PO          Vendor   State
a             1,2        IL
b             1,2        IL
c             3          TX
d,e          3          TX
f              5          CA 

SELECT * INTO ImportedData
SELECT PO, Vendor, State
FROM SourceData

[Code] ....

How to run a loop so that if a cell has n entries separated by commas, I want them to be split into 'n' number of rows.

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Queries :: Extract Data Between Two Consecutive Comma Set

Jun 16, 2013

102,34112,021502503130010010000,QAR,1,24,1,{NULL:0 },{5:Y},6,14.5,31-MAR-2011

Above data is in one field , i want and expression to extract the data between two consecutive comma set by specifying the comma range.

For example if i specify range 2 to 3 then formula should return "021502503130010010000"

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Queries :: How To Count Number Of Comma Within The Field

Nov 20, 2014

I have one field containing a couple of 6 digit codes and would like to count the number of codes in the field and write the number to a calculated field. Each code is separated by a comma and a space. How can I count the no of comma within the field?

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Mails Through A Form

Sep 18, 2006

I have a form having fields TO,BODY,DATE,SUBJECT, and a button. I want a mail would be send on click of the button to address in TO filed having BODY and DATE as content.

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Queries :: Syntax Error (comma) In Query Expression

Jul 31, 2013

Access and receive the following message after trying to run a query: Syntax error (comma) in query expression, followed by the formula I wrote on the Query Builder. I use 4 tables to run the query, but only need to trim some stuff from one of them. This table is called BD_lamosa_corregida and have already selected Expression on the Total row in Design View. This is the formula:

parte: Trim(IIf(IIf(IsError(InStr(1,[Parte],"(",1)),"",InStr(1,[Parte],"(",1))="",[Parte],Left([Parte],IIf(IsError(InStr(1,[Parte],"(",1)),"",InStr(1,[Parte],"(",1))-1)))

The formula is trying to trim the left side of an expression (Part description) which may contain a code number in parenthesis or not, it might also have this parenthesis separated by a space or not.

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Queries :: How To Split Colum Value (with Comma) To Multiple Columns

Mar 8, 2015

how to split this , I am new Access DB, I worked in Sql Server but access new to me

I have the below data

Appid Names
100 John,Bob,Kondya, Lima
200 Shor,James,Kim
300 Cinem

I want to convert to

Appid Names Name1 Name2 Name3 Name4
100 John Bob Kondya Lima NULL
200 Shor James Kim NULL NULL
300 Cinem NULL NULL NULL Null

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Sending E-mails In MS ACCESS

Jul 13, 2005

Hello, I am just starting to use the sendobject action in Visual Basic in order to send e-mails that contain information of tables.
The e-mail is sent when a button is clicked by the user of the database. However, I noticed that the e-mail is sent away via Outlook (which is fine) and the person who gets it gets the e-mail from the person who clicked the button (which is logical).
However, Outlook has the option of changing the from part so the person who gets the e-mail receives it as if it was from a different sender. The thing is that I want people who receive the e-mail to get it as if it was sent from the group account and not from the individual who actually clicked the "send e-mail button."
The Visual Basic Help said:
DoCmd.SendObject [objecttype][, objectname][, outputformat][, to][, cc][, bcc][, subject][, messagetext][, editmessage][, templatefile]

However, there is not an option for a default "[, from]" as there is for "[, to]" or "[, cc]"
Is there a way I can make a default sender even though individual people are the ones sending the e-mail by clicking the button? Thanks.

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Import Mails From Outlook Via VBA

Aug 10, 2015

I use the following code to get all my mails into a table:

Option Compare
DatabaseOption Explicit
Private Sub Befehl17_Click()
' ##################### OutlookImport ##################################
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

[Code] .....

I check all the mails in the "import-folder", import the content into the database and after that I move the mails into the "imported-folder".

Actually it works, but there are a lot of mails generate an error. I can handle that with the "On Error Resume Next" but so I lost many mails to move and I want to know why the error happens.

The protocol shows me the following error message: "Syntax error (missing Operator)" and Err.Description shows me the content of the mail.

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Queries :: IIF Statement - Syntax Error (comma) In Query Expression

Aug 4, 2015

I'm trying to run a very basic iif statement to correct hourly data for sorting. Basically, a trading day runs from 8am - 8am, so I need to adjust the hours to ensure that 1am on the 15th trading day (really the 16th on the calendar), comes after 9am on the 15th trading day (which will actually be the 15th on the calendar).

Here's what I've used. It's driving me bananas, because it keeps telling me that there's a syntax error (comma) in the query expression, but I can't understand why?


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Queries :: Creating Query From External Comma-delimited List Of Words

Mar 25, 2013

I have a table (let's call it "tableA) with about 7 fields. One of the fields contains information that I need to do a query on so that I may find specific payees, for example:

The field is called "Payee" and in that field for each record, the information could be "At&T", "A T and T" or "Abercrombie & Fi", but there is also other information in that field along with At&T, etc., so the field for a record may look like this:

Is there a way to set up another table (let's call it tableB) to have all the Payees names (such as AT&T or whatever) in it and by the push of a button (maybe macro), have a query go out and find all matches from tableB in tablea?

So, basically have the query look in tableA and find all the matches from TableB. Please understand that tableA could have records that contain the same name, but spelled a number of different ways, for example, AT&T or A T and T or ATandT or ATT. Again these names may or may not be embedded in with other information in a field.

Or is there a way that an Access query can look into an external list and find the records, example:

Have a text (file) list with all the names (separated by a comma or space - AT&T, AT & T, Amercrombie and FI, Abercom&Fitch, etc. Now have a query go to that list and find all records that match in my tableA?

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Queries :: Search For Multiple Plot Numbers Preferably In One Parameter Prompt With Comma To Separate Numbers

Aug 12, 2014

I'm having multiple problems with my database like things such as -

i'm currently working on the Query 2 - On the Phone database (ignore Query 1) and i want to search for multiple plot numbers preferably in one parameter prompt with a comma to seperate numbers. (this could be a multitude of numbers so i would like to be able to input as many as needed). Also when i do search on this query since the Criteria is a 'Between' Value i would expect everything between the 2 numbers input to show up - but a lot of numbers out of the range show up too - why is this? (The Numbers are like "69 to 136" and they will show up - but 1-69 and 136-170 would too

I would also like to implement the search results from Query 2 into the Form i currently have made but it just opens up a access table when the search is made?

i cannot link my database as it is too big for the server - But here are the Criteria for Query 2:

Plot No - (criteria = Between [Enter First Plot No:] And [Enter Last Plot No:])
Site - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Site:] & "*")
Product - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Product:] & "*"

The Query is the one im most concerned about , i can live without a form.

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Sort Orders In Queries

Dec 7, 2006

i've now converted a large database to run with sql as well as linked jet tables. The main issue was checking every recordset to ensure it opened properly. I also found that sql returns a few different errors code from Jet, that needed trapping differently = all OK.

Now, in some cases I had opened the backend Jet table directly in order to use seek on a particular index, so this needed changing, as this is not available with SQL

I may well be wrong but i couldn't see an easy way of traversing a recordset table in SQL/ODBC according to a particular segmented key

Instead I was able to modify my process to extract the data I wanted with a query, and I then used a recordset on the query, which is fine.

HOWEVER, to emulate the index I was using, the query is sorted on about 6 or 7 different segments, the first of which is CustomerCode. Now when I opened the query to view it, I changed the sort order by clicking on a date column (as it happens) to sort it. When I then closed and reopened the query it still opened sorted on the date column, which is not right, as the customners are now all out of sequence. When the whole dataset was re-extracted it did return to the original and correct order

THEREFORE Is there a way of forcing a query to reset itself to its original ordering sequence. I think it is not likely that any user would ever open a query directly anyway, but it would be nice to ensure the query is always processed in the intended order. Perhaps it isn't a problem at all - maybe when a query recordset is opened in code, the sort order is reset anyway, but I would appreciate some views on this.

Thanks in anticipation

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Queries :: Using IIF For Sort Criteria

Jul 23, 2013

I am creating a query to select and sort events whose payments are overdue, prioritizing those that are most overdue at the top. The catch is that the due dates for payment varies based on several conditions and criteria.

Here's my end goal of the sort order (it's not in SQL, I'm just describing it):

1st step- If [Program_Code]="BD" Or "GT" Or "SG" Or "SC" Or "PR", then the sort criteria is [Date_of_Event] < Date()

2nd step- If [Program_Code]="WE" Or "KD", then the sort criteria is [Date_of_Invoice] < Date()

3rd step- If [Program_Code]="ZM" And [Cost_Category]="Full Price" Or "Discount", then the sort criteria is [Invoice_Date]+30 Days is < Date()

4th step- If [Program_Code]="BD" Or "PR" And [Deposit_Paid] Is Null, then the sort criteria is [Invoice_Date] < Date()

I'm not sure how to go about this but I have a feeling it involves an iif statement in the SQL and/or breaking it into smaller queries that are then consolidated into a "master" query.

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Queries :: Specific Sort Order

Sep 13, 2013

I have a query that is returning running conditions for a machine over multiple shifts. the table is set up like this

date shift parameter condition
09/13/13 1 front 500
09/13/13 1 middle 450
09/13/13 1 back 475
09/13/13 2 front 510
09/13/13 2 middle 460
09/13/13 2 back 490

this is just a small example. there are about 24 different parameters reported on in a shift..I want the query to sort by date ascending, shift ascending, and then by parameter in a specific custom that i define. I want it ordered "front, middle, back" for each shift. Again this is just an example, there would be 24 parameters I want in a specific order. Then do I need to define the sort order again for the report based on this query?

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