Tables :: Preventing Names From Being Deleted From Table

Jun 11, 2014

I have an Access 10 DB that includes 299 names and other associated data relevant to these names. I have a need to drop 249 of these names that are no longer needed in the DB, and just keep the 50 names that would remain in the table.

If I am in the table is there any way to somehow "designate" or select the 50 names I want to keep and then just mass delete the other 249 in one fell swoop? If I can somehow sort the 50 names so they would appear as the first 50 names in the table, then I could simply delete all the names below.

But not sure how to make this happen. It would seem to be the simplest solution. Unless I can physically drag and drop each of the 50 names I want to keep to the top of the table, but I don't think this is possible.

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Preventing Certain Rows From Being Deleted

Sep 7, 2005

I would like to prevent the first 24 rows in a table from being deleted by the user, after these 24 rows they can be deleted. Is there anyway of protecting them etc without putting them in a separate table?

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Preventing A Record From Being Deleted

Jan 31, 2005

I have a table with a blank record at the begining and populated records thereafter. I used the cmd button wizard to create a delete button for that table. Is there a way to prevent the blank record (record 1) from being deleted by the command button but still allow all other records to be deleted?

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Forms :: Preventing Duplicate Entry In Names In MS Access

Apr 15, 2013

I want to stop duplicate entries from being entered on form. I have read through the thread , however I am totally confused as it seemed to be v high level complex queries. I am looking at:

Preventing duplicate entries to be entered

It should show an error "Saying entry already exists" Do you want to check,edit or add new...

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Tables :: Record Cannot Be Deleted Or Changed Because Table Include Related Records

Oct 16, 2012

Three tables:

Employee, Sessions, EmployeeSessions.

Many sessions can have many employees - thus the joining table has been included.

When trying to delete an employee from the database using a form, I encounter the error:

The record cannot be deleted or changed because table 'tblEmployeeSessions' includes related records

Is there a problem with my table relationship structure? Or is it 'correct' that as the employee is supervising a session he/she cannot be deleted as this would interfere and maybe mess up the session record?

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Tables :: Possible To Have The Field Names In Table Be Set By Values In Another Table?

Jul 27, 2014

Is it possible to have the field names in a table be set by the values in another table? The desire being that for a database used in various locations, the local variations could be changed in one table which would then propagate that change throughout all the forms, reports, tables etc.

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Tables :: How To Alphabetize Column Names In A Table

Jul 31, 2014

My employer wants me to update and revise a form with almost a hundred controls. All of the information is stored in a single table.

Is there a way that I can (easily) sort the order of columns in the table to alphabetize them? I know how to sort and filter records, is there a way to sort the columns other than the manual click and drag solution?

Note: I know that the database I'm working on for this project is not normalized. My employer isn't concerned with normalization. I've made as many corrections to the table as possible, already, but some things just won't be fixed.

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Tables :: Changing Linked Table Names

Mar 3, 2015

I need to update the names of my ODBC linked tables in my Access database, how can I do this without causing issues with my queries/reports?The current linked tables are to a SQL View on a database called mcsrm_live, and called e.g. vwDamagesReportNew

The new SQL views that I need to link to are identical in structure and content and on the same SQL server but different database - forkdw and are called e.g vw_R_Damages

Is there a straightforward process to do this without affecting the queries and reports in my Access db?

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Tables :: Populate A Table With Report Names

Apr 1, 2015

I want to populate a table with the database's reports.

And somehow be able to select a row and open a report in design view.

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Tables :: Delete All Field Names From Table

May 21, 2015

I need to delete all the field names from my table so I can import a new excel file with different field name headings,

currently I run:

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * from table1"

this deletes the data in the table, but not field names.

What Vba command will allow me to do this.

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Tables :: Multiple Name IDs Link To Same Names Table

Jul 30, 2013

I have a risk table containing risks and risk owners (many owners for one risk), meaning that I have two risk owners columns. What I would like to do is to connect both risk owner columns (containing the name IDs) to the Names table. But Access does not allow to connect more than 1 column to another.

See the attached file...

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Combine Multiple Tables (all Are With Unique ID Names) Into One Table?

Nov 22, 2013

I have create 6 tables for library books (which are differentiated by categories). Each table has different category and unique ID name e.g. F1, F2, F3..(for table 1), G1, G2, G3..(for table 2) and so on. How do I combine all those tables into 1 table for easy search for a book rather than open up each table? Tried append query but its ID run as 1, 2, 3... , not F1, F2, F3 and it only append 1 table, not the rest.

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Tables :: Importing Excel Table With Invalid Field Names

Jun 3, 2015

I would like to import excel sheet that contains about 45 fields and the fields names are not well defined(not obey the Access rules). I would like to import the sheet into ms access without changing the excel sheet because i have to provide only the interface to users where they have to import sheets only. (All the time In Excel fields name are arranged and in specific order but invalid names of fields).

After 1 week the person has new excel sheet with same format and the process of importing data into ms access will be continue for whole year or more.

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Tables :: Merging Table Data Fields If Names Are Identical

Sep 24, 2012

Have 2 tables:

...TableA: 1 indexed field "Name" and many data fields in ~ 1000 records
...TableB: 1 indexed field "Name" and 2 data fields (DataB1 and DataB2) in about
~ 50 records

Tables currently have NO relationship set.

Want to add TableB data fields to TableA if Name are identical.

DataB1 and DataB2 fields are Not currently in TableA but could be added very easily.

Update (or whatever) will be done weekly where all previous data for DataB1 and DataB2 will be cleared from TableA before job is run.

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Tables :: Modifying Table Structure - How To Provide Multiple Names At One Address

Jan 8, 2013

I need to modify my customer table to cater for multiple names at one address.

Should I move all the addresses into their own separate table or leave them as is (name-Address-postcode- email etc in one table) and put the additional addressees into a separate table or is there a better way I have not thought of.

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Tables :: Deleted Error In Microsoft Access Linked Tables

Jul 24, 2014

I have developed a Microsoft Access 2010 database for my client and the database is split with Front-end/Back-end, the Back-end and the database is shared on Network, The client operating system and applications for all users are hosted and consistent and the service is delivered over Citrix.

The database some times corrupt the tables record and give a permanent #Delete Error, I have attached one of the database table and the screenshot of the error,

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Preventing Users From Adding Tables

Jan 30, 2008

Hi everyone,

This is in regards to user security. I'm a relatively new user to Access (and this forum). My company uses Access 2000 and I'm taking over a database thats used by several departments at my company. This database contains sensitive information so I put user security on it using the wizard. Due to the nature of the database, a particular user group needs to have the ability to create new tables. The problem is this: No matter what I do with the user group security settings, I cannot prevent other user groups from creating new tables. Is there a way to prevent certain users from adding a table?

Your help is appreciated

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Preventing End-user Seeing Tables And Relationships

Apr 24, 2007


I was wondering if there is any way of stopping people from seeing the tables that I have created and the relationships between said tables?

I want to restrict access so that users can only see the forms and access the reports that I've created but am not sure how to go about stopping people from seeing, never mind altering, the table names and structures. Can anyone help??

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Tables :: Preventing Duplicates Values In Fields

Oct 12, 2012

I am trying to modify an inventory management database. I want to prevent duplicate entries to specific fields in centralized table. The table is called Work Stations. Its function will be to track various computer equipment by a specific work station name. Each of the items will have a unique asset tag.

The primary Key for Work Stations is WS-ID. The fields I am trying to prevent duplicate entries in are WS-Computer, WS-Docking Station, WS-Monitor_1, WS-Monitor_2, and WS-Switch. Each of those fields are primary keys in 4 different tables that conation more detailed information about item. The exception is WS-monitor_1 and WS-Monitor_2 have a one-to-many relationship with Mon-Asset Tag in the monitors table.

The goal I am trying to accomplish is when a work station ID is created or modified duplicate entries are prevented to those fields listed above. The computer, monitors, docking station, and switch fields in the work station table may contain data or may be null.

I have tried to set the Indexed Option to Indexed (No duplicates) for each of the fields and I have also tried setting Yes to Ignore Nulls in the index option on the table design tab for the individual fields. Both options have returned the same error stating the changes would create duplicate values, in the index, primary key, or relationship.I have not created form for this table yet as I was trying to get no duplicates option to work first. I have verified the data and the only duplicating fields are the Null fields

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Tables :: Deleted Records In One-to-one Tables

Apr 25, 2014

My db includes two tables, Employees and Users, both with a pk of EmpNum (Autonumber in Employees; Number in Users). Users is a subset of Employees, and in the Users table, the row source for EmpNum is a query of the Employees table. I had a relationship defined with a one-to-one between the two tables, but did not have Enforce Referential Integrity or Cascade selected.

The problem is, I deleted a record out of Users, but it also automatically deleted the related Employees record. Re-creating the employee was quite the task because all related records in several other tables also disappeared. I experimented by deleting the relationship between the two tables and then deleting another user, but it still deleted the related employee. How can this be? The two tables are no longer linked, other than the Users EmpNum lookup.

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#ERROR And #DELETED Appearing In Tables

Aug 30, 2005


I have a muli-user database that's been creating the odd strange record for me

two records that have been created have all the fields data as


no matter what I do with these records I can't get rid of them or find out where they came from.

Can any help me just delete these out of the table?

Would be extreemly helpful as they are now getting on my nerves :-)

Cheers Homer

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#Deleted Message On Input With Linked Tables

Apr 8, 2006

I'm just doing an access form to link to a mysql daabase to update a websites products, using a odbc connection.

When i input a new record and go back to it i see only #Deleted in all fields i have to close the database and open again to see the data correctly.
Is there a way to cure this problem?



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#Deleted When Viewing Linked Tables From Oracle

Dec 19, 2007


I am an Oracle DBA with little to no Access experience so please be kind. :D

As of yesterday a frequent user of Access 2003 (11.8166.8172) SP3 reported that all columns in all rows have the value #Deleted in a number of tables linked back to an Oracle database.

I am not experiencing this problem but I have Access 2007. It is not an option for this user to upgrade.

I've discovered several issues over the web with data type issues/ characterset issues but nothing seems to fix the problem. I've tried the Oracle supplied 11g and 10g ODBC drivers. I've tried the Microsoft supplied ODBC for Oracle drivers.

None of it seems to work and I am out of ideas. Can anyone suggest anything?

The problem wasn't noticed until yesterday so it can't have been happening for long. The problem is occuring in Oracle and databases. There has been no change in the Oracle environment.

There was a windows update recently but we tried uninstalling that and it didn't help.

any ideas?

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General :: Preventing Duplicates - Can't Find A Table

Aug 15, 2013

Access 2007 - I am using the oft used, frequently posted and shard code from srfreemen - modified as below. now I know I sort of broke commandment # 8 - Thou shalt not copy and paste other people's code without at least attempting to understand what it does. but I honestly did try to understand what it does.

I keep getting runtime error 3078 - cannot find the input table or query 'tblEnrolment_Committee_Master'. It is the name of a table in my database but I am missing the very basic element of how to get my form (which draws all of it's fields from that table) to look it up or identify it.

Likely because of a silly basic error. Normally - I wouldn't attempt such things but my work needs me to ensure no duplicates exist in this case AND it's already a primary key - but I don't want to wait until the whole form is filled out for it to identify the duplicate!

How to get the tblEnrolment_Committee_Master to be included in the search and erase this error ...

Private Sub Entitlement_File_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim SID As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim rsc As DAO.Recordset
Set rsc = Me.RecordsetClone

[Code] .....

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General :: Preventing Changes And Additions Except Through Appropriate Form / Table?

Nov 9, 2012

While I was trying to test one of my forms (which was NOT working and I had to totally redesign it), I somehow created a bunch of stores in my Store Information table...some with no names, some with the first letter of an existing store, and there was even a duplicate of the store which is creating a problem now because some products exist in Store 1A and others exist in Store 1B.

I've created a query to identify the wayward products and am changing those. I'll delete that store then.

My issue is...can I set it so that the ONLY place a new store can be created is in the Store Information Input form? That if someone makes a typo when entering products, it doesn't create a new store?

Access 2010

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Deleted All Records From A Table - Cannot Add New Ones?

Apr 12, 2013

I created a simple database with a single table and a form so I can track patients enrolled in a study. I added a few test records to make sure everything was working properly. Now I'm ready to use the database for real. Only trouble is, when I erased the test records I find that I can't add new ones.

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