Reports :: Report Based On A Query?

Nov 3, 2014

I want to be able to run a report based off my "Allot_Q" query. I have a button to perform the report but would like the button to update the query and run my report based on my selection text boxes. Right now I have one button the runs the query based on the selection and then another button to run the report. My boss wants one button to pull the report based on the selection.

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Reports :: Report From Query Based On ID

Oct 10, 2013

there is a query and report "01 qry Main" and from the main FORM I like to print out into txt file actual record, my code is:

Private Sub Command24_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command24_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "01 qry Main"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "01 qry Main", acFormatTXT, "D:10 DbaseCTQ stuffsaveReportFormat.txt", False


there should be an option "ID = " & Me.ID.Value or something like this to print out only actual record.

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Reports :: Updating Report Based On Crosstab Query

Apr 19, 2015

I've got a self updating crosstab query, its essentially a monthly summary and every month a new column is added (one corresponding to the current month, i.e., next month the new column will be may, following that the new one will be june, etc)

I've designed a report to be based on this query and i tested it out by manually adding data for next month into a table, the query auto updated however the report remained the same (ended in april instead of adding a new column for may).

Just curious if there is a way to automatically add these new columns to the report every month or will i have to do so manually?

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Reports :: Record Source From Report Based On Nested Query?

Jul 24, 2015

I have a report that is based on nested (I think thats the phrase) query's.

Complicated Query based on another query (so I can't see a way to get at the the source SQL to change or use elsewhere)

This gives a list of say 20 records I generally want printed. I use the exact same query criteria with a separate update query to add the same to a table.

However I then wanted to just pick one with exact matching ID's I select on a form.

I could not see an easy way to apply this without making another set of nested querys which seems a little excessive

Anyway, an easy way for the printed report to do this is a simple filter added after, works great.

I can't see a way to do the same for an update query.

I was wondering if I could get the record source of this report and add to my table. I have tried with

' Dim db As DAO.Database
' Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
'Set db = CurrentDb
'Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(Me.RecordSource, dbOpenDynaset)
' Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Me.RecordSource)

And dozens of variations over some hours but a variety of errors mainly "too few parameters."

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Reports :: Access 2007 Crashes When Running Report Based On Query

Apr 14, 2014

I have DB in access 2007. I have a report that is uses a select query to generate the information for the report. It has been working great, But however lately like maybe with in the last month, it has been causeing Access 2007 to crash. I am having the same issue with another DB that uses the same information but that information is imported in. both Databases have worked great up until two months ago. Microsoft states that it is because of the program. I have tried to repair the DB by using the Repair option. I am confused as to why this would be happening. I can create a new report and it seems to work. but I do not want to change all the DB on everyone's computer just for this reason. I also have two buttons on my report that utilize macros to close or print the report.

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Reports :: Create A Graph (report) Based On A Query With Form Filters

Apr 25, 2014

I am trying to generate a report that is based off of a query. The query has a form filter that it needs to filter the data. I keep getting a jet engine error and couple others.

The form has year, start week, and end week on it. I can get the query to work fine. When I try to open the report, Access says it doesn't recognize the " [Forms]![frmUptimeFilter]![StartWeek] " as a valid field name or expression.

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Reports :: Query Based On Linked Tables - Report Produces Multiple Copies Of The Same Record

Jul 22, 2013

My report produces multiple copies of the same record. I know why, but don't know how to fix it.


With a one to many relationship with TrainingTable (via employee PK as FK in trainingtable).

Training table has a one to many relationship with a table called Range.

Report is based on a query that picks up the Employee/Training/Range (range just describes the training unit).

However, If I have more than one range expressed organized a training unit, the report spits out several copies of the Employee record to display all the ranges.

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Reports :: Hide Report Footer Based On Report Data?

Dec 21, 2014

How do I hide the report footer based on the report's data ?

I'm trying to hide if number of users = 1

The report's data is a query built inside the report's RecordSource, not a self standing query.

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Reports :: Report Based On Multiple Criteria

Jul 27, 2015

I am in the learning phase for MS Access reports. I have a datasheet which contains the employee daily activities.I need a report when either or both criteria is selected. For ex..criteria1 is Start date and End Date and criteria2 is Employee Name.Output of the report should be based on the selection of the criteria ,as I said either or both.

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Reports :: Email Report Based On Supplier?

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that creates purchase orders, this could be many suppliers these suppliers have e-mail addresses.

is it possible to get the report to look at the supplier name , find the e-mail for that supplier and send it to them.

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Reports :: Getting A Report Based On Filtered Subform?

Dec 25, 2014

i have some combobox which shows the column shown into the subform. i can filter the subform using the comboxes. now i need to build an instant report based on the current filtering. i can filter more or less. but i need the current position of the subform into a report.

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Reports :: Get A Report Based On A Selection From A Combo Box

Jun 16, 2015

I am trying to get a report based on a selection from a combo box. The issue is many fold. Firstly I have been playing around with it so much that I have messed up the syntax and can't remember what I had. Here is what I have at the moment (this is based on a button):

DoCmd.OpenReport "RepClassrooms", acViewPreview, , " Class = '" & Me.cmboRepClass & "'"

The second issue is that it isn't filtering on the combobox - it gives all the data from the database based on all the entries in the combobox but this is probably down to the syntax again.

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Reports :: Filter Report Based On Text Box

May 26, 2015

I have a database which have tbl1 with field admission year with data like august/2007, august/2008. i have entered all data with form1. My problem is that i want filter report. user click a button so a form opened and than he entered data in a text box like august/2007 when he click on show report button only those pages which have august/2007 text will display in report. second time when user change text like august/2008 in text box report also show changes.

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Reports :: Print Report Based Upon Auto-number?

Sep 6, 2014

I need VBA code to print a report (rptLoadSheet) when the autonumber field (Auth Num) ends with a zero.

For example:

The autonumber is report.

The autonumber is 100...print the Load Sheet report.

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Reports :: Filter A Report Based On Values In Some Comboboxes

Aug 17, 2015

I am quite new to Access and have been working with a sample DB from Microsoft. I have been looking for some ways to filter a report based on the values in some comboboxes, and have followed the instructions on a website (can't post link yet).

I also looked at this file (**can't post link yet**) and it seems like everything works fine here. So I started a new DB with my own table, and tried to do the same thing as in this file.

Everything works fine.

But when I try all these steps in my own DB (the sample DB from Microsoft), it doesn't work.

When I filter by "Status" (f.ex: "In Progress" or "Not Started"), it seems to work fine.

However, when I filter by "Assigned To", I get the following error message: "Data Type Mismatch in criteria expression". So I googled this error message , but this field has nothing to do with any date formatting.

It gets even stranger when I try to filter by "Project":

Then a new pop up appears and asks me to enter the "Project".

No matter what I enter, the report turns blank

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Reports :: Choosing Which Report To Run Based On Text Box Criteria?

Nov 10, 2014

I have a form with a command button that runs a report. I have been asked to modify things and if the data in the text box is "A", run report "A". If the data is "B", run report "B" and so on.

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Reports :: Print Report Based On Input Parameter

Jul 2, 2015

I have to print a label quickly every time that the product hit the warehouse. The label has been created as a report linked to the query that will provide the info to the report. In order to make this report printing as quick as possible the idea is to scan the sample id from the product and once the label is printed scan the next sample and an on.

I'm not an expert on VBA but I have created the following scrip but the reports doesn't pop up.

Here is the code:

Dim SampleID As String
SampleID = InputBox("Enter Sample ID")
If SampleID > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptGRM_QuickPrintLabelDymo", acViewPreview, , "[Sample]=" & SampleID
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Calculate Percentages Based On Criteria In Report?

Oct 22, 2013

I created a database to record time logged per workorder for each employee on my job. Each time log has a specific "Trade" attached to it along with a number of hours the employee spent on that workorder. I've created a report to display how much time the selected employee spent on each workorder (within a date range) and now I want to see what percentage of their time was spent on a particular "Trade" (for instance, during September Employee "name" spent "percentage" of their time on Electric, "percentage" on HVAC, "percentage" on Plumbing...[and so on])

I have trades listed in the table and in the time log, the form writes to the trades area of the table (probably very elementary for this discussion) and the report lists the name and grand totals with percentage of total time on each workorder, but does not list any trade information.

How can I add this into my report, preferably at the end (Report Footer?)

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Reports :: Opening A Report Based On Combobox Selection

Sep 24, 2013

I am trying to run a report based on a combobox selection. I have three different reports, each for the three different items in the combo box. I just don't know how to code it so when I run the report, it picks up the name in the combo box and opens the correct report. This is what my code looks like for the button that will run the report:

Private Sub Command7_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport ("Signers Authorized for Check Writing"), acViewPreview, , WhereCondition = [BTrans] = "Check Writing"
DoCmd.OpenReport ("Signers Authorized for Stop Payment"), acViewPreview, , WhereCondition = [BTrans] = "Stop Payments"
DoCmd.OpenReport ("Signers Authorized for Wires"), acViewPreview, , WhereCondition = [BTrans] = "Wires"
End Sub

The problem is, that as soon as I hit the Run Report button, all three reports open up, so it is not reading what is in the combo box. The quotes, "Check Writing" , "Stop Payments" and "Wires" are the actual selections in the combobox and [BTrans] is the name of the combobox.

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Reports :: Hyperlink One Report To Another Based On Field Selection

Nov 29, 2013

I have a report that shows me an employee number that pulls data from the database, once that information is pulled, it shows me the results, I need to look another level down. Is there a way to put in a hyperlink to another report from the original report? example: Employee number 22 jobs worked on: 2214, 2218, 3222 From within this report, I would like to open job 2214 Is this possible?

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Reports :: Filter A Report Based On More Than One Possibility In Same Field

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to create a report that filters out certain records in a look-up field.

The field is called "program status", and the options are:

I want the report to display only records that are classified as "Housed" or "Evicted/Un-housed". Additionally, I'd like to be able to create a second report with only the Grad, GRAI, and Closed records.

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Reports :: Printing Report Based On Filtered Results Of Form

Jun 26, 2013

I am trying to print a report based on the filtered results of a form where the data record source is generated from a query. What I have is five unbound comboboxes on a form that filter the results of the query on a subform which works fine in whichever combination I set, I then want the report to print out the results of the filter and the filter combination that I used - basically exactly as it appears on the form (I have used the same query / subform in the report with text boxes to show the filters used on the form). My VBA skills are quite limited (but improving!) and I have trawled the web trying different code examples but can't seem to get it nailed. Current filter code follows;

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub PrntConfigReport_Click()


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Reports :: Access 2003 - Filter Report Based On Combo Box

Feb 3, 2015

My Access 2003 Database contains the following objects:

1. tblTrackerData
- this contains over 1,000 student enrollment records.
One of the fields "QualCourseName" (text) contains the name of the Training Course that the student has enrolled in.

2. qryCourseNamesGrouped is a query based upon the above table with one field only - QualCourseName. This includes the names of the training courses and has been grouped so that only 17 training courses appear, not over 1,000.

3. frmParameter is a form that includes a combo box cboFiltered based on the above query AND a command button CmdFiltered to open a report rptCourseNamesGrouped and filter the report based on the selection made from the combo box.

I have added the following code to the OnClick event attached to the cmd button"
================================================== ======

Private Sub cboFiltered_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cboFiltered_Click
Dim stDocName As String


When I click on the cmd button, the entire report is opened, instead of the selection that I made in the dropdown list.

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Reports :: Sort Report Based On Option Group On Form

Oct 9, 2014

I have created a form with an option group with 4 options (date, line, description and observation). Each of these options are to be a sort order for a report that will open after the user selects an option and clicks a button. I am trying to code the button using a select case so that case 1 opens the report sorted by date, case 2 by line, etc. how to write the code for the sorting.

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Reports :: Print Report Based On Filter From Navigation Form

Aug 7, 2013

I am using the Navigation form and I have a tab that has all the sales quotes for a particular salesperson. Because my salespeople like to work with paper I have created sub tabs which contain a report with the same information but filtered based as follows: this Month, this year, and Last year. This report needs to be printable based on the filtered information so I created a print button within the report however when clicked it prints the entire report not the filtered report.

The filter criteria is located in the navigation button, navigation where under the data properties. I have the on click event of the button set to open the report in print preview but I need to know how I filter the where in the macro to read the criteria from the active navigation button property?

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Reports :: Filtering A Report Based On Chosen Criteria In The Form

Mar 12, 2015

I have a report with a table as the row source. I have command buttons that opens different forms and allows the user to choose criteria, the form then filters the report based on the chosen criteria in the form, but if I use the destination city form to filter the report by destination city, then filter the report using a different form, the destination city filter is lost, is there a way to filter the report with a form by say destination city, then further filter that dataset with another form for say location city.

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